Version 2.0.0-dev.25.0

Merge commit '392062c617a3f7b72ded5f78b3254fb52eb16cb9' into dev
diff --git a/DEPS b/DEPS
index 9b0a5cc..94c6c45 100644
--- a/DEPS
+++ b/DEPS
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
   "pub_semver_tag": "@1.3.2",
   "quiver_tag": "@0.28.0",
-  "root_certificates_rev": "@a4c7c6f23a664a37bc1b6f15a819e3f2a292791a",
+  "root_certificates_rev": "@16ef64be64c7dfdff2b9f4b910726e635ccc519e",
   "shelf_static_rev": "@3558aa35a0d2f0f35868c3fd64b258e140db0122",
   "shelf_packages_handler_tag": "@1.0.3",
   "shelf_tag": "@0.7.1",
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/plugin/edit/assist/assist_core.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/plugin/edit/assist/assist_core.dart
index f4d1e62..1265b6b 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/plugin/edit/assist/assist_core.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/plugin/edit/assist/assist_core.dart
@@ -24,10 +24,14 @@
    * A comparator that can be used to sort assists by their relevance. The most
    * relevant assists will be sorted before assists with a lower relevance.
+   * Assists with the same relevance are sorted alphabetically.
-  static final Comparator<Assist> SORT_BY_RELEVANCE =
-      (Assist firstAssist, Assist secondAssist) =>
-          firstAssist.kind.priority - secondAssist.kind.priority;
+  static final Comparator<Assist> SORT_BY_RELEVANCE = (Assist a, Assist b) {
+    if (a.kind.priority != b.kind.priority) {
+      return a.kind.priority - b.kind.priority;
+    }
+    return a.change.message.compareTo(b.change.message);
+  };
    * A description of the assist being proposed.
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/plugin/edit/fix/fix_core.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/plugin/edit/fix/fix_core.dart
index 91a813f..e0af23c 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/plugin/edit/fix/fix_core.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/plugin/edit/fix/fix_core.dart
@@ -24,11 +24,15 @@
    * A comparator that can be used to sort fixes by their relevance. The most
-   * relevant fixes will be sorted before fixes with a lower relevance.
+   * relevant fixes will be sorted before fixes with a lower relevance. Fixes
+   * with the same relevance are sorted alphabetically.
-  static final Comparator<Fix> SORT_BY_RELEVANCE =
-      (Fix firstFix, Fix secondFix) =>
-          firstFix.kind.priority - secondFix.kind.priority;
+  static final Comparator<Fix> SORT_BY_RELEVANCE = (Fix a, Fix b) {
+    if (a.kind.priority != b.kind.priority) {
+      return a.kind.priority - b.kind.priority;
+    }
+    return a.change.message.compareTo(b.change.message);
+  };
    * A description of the fix being proposed.
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/analysis_server.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/analysis_server.dart
index 43aab94..8174780 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/analysis_server.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/analysis_server.dart
@@ -1295,7 +1295,7 @@
             FlutterService.OUTLINE, path)) {
           _runDelayed(() {
-                analysisServer, path, result.lineInfo, unit);
+                analysisServer, path, result.content, result.lineInfo, unit);
         // TODO(scheglov) Implement notifications for AnalysisService.IMPLEMENTED.
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/flutter/flutter_notifications.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/flutter/flutter_notifications.dart
index 2b6dd30..f526036 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/flutter/flutter_notifications.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/flutter/flutter_notifications.dart
@@ -9,9 +9,10 @@
 import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
 void sendFlutterNotificationOutline(AnalysisServer server, String file,
-    LineInfo lineInfo, CompilationUnit dartUnit) {
+    String content, LineInfo lineInfo, CompilationUnit dartUnit) {
   _sendNotification(server, () {
-    var computer = new FlutterOutlineComputer(file, lineInfo, dartUnit);
+    var computer =
+        new FlutterOutlineComputer(file, content, lineInfo, dartUnit);
     protocol.FlutterOutline outline = computer.compute();
     // send notification
     var params = new protocol.FlutterOutlineParams(file, outline);
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/flutter/flutter_outline_computer.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/flutter/flutter_outline_computer.dart
index 937fee9..89561f7 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/flutter/flutter_outline_computer.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/flutter/flutter_outline_computer.dart
@@ -15,13 +15,14 @@
 /// Computer for Flutter specific outlines.
 class FlutterOutlineComputer {
   final String file;
+  final String content;
   final LineInfo lineInfo;
   final CompilationUnit unit;
   final TypeProvider typeProvider;
   final List<protocol.FlutterOutline> _depthFirstOrder = [];
-  FlutterOutlineComputer(this.file, this.lineInfo, this.unit)
+  FlutterOutlineComputer(this.file, this.content, this.lineInfo, this.unit)
       : typeProvider = unit.element.context.typeProvider;
   protocol.FlutterOutline compute() {
@@ -44,22 +45,38 @@
     if (argument is NamedExpression) {
       argument = (argument as NamedExpression).expression;
-    String label = argument.toString();
+    String name = parameter.displayName;
+    String label = content.substring(argument.offset, argument.end);
+    if (label.contains('\n')) {
+      label = '…';
+    }
     if (argument is BooleanLiteral) {
-      attributes.add(new protocol.FlutterOutlineAttribute(
-          parameter.displayName, label,
+      attributes.add(new protocol.FlutterOutlineAttribute(name, label,
           literalValueBoolean: argument.value));
     } else if (argument is IntegerLiteral) {
-      attributes.add(new protocol.FlutterOutlineAttribute(
-          parameter.displayName, label,
+      attributes.add(new protocol.FlutterOutlineAttribute(name, label,
           literalValueInteger: argument.value));
     } else if (argument is StringLiteral) {
-      attributes.add(new protocol.FlutterOutlineAttribute(
-          parameter.displayName, label,
+      attributes.add(new protocol.FlutterOutlineAttribute(name, label,
           literalValueString: argument.stringValue));
     } else {
-      attributes.add(
-          new protocol.FlutterOutlineAttribute(parameter.displayName, label));
+      if (argument is FunctionExpression) {
+        bool hasParameters = argument.parameters != null &&
+            argument.parameters.parameters.isNotEmpty;
+        if (argument.body is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
+          label = hasParameters ? '(…) => …' : '() => …';
+        } else {
+          label = hasParameters ? '(…) { … }' : '() { … }';
+        }
+      } else if (argument is ListLiteral) {
+        label = '[…]';
+      } else if (argument is MapLiteral) {
+        label = '{…}';
+      }
+      attributes.add(new protocol.FlutterOutlineAttribute(name, label));
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/override_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/override_contributor.dart
index 4f58799..d8523a7 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/override_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/override_contributor.dart
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/inheritance_manager.dart';
+import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer_plugin/src/utilities/completion/completion_target.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_dart.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/range_factory.dart';
@@ -91,14 +92,16 @@
     if (completion == null || completion.length == 0) {
       return null;
+    SourceRange selectionRange = _computeSelectionRange(completion);
     String displayText =
         displayTextBuffer.isNotEmpty ? displayTextBuffer.toString() : null;
     CompletionSuggestion suggestion = new CompletionSuggestion(
-        targetId.offset,
-        0,
+        selectionRange.offset,
+        selectionRange.length,
         displayText: displayText);
@@ -123,6 +126,26 @@
+   * Compute a selection range for the given completion.
+   */
+  SourceRange _computeSelectionRange(String completion) {
+    // TODO(pq): consider moving this into ChangeBuilder.
+    // { return null; } or => null;
+    int offset = completion.indexOf('null;');
+    if (offset != -1) {
+      return new SourceRange(offset, 4);
+    }
+    // { }
+    offset = completion.indexOf('{');
+    if (offset != -1) {
+      return new SourceRange(offset + 2, 0);
+    }
+    // Default.
+    return new SourceRange(0, 0);
+  }
+  /**
    * If the target looks like a partial identifier inside a class declaration
    * then return that identifier, otherwise return `null`.
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/assist.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/assist.dart
index accff73..c0bb8b1 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/assist.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/assist.dart
@@ -31,110 +31,130 @@
  * An enumeration of possible assist kinds.
 class DartAssistKind {
-  static const ADD_PART_DIRECTIVE =
-      const AssistKind('ADD_PART_DIRECTIVE', 30, "Add 'part' directive");
-  static const ADD_TYPE_ANNOTATION =
-      const AssistKind('ADD_TYPE_ANNOTATION', 30, "Add type annotation");
+  static const ADD_PART_DIRECTIVE = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.addPartDirective', 30, "Add 'part' directive");
+  static const ADD_TYPE_ANNOTATION = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.addTypeAnnotation', 30, "Add type annotation");
   static const ASSIGN_TO_LOCAL_VARIABLE = const AssistKind(
-      'ASSIGN_TO_LOCAL_VARIABLE', 30, "Assign value to new local variable");
+      'dart.assist.assignToVariable', 30, "Assign value to new local variable");
   static const CONVERT_DOCUMENTATION_INTO_BLOCK = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.convert.blockComment',
-      "Convert into block documentation comment");
+      "Convert to block documentation comment");
   static const CONVERT_DOCUMENTATION_INTO_LINE = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.convert.lineComment',
-      "Convert into line documentation comment");
-  static const CONVERT_FLUTTER_CHILD =
-      const AssistKind('CONVERT_FLUTTER_CHILD', 30, "Convert to children:");
+      "Convert to line documentation comment");
   static const CONVERT_INTO_ASYNC_BODY = const AssistKind(
-      'CONVERT_INTO_ASYNC_BODY', 30, "Convert into async function body");
+      'dart.assist.convert.bodyToAsync', 30, "Convert to async function body");
   static const CONVERT_INTO_BLOCK_BODY = const AssistKind(
-      'CONVERT_INTO_BLOCK_BODY', 30, "Convert into block body");
+      'dart.assist.convert.bodyToBlock', 30, "Convert to block body");
   static const CONVERT_INTO_EXPRESSION_BODY = const AssistKind(
-      'CONVERT_INTO_EXPRESSION_BODY', 30, "Convert into expression body");
+      'dart.assist.convert.bodyToExpression', 30, "Convert to expression body");
   static const CONVERT_INTO_FOR_INDEX = const AssistKind(
-      'CONVERT_INTO_FOR_INDEX', 30, "Convert into for-index loop");
+      'dart.assist.convert.forEachToForIndex', 30, "Convert to for-index loop");
   static const CONVERT_INTO_FINAL_FIELD = const AssistKind(
-      'CONVERT_INTO_FINAL_FIELD', 30, "Convert into final field");
-  static const CONVERT_INTO_GETTER =
-      const AssistKind('CONVERT_INTO_GETTER', 30, "Convert into getter");
+      'dart.assist.convert.getterToFinalField', 30, "Convert to final field");
+  static const CONVERT_INTO_GENERIC_FUNCTION_SYNTAX = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.convert.toGenericFunctionSyntax',
+      30,
+      "Convert into 'Function' syntax");
+  static const CONVERT_INTO_GETTER = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.convert.finalFieldToGetter', 30, "Convert to getter");
   static const CONVERT_INTO_IS_NOT =
-      const AssistKind('CONVERT_INTO_IS_NOT', 30, "Convert into is!");
+      const AssistKind('dart.assist.convert.isNot', 30, "Convert to is!");
   static const CONVERT_INTO_IS_NOT_EMPTY = const AssistKind(
-      'CONVERT_INTO_IS_NOT_EMPTY', 30, "Convert into 'isNotEmpty'");
-  static const CONVERT_PART_OF_TO_URI =
-      const AssistKind('CONVERT_PART_OF_TO_URI', 30, "Convert to use a URI");
+      'dart.assist.convert.isNotEmpty', 30, "Convert to 'isNotEmpty'");
+  static const CONVERT_PART_OF_TO_URI = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.convert.partOfToPartUri', 30, "Convert to use a URI");
   static const CONVERT_TO_FIELD_PARAMETER = const AssistKind(
-      'CONVERT_TO_FIELD_PARAMETER', 30, "Convert to field formal parameter");
+      'dart.assist.convert.toConstructorFieldParameter',
+      30,
+      "Convert to field formal parameter");
   static const CONVERT_TO_NORMAL_PARAMETER = const AssistKind(
-      'CONVERT_TO_NORMAL_PARAMETER', 30, "Convert to normal parameter");
+      'dart.assist.convert.toConstructorNormalParameter',
+      30,
+      "Convert to normal parameter");
   static const ENCAPSULATE_FIELD =
-      const AssistKind('ENCAPSULATE_FIELD', 30, "Encapsulate field");
+      const AssistKind('dart.assist.encapsulateField', 30, "Encapsulate field");
   static const EXCHANGE_OPERANDS =
-      const AssistKind('EXCHANGE_OPERANDS', 30, "Exchange operands");
-  static const EXTRACT_CLASS =
-      const AssistKind('EXTRACT_CLASS', 30, "Extract class into file '{0}'");
+      const AssistKind('dart.assist.exchangeOperands', 30, "Exchange operands");
+  static const EXTRACT_CLASS = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.extractClass', 30, "Extract class into file '{0}'");
+  static const FLUTTER_CONVERT_TO_CHILDREN = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.flutter.convert.childToChildren',
+      30,
+      "Convert to children:");
   static const FLUTTER_CONVERT_TO_STATEFUL_WIDGET = const AssistKind(
-      "FLUTTER_CONVERT_TO_STATEFUL_WIDGET", 30, "Convert to StatefulWidget");
-  static const FLUTTER_REPLACE_WITH_CHILDREN = const AssistKind(
-      "FLUTTER_REPLACE_WITH_CHILDREN", 30, "Replace with children");
-  static const IMPORT_ADD_SHOW =
-      const AssistKind('IMPORT_ADD_SHOW', 30, "Add explicit 'show' combinator");
+      'dart.assist.flutter.convert.toStatefulWidget',
+      30,
+      "Convert to StatefulWidget");
+  static const FLUTTER_MOVE_DOWN =
+      const AssistKind('dart.assist.flutter.move.down', 30, "Move widget down");
+  static const FLUTTER_MOVE_UP =
+      const AssistKind('dart.assist.flutter.move.up', 30, "Move widget up");
+  static const FLUTTER_REMOVE_WIDGET =
+      const AssistKind('dart.assist.flutter.removeWidget', 30, "Remove widget");
+  static const FLUTTER_SWAP_WITH_CHILD = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.flutter.swap.withChild', 30, "Swap with child");
+  static const FLUTTER_SWAP_WITH_PARENT = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.flutter.swap.withParent', 30, "Swap with parent");
+  static const FLUTTER_WRAP_CENTER =
+      const AssistKind('', 30, "Center widget");
+  static const FLUTTER_WRAP_COLUMN = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.flutter.wrap.column', 30, "Wrap with Column");
+  static const FLUTTER_WRAP_GENERIC = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.flutter.wrap.generic', 30, "Wrap with new widget");
+  static const FLUTTER_WRAP_PADDING = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.flutter.wrap.padding', 30, "Add widget padding");
+  static const FLUTTER_WRAP_ROW =
+      const AssistKind('dart.assist.flutter.wrap.row', 30, "Wrap with Row");
+  static const IMPORT_ADD_SHOW = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.addShowCombinator', 30, "Add explicit 'show' combinator");
   static const INTRODUCE_LOCAL_CAST_TYPE = const AssistKind(
-      'INTRODUCE_LOCAL_CAST_TYPE', 30, "Introduce new local with tested type");
+      'dart.assist.introduceLocalCast',
+      30,
+      "Introduce new local with tested type");
   static const INVERT_IF_STATEMENT =
-      const AssistKind('INVERT_IF_STATEMENT', 30, "Invert 'if' statement");
-  static const JOIN_IF_WITH_INNER = const AssistKind('JOIN_IF_WITH_INNER', 30,
+      const AssistKind('dart.assist.invertIf', 30, "Invert 'if' statement");
+  static const JOIN_IF_WITH_INNER = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.joinWithInnerIf',
+      30,
       "Join 'if' statement with inner 'if' statement");
-  static const JOIN_IF_WITH_OUTER = const AssistKind('JOIN_IF_WITH_OUTER', 30,
+  static const JOIN_IF_WITH_OUTER = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.joinWithOuterIf',
+      30,
       "Join 'if' statement with outer 'if' statement");
   static const JOIN_VARIABLE_DECLARATION = const AssistKind(
-      'JOIN_VARIABLE_DECLARATION', 30, "Join variable declaration");
-  static const MOVE_FLUTTER_WIDGET_DOWN =
-      const AssistKind("MOVE_FLUTTER_WIDGET_DOWN", 30, "Move widget down");
-  static const MOVE_FLUTTER_WIDGET_UP =
-      const AssistKind("MOVE_FLUTTER_WIDGET_UP", 30, "Move widget up");
-  static const REPARENT_FLUTTER_LIST =
-      const AssistKind("REPARENT_FLUTTER_LIST", 30, "Wrap with new widget");
-      const AssistKind("REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGET", 30, "Wrap with new widget");
-      const AssistKind("REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGET_CENTER", 29, "Center widget");
-  static const REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGET_PADDING = const AssistKind(
-      "REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGET_PADDING", 29, "Add widget padding");
-  static const REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGETS_COLUMN = const AssistKind(
-      "REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGETS_COLUMN", 29, "Wrap with Column");
-      const AssistKind("REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGETS_ROW", 29, "Wrap with Row");
-  static const REMOVE_TYPE_ANNOTATION =
-      const AssistKind('REMOVE_TYPE_ANNOTATION', 29, "Remove type annotation");
+      'dart.assist.joinVariableDeclaration', 30, "Join variable declaration");
+  static const REMOVE_TYPE_ANNOTATION = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.removeTypeAnnotation', 29, "Remove type annotation");
   static const REPLACE_CONDITIONAL_WITH_IF_ELSE = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.convert.conditionalToIfElse',
       "Replace conditional with 'if-else'");
   static const REPLACE_IF_ELSE_WITH_CONDITIONAL = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.convert.ifElseToConditional',
       "Replace 'if-else' with conditional ('c ? x : y')");
-  static const SPLIT_AND_CONDITION =
-      const AssistKind('SPLIT_AND_CONDITION', 30, "Split && condition");
+  static const SPLIT_AND_CONDITION = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.splitIfConjunction', 30, "Split && condition");
   static const SPLIT_VARIABLE_DECLARATION = const AssistKind(
-      'SPLIT_VARIABLE_DECLARATION', 30, "Split variable declaration");
+      'dart.assist.splitVariableDeclaration', 30, "Split variable declaration");
   static const SURROUND_WITH_BLOCK =
-      const AssistKind('SURROUND_WITH_BLOCK', 30, "Surround with block");
+      const AssistKind('dart.assist.surround.block', 22, "Surround with block");
   static const SURROUND_WITH_DO_WHILE = const AssistKind(
-      'SURROUND_WITH_DO_WHILE', 30, "Surround with 'do-while'");
-  static const SURROUND_WITH_FOR =
-      const AssistKind('SURROUND_WITH_FOR', 30, "Surround with 'for'");
-  static const SURROUND_WITH_FOR_IN =
-      const AssistKind('SURROUND_WITH_FOR_IN', 30, "Surround with 'for-in'");
+      'dart.assist.surround.doWhile', 27, "Surround with 'do-while'");
+  static const SURROUND_WITH_FOR = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.surround.forEach', 26, "Surround with 'for'");
+  static const SURROUND_WITH_FOR_IN = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.surround.forIn', 25, "Surround with 'for-in'");
   static const SURROUND_WITH_IF =
-      const AssistKind('SURROUND_WITH_IF', 30, "Surround with 'if'");
+      const AssistKind('dart.assist.surround.if', 23, "Surround with 'if'");
   static const SURROUND_WITH_TRY_CATCH = const AssistKind(
-      'SURROUND_WITH_TRY_CATCH', 30, "Surround with 'try-catch'");
+      'dart.assist.surround.tryCatch', 28, "Surround with 'try-catch'");
   static const SURROUND_WITH_TRY_FINALLY = const AssistKind(
-      'SURROUND_WITH_TRY_FINALLY', 30, "Surround with 'try-finally'");
-  static const SURROUND_WITH_WHILE =
-      const AssistKind('SURROUND_WITH_WHILE', 30, "Surround with 'while'");
+      'dart.assist.surround.tryFinally', 29, "Surround with 'try-finally'");
+  static const SURROUND_WITH_WHILE = const AssistKind(
+      'dart.assist.surround.while', 24, "Surround with 'while'");
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/assist_internal.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/assist_internal.dart
index 3ba249c..44cf710 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/assist_internal.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/assist_internal.dart
@@ -132,19 +132,26 @@
     await _addProposal_convertToAsyncFunctionBody();
     await _addProposal_convertToBlockFunctionBody();
     await _addProposal_convertToExpressionFunctionBody();
-    await _addProposal_convertFlutterChild();
     await _addProposal_convertPartOfToUri();
     await _addProposal_convertToForIndexLoop();
+    await _addProposal_convertToGenericFunctionSyntax();
     await _addProposal_convertToIsNot_onIs();
     await _addProposal_convertToIsNot_onNot();
     await _addProposal_convertToIsNotEmpty();
     await _addProposal_convertToFieldParameter();
     await _addProposal_convertToNormalParameter();
-    await _addProposal_convertToStatefulWidget();
     await _addProposal_encapsulateField();
     await _addProposal_exchangeOperands();
-    await _addProposal_flutterReplaceWithChild();
-    await _addProposal_flutterReplaceWithChildren();
+    await _addProposal_flutterConvertToChildren();
+    await _addProposal_flutterConvertToStatefulWidget();
+    await _addProposal_flutterMoveWidgetDown();
+    await _addProposal_flutterMoveWidgetUp();
+    await _addProposal_flutterRemoveWidget_singleChild();
+    await _addProposal_flutterRemoveWidget_multipleChildren();
+    await _addProposal_flutterSwapWithChild();
+    await _addProposal_flutterSwapWithParent();
+    await _addProposal_flutterWrapWidget();
+    await _addProposal_flutterWrapWidgets();
     await _addProposal_importAddShow();
     await _addProposal_introduceLocalTestedType();
     await _addProposal_invertIf();
@@ -152,12 +159,8 @@
     await _addProposal_joinIfStatementOuter();
     await _addProposal_joinVariableDeclaration_onAssignment();
     await _addProposal_joinVariableDeclaration_onDeclaration();
-    await _addProposal_moveFlutterWidgetDown();
-    await _addProposal_moveFlutterWidgetUp();
     await _addProposal_removeTypeAnnotation();
     await _addProposal_reparentFlutterList();
-    await _addProposal_reparentFlutterWidget();
-    await _addProposal_reparentFlutterWidgets();
     await _addProposal_replaceConditionalWithIfElse();
     await _addProposal_replaceIfElseWithConditional();
     await _addProposal_splitAndCondition();
@@ -208,6 +211,7 @@
+ =;
     change.message = formatList(kind.message, args);
     assists.add(new Assist(kind, change));
@@ -505,50 +509,6 @@
         changeBuilder, DartAssistKind.CONVERT_DOCUMENTATION_INTO_LINE);
-  Future<Null> _addProposal_convertFlutterChild() async {
-    NamedExpression namedExp;
-    // Allow assist to activate from either the new-expr or the child: arg.
-    if (node is SimpleIdentifier &&
-        node.parent is Label &&
-        node.parent.parent is NamedExpression) {
-      namedExp = node.parent.parent as NamedExpression;
-      if ((node as SimpleIdentifier).name != 'child' ||
-          namedExp.expression == null) {
-        return;
-      }
-      if (namedExp.parent?.parent is! InstanceCreationExpression) {
-        return;
-      }
-      InstanceCreationExpression newExpr = namedExp.parent.parent;
-      if (newExpr == null || !flutter.isWidgetCreation(newExpr)) {
-        return;
-      }
-    } else {
-      InstanceCreationExpression newExpr = flutter.identifyNewExpression(node);
-      if (newExpr == null || !flutter.isWidgetCreation(newExpr)) {
-        _coverageMarker();
-        return;
-      }
-      namedExp = flutter.findChildArgument(newExpr);
-      if (namedExp == null || namedExp.expression == null) {
-        _coverageMarker();
-        return;
-      }
-    }
-    InstanceCreationExpression childArg =
-        flutter.getChildWidget(namedExp, false);
-    if (childArg == null) {
-      _coverageMarker();
-      return;
-    }
-    DartChangeBuilder changeBuilder = new DartChangeBuilder(session);
-    await changeBuilder.addFileEdit(file, (DartFileEditBuilder builder) {
-      _convertFlutterChildToChildren(childArg, namedExp, eol, utils.getNodeText,
-          utils.getLinePrefix, utils.getIndent, utils.getText, builder);
-    });
-    _addAssistFromBuilder(changeBuilder, DartAssistKind.CONVERT_FLUTTER_CHILD);
-  }
   Future<Null> _addProposal_convertIntoFinalField() async {
     // Find the enclosing getter.
     MethodDeclaration getter;
@@ -980,6 +940,24 @@
     _addAssistFromBuilder(changeBuilder, DartAssistKind.CONVERT_INTO_FOR_INDEX);
+  Future<Null> _addProposal_convertToGenericFunctionSyntax() async {
+    AstNode node = this.node;
+    while (node != null) {
+      if (node is FunctionTypeAlias) {
+        await _convertFunctionTypeAliasToGenericTypeAlias(node);
+        return;
+      } else if (node is FunctionTypedFormalParameter) {
+        await _convertFunctionTypedFormalParameterToSimpleFormalParameter(node);
+        return;
+      } else if (node is FormalParameterList) {
+        // It would be confusing for this assist to alter a surrounding context
+        // when the selection is inside a parameter list.
+        return;
+      }
+      node = node.parent;
+    }
+  }
   Future<Null> _addProposal_convertToIsNot_onIs() async {
     // may be child of "is"
     AstNode node = this.node;
@@ -1182,100 +1160,6 @@
-  Future<Null> _addProposal_convertToStatefulWidget() async {
-    ClassDeclaration widgetClass =
-        node.getAncestor((n) => n is ClassDeclaration);
-    TypeName superclass = widgetClass?.extendsClause?.superclass;
-    if (widgetClass == null || superclass == null) {
-      _coverageMarker();
-      return;
-    }
-    // Don't spam, activate only from the `class` keyword to the class body.
-    if (selectionOffset < widgetClass.classKeyword.offset ||
-        selectionOffset > widgetClass.leftBracket.end) {
-      _coverageMarker();
-      return;
-    }
-    // Find the build() method.
-    MethodDeclaration buildMethod;
-    for (var member in widgetClass.members) {
-      if (member is MethodDeclaration &&
- == 'build' &&
-          member.parameters != null &&
-          member.parameters.parameters.length == 1) {
-        buildMethod = member;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    if (buildMethod == null) {
-      _coverageMarker();
-      return;
-    }
-    // Must be a StatelessWidget subclasses.
-    ClassElement widgetClassElement = widgetClass.element;
-    if (!flutter.isExactlyStatelessWidgetType(widgetClassElement.supertype)) {
-      _coverageMarker();
-      return;
-    }
-    String widgetName = widgetClassElement.displayName;
-    String stateName = widgetName + 'State';
-    var buildLinesRange = utils.getLinesRange(range.node(buildMethod));
-    var buildText = utils.getRangeText(buildLinesRange);
-    // Update the build() text to insert `widget.` before references to
-    // the widget class members.
-    final List<SourceEdit> buildTextEdits = [];
-    buildMethod.body.accept(new _SimpleIdentifierRecursiveAstVisitor((node) {
-      if (node.staticElement?.enclosingElement == widgetClassElement) {
-        var offset = node.offset - buildLinesRange.offset;
-        AstNode parent = node.parent;
-        if (parent is InterpolationExpression &&
-            parent.leftBracket.type ==
-          buildTextEdits.add(new SourceEdit(offset, 0, '{widget.'));
-          buildTextEdits.add(new SourceEdit(offset + node.length, 0, '}'));
-        } else {
-          buildTextEdits.add(new SourceEdit(offset, 0, 'widget.'));
-        }
-      }
-    }));
-    buildText = SourceEdit.applySequence(buildText, buildTextEdits.reversed);
-    var statefulWidgetClass =
-        await _getExportedClass(flutter.WIDGETS_LIBRARY_URI, 'StatefulWidget');
-    var stateClass =
-        await _getExportedClass(flutter.WIDGETS_LIBRARY_URI, 'State');
-    var stateType = stateClass.type.instantiate([widgetClassElement.type]);
-    DartChangeBuilder changeBuilder = new DartChangeBuilder(session);
-    await changeBuilder.addFileEdit(file, (DartFileEditBuilder builder) async {
-      builder.addReplacement(range.node(superclass), (builder) {
-        builder.writeType(statefulWidgetClass.type);
-      });
-      builder.addReplacement(buildLinesRange, (builder) {
-        builder.writeln('  @override');
-        builder.writeln('  $stateName createState() {');
-        builder.writeln('    return new $stateName();');
-        builder.writeln('  }');
-      });
-      builder.addInsertion(widgetClass.end, (builder) {
-        builder.writeln();
-        builder.writeln();
-        builder.writeClassDeclaration(stateName, superclass: stateType,
-            membersWriter: () {
-          builder.write(buildText);
-        });
-      });
-    });
-    _addAssistFromBuilder(
-        changeBuilder, DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_CONVERT_TO_STATEFUL_WIDGET);
-  }
   Future<Null> _addProposal_encapsulateField() async {
     // find FieldDeclaration
     FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration =
@@ -1408,33 +1292,186 @@
     _addAssistFromBuilder(changeBuilder, DartAssistKind.EXCHANGE_OPERANDS);
-  Future<Null> _addProposal_flutterReplaceWithChild() async {
-    var widgetCreation = flutter.identifyNewExpression(node);
-    if (widgetCreation == null) {
-      return;
+  Future<Null> _addProposal_flutterConvertToChildren() async {
+    // Find "child: widget" under selection.
+    NamedExpression namedExp;
+    {
+      AstNode node = this.node;
+      AstNode parent = node?.parent;
+      AstNode parent2 = parent?.parent;
+      if (node is SimpleIdentifier &&
+          parent is Label &&
+          parent2 is NamedExpression &&
+ == 'child' &&
+          node.staticElement != null &&
+          flutter.isWidgetExpression(parent2.expression)) {
+        namedExp = parent2;
+      } else {
+        _coverageMarker();
+        return;
+      }
-    var childArgument = flutter.findChildArgument(widgetCreation);
-    if (childArgument == null) {
-      return;
-    }
-    // child: new ThisWidget(child: ourChild)
-    // children: [foo, new ThisWidget(child: ourChild), bar]
     DartChangeBuilder changeBuilder = new DartChangeBuilder(session);
     await changeBuilder.addFileEdit(file, (DartFileEditBuilder builder) {
-      var childExpression = childArgument.expression;
-      var childText = utils.getNodeText(childExpression);
-      var indentOld = utils.getLinePrefix(childExpression.offset);
-      var indentNew = utils.getLinePrefix(widgetCreation.offset);
-      childText = _replaceSourceIndent(childText, indentOld, indentNew);
-      builder.addSimpleReplacement(range.node(widgetCreation), childText);
+      _convertFlutterChildToChildren(namedExp, eol, utils.getNodeText,
+          utils.getLinePrefix, utils.getIndent, utils.getText, builder);
-        changeBuilder, DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_REPLACE_WITH_CHILDREN);
+        changeBuilder, DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_CONVERT_TO_CHILDREN);
-  Future<Null> _addProposal_flutterReplaceWithChildren() async {
+  Future<Null> _addProposal_flutterConvertToStatefulWidget() async {
+    ClassDeclaration widgetClass =
+        node.getAncestor((n) => n is ClassDeclaration);
+    TypeName superclass = widgetClass?.extendsClause?.superclass;
+    if (widgetClass == null || superclass == null) {
+      _coverageMarker();
+      return;
+    }
+    // Don't spam, activate only from the `class` keyword to the class body.
+    if (selectionOffset < widgetClass.classKeyword.offset ||
+        selectionOffset > widgetClass.leftBracket.end) {
+      _coverageMarker();
+      return;
+    }
+    // Find the build() method.
+    MethodDeclaration buildMethod;
+    for (var member in widgetClass.members) {
+      if (member is MethodDeclaration &&
+ == 'build' &&
+          member.parameters != null &&
+          member.parameters.parameters.length == 1) {
+        buildMethod = member;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    if (buildMethod == null) {
+      _coverageMarker();
+      return;
+    }
+    // Must be a StatelessWidget subclasses.
+    ClassElement widgetClassElement = widgetClass.element;
+    if (!flutter.isExactlyStatelessWidgetType(widgetClassElement.supertype)) {
+      _coverageMarker();
+      return;
+    }
+    String widgetName = widgetClassElement.displayName;
+    String stateName = widgetName + 'State';
+    var buildLinesRange = utils.getLinesRange(range.node(buildMethod));
+    var buildText = utils.getRangeText(buildLinesRange);
+    // Update the build() text to insert `widget.` before references to
+    // the widget class members.
+    final List<SourceEdit> buildTextEdits = [];
+    buildMethod.body.accept(new _SimpleIdentifierRecursiveAstVisitor((node) {
+      if (node.staticElement?.enclosingElement == widgetClassElement) {
+        var offset = node.offset - buildLinesRange.offset;
+        AstNode parent = node.parent;
+        if (parent is InterpolationExpression &&
+            parent.leftBracket.type ==
+          buildTextEdits.add(new SourceEdit(offset, 0, '{widget.'));
+          buildTextEdits.add(new SourceEdit(offset + node.length, 0, '}'));
+        } else {
+          buildTextEdits.add(new SourceEdit(offset, 0, 'widget.'));
+        }
+      }
+    }));
+    buildText = SourceEdit.applySequence(buildText, buildTextEdits.reversed);
+    var statefulWidgetClass =
+        await _getExportedClass(flutter.WIDGETS_LIBRARY_URI, 'StatefulWidget');
+    var stateClass =
+        await _getExportedClass(flutter.WIDGETS_LIBRARY_URI, 'State');
+    var stateType = stateClass.type.instantiate([widgetClassElement.type]);
+    DartChangeBuilder changeBuilder = new DartChangeBuilder(session);
+    await changeBuilder.addFileEdit(file, (DartFileEditBuilder builder) async {
+      builder.addReplacement(range.node(superclass), (builder) {
+        builder.writeType(statefulWidgetClass.type);
+      });
+      builder.addReplacement(buildLinesRange, (builder) {
+        builder.writeln('  @override');
+        builder.writeln('  $stateName createState() {');
+        builder.writeln('    return new $stateName();');
+        builder.writeln('  }');
+      });
+      builder.addInsertion(widgetClass.end, (builder) {
+        builder.writeln();
+        builder.writeln();
+        builder.writeClassDeclaration(stateName, superclass: stateType,
+            membersWriter: () {
+          builder.write(buildText);
+        });
+      });
+    });
+    _addAssistFromBuilder(
+        changeBuilder, DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_CONVERT_TO_STATEFUL_WIDGET);
+  }
+  Future<Null> _addProposal_flutterMoveWidgetDown() async {
+    var widget = flutter.identifyWidgetExpression(node);
+    if (widget == null) {
+      return;
+    }
+    AstNode parentList = widget.parent;
+    if (parentList is ListLiteral) {
+      List<Expression> parentElements = parentList.elements;
+      int index = parentElements.indexOf(widget);
+      if (index != parentElements.length - 1) {
+        DartChangeBuilder changeBuilder = new DartChangeBuilder(session);
+        await changeBuilder.addFileEdit(file, (DartFileEditBuilder builder) {
+          Expression nextWidget = parentElements[index + 1];
+          var nextRange = range.node(nextWidget);
+          var nextText = utils.getRangeText(nextRange);
+          var widgetRange = range.node(widget);
+          var widgetText = utils.getRangeText(widgetRange);
+          builder.addSimpleReplacement(nextRange, widgetText);
+          builder.addSimpleReplacement(widgetRange, nextText);
+        });
+        _addAssistFromBuilder(changeBuilder, DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_MOVE_DOWN);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  Future<Null> _addProposal_flutterMoveWidgetUp() async {
+    var widget = flutter.identifyWidgetExpression(node);
+    if (widget == null) {
+      return;
+    }
+    AstNode parentList = widget.parent;
+    if (parentList is ListLiteral) {
+      List<Expression> parentElements = parentList.elements;
+      int index = parentElements.indexOf(widget);
+      if (index > 0) {
+        DartChangeBuilder changeBuilder = new DartChangeBuilder(session);
+        await changeBuilder.addFileEdit(file, (DartFileEditBuilder builder) {
+          Expression previousWidget = parentElements[index - 1];
+          var previousRange = range.node(previousWidget);
+          var previousText = utils.getRangeText(previousRange);
+          var widgetRange = range.node(widget);
+          var widgetText = utils.getRangeText(widgetRange);
+          builder.addSimpleReplacement(previousRange, widgetText);
+          builder.addSimpleReplacement(widgetRange, previousText);
+        });
+        _addAssistFromBuilder(changeBuilder, DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_MOVE_UP);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  Future<Null> _addProposal_flutterRemoveWidget_multipleChildren() async {
     var widgetCreation = flutter.identifyNewExpression(node);
     if (widgetCreation == null) {
@@ -1469,8 +1506,262 @@
       childText = _replaceSourceIndent(childText, indentOld, indentNew);
       builder.addSimpleReplacement(range.node(widgetCreation), childText);
-    _addAssistFromBuilder(
-        changeBuilder, DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_REPLACE_WITH_CHILDREN);
+    _addAssistFromBuilder(changeBuilder, DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_REMOVE_WIDGET);
+  }
+  Future<Null> _addProposal_flutterRemoveWidget_singleChild() async {
+    var widgetCreation = flutter.identifyNewExpression(node);
+    if (widgetCreation == null) {
+      return;
+    }
+    var childArgument = flutter.findChildArgument(widgetCreation);
+    if (childArgument == null) {
+      return;
+    }
+    // child: new ThisWidget(child: ourChild)
+    // children: [foo, new ThisWidget(child: ourChild), bar]
+    DartChangeBuilder changeBuilder = new DartChangeBuilder(session);
+    await changeBuilder.addFileEdit(file, (DartFileEditBuilder builder) {
+      var childExpression = childArgument.expression;
+      var childText = utils.getNodeText(childExpression);
+      var indentOld = utils.getLinePrefix(childExpression.offset);
+      var indentNew = utils.getLinePrefix(widgetCreation.offset);
+      childText = _replaceSourceIndent(childText, indentOld, indentNew);
+      builder.addSimpleReplacement(range.node(widgetCreation), childText);
+    });
+    _addAssistFromBuilder(changeBuilder, DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_REMOVE_WIDGET);
+  }
+  Future<Null> _addProposal_flutterSwapWithChild() async {
+    InstanceCreationExpression exprGoingDown =
+        flutter.identifyNewExpression(node);
+    if (exprGoingDown == null || !flutter.isWidgetCreation(exprGoingDown)) {
+      _coverageMarker();
+      return;
+    }
+    InstanceCreationExpression exprGoingUp =
+        flutter.findChildWidget(exprGoingDown);
+    if (exprGoingUp == null) {
+      _coverageMarker();
+      return;
+    }
+    NamedExpression stableChild = flutter.findChildArgument(exprGoingUp);
+    if (stableChild == null || stableChild.expression == null) {
+      _coverageMarker();
+      return;
+    }
+    String exprGoingDownSrc = utils.getNodeText(exprGoingDown);
+    int dnNewlineIdx = exprGoingDownSrc.lastIndexOf(eol);
+    if (dnNewlineIdx < 0 || dnNewlineIdx == exprGoingDownSrc.length - 1) {
+      _coverageMarker();
+      return; // Outer new-expr needs to be in multi-line format already.
+    }
+    String exprGoingUpSrc = utils.getNodeText(exprGoingUp);
+    int upNewlineIdx = exprGoingUpSrc.lastIndexOf(eol);
+    if (upNewlineIdx < 0 || upNewlineIdx == exprGoingUpSrc.length - 1) {
+      _coverageMarker();
+      return; // Inner new-expr needs to be in multi-line format already.
+    }
+    await _swapFlutterWidgets(exprGoingDown, exprGoingUp, stableChild,
+        DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_SWAP_WITH_CHILD);
+  }
+  Future<Null> _addProposal_flutterSwapWithParent() async {
+    InstanceCreationExpression exprGoingUp =
+        flutter.identifyNewExpression(node);
+    if (exprGoingUp == null || !flutter.isWidgetCreation(exprGoingUp)) {
+      _coverageMarker();
+      return;
+    }
+    AstNode expr = exprGoingUp.parent?.parent?.parent;
+    if (expr == null || expr is! InstanceCreationExpression) {
+      _coverageMarker();
+      return;
+    }
+    InstanceCreationExpression exprGoingDown = expr;
+    NamedExpression stableChild = flutter.findChildArgument(exprGoingUp);
+    if (stableChild == null || stableChild.expression == null) {
+      _coverageMarker();
+      return;
+    }
+    String exprGoingUpSrc = utils.getNodeText(exprGoingUp);
+    int upNewlineIdx = exprGoingUpSrc.lastIndexOf(eol);
+    if (upNewlineIdx < 0 || upNewlineIdx == exprGoingUpSrc.length - 1) {
+      _coverageMarker();
+      return; // Inner new-expr needs to be in multi-line format already.
+    }
+    String exprGoingDownSrc = utils.getNodeText(exprGoingDown);
+    int dnNewlineIdx = exprGoingDownSrc.lastIndexOf(eol);
+    if (dnNewlineIdx < 0 || dnNewlineIdx == exprGoingDownSrc.length - 1) {
+      _coverageMarker();
+      return; // Outer new-expr needs to be in multi-line format already.
+    }
+    await _swapFlutterWidgets(exprGoingDown, exprGoingUp, stableChild,
+        DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_SWAP_WITH_PARENT);
+  }
+  Future<Null> _addProposal_flutterWrapWidget() async {
+    await _addProposal_flutterWrapWidgetImpl();
+    await _addProposal_flutterWrapWidgetImpl(
+        kind: DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_CENTER,
+        parentLibraryUri: flutter.WIDGETS_LIBRARY_URI,
+        parentClassName: 'Center',
+        widgetValidator: (expr) {
+          return !flutter.isExactWidgetTypeCenter(expr.staticType);
+        });
+    await _addProposal_flutterWrapWidgetImpl(
+        kind: DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_PADDING,
+        parentLibraryUri: flutter.WIDGETS_LIBRARY_URI,
+        parentClassName: 'Padding',
+        leadingLines: ['padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),'],
+        widgetValidator: (expr) {
+          return !flutter.isExactWidgetTypePadding(expr.staticType);
+        });
+  }
+  Future<Null> _addProposal_flutterWrapWidgetImpl(
+      {AssistKind kind: DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_GENERIC,
+      bool Function(Expression widgetExpr) widgetValidator,
+      String parentLibraryUri,
+      String parentClassName,
+      List<String> leadingLines: const []}) async {
+    Expression widgetExpr = flutter.identifyWidgetExpression(node);
+    if (widgetExpr == null) {
+      _coverageMarker();
+      return;
+    }
+    if (widgetValidator != null && !widgetValidator(widgetExpr)) {
+      _coverageMarker();
+      return;
+    }
+    String widgetSrc = utils.getNodeText(widgetExpr);
+    // If the wrapper class is specified, find its element.
+    ClassElement parentClassElement;
+    if (parentLibraryUri != null && parentClassName != null) {
+      parentClassElement =
+          await _getExportedClass(parentLibraryUri, parentClassName);
+    }
+    DartChangeBuilder changeBuilder = new DartChangeBuilder(session);
+    await changeBuilder.addFileEdit(file, (DartFileEditBuilder builder) {
+      builder.addReplacement(range.node(widgetExpr), (DartEditBuilder builder) {
+        builder.write('new ');
+        if (parentClassElement == null) {
+          builder.addSimpleLinkedEdit('WIDGET', 'widget');
+        } else {
+          builder.writeType(parentClassElement.type);
+        }
+        builder.write('(');
+        if (widgetSrc.contains(eol) || leadingLines.isNotEmpty) {
+          String indentOld = utils.getLinePrefix(widgetExpr.offset);
+          String indentNew = '$indentOld${utils.getIndent(1)}';
+          for (var leadingLine in leadingLines) {
+            builder.write(eol);
+            builder.write(indentNew);
+            builder.write(leadingLine);
+          }
+          builder.write(eol);
+          builder.write(indentNew);
+          widgetSrc = widgetSrc.replaceAll(
+              new RegExp("^$indentOld", multiLine: true), indentNew);
+          widgetSrc += ",$eol$indentOld";
+        }
+        if (parentClassElement == null) {
+          builder.addSimpleLinkedEdit('CHILD', 'child');
+        } else {
+          builder.write('child');
+        }
+        builder.write(': ');
+        builder.write(widgetSrc);
+        builder.write(')');
+        builder.selectHere();
+      });
+    });
+    _addAssistFromBuilder(changeBuilder, kind);
+  }
+  Future<Null> _addProposal_flutterWrapWidgets() async {
+    var selectionRange = new SourceRange(selectionOffset, selectionLength);
+    var analyzer = new SelectionAnalyzer(selectionRange);
+    unit.accept(analyzer);
+    List<Expression> widgetExpressions = [];
+    if (analyzer.hasSelectedNodes) {
+      for (var selectedNode in analyzer.selectedNodes) {
+        if (!flutter.isWidgetExpression(selectedNode)) {
+          return;
+        }
+        widgetExpressions.add(selectedNode);
+      }
+    } else {
+      var widget = flutter.identifyWidgetExpression(analyzer.coveringNode);
+      if (widget != null) {
+        widgetExpressions.add(widget);
+      }
+    }
+    if (widgetExpressions.isEmpty) {
+      return;
+    }
+    var firstWidget = widgetExpressions.first;
+    var lastWidget = widgetExpressions.last;
+    var selectedRange = range.startEnd(firstWidget, lastWidget);
+    String src = utils.getRangeText(selectedRange);
+    Future<Null> addAssist(
+        {@required AssistKind kind,
+        @required String parentLibraryUri,
+        @required String parentClassName}) async {
+      ClassElement parentClassElement =
+          await _getExportedClass(parentLibraryUri, parentClassName);
+      DartChangeBuilder changeBuilder = new DartChangeBuilder(session);
+      await changeBuilder.addFileEdit(file, (DartFileEditBuilder builder) {
+        builder.addReplacement(selectedRange, (DartEditBuilder builder) {
+          builder.write('new ');
+          builder.writeType(parentClassElement.type);
+          builder.write('(');
+          String indentOld = utils.getLinePrefix(firstWidget.offset);
+          String indentNew1 = indentOld + utils.getIndent(1);
+          String indentNew2 = indentOld + utils.getIndent(2);
+          builder.write(eol);
+          builder.write(indentNew1);
+          builder.write('children: [');
+          builder.write(eol);
+          String newSrc = _replaceSourceIndent(src, indentOld, indentNew2);
+          builder.write(indentNew2);
+          builder.write(newSrc);
+          builder.write(',');
+          builder.write(eol);
+          builder.write(indentNew1);
+          builder.write('],');
+          builder.write(eol);
+          builder.write(indentOld);
+          builder.write(')');
+        });
+      });
+      _addAssistFromBuilder(changeBuilder, kind);
+    }
+    await addAssist(
+        kind: DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_COLUMN,
+        parentLibraryUri: flutter.WIDGETS_LIBRARY_URI,
+        parentClassName: 'Column');
+    await addAssist(
+        kind: DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_ROW,
+        parentLibraryUri: flutter.WIDGETS_LIBRARY_URI,
+        parentClassName: 'Row');
   Future<Null> _addProposal_importAddShow() async {
@@ -1871,74 +2162,6 @@
         changeBuilder, DartAssistKind.JOIN_VARIABLE_DECLARATION);
-  Future<Null> _addProposal_moveFlutterWidgetDown() async {
-    InstanceCreationExpression exprGoingDown =
-        flutter.identifyNewExpression(node);
-    if (exprGoingDown == null || !flutter.isWidgetCreation(exprGoingDown)) {
-      _coverageMarker();
-      return;
-    }
-    InstanceCreationExpression exprGoingUp =
-        flutter.findChildWidget(exprGoingDown);
-    if (exprGoingUp == null) {
-      _coverageMarker();
-      return;
-    }
-    NamedExpression stableChild = flutter.findChildArgument(exprGoingUp);
-    if (stableChild == null || stableChild.expression == null) {
-      _coverageMarker();
-      return;
-    }
-    String exprGoingDownSrc = utils.getNodeText(exprGoingDown);
-    int dnNewlineIdx = exprGoingDownSrc.lastIndexOf(eol);
-    if (dnNewlineIdx < 0 || dnNewlineIdx == exprGoingDownSrc.length - 1) {
-      _coverageMarker();
-      return; // Outer new-expr needs to be in multi-line format already.
-    }
-    String exprGoingUpSrc = utils.getNodeText(exprGoingUp);
-    int upNewlineIdx = exprGoingUpSrc.lastIndexOf(eol);
-    if (upNewlineIdx < 0 || upNewlineIdx == exprGoingUpSrc.length - 1) {
-      _coverageMarker();
-      return; // Inner new-expr needs to be in multi-line format already.
-    }
-    await _swapFlutterWidgets(exprGoingDown, exprGoingUp, stableChild,
-        DartAssistKind.MOVE_FLUTTER_WIDGET_DOWN);
-  }
-  Future<Null> _addProposal_moveFlutterWidgetUp() async {
-    InstanceCreationExpression exprGoingUp =
-        flutter.identifyNewExpression(node);
-    if (exprGoingUp == null || !flutter.isWidgetCreation(exprGoingUp)) {
-      _coverageMarker();
-      return;
-    }
-    AstNode expr = exprGoingUp.parent?.parent?.parent;
-    if (expr == null || expr is! InstanceCreationExpression) {
-      _coverageMarker();
-      return;
-    }
-    InstanceCreationExpression exprGoingDown = expr;
-    NamedExpression stableChild = flutter.findChildArgument(exprGoingUp);
-    if (stableChild == null || stableChild.expression == null) {
-      _coverageMarker();
-      return;
-    }
-    String exprGoingUpSrc = utils.getNodeText(exprGoingUp);
-    int upNewlineIdx = exprGoingUpSrc.lastIndexOf(eol);
-    if (upNewlineIdx < 0 || upNewlineIdx == exprGoingUpSrc.length - 1) {
-      _coverageMarker();
-      return; // Inner new-expr needs to be in multi-line format already.
-    }
-    String exprGoingDownSrc = utils.getNodeText(exprGoingDown);
-    int dnNewlineIdx = exprGoingDownSrc.lastIndexOf(eol);
-    if (dnNewlineIdx < 0 || dnNewlineIdx == exprGoingDownSrc.length - 1) {
-      _coverageMarker();
-      return; // Outer new-expr needs to be in multi-line format already.
-    }
-    await _swapFlutterWidgets(exprGoingDown, exprGoingUp, stableChild,
-        DartAssistKind.MOVE_FLUTTER_WIDGET_UP);
-  }
   Future<Null> _addProposal_removeTypeAnnotation() async {
     VariableDeclarationList declarationList =
         node.getAncestor((n) => n is VariableDeclarationList);
@@ -2028,158 +2251,7 @@
-    _addAssistFromBuilder(changeBuilder, DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_LIST);
-  }
-  Future<Null> _addProposal_reparentFlutterWidget() async {
-    await _addProposal_reparentFlutterWidgetImpl();
-    await _addProposal_reparentFlutterWidgetImpl(
-        kind: DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGET_CENTER,
-        parentLibraryUri: flutter.WIDGETS_LIBRARY_URI,
-        parentClassName: 'Center');
-    await _addProposal_reparentFlutterWidgetImpl(
-        kind: DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGET_PADDING,
-        parentLibraryUri: flutter.WIDGETS_LIBRARY_URI,
-        parentClassName: 'Padding',
-        leadingLines: ['padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),']);
-  }
-  Future<Null> _addProposal_reparentFlutterWidgetImpl(
-      {AssistKind kind: DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGET,
-      String parentLibraryUri,
-      String parentClassName,
-      List<String> leadingLines: const []}) async {
-    Expression widgetExpr = flutter.identifyWidgetExpression(node);
-    if (widgetExpr == null) {
-      _coverageMarker();
-      return;
-    }
-    String widgetSrc = utils.getNodeText(widgetExpr);
-    // If the wrapper class is specified, find its element.
-    ClassElement parentClassElement;
-    if (parentLibraryUri != null && parentClassName != null) {
-      parentClassElement =
-          await _getExportedClass(parentLibraryUri, parentClassName);
-    }
-    DartChangeBuilder changeBuilder = new DartChangeBuilder(session);
-    await changeBuilder.addFileEdit(file, (DartFileEditBuilder builder) {
-      builder.addReplacement(range.node(widgetExpr), (DartEditBuilder builder) {
-        builder.write('new ');
-        if (parentClassElement == null) {
-          builder.addSimpleLinkedEdit('WIDGET', 'widget');
-        } else {
-          builder.writeType(parentClassElement.type);
-        }
-        builder.write('(');
-        if (widgetSrc.contains(eol) || leadingLines.isNotEmpty) {
-          String indentOld = utils.getLinePrefix(widgetExpr.offset);
-          String indentNew = '$indentOld${utils.getIndent(1)}';
-          for (var leadingLine in leadingLines) {
-            builder.write(eol);
-            builder.write(indentNew);
-            builder.write(leadingLine);
-          }
-          builder.write(eol);
-          builder.write(indentNew);
-          widgetSrc = widgetSrc.replaceAll(
-              new RegExp("^$indentOld", multiLine: true), indentNew);
-          widgetSrc += ",$eol$indentOld";
-        }
-        if (parentClassElement == null) {
-          builder.addSimpleLinkedEdit('CHILD', 'child');
-        } else {
-          builder.write('child');
-        }
-        builder.write(': ');
-        builder.write(widgetSrc);
-        builder.write(')');
-        builder.selectHere();
-      });
-    });
-    _addAssistFromBuilder(changeBuilder, kind);
-  }
-  Future<Null> _addProposal_reparentFlutterWidgets() async {
-    var selectionRange = new SourceRange(selectionOffset, selectionLength);
-    var analyzer = new SelectionAnalyzer(selectionRange);
-    unit.accept(analyzer);
-    List<Expression> widgetExpressions = [];
-    if (analyzer.hasSelectedNodes) {
-      for (var selectedNode in analyzer.selectedNodes) {
-        if (!flutter.isWidgetExpression(selectedNode)) {
-          return;
-        }
-        widgetExpressions.add(selectedNode);
-      }
-    } else {
-      var widget = flutter.identifyWidgetExpression(analyzer.coveringNode);
-      if (widget != null) {
-        widgetExpressions.add(widget);
-      }
-    }
-    if (widgetExpressions.isEmpty) {
-      return;
-    }
-    var firstWidget = widgetExpressions.first;
-    var lastWidget = widgetExpressions.last;
-    var selectedRange = range.startEnd(firstWidget, lastWidget);
-    String src = utils.getRangeText(selectedRange);
-    Future<Null> addAssist(
-        {@required AssistKind kind,
-        @required String parentLibraryUri,
-        @required String parentClassName}) async {
-      ClassElement parentClassElement =
-          await _getExportedClass(parentLibraryUri, parentClassName);
-      DartChangeBuilder changeBuilder = new DartChangeBuilder(session);
-      await changeBuilder.addFileEdit(file, (DartFileEditBuilder builder) {
-        builder.addReplacement(selectedRange, (DartEditBuilder builder) {
-          builder.write('new ');
-          builder.writeType(parentClassElement.type);
-          builder.write('(');
-          String indentOld = utils.getLinePrefix(firstWidget.offset);
-          String indentNew1 = indentOld + utils.getIndent(1);
-          String indentNew2 = indentOld + utils.getIndent(2);
-          builder.write(eol);
-          builder.write(indentNew1);
-          builder.write('children: [');
-          builder.write(eol);
-          String newSrc = _replaceSourceIndent(src, indentOld, indentNew2);
-          builder.write(indentNew2);
-          builder.write(newSrc);
-          builder.write(',');
-          builder.write(eol);
-          builder.write(indentNew1);
-          builder.write('],');
-          builder.write(eol);
-          builder.write(indentOld);
-          builder.write(')');
-        });
-      });
-      _addAssistFromBuilder(changeBuilder, kind);
-    }
-    await addAssist(
-        kind: DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGETS_COLUMN,
-        parentLibraryUri: flutter.WIDGETS_LIBRARY_URI,
-        parentClassName: 'Column');
-    await addAssist(
-        kind: DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGETS_ROW,
-        parentLibraryUri: flutter.WIDGETS_LIBRARY_URI,
-        parentClassName: 'Row');
+    _addAssistFromBuilder(changeBuilder, DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_GENERIC);
   Future<Null> _addProposal_replaceConditionalWithIfElse() async {
@@ -2690,6 +2762,26 @@
+   * Return `true` if all of the parameters in the given list of [parameters]
+   * have an explicit type annotation.
+   */
+  bool _allParametersHaveTypes(FormalParameterList parameters) {
+    for (FormalParameter parameter in parameters.parameters) {
+      if (parameter is DefaultFormalParameter) {
+        parameter = (parameter as DefaultFormalParameter).parameter;
+      }
+      if (parameter is SimpleFormalParameter) {
+        if (parameter.type == null) {
+          return false;
+        }
+      } else if (parameter is! FunctionTypedFormalParameter) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  /**
    * Configures [utils] using given [target].
   void _configureTargetLocation(Object target) {
@@ -2704,7 +2796,6 @@
   void _convertFlutterChildToChildren(
-      InstanceCreationExpression childArg,
       NamedExpression namedExp,
       String eol,
       Function getNodeText,
@@ -2712,6 +2803,7 @@
       Function getIndent,
       Function getText,
       DartFileEditBuilder builder) {
+    Expression childArg = namedExp.expression;
     int childLoc = namedExp.offset + 'child'.length;
     builder.addSimpleInsertion(childLoc, 'ren');
     int listLoc = childArg.offset;
@@ -2739,13 +2831,69 @@
       } else {
         builder.addSimpleInsertion(listLoc, '<Widget>[');
-      String newChildArgSrc = childArgSrc.replaceAll(
-          new RegExp("^$indentOld", multiLine: true), "$indentNew");
+      String newChildArgSrc =
+          _replaceSourceIndent(childArgSrc, indentOld, indentNew);
       newChildArgSrc = "$prefix$newChildArgSrc,$eol$indentOld]";
       builder.addSimpleReplacement(range.node(childArg), newChildArgSrc);
+  Future<Null> _convertFunctionTypeAliasToGenericTypeAlias(
+      FunctionTypeAlias node) async {
+    if (!_allParametersHaveTypes(node.parameters)) {
+      return;
+    }
+    String returnType;
+    if (node.returnType != null) {
+      returnType = utils.getNodeText(node.returnType);
+    }
+    String functionName = utils.getRangeText(
+        range.startEnd(, node.typeParameters ??;
+    String parameters = utils.getNodeText(node.parameters);
+    String replacement;
+    if (returnType == null) {
+      replacement = '$functionName = Function$parameters';
+    } else {
+      replacement = '$functionName = $returnType Function$parameters';
+    }
+    // add change
+    DartChangeBuilder changeBuilder = new DartChangeBuilder(session);
+    await changeBuilder.addFileEdit(file, (DartFileEditBuilder builder) {
+      builder.addSimpleReplacement(
+          range.startStart(, node.semicolon),
+          replacement);
+    });
+    _addAssistFromBuilder(
+        changeBuilder, DartAssistKind.CONVERT_INTO_GENERIC_FUNCTION_SYNTAX);
+  }
+  Future<Null> _convertFunctionTypedFormalParameterToSimpleFormalParameter(
+      FunctionTypedFormalParameter node) async {
+    if (!_allParametersHaveTypes(node.parameters)) {
+      return;
+    }
+    String returnType;
+    if (node.returnType != null) {
+      returnType = utils.getNodeText(node.returnType);
+    }
+    String functionName = utils.getRangeText(range.startEnd(
+        node.identifier, node.typeParameters ?? node.identifier));
+    String parameters = utils.getNodeText(node.parameters);
+    String replacement;
+    if (returnType == null) {
+      replacement = 'Function$parameters $functionName';
+    } else {
+      replacement = '$returnType Function$parameters $functionName';
+    }
+    // add change
+    DartChangeBuilder changeBuilder = new DartChangeBuilder(session);
+    await changeBuilder.addFileEdit(file, (DartFileEditBuilder builder) {
+      builder.addSimpleReplacement(range.node(node), replacement);
+    });
+    _addAssistFromBuilder(
+        changeBuilder, DartAssistKind.CONVERT_INTO_GENERIC_FUNCTION_SYNTAX);
+  }
   /// Return the [ClassElement] with the given [className] that is exported
   /// from the library with the given [libraryUri], or `null` if the libary
   /// does not export a class with such name.
@@ -2862,7 +3010,7 @@
                 argSrc = utils.getNodeText(stableChild);
-                if (assistKind == DartAssistKind.MOVE_FLUTTER_WIDGET_UP) {
+                if (assistKind == DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_SWAP_WITH_PARENT) {
               } else {
@@ -2871,7 +3019,7 @@
-            if (assistKind == DartAssistKind.MOVE_FLUTTER_WIDGET_DOWN) {
+            if (assistKind == DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_SWAP_WITH_CHILD) {
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix.dart
index ab6d4ac..4bff2be 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix.dart
@@ -102,6 +102,8 @@
   static const ADD_NE_NULL = const FixKind('ADD_NE_NULL', 50, "Add != null");
   static const ADD_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCY = const FixKind(
       'ADD_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCY', 50, "Add dependency on package '{0}'");
+  static const ADD_STATIC =
+      const FixKind('ADD_STATIC', 50, "Add 'static' modifier");
   static const ADD_SUPER_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION = const FixKind(
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix_internal.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix_internal.dart
index b880b53..f62e51a 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix_internal.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix_internal.dart
@@ -402,6 +402,9 @@
       await _addFix_createField_initializingFormal();
+    if (errorCode == CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_INSTANCE_FIELD) {
+      await _addFix_addStatic();
+    }
     // lints
     if (errorCode is LintCode) {
       String name =;
@@ -470,9 +473,6 @@
     return fixes;
-  /**
-   * Returns `true` if the `async` proposal was added.
-   */
   Future<Null> _addFix_addAsync() async {
     FunctionBody body = node.getAncestor((n) => n is FunctionBody);
     if (body != null && body.keyword == null) {
@@ -701,6 +701,16 @@
     _addFixFromBuilder(changeBuilder, DartFixKind.LINT_ADD_REQUIRED);
+  Future<Null> _addFix_addStatic() async {
+    FieldDeclaration declaration =
+        node.getAncestor((n) => n is FieldDeclaration);
+    DartChangeBuilder changeBuilder = new DartChangeBuilder(session);
+    await changeBuilder.addFileEdit(file, (DartFileEditBuilder builder) {
+      builder.addSimpleInsertion(declaration.offset, 'static ');
+    });
+    _addFixFromBuilder(changeBuilder, DartFixKind.ADD_STATIC);
+  }
   Future<Null> _addFix_boolInsteadOfBoolean() async {
     DartChangeBuilder changeBuilder = new DartChangeBuilder(session);
     await changeBuilder.addFileEdit(file, (DartFileEditBuilder builder) {
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/utilities/flutter.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/utilities/flutter.dart
index 2a774f9..e8d9310 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/utilities/flutter.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/utilities/flutter.dart
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
 const WIDGETS_LIBRARY_URI = 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+const _BASIC_URI = "package:flutter/src/widgets/basic.dart";
+const _CENTER_NAME = "Center";
+const _PADDING_NAME = "Padding";
 const _STATELESS_WIDGET_NAME = "StatelessWidget";
 const _WIDGET_NAME = "Widget";
 const _WIDGET_URI = "package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart";
@@ -265,6 +268,22 @@
+ * Return `true` if the given [type] is the Flutter class `Center`.
+ */
+bool isExactWidgetTypeCenter(DartType type) {
+  return type is InterfaceType &&
+      _isExactWidget(type.element, _CENTER_NAME, _BASIC_URI);
+ * Return `true` if the given [type] is the Flutter class `Padding`.
+ */
+bool isExactWidgetTypePadding(DartType type) {
+  return type is InterfaceType &&
+      _isExactWidget(type.element, _PADDING_NAME, _BASIC_URI);
  * Return `true` if the given [type] is the Flutter class `Widget`, or its
  * subtype.
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/test/services/completion/dart/override_contributor_test.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/test/services/completion/dart/override_contributor_test.dart
index 28cdcf6..22fa3d4 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/test/services/completion/dart/override_contributor_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/test/services/completion/dart/override_contributor_test.dart
@@ -30,24 +30,47 @@
 class B extends A {
   B suggested2(String y) => null;
   C suggested3([String z]) => null;
+  void suggested4() { }
+  int get suggested5 => null;
 class C extends B {
     await computeSuggestions();
-    // TODO(pquitslund): test displayText
   A suggested1(int x) {
     // TODO: implement suggested1
     return null;
-  }''');
+  }''',
+        displayText: 'suggested1(int x) { ... }',
+        selectionOffset: 79,
+        selectionLength: 4);
-        '''@override\n  A suggested1(int x) {\n    // TODO: implement suggested1\n    return null;\n  }''');
+        '''@override\n  A suggested1(int x) {\n    // TODO: implement suggested1\n    return null;\n  }''',
+        displayText: 'suggested1(int x) { ... }',
+        selectionOffset: 79,
+        selectionLength: 4);
-        '''@override\n  B suggested2(String y) {\n    // TODO: implement suggested2\n    return null;\n  }''');
+        '''@override\n  B suggested2(String y) {\n    // TODO: implement suggested2\n    return null;\n  }''',
+        displayText: 'suggested2(String y) { ... }',
+        selectionOffset: 82,
+        selectionLength: 4);
-        '''@override\n  C suggested3([String z]) {\n    // TODO: implement suggested3\n    return null;\n  }''');
+        '''@override\n  C suggested3([String z]) {\n    // TODO: implement suggested3\n    return null;\n  }''',
+        displayText: 'suggested3([String z]) { ... }',
+        selectionOffset: 84,
+        selectionLength: 4);
+    _assertOverride(
+        '''@override\n  void suggested4() {\n    // TODO: implement suggested4\n  }''',
+        displayText: 'suggested4() { ... }',
+        selectionOffset: 32,
+        selectionLength: 0);
+    _assertOverride(
+        '''// TODO: implement suggested5\n  @override\n  int get suggested5 => null;''',
+        displayText: 'suggested5 => ...',
+        selectionOffset: 66,
+        selectionLength: 4);
   test_fromPart() async {
@@ -76,22 +99,30 @@
     // assume information for context.getLibrariesContaining has been cached
     await computeLibrariesContaining();
     await computeSuggestions();
-    // TODO(pquitslund): test displayText
   A suggested1(int x) {
     // TODO: implement suggested1
     return null;
-  }''');
+  }''', displayText: 'suggested1(int x) { ... }');
-        '''@override\n  A suggested1(int x) {\n    // TODO: implement suggested1\n    return null;\n  }''');
+        '''@override\n  A suggested1(int x) {\n    // TODO: implement suggested1\n    return null;\n  }''',
+        displayText: 'suggested1(int x) { ... }',
+        selectionOffset: 79,
+        selectionLength: 4);
-        '''@override\n  B suggested2(String y) {\n    // TODO: implement suggested2\n    return null;\n  }''');
+        '''@override\n  B suggested2(String y) {\n    // TODO: implement suggested2\n    return null;\n  }''',
+        displayText: 'suggested2(String y) { ... }',
+        selectionOffset: 82,
+        selectionLength: 4);
-        '''@override\n  C suggested3([String z]) {\n    // TODO: implement suggested3\n    return null;\n  }''');
+        '''@override\n  C suggested3([String z]) {\n    // TODO: implement suggested3\n    return null;\n  }''',
+        displayText: 'suggested3([String z]) { ... }',
+        selectionOffset: 84,
+        selectionLength: 4);
   CompletionSuggestion _assertOverride(String completion,
-      {String displayText}) {
+      {String displayText, int selectionOffset, int selectionLength}) {
     CompletionSuggestion cs = getSuggest(
         completion: completion,
         csKind: CompletionSuggestionKind.OVERRIDE,
@@ -102,8 +133,10 @@
     expect(cs.kind, equals(CompletionSuggestionKind.OVERRIDE));
     expect(cs.relevance, equals(DART_RELEVANCE_HIGH));
     expect(cs.importUri, null);
-//    expect(cs.selectionOffset, equals(completion.length));
-//    expect(cs.selectionLength, equals(0));
+    if (selectionOffset != null && selectionLength != null) {
+      expect(cs.selectionOffset, selectionOffset);
+      expect(cs.selectionLength, selectionLength);
+    }
     expect(cs.isDeprecated, isFalse);
     expect(cs.isPotential, isFalse);
     expect(cs.element, isNotNull);
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/test/services/correction/assist_test.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/test/services/correction/assist_test.dart
index 1961144..a065d89 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/test/services/correction/assist_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/test/services/correction/assist_test.dart
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
   assertHasAssist(AssistKind kind, String expected) async {
     assist = await _assertHasAssist(kind);
     change = assist.change;
+    expect(,;
     // apply to "file"
     List<SourceFileEdit> fileEdits = change.edits;
     expect(fileEdits, hasLength(1));
@@ -913,117 +914,6 @@
-  test_convertFlutterChild_OK_multiLine() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-build() {
-  return new Scaffold(
-// start
-    body: new Center(
-      /*caret*/child: new Container(
-        width: 200.0,
-        height: 300.0,
-      ),
-      key: null,
-    ),
-// end
-  );
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.CONVERT_FLUTTER_CHILD, '''
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-build() {
-  return new Scaffold(
-// start
-    body: new Center(
-      /*caret*/children: <Widget>[
-        new Container(
-          width: 200.0,
-          height: 300.0,
-        ),
-      ],
-      key: null,
-    ),
-// end
-  );
-  }
-  test_convertFlutterChild_OK_newlineChild() async {
-    // This case could occur with deeply nested constructors, common in Flutter.
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-build() {
-  return new Scaffold(
-// start
-    body: new Center(
-      /*caret*/child:
-          new Container(
-        width: 200.0,
-        height: 300.0,
-      ),
-      key: null,
-    ),
-// end
-  );
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.CONVERT_FLUTTER_CHILD, '''
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-build() {
-  return new Scaffold(
-// start
-    body: new Center(
-      /*caret*/children: <Widget>[
-        new Container(
-          width: 200.0,
-          height: 300.0,
-        ),
-      ],
-      key: null,
-    ),
-// end
-  );
-  }
-  test_convertFlutterChild_OK_singleLine() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-build() {
-  return new Scaffold(
-// start
-    body: new Center(
-      /*caret*/child: new GestureDetector(),
-      key: null,
-    ),
-// end
-  );
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.CONVERT_FLUTTER_CHILD, '''
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-build() {
-  return new Scaffold(
-// start
-    body: new Center(
-      /*caret*/children: <Widget>[new GestureDetector()],
-      key: null,
-    ),
-// end
-  );
-  }
   test_convertPartOfToUri_file_nonSibling() async {
     addSource('/pkg/lib/foo.dart', '''
 library foo;
@@ -1896,6 +1786,98 @@
+  test_convertToFunctionSyntax_BAD_functionTypeAlias_insideParameterList() async {
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+typedef String F(int x, int y);
+    await assertNoAssistAt(
+  }
+  test_convertToFunctionSyntax_BAD_functionTypeAlias_noParameterTypes() async {
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+typedef String F(x);
+    await assertNoAssistAt(
+  }
+  test_convertToFunctionSyntax_BAD_functionTypedParameter_insideParameterList() async {
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+g(String f(int x, int y)) {}
+    await assertNoAssistAt(
+  }
+  test_convertToFunctionSyntax_BAD_functionTypedParameter_noParameterTypes() async {
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+g(String f(x)) {}
+    await assertNoAssistAt(
+  }
+  test_convertToFunctionSyntax_OK_functionTypeAlias_noReturnType_noTypeParameters() async {
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+typedef String F(int x);
+    await assertHasAssistAt(
+        'def', DartAssistKind.CONVERT_INTO_GENERIC_FUNCTION_SYNTAX, '''
+typedef F = String Function(int x);
+  }
+  test_convertToFunctionSyntax_OK_functionTypeAlias_noReturnType_typeParameters() async {
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+typedef F<P, R>(P x);
+    await assertHasAssistAt(
+        'def', DartAssistKind.CONVERT_INTO_GENERIC_FUNCTION_SYNTAX, '''
+typedef F<P, R> = Function(P x);
+  }
+  test_convertToFunctionSyntax_OK_functionTypeAlias_returnType_noTypeParameters() async {
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+typedef String F(int x);
+    await assertHasAssistAt(
+        'def', DartAssistKind.CONVERT_INTO_GENERIC_FUNCTION_SYNTAX, '''
+typedef F = String Function(int x);
+  }
+  test_convertToFunctionSyntax_OK_functionTypeAlias_returnType_typeParameters() async {
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+typedef R F<P, R>(P x);
+    await assertHasAssistAt(
+        'def', DartAssistKind.CONVERT_INTO_GENERIC_FUNCTION_SYNTAX, '''
+typedef F<P, R> = R Function(P x);
+  }
+  test_convertToFunctionSyntax_OK_functionTypedParameter_noReturnType_noTypeParameters() async {
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+g(f(int x)) {}
+    await assertHasAssistAt(
+        'f(', DartAssistKind.CONVERT_INTO_GENERIC_FUNCTION_SYNTAX, '''
+g(Function(int x) f) {}
+  }
+  test_convertToFunctionSyntax_OK_functionTypedParameter_returnType() async {
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+g(String f(int x)) {}
+    await assertHasAssistAt(
+        'f(', DartAssistKind.CONVERT_INTO_GENERIC_FUNCTION_SYNTAX, '''
+g(String Function(int x) f) {}
+  }
   test_convertToGetter_BAD_noInitializer() async {
     verifyNoTestUnitErrors = false;
     await resolveTestUnit('''
@@ -2267,95 +2249,6 @@
-  test_convertToStatefulWidget_BAD_notClass() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-/*caret*/main() {}
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_CONVERT_TO_STATEFUL_WIDGET);
-  }
-  test_convertToStatefulWidget_BAD_notStatelessWidget() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-class /*caret*/MyWidget extends Text {
-  MyWidget() : super('');
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_CONVERT_TO_STATEFUL_WIDGET);
-  }
-  test_convertToStatefulWidget_BAD_notWidget() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-class /*caret*/MyWidget {}
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_CONVERT_TO_STATEFUL_WIDGET);
-  }
-  test_convertToStatefulWidget_OK() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit(r'''
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-class /*caret*/MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
-  final String aaa;
-  final String bbb;
-  const MyWidget(, this.bbb);
-  @override
-  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
-    return new Row(
-      children: [
-        new Text(aaa),
-        new Text(bbb),
-        new Text('$aaa'),
-        new Text('${bbb}'),
-      ],
-    );
-  }
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertHasAssist(
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-class /*caret*/MyWidget extends StatefulWidget {
-  final String aaa;
-  final String bbb;
-  const MyWidget(, this.bbb);
-  @override
-  MyWidgetState createState() {
-    return new MyWidgetState();
-  }
-class MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
-  @override
-  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
-    return new Row(
-      children: [
-        new Text(,
-        new Text(widget.bbb),
-        new Text('${}'),
-        new Text('${widget.bbb}'),
-      ],
-    );
-  }
-  }
   test_encapsulateField_BAD_alreadyPrivate() async {
     await resolveTestUnit('''
 class A {
@@ -2628,7 +2521,379 @@
-  test_flutterReplaceWithChild_OK_childIntoChild_multiLine() async {
+  test_flutterConvertToChildren_BAD_childUnresolved() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    verifyNoTestUnitErrors = false;
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+build() {
+  return new Row(
+    /*caret*/child: new Container()
+  );
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_CONVERT_TO_CHILDREN);
+  }
+  test_flutterConvertToChildren_BAD_notOnChild() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+build() {
+  return new Scaffold(
+    body: /*caret*/new Center(
+      child: new Container(),
+    ),
+  );
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_CONVERT_TO_CHILDREN);
+  }
+  test_flutterConvertToChildren_OK_multiLine() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+build() {
+  return new Scaffold(
+// start
+    body: new Center(
+      /*caret*/child: new Container(
+        width: 200.0,
+        height: 300.0,
+      ),
+      key: null,
+    ),
+// end
+  );
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_CONVERT_TO_CHILDREN, '''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+build() {
+  return new Scaffold(
+// start
+    body: new Center(
+      /*caret*/children: <Widget>[
+        new Container(
+          width: 200.0,
+          height: 300.0,
+        ),
+      ],
+      key: null,
+    ),
+// end
+  );
+  }
+  test_flutterConvertToChildren_OK_newlineChild() async {
+    // This case could occur with deeply nested constructors, common in Flutter.
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+build() {
+  return new Scaffold(
+// start
+    body: new Center(
+      /*caret*/child:
+          new Container(
+        width: 200.0,
+        height: 300.0,
+      ),
+      key: null,
+    ),
+// end
+  );
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_CONVERT_TO_CHILDREN, '''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+build() {
+  return new Scaffold(
+// start
+    body: new Center(
+      /*caret*/children: <Widget>[
+        new Container(
+          width: 200.0,
+          height: 300.0,
+        ),
+      ],
+      key: null,
+    ),
+// end
+  );
+  }
+  test_flutterConvertToChildren_OK_singleLine() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+build() {
+  return new Scaffold(
+// start
+    body: new Center(
+      /*caret*/child: new GestureDetector(),
+      key: null,
+    ),
+// end
+  );
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_CONVERT_TO_CHILDREN, '''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+build() {
+  return new Scaffold(
+// start
+    body: new Center(
+      /*caret*/children: <Widget>[new GestureDetector()],
+      key: null,
+    ),
+// end
+  );
+  }
+  test_flutterConvertToStatefulWidget_BAD_notClass() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+/*caret*/main() {}
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_CONVERT_TO_STATEFUL_WIDGET);
+  }
+  test_flutterConvertToStatefulWidget_BAD_notStatelessWidget() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+class /*caret*/MyWidget extends Text {
+  MyWidget() : super('');
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_CONVERT_TO_STATEFUL_WIDGET);
+  }
+  test_flutterConvertToStatefulWidget_BAD_notWidget() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+class /*caret*/MyWidget {}
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_CONVERT_TO_STATEFUL_WIDGET);
+  }
+  test_flutterConvertToStatefulWidget_OK() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit(r'''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+class /*caret*/MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
+  final String aaa;
+  final String bbb;
+  const MyWidget(, this.bbb);
+  @override
+  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+    return new Row(
+      children: [
+        new Text(aaa),
+        new Text(bbb),
+        new Text('$aaa'),
+        new Text('${bbb}'),
+      ],
+    );
+  }
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertHasAssist(
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+class /*caret*/MyWidget extends StatefulWidget {
+  final String aaa;
+  final String bbb;
+  const MyWidget(, this.bbb);
+  @override
+  MyWidgetState createState() {
+    return new MyWidgetState();
+  }
+class MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
+  @override
+  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+    return new Row(
+      children: [
+        new Text(,
+        new Text(widget.bbb),
+        new Text('${}'),
+        new Text('${widget.bbb}'),
+      ],
+    );
+  }
+  }
+  test_flutterMoveWidgetDown_BAD_last() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+main() {
+  new Column(
+    children: <Widget>[
+      new Text('aaa'),
+      new Text('bbb'),
+      /*caret*/new Text('ccc'),
+    ],
+  );
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_MOVE_DOWN);
+  }
+  test_flutterMoveWidgetDown_BAD_notInList() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+main() {
+  new Center(
+    child: /*caret*/new Text('aaa'),
+  );
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_MOVE_DOWN);
+  }
+  test_flutterMoveWidgetDown_OK() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+main() {
+  new Column(
+    children: <Widget>[
+      new Text('aaa'),
+      /*caret*/new Text('bbb'),
+      new Text('ccc'),
+    ],
+  );
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_MOVE_DOWN, '''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+main() {
+  new Column(
+    children: <Widget>[
+      new Text('aaa'),
+      /*caret*/new Text('ccc'),
+      new Text('bbb'),
+    ],
+  );
+  }
+  test_flutterMoveWidgetUp_BAD_first() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+main() {
+  new Column(
+    children: <Widget>[
+      /*caret*/new Text('aaa'),
+      new Text('bbb'),
+      new Text('ccc'),
+    ],
+  );
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_MOVE_UP);
+  }
+  test_flutterMoveWidgetUp_BAD_notInList() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+main() {
+  new Center(
+    child: /*caret*/new Text('aaa'),
+  );
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_MOVE_UP);
+  }
+  test_flutterMoveWidgetUp_OK() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+main() {
+  new Column(
+    children: <Widget>[
+      new Text('aaa'),
+      /*caret*/new Text('bbb'),
+      new Text('ccc'),
+    ],
+  );
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_MOVE_UP, '''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+main() {
+  new Column(
+    children: <Widget>[
+      new Text('bbb'),
+      /*caret*/new Text('aaa'),
+      new Text('ccc'),
+    ],
+  );
+  }
+  test_flutterRemoveWidget_BAD_childrenIntoChild() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+main() {
+  new Center(
+    child: new /*caret*/Row(
+      children: [
+        new Text('aaa'),
+        new Text('bbb'),
+      ],
+    ),
+  );
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_REMOVE_WIDGET);
+  }
+  test_flutterRemoveWidget_OK_childIntoChild_multiLine() async {
     await resolveTestUnit('''
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
@@ -2649,7 +2914,7 @@
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_REPLACE_WITH_CHILDREN, '''
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_REMOVE_WIDGET, '''
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 main() {
   new Column(
@@ -2666,7 +2931,7 @@
-  test_flutterReplaceWithChild_OK_childIntoChild_singleLine() async {
+  test_flutterRemoveWidget_OK_childIntoChild_singleLine() async {
     await resolveTestUnit('''
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
@@ -2681,7 +2946,7 @@
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_REPLACE_WITH_CHILDREN, '''
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_REMOVE_WIDGET, '''
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 main() {
   new Padding(
@@ -2692,7 +2957,7 @@
-  test_flutterReplaceWithChild_OK_childIntoChildren() async {
+  test_flutterRemoveWidget_OK_childIntoChildren() async {
     await resolveTestUnit('''
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
@@ -2713,7 +2978,7 @@
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_REPLACE_WITH_CHILDREN, '''
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_REMOVE_WIDGET, '''
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 main() {
   new Column(
@@ -2730,26 +2995,7 @@
-  test_flutterReplaceWithChildren_BAD_parentChild() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-main() {
-  new Center(
-    child: new /*caret*/Row(
-      children: [
-        new Text('aaa'),
-        new Text('bbb'),
-      ],
-    ),
-  );
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_REPLACE_WITH_CHILDREN);
-  }
-  test_flutterReplaceWithChildren_OK_intoChildren() async {
+  test_flutterRemoveWidget_OK_intoChildren() async {
     await resolveTestUnit('''
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
@@ -2779,7 +3025,7 @@
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_REPLACE_WITH_CHILDREN, '''
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_REMOVE_WIDGET, '''
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 main() {
   new Column(
@@ -2804,6 +3050,580 @@
+  test_flutterSwapWithChild_OK() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+build() {
+  return new Scaffold(
+// start
+    body: new /*caret*/GestureDetector(
+      onTap: () => startResize(),
+      child: new Center(
+        child: new Container(
+          width: 200.0,
+          height: 300.0,
+        ),
+        key: null,
+      ),
+    ),
+// end
+  );
+startResize() {}
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_SWAP_WITH_CHILD, '''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+build() {
+  return new Scaffold(
+// start
+    body: new Center(
+      child: new /*caret*/GestureDetector(
+        onTap: () => startResize(),
+        child: new Container(
+          width: 200.0,
+          height: 300.0,
+        ),
+      ),
+      key: null,
+    ),
+// end
+  );
+startResize() {}
+  }
+  test_flutterSwapWithParent_OK() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+build() {
+  return new Scaffold(
+// start
+    body: new Center(
+      child: new /*caret*/GestureDetector(
+        onTap: () => startResize(),
+        child: new Container(
+          width: 200.0,
+          height: 300.0,
+        ),
+      ),
+      key: null,
+    ),
+// end
+  );
+startResize() {}
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_SWAP_WITH_PARENT, '''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+build() {
+  return new Scaffold(
+// start
+    body: new /*caret*/GestureDetector(
+      onTap: () => startResize(),
+      child: new Center(
+        child: new Container(
+          width: 200.0,
+          height: 300.0,
+        ),
+        key: null,
+      ),
+    ),
+// end
+  );
+startResize() {}
+  }
+  test_flutterSwapWithParent_OK_outerIsInChildren() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+main() {
+  new Column(
+    children: [
+      new Column(
+        children: [
+          new Padding(
+            padding: new EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
+            child: new /*caret*/Center(
+              child: new Column(
+                crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                children: <Widget>[],
+              ),
+            ),
+          ),
+        ],
+      ),
+    ],
+  );
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_SWAP_WITH_PARENT, '''
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+main() {
+  new Column(
+    children: [
+      new Column(
+        children: [
+          new /*caret*/Center(
+            child: new Padding(
+              padding: new EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
+              child: new Column(
+                crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                children: <Widget>[],
+              ),
+            ),
+          ),
+        ],
+      ),
+    ],
+  );
+  }
+  test_flutterWrapCenter_BAD_onCenter() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+    return /*caret*/new Center();
+  }
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_CENTER);
+  }
+  test_flutterWrapCenter_OK() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+    return /*caret*/new Container();
+  }
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_CENTER, '''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+    return /*caret*/new Center(child: new Container());
+  }
+  }
+  test_flutterWrapColumn_OK_coveredByWidget() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+    return new Container(
+      child: new /*caret*/Text('aaa'),
+    );
+  }
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_COLUMN, '''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+    return new Container(
+      child: new Column(
+        children: [
+          new /*caret*/Text('aaa'),
+        ],
+      ),
+    );
+  }
+  }
+  test_flutterWrapColumn_OK_coversWidgets() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+    return new Row(children: [
+      new Text('aaa'),
+// start
+      new Text('bbb'),
+      new Text('ccc'),
+// end
+      new Text('ddd'),
+    ]);
+  }
+    _setStartEndSelection();
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_COLUMN, '''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+    return new Row(children: [
+      new Text('aaa'),
+// start
+      new Column(
+        children: [
+          new Text('bbb'),
+          new Text('ccc'),
+        ],
+      ),
+// end
+      new Text('ddd'),
+    ]);
+  }
+  }
+  test_flutterWrapPadding_BAD_onPadding() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+    return /*caret*/new Padding();
+  }
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_PADDING);
+  }
+  test_flutterWrapPadding_OK() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+    return /*caret*/new Container();
+  }
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_PADDING, '''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+    return /*caret*/new Padding(
+      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
+      child: new Container(),
+    );
+  }
+  }
+  test_flutterWrapRow_OK() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+    return new Column(children: [
+      new Text('aaa'),
+// start
+      new Text('bbb'),
+      new Text('ccc'),
+// end
+      new Text('ddd'),
+    ]);
+  }
+    _setStartEndSelection();
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_ROW, '''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+    return new Column(children: [
+      new Text('aaa'),
+// start
+      new Row(
+        children: [
+          new Text('bbb'),
+          new Text('ccc'),
+        ],
+      ),
+// end
+      new Text('ddd'),
+    ]);
+  }
+  }
+  test_flutterWrapWidget_BAD_minimal() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_GENERIC);
+  }
+  test_flutterWrapWidget_BAD_multiLine() async {
+    verifyNoTestUnitErrors = false;
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+build() {
+  return new Container(
+    child: new Row(
+      children: [/*caret*/
+// start
+        new Transform(),
+        new Object(),
+        new AspectRatio(),
+// end
+      ],
+    ),
+  );
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_GENERIC);
+  }
+  test_flutterWrapWidget_BAD_singleLine() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+  var obj;
+// start
+    return new Row(children: [/*caret*/ new Transform()]);
+// end
+  }
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_GENERIC);
+  }
+  test_flutterWrapWidget_OK_multiLine() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+build() {
+  return new Container(
+    child: new Row(
+// start
+      children: [/*caret*/
+        new Transform(),
+        new Transform(),
+        new AspectRatio(),
+      ],
+// end
+    ),
+  );
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_GENERIC, '''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+build() {
+  return new Container(
+    child: new Row(
+// start
+      children: [
+        new widget(
+          children: [/*caret*/
+            new Transform(),
+            new Transform(),
+            new AspectRatio(),
+          ],
+        ),
+      ],
+// end
+    ),
+  );
+  }
+  test_flutterWrapWidget_OK_multiLines() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+    return new Container(
+// start
+      child: new /*caret*/DefaultTextStyle(
+        child: new Row(
+          children: <Widget>[
+            new Container(
+            ),
+          ],
+        ),
+      ),
+// end
+    );
+  }
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_GENERIC, '''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+    return new Container(
+// start
+      child: new widget(
+        child: new /*caret*/DefaultTextStyle(
+          child: new Row(
+            children: <Widget>[
+              new Container(
+              ),
+            ],
+          ),
+        ),
+      ),
+// end
+    );
+  }
+  }
+  test_flutterWrapWidget_OK_multiLines_eol2() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {\r
+  main() {\r
+    return new Container(\r
+// start\r
+      child: new /*caret*/DefaultTextStyle(\r
+        child: new Row(\r
+          children: <Widget>[\r
+            new Container(\r
+            ),\r
+          ],\r
+        ),\r
+      ),\r
+// end\r
+    );\r
+  }\r
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_GENERIC, '''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {\r
+  main() {\r
+    return new Container(\r
+// start\r
+      child: new widget(\r
+        child: new /*caret*/DefaultTextStyle(\r
+          child: new Row(\r
+            children: <Widget>[\r
+              new Container(\r
+              ),\r
+            ],\r
+          ),\r
+        ),\r
+      ),\r
+// end\r
+    );\r
+  }\r
+  }
+  test_flutterWrapWidget_OK_singleLine1() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+// start
+    return /*caret*/new Container();
+// end
+  }
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_GENERIC, '''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+// start
+    return /*caret*/new widget(child: new Container());
+// end
+  }
+  }
+  test_flutterWrapWidget_OK_singleLine2() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+    return new ClipRect./*caret*/rect();
+  }
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_GENERIC, '''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+    return new widget(child: new ClipRect./*caret*/rect());
+  }
+  }
+  test_flutterWrapWidget_OK_variable() async {
+    addFlutterPackage();
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+    var container = new Container();
+    return /*caret*/container;
+  }
+    _setCaretLocation();
+    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.FLUTTER_WRAP_GENERIC, '''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+class FakeFlutter {
+  main() {
+    var container = new Container();
+    return /*caret*/new widget(child: container);
+  }
+  }
   test_importAddShow_BAD_hasShow() async {
     await resolveTestUnit('''
 import 'dart:math' show PI;
@@ -3715,145 +4535,6 @@
-  test_moveFlutterWidgetDown_OK() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-build() {
-  return new Scaffold(
-// start
-    body: new /*caret*/GestureDetector(
-      onTap: () => startResize(),
-      child: new Center(
-        child: new Container(
-          width: 200.0,
-          height: 300.0,
-        ),
-        key: null,
-      ),
-    ),
-// end
-  );
-startResize() {}
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.MOVE_FLUTTER_WIDGET_DOWN, '''
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-build() {
-  return new Scaffold(
-// start
-    body: new Center(
-      child: new /*caret*/GestureDetector(
-        onTap: () => startResize(),
-        child: new Container(
-          width: 200.0,
-          height: 300.0,
-        ),
-      ),
-      key: null,
-    ),
-// end
-  );
-startResize() {}
-  }
-  test_moveFlutterWidgetUp_OK() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-build() {
-  return new Scaffold(
-// start
-    body: new Center(
-      child: new /*caret*/GestureDetector(
-        onTap: () => startResize(),
-        child: new Container(
-          width: 200.0,
-          height: 300.0,
-        ),
-      ),
-      key: null,
-    ),
-// end
-  );
-startResize() {}
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.MOVE_FLUTTER_WIDGET_UP, '''
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-build() {
-  return new Scaffold(
-// start
-    body: new /*caret*/GestureDetector(
-      onTap: () => startResize(),
-      child: new Center(
-        child: new Container(
-          width: 200.0,
-          height: 300.0,
-        ),
-        key: null,
-      ),
-    ),
-// end
-  );
-startResize() {}
-  }
-  test_moveFlutterWidgetUp_OK_outerIsInChildren() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-main() {
-  new Column(
-    children: [
-      new Column(
-        children: [
-          new Padding(
-            padding: new EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
-            child: new /*caret*/Center(
-              child: new Column(
-                crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
-                children: <Widget>[],
-              ),
-            ),
-          ),
-        ],
-      ),
-    ],
-  );
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.MOVE_FLUTTER_WIDGET_UP, '''
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-main() {
-  new Column(
-    children: [
-      new Column(
-        children: [
-          new /*caret*/Center(
-            child: new Padding(
-              padding: new EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
-              child: new Column(
-                crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
-                children: <Widget>[],
-              ),
-            ),
-          ),
-        ],
-      ),
-    ],
-  );
-  }
   test_removeTypeAnnotation_classField_OK() async {
     await resolveTestUnit('''
 class A {
@@ -3980,430 +4661,6 @@
-  test_reparentFlutterList_BAD_multiLine() async {
-    verifyNoTestUnitErrors = false;
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-build() {
-  return new Container(
-    child: new Row(
-      children: [/*caret*/
-// start
-        new Transform(),
-        new Object(),
-        new AspectRatio(),
-// end
-      ],
-    ),
-  );
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_LIST);
-  }
-  test_reparentFlutterList_BAD_singleLine() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-  var obj;
-// start
-    return new Row(children: [/*caret*/ new Transform()]);
-// end
-  }
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_LIST);
-  }
-  test_reparentFlutterList_OK_multiLine() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-build() {
-  return new Container(
-    child: new Row(
-// start
-      children: [/*caret*/
-        new Transform(),
-        new Transform(),
-        new AspectRatio(),
-      ],
-// end
-    ),
-  );
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_LIST, '''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-build() {
-  return new Container(
-    child: new Row(
-// start
-      children: [
-        new widget(
-          children: [/*caret*/
-            new Transform(),
-            new Transform(),
-            new AspectRatio(),
-          ],
-        ),
-      ],
-// end
-    ),
-  );
-  }
-  test_reparentFlutterWidget_BAD_minimal() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGET);
-  }
-  test_reparentFlutterWidget_BAD_singleLine() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-  var obj;
-// start
-    return new Container(child:*caret*/abc);
-// end
-  }
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertNoAssist(DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGET);
-  }
-  test_reparentFlutterWidget_OK_multiLines() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-    return new Container(
-// start
-      child: new /*caret*/DefaultTextStyle(
-        child: new Row(
-          children: <Widget>[
-            new Container(
-            ),
-          ],
-        ),
-      ),
-// end
-    );
-  }
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGET, '''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-    return new Container(
-// start
-      child: new widget(
-        child: new /*caret*/DefaultTextStyle(
-          child: new Row(
-            children: <Widget>[
-              new Container(
-              ),
-            ],
-          ),
-        ),
-      ),
-// end
-    );
-  }
-  }
-  test_reparentFlutterWidget_OK_multiLines_eol2() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {\r
-  main() {\r
-    return new Container(\r
-// start\r
-      child: new /*caret*/DefaultTextStyle(\r
-        child: new Row(\r
-          children: <Widget>[\r
-            new Container(\r
-            ),\r
-          ],\r
-        ),\r
-      ),\r
-// end\r
-    );\r
-  }\r
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGET, '''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {\r
-  main() {\r
-    return new Container(\r
-// start\r
-      child: new widget(\r
-        child: new /*caret*/DefaultTextStyle(\r
-          child: new Row(\r
-            children: <Widget>[\r
-              new Container(\r
-              ),\r
-            ],\r
-          ),\r
-        ),\r
-      ),\r
-// end\r
-    );\r
-  }\r
-  }
-  test_reparentFlutterWidget_OK_singleLine1() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-// start
-    return /*caret*/new Container();
-// end
-  }
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGET, '''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-// start
-    return /*caret*/new widget(child: new Container());
-// end
-  }
-  }
-  test_reparentFlutterWidget_OK_singleLine2() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-    return new ClipRect./*caret*/rect();
-  }
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGET, '''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-    return new widget(child: new ClipRect./*caret*/rect());
-  }
-  }
-  test_reparentFlutterWidget_OK_variable() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-    var container = new Container();
-    return /*caret*/container;
-  }
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGET, '''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-    var container = new Container();
-    return /*caret*/new widget(child: container);
-  }
-  }
-  test_reparentFlutterWidgetCenter_OK() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-    return /*caret*/new Container();
-  }
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGET_CENTER, '''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-    return /*caret*/new Center(child: new Container());
-  }
-  }
-  test_reparentFlutterWidgetPadding_OK() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-    return /*caret*/new Container();
-  }
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGET_PADDING, '''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-    return /*caret*/new Padding(
-      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
-      child: new Container(),
-    );
-  }
-  }
-  test_reparentFlutterWidgets_OK_column_coveredByWidget() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-    return new Container(
-      child: new /*caret*/Text('aaa'),
-    );
-  }
-    _setCaretLocation();
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGETS_COLUMN, '''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-    return new Container(
-      child: new Column(
-        children: [
-          new /*caret*/Text('aaa'),
-        ],
-      ),
-    );
-  }
-  }
-  test_reparentFlutterWidgets_OK_column_coversWidgets() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-    return new Row(children: [
-      new Text('aaa'),
-// start
-      new Text('bbb'),
-      new Text('ccc'),
-// end
-      new Text('ddd'),
-    ]);
-  }
-    _setStartEndSelection();
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGETS_COLUMN, '''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-    return new Row(children: [
-      new Text('aaa'),
-// start
-      new Column(
-        children: [
-          new Text('bbb'),
-          new Text('ccc'),
-        ],
-      ),
-// end
-      new Text('ddd'),
-    ]);
-  }
-  }
-  test_reparentFlutterWidgets_OK_row() async {
-    addFlutterPackage();
-    await resolveTestUnit('''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-    return new Column(children: [
-      new Text('aaa'),
-// start
-      new Text('bbb'),
-      new Text('ccc'),
-// end
-      new Text('ddd'),
-    ]);
-  }
-    _setStartEndSelection();
-    await assertHasAssist(DartAssistKind.REPARENT_FLUTTER_WIDGETS_ROW, '''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class FakeFlutter {
-  main() {
-    return new Column(children: [
-      new Text('aaa'),
-// start
-      new Row(
-        children: [
-          new Text('bbb'),
-          new Text('ccc'),
-        ],
-      ),
-// end
-      new Text('ddd'),
-    ]);
-  }
-  }
   test_replaceConditionalWithIfElse_BAD_noEnclosingStatement() async {
     await resolveTestUnit('''
 var v = true ? 111 : 222;
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/test/services/correction/fix_test.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/test/services/correction/fix_test.dart
index fd1701b..2d378b8 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/test/services/correction/fix_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/test/services/correction/fix_test.dart
@@ -958,6 +958,32 @@
+  test_addStatic_multipleFields() async {
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+class C {
+  const int x = 0, y = 0;
+    await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_STATIC, '''
+class C {
+  static const int x = 0, y = 0;
+  }
+  test_addStatic_oneField() async {
+    await resolveTestUnit('''
+class C {
+  const int x = 0;
+    await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_STATIC, '''
+class C {
+  static const int x = 0;
+  }
   test_boolean() async {
     await resolveTestUnit('''
 main() {
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/flutter/flutter_outline_computer_test.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/flutter/flutter_outline_computer_test.dart
index 6ecf220..6850ece 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/flutter/flutter_outline_computer_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/flutter/flutter_outline_computer_test.dart
@@ -35,83 +35,75 @@
   test_attribute_namedExpression() async {
-    newFile('/a.dart', content: r'''
+    FlutterOutline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
 import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+main() {
+  return new WidgetA(
+    value: 42,
+  ); // WidgetA
 class WidgetA extends StatelessWidget {
   WidgetA({int value});
-    FlutterOutline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-import 'a.dart';
+    var main = unitOutline.children[0];
+    var widget = main.children[0];
+    expect(widget.attributes, hasLength(1));
-class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
-  @override
-  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
-    return new WidgetA(
-      value: 42,
-    ); // WidgetA
-  }
-    var myWidget = unitOutline.children[0];
-    var build = myWidget.children[0];
-    var a = build.children[0];
-    expect(a.attributes, hasLength(1));
-    var attribute = a.attributes[0];
+    var attribute = widget.attributes[0];
     expect(, 'value');
     expect(attribute.label, '42');
   test_attributes_bool() async {
-    FlutterOutline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
-  @override
-  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
-    return const Text(true)
-  }
-    var myWidget = unitOutline.children[0];
-    var build = myWidget.children[0];
-    var textOutline = build.children[0];
-    expect(textOutline.attributes, hasLength(1));
-    FlutterOutlineAttribute attribute = textOutline.attributes[0];
-    expect(, 'data');
+    var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', 'true');
     expect(attribute.label, 'true');
     expect(attribute.literalValueBoolean, true);
-  test_attributes_int() async {
-    FlutterOutline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
-  @override
-  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
-    return const Text(42)
+  test_attributes_functionExpression_hasParameters_blockExpression() async {
+    var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', '(a) {}');
+    expect(attribute.label, '(…) { … }');
-    var myWidget = unitOutline.children[0];
-    var build = myWidget.children[0];
-    var textOutline = build.children[0];
-    expect(textOutline.attributes, hasLength(1));
+  test_attributes_functionExpression_hasParameters_bodyExpression() async {
+    var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', '(a) => 1');
+    expect(attribute.label, '(…) => …');
+  }
-    FlutterOutlineAttribute attribute = textOutline.attributes[0];
-    expect(, 'data');
+  test_attributes_functionExpression_noParameters_blockExpression() async {
+    var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', '() {}');
+    expect(attribute.label, '() { … }');
+  }
+  test_attributes_functionExpression_noParameters_bodyExpression() async {
+    var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', '() => 1');
+    expect(attribute.label, '() => …');
+  }
+  test_attributes_int() async {
+    var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', '42');
     expect(attribute.label, '42');
     expect(attribute.literalValueInteger, 42);
+  test_attributes_listLiteral() async {
+    var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', '[1, 2, 3]');
+    expect(attribute.label, '[…]');
+  }
+  test_attributes_mapLiteral() async {
+    var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', '{1: 10, 2: 20}');
+    expect(attribute.label, '{…}');
+  }
+  test_attributes_multiLine() async {
+    var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', '1 +\n 2');
+    expect(attribute.label, '…');
+  }
   test_attributes_string_interpolation() async {
     FlutterOutline unitOutline = await _computeOutline(r'''
 import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
@@ -137,24 +129,7 @@
   test_attributes_string_literal() async {
-    FlutterOutline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
-import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
-class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
-  @override
-  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
-    return const Text('my text')
-  }
-    var myWidget = unitOutline.children[0];
-    var build = myWidget.children[0];
-    var textOutline = build.children[0];
-    expect(textOutline.attributes, hasLength(1));
-    FlutterOutlineAttribute attribute = textOutline.attributes[0];
-    expect(, 'data');
+    var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', "'my text'");
     expect(attribute.label, "'my text'");
     expect(attribute.literalValueString, 'my text');
@@ -350,7 +325,7 @@
     newFile(testPath, content: code);
     AnalysisResult analysisResult = await driver.getResult(testPath);
     return new FlutterOutlineComputer(
-            testPath, analysisResult.lineInfo, analysisResult.unit)
+            testPath, testCode, analysisResult.lineInfo, analysisResult.unit)
@@ -360,6 +335,34 @@
     expect(outline.length, length);
+  Future<FlutterOutlineAttribute> _getAttribute(
+      String name, String value) async {
+    FlutterOutline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+main() {
+  new MyWidget($value);
+class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
+  MyWidget($name);
+  @override
+  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+    return const Text('')
+  }
+    var main = unitOutline.children[0];
+    var newMyWidget = main.children[0];
+    expect(newMyWidget.attributes, hasLength(1));
+    var attribute = newMyWidget.attributes[0];
+    expect(, name);
+    return attribute;
+  }
   static String _toText(FlutterOutline outline) {
     var buffer = new StringBuffer();
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/lib/file_system/physical_file_system.dart b/pkg/analyzer/lib/file_system/physical_file_system.dart
index 1812123..2314617 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/lib/file_system/physical_file_system.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/lib/file_system/physical_file_system.dart
@@ -40,6 +40,27 @@
+ * Return a (semi-)canonicalized version of [path] for the purpose of analysis.
+ *
+ * Using the built-in path's [canonicalize] results in fully lowercase paths on
+ * Windows displayed to the user so this method uses [normalize] and then just
+ * uppercases the drive letter on Windows to resolve the most common issues.
+ */
+String _canonicalize(String path) {
+  path = normalize(path);
+  // Ideally we'd call path's [canonicalize] here to ensure that on
+  // case-insensitive file systems that different casing paths resolved to the
+  // same thing; however these paths are used both as both as part of the
+  // identity and also to display to users in error messages so for now we only
+  // canonicalize the drive letter to resolve the most common issues.
+  //
+  if (io.Platform.isWindows && isAbsolute(path)) {
+    path = path.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + path.substring(1);
+  }
+  return path;
 * The name of the directory containing plugin specific subfolders used to
 * store data across sessions.
@@ -90,13 +111,13 @@
   File getFile(String path) {
-    path = normalize(path);
+    path = _canonicalize(path);
     return new _PhysicalFile(new io.File(path));
   Folder getFolder(String path) {
-    path = normalize(path);
+    path = _canonicalize(path);
     return new _PhysicalFolder(new io.Directory(path));
@@ -255,7 +276,7 @@
   String canonicalizePath(String relPath) {
-    return normalize(join(path, relPath));
+    return _canonicalize(join(path, relPath));
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/element/builder.dart b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/element/builder.dart
index 8102be1..d4475b7 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/element/builder.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/element/builder.dart
@@ -906,35 +906,29 @@
     // The exported source will be null if the URI in the export
     // directive was invalid.
     LibraryElement exportedLibrary = exportLibraryMap[exportedSource];
-    if (exportedLibrary != null) {
-      ExportElementImpl exportElement = new ExportElementImpl(node.offset);
-      exportElement.metadata = _getElementAnnotations(node.metadata);
-      StringLiteral uriLiteral = node.uri;
+    ExportElementImpl exportElement = new ExportElementImpl(node.offset);
+    exportElement.metadata = _getElementAnnotations(node.metadata);
+    StringLiteral uriLiteral = node.uri;
+    if (uriLiteral != null) {
+      exportElement.uriOffset = uriLiteral.offset;
+      exportElement.uriEnd = uriLiteral.end;
+    }
+    exportElement.uri = node.selectedUriContent;
+    exportElement.combinators = _buildCombinators(node);
+    exportElement.exportedLibrary = exportedLibrary;
+    setElementDocumentationComment(exportElement, node);
+    node.element = exportElement;
+    exports.add(exportElement);
+    if (exportedTime >= 0 &&
+        exportSourceKindMap[exportedSource] != SourceKind.LIBRARY) {
+      int offset = node.offset;
+      int length = node.length;
       if (uriLiteral != null) {
-        exportElement.uriOffset = uriLiteral.offset;
-        exportElement.uriEnd = uriLiteral.end;
+        offset = uriLiteral.offset;
+        length = uriLiteral.length;
-      exportElement.uri = node.selectedUriContent;
-      exportElement.combinators = _buildCombinators(node);
-      exportElement.exportedLibrary = exportedLibrary;
-      setElementDocumentationComment(exportElement, node);
-      node.element = exportElement;
-      exports.add(exportElement);
-      if (exportedTime >= 0 &&
-          exportSourceKindMap[exportedSource] != SourceKind.LIBRARY) {
-        int offset = node.offset;
-        int length = node.length;
-        if (uriLiteral != null) {
-          offset = uriLiteral.offset;
-          length = uriLiteral.length;
-        }
-        errors.add(new AnalysisError(
-            libraryElement.source,
-            offset,
-            length,
-            CompileTimeErrorCode.EXPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY,
-            [uriLiteral.toSource()]));
-      }
+      errors.add(new AnalysisError(libraryElement.source, offset, length,
+          CompileTimeErrorCode.EXPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY, [uriLiteral.toSource()]));
     return null;
@@ -948,50 +942,48 @@
     // The imported source will be null if the URI in the import
     // directive was invalid.
     LibraryElement importedLibrary = importLibraryMap[importedSource];
-    if (importedLibrary != null) {
-      if (importedLibrary.isDartCore) {
-        explicitlyImportsCore = true;
+    if (importedLibrary != null && importedLibrary.isDartCore) {
+      explicitlyImportsCore = true;
+    }
+    ImportElementImpl importElement = new ImportElementImpl(node.offset);
+    importElement.metadata = _getElementAnnotations(node.metadata);
+    StringLiteral uriLiteral = node.uri;
+    if (uriLiteral != null) {
+      importElement.uriOffset = uriLiteral.offset;
+      importElement.uriEnd = uriLiteral.end;
+    }
+    importElement.uri = node.selectedUriContent;
+    importElement.deferred = node.deferredKeyword != null;
+    importElement.combinators = _buildCombinators(node);
+    importElement.importedLibrary = importedLibrary;
+    setElementDocumentationComment(importElement, node);
+    SimpleIdentifier prefixNode = node.prefix;
+    if (prefixNode != null) {
+      importElement.prefixOffset = prefixNode.offset;
+      String prefixName =;
+      PrefixElementImpl prefix = nameToPrefixMap[prefixName];
+      if (prefix == null) {
+        prefix = new PrefixElementImpl.forNode(prefixNode);
+        nameToPrefixMap[prefixName] = prefix;
-      ImportElementImpl importElement = new ImportElementImpl(node.offset);
-      importElement.metadata = _getElementAnnotations(node.metadata);
-      StringLiteral uriLiteral = node.uri;
+      importElement.prefix = prefix;
+      prefixNode.staticElement = prefix;
+    }
+    node.element = importElement;
+    imports.add(importElement);
+    if (importedTime >= 0 &&
+        importSourceKindMap[importedSource] != SourceKind.LIBRARY) {
+      int offset = node.offset;
+      int length = node.length;
       if (uriLiteral != null) {
-        importElement.uriOffset = uriLiteral.offset;
-        importElement.uriEnd = uriLiteral.end;
+        offset = uriLiteral.offset;
+        length = uriLiteral.length;
-      importElement.uri = node.selectedUriContent;
-      importElement.deferred = node.deferredKeyword != null;
-      importElement.combinators = _buildCombinators(node);
-      importElement.importedLibrary = importedLibrary;
-      setElementDocumentationComment(importElement, node);
-      SimpleIdentifier prefixNode = node.prefix;
-      if (prefixNode != null) {
-        importElement.prefixOffset = prefixNode.offset;
-        String prefixName =;
-        PrefixElementImpl prefix = nameToPrefixMap[prefixName];
-        if (prefix == null) {
-          prefix = new PrefixElementImpl.forNode(prefixNode);
-          nameToPrefixMap[prefixName] = prefix;
-        }
-        importElement.prefix = prefix;
-        prefixNode.staticElement = prefix;
-      }
-      node.element = importElement;
-      imports.add(importElement);
-      if (importedTime >= 0 &&
-          importSourceKindMap[importedSource] != SourceKind.LIBRARY) {
-        int offset = node.offset;
-        int length = node.length;
-        if (uriLiteral != null) {
-          offset = uriLiteral.offset;
-          length = uriLiteral.length;
-        }
-        ErrorCode errorCode = importElement.isDeferred
-            ? StaticWarningCode.IMPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY
-            : CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY;
-        errors.add(new AnalysisError(libraryElement.source, offset, length,
-            errorCode, [uriLiteral.toSource()]));
-      }
+      ErrorCode errorCode = importElement.isDeferred
+          ? StaticWarningCode.IMPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY
+          : CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY;
+      errors.add(new AnalysisError(libraryElement.source, offset, length,
+          errorCode, [uriLiteral.toSource()]));
     return null;
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/generated/error_verifier.dart b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/generated/error_verifier.dart
index 2fc90b7..16db292 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/generated/error_verifier.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/generated/error_verifier.dart
@@ -4414,7 +4414,7 @@
         ? getStaticType(lhs)
         : leftVariableElement.type;
-    if (_checkForUseOfVoidResult(rhs)) {
+    if (!leftType.isVoid && _checkForUseOfVoidResult(rhs)) {
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/generated/resolver.dart b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/generated/resolver.dart
index 08c35e1..b23b0c1 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/generated/resolver.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/generated/resolver.dart
@@ -2534,17 +2534,20 @@
       if (element.nameOffset == nodeOffset) {
         node.element = element;
         // Verify the exported source kind.
-        Source exportedSource = element.exportedLibrary.source;
-        int exportedTime = sourceModificationTimeMap[exportedSource] ?? -1;
-        if (exportedTime >= 0 &&
-            exportSourceKindMap[exportedSource] != SourceKind.LIBRARY) {
-          StringLiteral uriLiteral = node.uri;
-          errors.add(new AnalysisError(
-              _enclosingLibrary.source,
-              uriLiteral.offset,
-              uriLiteral.length,
-              CompileTimeErrorCode.EXPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY,
-              [uriLiteral.toSource()]));
+        LibraryElement exportedLibrary = element.exportedLibrary;
+        if (exportedLibrary != null) {
+          Source exportedSource = exportedLibrary.source;
+          int exportedTime = sourceModificationTimeMap[exportedSource] ?? -1;
+          if (exportedTime >= 0 &&
+              exportSourceKindMap[exportedSource] != SourceKind.LIBRARY) {
+            StringLiteral uriLiteral = node.uri;
+            errors.add(new AnalysisError(
+                _enclosingLibrary.source,
+                uriLiteral.offset,
+                uriLiteral.length,
+                CompileTimeErrorCode.EXPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY,
+                [uriLiteral.toSource()]));
+          }
@@ -2559,20 +2562,23 @@
       if (element.nameOffset == nodeOffset) {
         node.element = element;
         // Verify the imported source kind.
-        Source importedSource = element.importedLibrary.source;
-        int importedTime = sourceModificationTimeMap[importedSource] ?? -1;
-        if (importedTime >= 0 &&
-            importSourceKindMap[importedSource] != SourceKind.LIBRARY) {
-          StringLiteral uriLiteral = node.uri;
-          ErrorCode errorCode = element.isDeferred
-              ? StaticWarningCode.IMPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY
-              : CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY;
-          errors.add(new AnalysisError(
-              _enclosingLibrary.source,
-              uriLiteral.offset,
-              uriLiteral.length,
-              errorCode,
-              [uriLiteral.toSource()]));
+        LibraryElement importedLibrary = element.importedLibrary;
+        if (importedLibrary != null) {
+          Source importedSource = importedLibrary.source;
+          int importedTime = sourceModificationTimeMap[importedSource] ?? -1;
+          if (importedTime >= 0 &&
+              importSourceKindMap[importedSource] != SourceKind.LIBRARY) {
+            StringLiteral uriLiteral = node.uri;
+            ErrorCode errorCode = element.isDeferred
+                ? StaticWarningCode.IMPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY
+                : CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY;
+            errors.add(new AnalysisError(
+                _enclosingLibrary.source,
+                uriLiteral.offset,
+                uriLiteral.length,
+                errorCode,
+                [uriLiteral.toSource()]));
+          }
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/compile_time_error_code_test.dart b/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/compile_time_error_code_test.dart
index e5a4f44..706e1c6 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/compile_time_error_code_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/compile_time_error_code_test.dart
@@ -1653,14 +1653,7 @@
     await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    if (enableNewAnalysisDriver) {
-      assertErrors(source, [CompileTimeErrorCode.URI_DOES_NOT_EXIST]);
-    } else {
-      assertErrors(source, [
-        CompileTimeErrorCode.URI_DOES_NOT_EXIST,
-        StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER
-      ]);
-    }
+    assertErrors(source, [CompileTimeErrorCode.URI_DOES_NOT_EXIST]);
   test_duplicateConstructorName_named() async {
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/non_error_resolver_test.dart b/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/non_error_resolver_test.dart
index 63c7ba1..d24b269 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/non_error_resolver_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/non_error_resolver_test.dart
@@ -27,311 +27,6 @@
-class NonErrorResolverSpecTest extends ResolverTestCase {
-  test_inconsistentMethodInheritance_overrideTrumpsInherits_getter() async {
-    // 16134
-    Source source = addSource(r'''
-class B<S> {
-  S get g => null;
-abstract class I<U> {
-  U get g => null;
-class C extends B<double> implements I<int> {
-  num get g => null;
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-    verify([source]);
-  }
-  test_inconsistentMethodInheritance_overrideTrumpsInherits_method() async {
-    // 16134
-    Source source = addSource(r'''
-class B<S> {
-  m(S s) => null;
-abstract class I<U> {
-  m(U u) => null;
-class C extends B<double> implements I<int> {
-  m(num n) => null;
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-    verify([source]);
-  }
-  test_inconsistentMethodInheritance_overrideTrumpsInherits_setter() async {
-    // 16134
-    Source source = addSource(r'''
-class B<S> {
-  set t(S s) {}
-abstract class I<U> {
-  set t(U u) {}
-class C extends B<double> implements I<int> {
-  set t(num n) {}
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-    verify([source]);
-  }
-  test_invocationOfNonFunction_localVariable_dynamic2() async {
-    Source source = addSource(r'''
-f() {}
-main() {
-  var v = f;
-  v = 1;
-  v();
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-    verify([source]);
-  }
-  test_invocationOfNonFunction_proxyOnFunctionClass() async {
-    // 16078
-    Source source = addSource(r'''
-class Functor implements Function {
-  noSuchMethod(inv) {
-    return 42;
-  }
-main() {
-  Functor f = new Functor();
-  f();
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-    verify([source]);
-  }
-  test_parameterDefaultDoesNotReferToParameterName() async {
-    // The final "f" should refer to the top-level function "f", not to the
-    // parameter called "f".  See
-    Source source = addSource('void f([void f([x]) = f]) {}');
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-    verify([source]);
-  }
-  test_proxy_annotation_prefixed() async {
-    Source source = addSource(r'''
-library L;
-class A {}
-f(A a) {
-  a.m();
-  var x = a.g;
-  a.s = 1;
-  var y = a + a;
-  a++;
-  ++a;
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-  }
-  test_proxy_annotation_prefixed2() async {
-    Source source = addSource(r'''
-library L;
-class A {}
-class B {
-  f(A a) {
-    a.m();
-    var x = a.g;
-    a.s = 1;
-    var y = a + a;
-    a++;
-    ++a;
-  }
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-  }
-  test_proxy_annotation_prefixed3() async {
-    Source source = addSource(r'''
-library L;
-class B {
-  f(A a) {
-    a.m();
-    var x = a.g;
-    a.s = 1;
-    var y = a + a;
-    a++;
-    ++a;
-  }
-class A {}''');
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-  }
-  test_proxy_annotation_proxyHasPrefixedIdentifier() async {
-    Source source = addSource(r'''
-library L;
-import 'dart:core' as core;
-@core.proxy class PrefixProxy {}
-main() {
-  new PrefixProxy().foo;
-  new PrefixProxy().foo();
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-  }
-  test_proxy_annotation_simple() async {
-    Source source = addSource(r'''
-library L;
-class B {
-  m() {
-    n();
-    var x = g;
-    s = 1;
-    var y = this + this;
-  }
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-  }
-  test_proxy_annotation_superclass() async {
-    Source source = addSource(r'''
-library L;
-class B extends A {
-  m() {
-    n();
-    var x = g;
-    s = 1;
-    var y = this + this;
-  }
-class A {}''');
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-  }
-  test_proxy_annotation_superclass_mixin() async {
-    Source source = addSource(r'''
-library L;
-class B extends Object with A {
-  m() {
-    n();
-    var x = g;
-    s = 1;
-    var y = this + this;
-  }
-class A {}''');
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-  }
-  test_proxy_annotation_superinterface() async {
-    Source source = addSource(r'''
-library L;
-class B implements A {
-  m() {
-    n();
-    var x = g;
-    s = 1;
-    var y = this + this;
-  }
-class A {}''');
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-  }
-  test_proxy_annotation_superinterface_infiniteLoop() async {
-    addSource(r'''
-library L;
-class C implements A {
-  m() {
-    n();
-    var x = g;
-    s = 1;
-    var y = this + this;
-  }
-class B implements A{}
-class A implements B{}''');
-    // Test is that a stack overflow isn't reached in resolution
-    // (previous line), no need to assert error set.
-  }
-  test_redirectToInvalidReturnType() async {
-    Source source = addSource(r'''
-class A {
-  A() {}
-class B extends A {
-  factory B() = A;
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-    verify([source]);
-  }
-  test_returnOfInvalidType_async_future_int_mismatches_future_null() async {
-    Source source = addSource(r'''
-import 'dart:async';
-Future<Null> f() async {
-  return 5;
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-    verify([source]);
-  }
-  test_returnOfInvalidType_dynamicAsTypeArgument() async {
-    Source source = addSource(r'''
-class I<T> {
-  factory I() => new A<T>();
-class A<T> implements I {
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-    verify([source]);
-  }
-  test_typeArgumentNotMatchingBounds_typeArgumentList_0() async {
-    Source source = addSource("abstract class A<T extends A>{}");
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-    verify([source]);
-  }
-  test_typeArgumentNotMatchingBounds_typeArgumentList_1() async {
-    Source source = addSource("abstract class A<T extends A<A>>{}");
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-    verify([source]);
-  }
-  test_typeArgumentNotMatchingBounds_typeArgumentList_20() async {
-    Source source = addSource(
-        "abstract class A<T extends A<A<A<A<A<A<A<A<A<A<A<A<A<A<A<A<A<A<A<A<A>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>{}");
-    await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertNoErrors(source);
-    verify([source]);
-  }
 class NonErrorResolverTest extends ResolverTestCase {
   AnalysisOptions get defaultAnalysisOptions =>
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/static_warning_code_kernel_test.dart b/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/static_warning_code_kernel_test.dart
index 266dedf..4f7c884 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/static_warning_code_kernel_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/static_warning_code_kernel_test.dart
@@ -1856,12 +1856,6 @@
-  test_generalizedVoid_useOfVoidWithInitializerError() async {
-    return super.test_generalizedVoid_useOfVoidWithInitializerError();
-  }
-  @override
-  @failingTest
   test_generalizedVoid_useOfVoidAssignedToDynamicError() async {
     return super.test_generalizedVoid_useOfVoidAssignedToDynamicError();
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/static_warning_code_test.dart b/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/static_warning_code_test.dart
index 81eb7e5..8478566 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/static_warning_code_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/static_warning_code_test.dart
@@ -3702,7 +3702,7 @@
     assertErrors(source, [StaticWarningCode.USE_OF_VOID_RESULT]);
-  test_generalizedVoid_useOfVoidWithInitializerError() async {
+  test_generalizedVoid_useOfVoidWithInitializerOk() async {
     Source source = addSource(r'''
 void main() {
   void x;
@@ -3710,7 +3710,7 @@
     await computeAnalysisResult(source);
-    assertErrors(source, [StaticWarningCode.USE_OF_VOID_RESULT]);
+    assertNoErrors(source);
   test_generalizedVoid_useOfVoidAssignedToDynamicError() async {
@@ -4100,13 +4100,12 @@
-  @failingTest
   test_useOfVoidResult_inForLoop_ok() async {
     Source source = addSource(r'''
 class A {
   void m() {}
   n() {
-    for(var a = m();;) {}
+    for(void a = m();;) {}
     await computeAnalysisResult(source);
@@ -4127,13 +4126,12 @@
-  @failingTest
   test_useOfVoidResult_variableDeclaration_function_ok() async {
     Source source = addSource(r'''
 void f() {}
 class A {
   n() {
-    var a = f();
+    void a = f();
     await computeAnalysisResult(source);
@@ -4167,13 +4165,12 @@
-  @failingTest
   test_useOfVoidResult_variableDeclaration_method_ok() async {
     Source source = addSource(r'''
 class A {
   void m() {}
   n() {
-    var a = m();
+    void a = m();
     await computeAnalysisResult(source);
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/test/src/context/context_test.dart b/pkg/analyzer/test/src/context/context_test.dart
index 8d963c9..484eb63 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/test/src/context/context_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/test/src/context/context_test.dart
@@ -811,6 +811,20 @@
     expect(element, isNotNull);
+  void test_computeLibraryElement_unresolvedUris() {
+    Source source = addSource("/lib.dart", r'''
+import 'package:foo/bar.dart';
+export 'package:foo/baz.dart';
+    var libraryElement = context.computeLibraryElement(source);
+    expect(libraryElement.imports, hasLength(2));
+    expect(libraryElement.exports, hasLength(1));
+    expect(libraryElement.imports[0].uri, 'package:foo/bar.dart');
+    expect(libraryElement.imports[0].importedLibrary, isNull);
+    expect(libraryElement.exports[0].uri, 'package:foo/baz.dart');
+    expect(libraryElement.exports[0].exportedLibrary, isNull);
+  }
   void test_computeLineInfo_dart() {
     Source source = addSource("/test.dart", r'''
 library lib;
@@ -2480,15 +2494,6 @@
     assertNamedElements(importedLibraries, ["dart.core", "libB"]);
-  void test_resolveCompilationUnit_library() {
-    Source source = addSource("/lib.dart", "library lib;");
-    LibraryElement library = context.computeLibraryElement(source);
-    CompilationUnit compilationUnit =
-        context.resolveCompilationUnit(source, library);
-    expect(compilationUnit, isNotNull);
-    expect(compilationUnit.element, isNotNull);
-  }
 //  void test_resolveCompilationUnit_sourceChangeDuringResolution() {
 //    _context = new _AnalysisContext_sourceChangeDuringResolution();
 //    AnalysisContextFactory.initContextWithCore(_context);
@@ -2500,6 +2505,15 @@
 //    expect(_context.getLineInfo(source), isNotNull);
 //  }
+  void test_resolveCompilationUnit_library() {
+    Source source = addSource("/lib.dart", "library lib;");
+    LibraryElement library = context.computeLibraryElement(source);
+    CompilationUnit compilationUnit =
+        context.resolveCompilationUnit(source, library);
+    expect(compilationUnit, isNotNull);
+    expect(compilationUnit.element, isNotNull);
+  }
   void test_resolveCompilationUnit_source() {
     Source source = addSource("/lib.dart", "library lib;");
     CompilationUnit compilationUnit =
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/test/src/task/strong/inferred_type_test.dart b/pkg/analyzer/test/src/task/strong/inferred_type_test.dart
index 18e4279..3ffa729 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/test/src/task/strong/inferred_type_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/test/src/task/strong/inferred_type_test.dart
@@ -3516,7 +3516,7 @@
   test_inferVariableVoid() async {
     var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
 void f() {}
-var x = /*error:USE_OF_VOID_RESULT*/f();
+var x = f();
     var x = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
     expect(, 'x');
@@ -4309,12 +4309,12 @@
 void printRunning() { print("running"); }
 var x = run<dynamic>(printRunning);
-var y = /*error:USE_OF_VOID_RESULT*/run(printRunning);
+var y = run(printRunning);
 main() {
   void printRunning() { print("running"); }
   var x = run<dynamic>(printRunning);
-  var y = /*error:USE_OF_VOID_RESULT*/run(printRunning);
+  var y = run(printRunning);
   x = 123;
   x = 'hi';
   y = 123;
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer_plugin/lib/src/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_core.dart b/pkg/analyzer_plugin/lib/src/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_core.dart
index e996e68..e2ef187 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer_plugin/lib/src/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_core.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer_plugin/lib/src/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_core.dart
@@ -200,8 +200,9 @@
-  void write(String string) {
+  void write(String string, {StringBuffer displayTextBuffer}) {
+    displayTextBuffer?.write(string);
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer_plugin/lib/src/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_dart.dart b/pkg/analyzer_plugin/lib/src/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_dart.dart
index ebbb2f5..e2925d5 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer_plugin/lib/src/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_dart.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer_plugin/lib/src/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_dart.dart
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
   void writeOverrideOfInheritedMember(ExecutableElement member,
-      {StringBuffer, displayTextBuffer, String returnTypeGroupName}) {
+      {StringBuffer displayTextBuffer, String returnTypeGroupName}) {
     // prepare environment
     String prefix = getIndent(1);
     // may be property
@@ -352,15 +352,20 @@
       write(' ');
     // name
-    write(member.displayName);
+    write(member.displayName, displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
     // parameters + body
     if (isGetter) {
       writeln(' => null;');
+      displayTextBuffer?.write(' => ...');
     } else {
-      writeTypeParameters(member.typeParameters, methodBeingCopied: member);
+      writeTypeParameters(member.typeParameters,
+          methodBeingCopied: member, displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
       List<ParameterElement> parameters = member.parameters;
-      writeParameters(parameters, methodBeingCopied: member);
+      writeParameters(parameters,
+          methodBeingCopied: member, displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
       writeln(' {');
+      displayTextBuffer?.write(' {');
       // TO-DO
       writeln('// TODO: implement ${member.displayName}');
@@ -371,6 +376,7 @@
       // close method
+      displayTextBuffer?.write(' ... }');
@@ -400,51 +406,52 @@
   void writeParameters(Iterable<ParameterElement> parameters,
-      {ExecutableElement methodBeingCopied}) {
-    write('(');
+      {StringBuffer displayTextBuffer, ExecutableElement methodBeingCopied}) {
+    write('(', displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
     bool sawNamed = false;
     bool sawPositional = false;
     for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
       ParameterElement parameter = parameters.elementAt(i);
       if (i > 0) {
-        write(', ');
+        write(', ', displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
       // may be optional
       ParameterKind parameterKind = parameter.parameterKind;
       if (parameterKind == ParameterKind.NAMED) {
         if (!sawNamed) {
-          write('{');
+          write('{', displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
           sawNamed = true;
       if (parameterKind == ParameterKind.POSITIONAL) {
         if (!sawPositional) {
-          write('[');
+          write('[', displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
           sawPositional = true;
       // parameter
-          methodBeingCopied: methodBeingCopied);
+          methodBeingCopied: methodBeingCopied,
+          displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
       // default value
       String defaultCode = parameter.defaultValueCode;
       if (defaultCode != null) {
         if (sawPositional) {
-          write(' = ');
+          write(' = ', displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
         } else {
-          write(': ');
+          write(': ', displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
-        write(defaultCode);
+        write(defaultCode, displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
     // close parameters
     if (sawNamed) {
-      write('}');
+      write('}', displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
     if (sawPositional) {
-      write(']');
+      write(']', displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
-    write(')');
+    write(')', displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
@@ -472,13 +479,13 @@
   void writeParameterSource(DartType type, String name,
-      {ExecutableElement methodBeingCopied}) {
+      {StringBuffer displayTextBuffer, ExecutableElement methodBeingCopied}) {
     _EnclosingElementFinder finder = new _EnclosingElementFinder();
     finder.find(dartFileEditBuilder.unit, offset);
     String parameterSource = _getTypeSource(
         type, finder.enclosingClass, finder.enclosingExecutable,
         parameterName: name, methodBeingCopied: methodBeingCopied);
-    write(parameterSource);
+    write(parameterSource, displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
@@ -516,8 +523,8 @@
   void writeTypeParameter(TypeParameterElement typeParameter,
-      {ExecutableElement methodBeingCopied}) {
-    write(;
+      {StringBuffer displayTextBuffer, ExecutableElement methodBeingCopied}) {
+    write(, displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
     if (typeParameter.bound != null) {
       _EnclosingElementFinder finder = new _EnclosingElementFinder();
       finder.find(dartFileEditBuilder.unit, offset);
@@ -525,26 +532,28 @@
           methodBeingCopied: methodBeingCopied);
       if (bound != null) {
-        write(' extends ');
-        write(bound);
+        write(' extends ', displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
+        write(bound, displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
   void writeTypeParameters(List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters,
-      {ExecutableElement methodBeingCopied}) {
+      {StringBuffer displayTextBuffer, ExecutableElement methodBeingCopied}) {
     if (typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
-      write('<');
+      write('<', displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
       bool isFirst = true;
       for (TypeParameterElement typeParameter in typeParameters) {
         if (!isFirst) {
-          write(', ');
+          write(', ', displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
         isFirst = false;
-        writeTypeParameter(typeParameter, methodBeingCopied: methodBeingCopied);
+        writeTypeParameter(typeParameter,
+            methodBeingCopied: methodBeingCopied,
+            displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
-      write('>');
+      write('>', displayTextBuffer: displayTextBuffer);
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer_plugin/lib/utilities/assist/assist.dart b/pkg/analyzer_plugin/lib/utilities/assist/assist.dart
index 80dac24..16f713a 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer_plugin/lib/utilities/assist/assist.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer_plugin/lib/utilities/assist/assist.dart
@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@
 class AssistKind {
-   * The name of this kind of assist, used for debugging.
+   * The unique identifier of this kind of assist.
-  final String name;
+  final String id;
    * The priority of this kind of assist for the kind of error being addressed.
@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@
   final String message;
-   * Initialize a newly created kind of assist to have the given [name],
-   * [relevance] and [message].
+   * Initialize a newly created kind of assist to have the given [id],
+   * [priority] and [message].
-  const AssistKind(, this.priority, this.message);
+  const AssistKind(, this.priority, this.message);
-  String toString() => name;
+  String toString() => id;
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer_plugin/test/src/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_dart_test.dart b/pkg/analyzer_plugin/test/src/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_dart_test.dart
index 4acdff3..e255aa1 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer_plugin/test/src/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_dart_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer_plugin/test/src/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_dart_test.dart
@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@
   // TODO: implement add
   return null;
+''', displayText: 'add(A a) { ... }');
   test_writeOverrideOfInheritedMember_method_functionTypeAlias() async {
@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@
 void perform(F f) {
   // TODO: implement perform
+''', displayText: 'perform(F f) { ... }');
   test_writeOverrideOfInheritedMember_method_functionTypedParameter() async {
@@ -932,7 +932,7 @@
 forEach(int Function(double p1, String p2) f) {
   // TODO: implement forEach
+''', displayText: 'forEach(int Function(double p1, String p2) f) { ... }');
   test_writeOverrideOfInheritedMember_method_generic_noBounds() async {
@@ -948,7 +948,7 @@
   // TODO: implement get
   return null;
+''', displayText: 'get<T>(T key) { ... }');
   test_writeOverrideOfInheritedMember_method_generic_withBounds() async {
@@ -964,7 +964,7 @@
   // TODO: implement get
   return null;
+''', displayText: 'get<T extends V2>(K2 key) { ... }');
   test_writeOverrideOfInheritedMember_method_genericFunctionTypedParameter() async {
@@ -981,29 +981,24 @@
   // TODO: implement foo
   return null;
+''', displayText: 'foo(T Function<T>() fn) { ... }');
   test_writeOverrideOfInheritedMember_method_nullAsTypeArgument() async {
-    await _assertWriteOverrideOfInheritedMethod(
-      '''
+    await _assertWriteOverrideOfInheritedMethod('''
 abstract class A {
   List<Null> foo();
 class B extends A {
-      '''
+''', '''
 List<Null> foo() {
   // TODO: implement foo
   return null;
-      // TODO(pquitslund): Add tests once implemented.
-      //displayText: 'foo() { ... }'
-    );
+''', displayText: 'foo() { ... }');
   test_writeOverrideOfInheritedMember_method_voidAsTypeArgument() async {
@@ -1020,7 +1015,7 @@
   // TODO: implement foo
   return null;
+''', displayText: 'foo() { ... }');
   test_writeParameterMatchingArgument() async {
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/compile_time_constants.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/compile_time_constants.dart
index 521bdd6..aa51632 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/compile_time_constants.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/compile_time_constants.dart
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 import 'constants/values.dart';
 import 'common_elements.dart' show CommonElements;
 import 'elements/elements.dart';
-import 'elements/entities.dart';
 import 'elements/modelx.dart' show ConstantVariableMixin;
 import 'elements/operators.dart';
 import 'elements/resolution_types.dart';
@@ -1262,9 +1261,9 @@
           new ConstructedConstantExpression(
               type, targetConstructor, callStructure, arguments);
-      Map<FieldEntity, ConstantExpression> fields = expression
-          .computeInstanceFields(new AstEvaluationEnvironment(compiler));
-      fields.forEach((_field, ConstantExpression expression) {
+      InstanceData instanceData = expression
+          .computeInstanceData(new AstEvaluationEnvironment(compiler));
+      instanceData.fieldMap.forEach((_field, ConstantExpression expression) {
         FieldElement field = _field;
         ConstantValue value = expression.evaluate(
             new AstEvaluationEnvironment(compiler), constantSystem);
@@ -1481,4 +1480,7 @@
   DiagnosticReporter get reporter => _compiler.reporter;
+  @override
+  bool get enableAssertions => _compiler.options.enableUserAssertions;
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/constants/constant_constructors.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/constants/constant_constructors.dart
index d65b873..288c063 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/constants/constant_constructors.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/constants/constant_constructors.dart
@@ -92,7 +92,11 @@
     return new GenerativeConstantConstructor(
-        currentClass.thisType, defaultValues, fieldMap, constructorInvocation);
+        currentClass.thisType,
+        defaultValues,
+        fieldMap,
+        const <AssertConstantExpression>[],
+        constructorInvocation);
   ConstantConstructor visitRedirectingGenerativeConstructorDeclaration(
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/constants/constructors.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/constants/constructors.dart
index b7e4ba4..7924b20 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/constants/constructors.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/constants/constructors.dart
@@ -18,6 +18,13 @@
+class InstanceData {
+  final Map<FieldEntity, ConstantExpression> fieldMap;
+  final List<AssertConstantExpression> assertions;
+  InstanceData(this.fieldMap, this.assertions);
 /// Definition of a constant constructor.
 abstract class ConstantConstructor {
   ConstantConstructorKind get kind;
@@ -27,12 +34,11 @@
   InterfaceType computeInstanceType(
       EvaluationEnvironment environment, InterfaceType newType);
-  /// Computes the constant expressions of the fields of the created instance
-  /// in a const constructor invocation with [arguments].
-  Map<FieldEntity, ConstantExpression> computeInstanceFields(
-      EvaluationEnvironment environment,
-      List<ConstantExpression> arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure);
+  /// Computes the constant expressions of the fields and initializer assertions
+  /// of the created instance in a const constructor invocation with
+  /// [arguments].
+  InstanceData computeInstanceData(EvaluationEnvironment environment,
+      List<ConstantExpression> arguments, CallStructure callStructure);
   accept(ConstantConstructorVisitor visitor, arg);
@@ -62,10 +68,11 @@
   final InterfaceType type;
   final Map<dynamic /*int|String*/, ConstantExpression> defaultValues;
   final Map<FieldEntity, ConstantExpression> fieldMap;
+  final List<AssertConstantExpression> assertions;
   final ConstructedConstantExpression superConstructorInvocation;
   GenerativeConstantConstructor(this.type, this.defaultValues, this.fieldMap,
-      this.superConstructorInvocation);
+      this.assertions, this.superConstructorInvocation);
   ConstantConstructorKind get kind => ConstantConstructorKind.GENERATIVE;
@@ -74,18 +81,19 @@
     return environment.substByContext(type, newType);
-  Map<FieldEntity, ConstantExpression> computeInstanceFields(
-      EvaluationEnvironment environment,
-      List<ConstantExpression> arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure) {
+  InstanceData computeInstanceData(EvaluationEnvironment environment,
+      List<ConstantExpression> arguments, CallStructure callStructure) {
     NormalizedArguments args =
         new NormalizedArguments(defaultValues, callStructure, arguments);
-    Map<FieldEntity, ConstantExpression> appliedFieldMap =
-        applyFields(environment, args, superConstructorInvocation);
+    InstanceData appliedInstanceData =
+        applyInstanceData(environment, args, superConstructorInvocation);
     fieldMap.forEach((FieldEntity field, ConstantExpression constant) {
-      appliedFieldMap[field] = constant.apply(args);
+      appliedInstanceData.fieldMap[field] = constant.apply(args);
-    return appliedFieldMap;
+    for (AssertConstantExpression assertion in assertions) {
+      appliedInstanceData.assertions.add(assertion.apply(args));
+    }
+    return appliedInstanceData;
   accept(ConstantConstructorVisitor visitor, arg) {
@@ -138,24 +146,30 @@
   /// [constructorInvocation]. If [constructorInvocation] is `null`, an empty
   /// map is created. Returns `null` if an erroneous constant constructor was
   /// encountered in the super-chain.
-  static Map<FieldEntity, ConstantExpression> applyFields(
+  static InstanceData applyInstanceData(
       EvaluationEnvironment environment,
       NormalizedArguments args,
       ConstructedConstantExpression constructorInvocation) {
     Map<FieldEntity, ConstantExpression> appliedFieldMap =
         <FieldEntity, ConstantExpression>{};
+    List<AssertConstantExpression> appliedAssertions =
+        <AssertConstantExpression>[];
     if (constructorInvocation != null) {
-      Map<FieldEntity, ConstantExpression> fieldMap =
-          constructorInvocation.computeInstanceFields(environment);
-      if (fieldMap == null) {
+      InstanceData instanceData =
+          constructorInvocation.computeInstanceData(environment);
+      if (instanceData == null) {
         // An erroneous constant constructor was encountered in the super-chain.
         return null;
-      fieldMap.forEach((FieldEntity field, ConstantExpression constant) {
+      instanceData.fieldMap
+          .forEach((FieldEntity field, ConstantExpression constant) {
         appliedFieldMap[field] = constant.apply(args);
+      for (AssertConstantExpression assertion in instanceData.assertions) {
+        appliedAssertions.add(assertion.apply(args));
+      }
-    return appliedFieldMap;
+    return new InstanceData(appliedFieldMap, appliedAssertions);
@@ -177,16 +191,13 @@
         thisConstructorInvocation.computeInstanceType(environment), newType);
-  Map<FieldEntity, ConstantExpression> computeInstanceFields(
-      EvaluationEnvironment environment,
-      List<ConstantExpression> arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure) {
+  InstanceData computeInstanceData(EvaluationEnvironment environment,
+      List<ConstantExpression> arguments, CallStructure callStructure) {
     NormalizedArguments args =
         new NormalizedArguments(defaultValues, callStructure, arguments);
-    Map<FieldEntity, ConstantExpression> appliedFieldMap =
-        GenerativeConstantConstructor.applyFields(
-            environment, args, thisConstructorInvocation);
-    return appliedFieldMap;
+    InstanceData appliedInstanceData = GenerativeConstantConstructor
+        .applyInstanceData(environment, args, thisConstructorInvocation);
+    return appliedInstanceData;
   accept(ConstantConstructorVisitor visitor, arg) {
@@ -234,13 +245,11 @@
         targetConstructorInvocation.computeInstanceType(environment), newType);
-  Map<FieldEntity, ConstantExpression> computeInstanceFields(
-      EvaluationEnvironment environment,
-      List<ConstantExpression> arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure) {
+  InstanceData computeInstanceData(EvaluationEnvironment environment,
+      List<ConstantExpression> arguments, CallStructure callStructure) {
     ConstantConstructor constantConstructor =
-    return constantConstructor.computeInstanceFields(
+    return constantConstructor.computeInstanceData(
         environment, arguments, callStructure);
@@ -278,10 +287,8 @@
-  Map<FieldEntity, ConstantExpression> computeInstanceFields(
-      EvaluationEnvironment environment,
-      List<ConstantExpression> arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure) {
+  InstanceData computeInstanceData(EvaluationEnvironment environment,
+      List<ConstantExpression> arguments, CallStructure callStructure) {
     return null;
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/constants/evaluation.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/constants/evaluation.dart
index 38dfacc..cdb11cc 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/constants/evaluation.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/constants/evaluation.dart
@@ -47,6 +47,9 @@
       ConstructorEntity constructor, ConstantValue evaluate());
   ConstantValue evaluateField(FieldEntity field, ConstantValue evaluate());
+  /// `true` if assertions are enabled.
+  bool get enableAssertions;
 abstract class EvaluationEnvironmentBase implements EvaluationEnvironment {
@@ -60,6 +63,20 @@
   DiagnosticReporter get reporter;
+  /// Returns the [Spannable] used for reporting errors and warnings.
+  ///
+  /// Returns the second-to-last in the spannable stack, if available, to point
+  /// to the use, rather than the declaration, of a constructor or field.
+  ///
+  /// For instance
+  ///
+  ///    const foo = const bool.fromEnvironment("foo", default: 0);
+  ///
+  /// will point to `foo` instead of the declaration of `bool.fromEnvironment`.
+  Spannable get _spannable => _spannableStack.tail.isEmpty
+      ? _spannableStack.head
+      : _spannableStack.tail.head;
   ConstantValue evaluateField(FieldEntity field, ConstantValue evaluate()) {
     if (_currentlyEvaluatedFields.add(field)) {
@@ -90,7 +107,7 @@
       ConstantExpression expression, MessageKind kind, Map arguments) {
     if (constantRequired) {
       // TODO(johnniwinther): Should [ConstantExpression] have a location?
-      reporter.reportErrorMessage(_spannableStack.head, kind, arguments);
+      reporter.reportErrorMessage(_spannable, kind, arguments);
@@ -98,7 +115,7 @@
   void reportWarning(
       ConstantExpression expression, MessageKind kind, Map arguments) {
     if (constantRequired) {
-      reporter.reportWarningMessage(_spannableStack.head, kind, arguments);
+      reporter.reportWarningMessage(_spannable, kind, arguments);
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/constants/expressions.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/constants/expressions.dart
index d189156..ae50ac0 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/constants/expressions.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/constants/expressions.dart
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
 /// An expression that is a compile-time constant.
@@ -564,13 +565,12 @@
-  Map<FieldEntity, ConstantExpression> computeInstanceFields(
-      EvaluationEnvironment environment) {
+  InstanceData computeInstanceData(EvaluationEnvironment environment) {
     ConstantConstructor constantConstructor =
     assert(constantConstructor != null,
         failedAt(target, "No constant constructor computed for $target."));
-    return constantConstructor.computeInstanceFields(
+    return constantConstructor.computeInstanceData(
         environment, arguments, callStructure);
@@ -589,15 +589,15 @@
   ConstantValue evaluate(
       EvaluationEnvironment environment, ConstantSystem constantSystem) {
     return environment.evaluateConstructor(target, () {
-      Map<FieldEntity, ConstantExpression> fieldMap =
-          computeInstanceFields(environment);
-      if (fieldMap == null) {
+      InstanceData instanceData = computeInstanceData(environment);
+      if (instanceData == null) {
         return new NonConstantValue();
       bool isValidAsConstant = true;
       Map<FieldEntity, ConstantValue> fieldValues =
           <FieldEntity, ConstantValue>{};
-      fieldMap.forEach((FieldEntity field, ConstantExpression constant) {
+      instanceData.fieldMap
+          .forEach((FieldEntity field, ConstantExpression constant) {
         ConstantValue value = constant.evaluate(environment, constantSystem);
             value != null,
@@ -609,6 +609,11 @@
           isValidAsConstant = false;
+      for (AssertConstantExpression assertion in instanceData.assertions) {
+        if (!assertion.evaluate(environment, constantSystem).isConstant) {
+          isValidAsConstant = false;
+        }
+      }
       if (isValidAsConstant) {
         return new ConstructedConstantValue(
             computeInstanceType(environment), fieldValues);
@@ -1919,6 +1924,85 @@
+class AssertConstantExpression extends ConstantExpression {
+  final ConstantExpression condition;
+  final ConstantExpression message;
+  AssertConstantExpression(this.condition, this.message);
+  @override
+  ConstantExpressionKind get kind => ConstantExpressionKind.ASSERT;
+  @override
+  bool _equals(AssertConstantExpression other) {
+    return condition == other.condition && message == other.message;
+  }
+  @override
+  int _computeHashCode() {
+    return 13 * condition.hashCode + 17 * message.hashCode;
+  }
+  @override
+  void _createStructuredText(StringBuffer sb) {
+    sb.write('assert(');
+    condition._createStructuredText(sb);
+    sb.write(',message=');
+    if (message != null) {
+      message._createStructuredText(sb);
+    } else {
+      sb.write('null');
+    }
+    sb.write(')');
+  }
+  @override
+  ConstantValue evaluate(
+      EvaluationEnvironment environment, ConstantSystem constantSystem) {
+    ConstantValue conditionValue =
+        condition.evaluate(environment, constantSystem);
+    bool validAssert;
+    if (environment.enableAssertions) {
+      // Boolean conversion:
+      validAssert =
+          conditionValue is BoolConstantValue && conditionValue.primitiveValue;
+    } else {
+      validAssert = true;
+    }
+    if (!validAssert) {
+      if (message != null) {
+        ConstantValue value = message.evaluate(environment, constantSystem);
+        if (value is PrimitiveConstantValue) {
+          String text = '${value.primitiveValue}';
+          environment.reportError(this,
+              MessageKind.INVALID_ASSERT_VALUE_MESSAGE, {'message': text});
+        } else {
+          environment.reportError(this, MessageKind.INVALID_ASSERT_VALUE,
+              {'assertion': condition.toDartText()});
+          // TODO(johnniwinther): Report invalid constant message?
+        }
+      } else {
+        environment.reportError(this, MessageKind.INVALID_ASSERT_VALUE,
+            {'assertion': condition.toDartText()});
+      }
+      return new NonConstantValue();
+    }
+    // Return a valid constant value to signal that assertion didn't fail.
+    return new NullConstantValue();
+  }
+  @override
+  accept(ConstantExpressionVisitor visitor, [context]) {
+    return visitor.visitAssert(this, context);
+  }
+  ConstantExpression apply(NormalizedArguments arguments) {
+    return new AssertConstantExpression(
+        condition.apply(arguments), message?.apply(arguments));
+  }
 /// A constant expression referenced with a deferred prefix.
 /// For example `lib.C`.
 class DeferredConstantExpression extends ConstantExpression {
@@ -2001,6 +2085,7 @@
   R visitStringFromEnvironment(
       StringFromEnvironmentConstantExpression exp, A context);
   R visitDeferred(DeferredConstantExpression exp, A context);
+  R visitAssert(AssertConstantExpression exp, A context);
   R visitPositional(PositionalArgumentReference exp, A context);
   R visitNamed(NamedArgumentReference exp, A context);
@@ -2278,5 +2363,16 @@
+  @override
+  void visitAssert(AssertConstantExpression exp, [_]) {
+    sb.write('assert(');
+    visit(exp.condition);
+    if (exp.message != null) {
+      sb.write(', ');
+      visit(exp.message);
+    }
+    sb.write(')');
+  }
   String toString() => sb.toString();
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/diagnostics/messages.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/diagnostics/messages.dart
index bd60f84..35e0838 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/diagnostics/messages.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/diagnostics/messages.dart
@@ -198,6 +198,8 @@
@@ -3608,6 +3610,13 @@
           "Constructor '#{constructorName}' is not a valid constant "
+      MessageKind.INVALID_ASSERT_VALUE: const MessageTemplate(
+          MessageKind.INVALID_ASSERT_VALUE, "Assertion '#{assertion}' failed."),
+      MessageKind.INVALID_ASSERT_VALUE_MESSAGE: const MessageTemplate(
+          "Assertion failed: #{message}"),
       // Patch errors start.
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/js_emitter/model.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/js_emitter/model.dart
index c3207c7..bebb3ac 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/js_emitter/model.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/js_emitter/model.dart
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
   Constant(, this.holder, this.value);
   String toString() {
-    return 'Constant(name=${name},value=${value.toStructuredText()})';
+    return 'Constant(name=${name.key},value=${value.toStructuredText()})';
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
   String toString() {
-    return 'StaticField(name=${name},element=${element})';
+    return 'StaticField(name=${name.key},element=${element})';
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@
     _mixinClass = mixinClass;
-  String toString() => 'Mixin(name=${name},element=$element)';
+  String toString() => 'Mixin(name=${name.key},element=$element)';
 /// A field.
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
   bool get needsInterceptedSetterOnThis => setterFlags == 3;
   String toString() {
-    return 'Field(name=${name},element=${element})';
+    return 'Field(name=${name.key},element=${element})';
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@
   bool get isStatic => false;
   String toString() {
-    return 'InstanceMethod(name=${name},element=${element}'
+    return 'InstanceMethod(name=${name.key},element=${element}'
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@
       : super(name, code);
   String toString() {
-    return 'ParameterStubMethod(name=${name},element=${element}'
+    return 'ParameterStubMethod(name=${name.key},element=${element}'
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@
   bool get isStatic => true;
   String toString() {
-    return 'StaticDartMethod(name=${name},element=${element}'
+    return 'StaticDartMethod(name=${name.key},element=${element}'
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@
       : super(name, code);
   String toString() {
-    return 'StaticStubMethod(name=${name},element=${element}}'
+    return 'StaticStubMethod(name=${name.key},element=${element}}'
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/kernel/element_map_impl.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/kernel/element_map_impl.dart
index 30499d6..980faf4 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/kernel/element_map_impl.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/kernel/element_map_impl.dart
@@ -938,8 +938,8 @@
       IndexedConstructor constructor;
       if (node is ir.Constructor) {
         functionNode = node.function;
-        constructor = createGenerativeConstructor(
-            enclosingClass, name, _getParameterStructure(functionNode),
+        constructor = createGenerativeConstructor(enclosingClass, name,
+            _getParameterStructure(functionNode, includeTypeParameters: false),
             isExternal: isExternal, isConst: node.isConst);
         definition = new SpecialMemberDefinition(
             constructor, node, MemberKind.constructor);
@@ -948,8 +948,8 @@
         bool isFromEnvironment = isExternal &&
             name.text == 'fromEnvironment' &&
             const ['int', 'bool', 'String'].contains(;
-        constructor = createFactoryConstructor(
-            enclosingClass, name, _getParameterStructure(functionNode),
+        constructor = createFactoryConstructor(enclosingClass, name,
+            _getParameterStructure(functionNode, includeTypeParameters: false),
             isExternal: isExternal,
             isConst: node.isConst,
             isFromEnvironmentConstructor: isFromEnvironment);
@@ -1034,15 +1034,21 @@
-  ParameterStructure _getParameterStructure(ir.FunctionNode node) {
+  ParameterStructure _getParameterStructure(ir.FunctionNode node,
+      // TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this when type arguments are passed to
+      // constructors like calling a generic method.
+      {bool includeTypeParameters: true}) {
     // TODO(johnniwinther): Cache the computed function type.
     int requiredParameters = node.requiredParameterCount;
     int positionalParameters = node.positionalParameters.length;
     int typeParameters = node.typeParameters.length;
     List<String> namedParameters = =>;
-    return new ParameterStructure(requiredParameters, positionalParameters,
-        namedParameters, options.strongMode ? typeParameters : 0);
+    return new ParameterStructure(
+        requiredParameters,
+        positionalParameters,
+        namedParameters,
+        options.strongMode && includeTypeParameters ? typeParameters : 0);
   IndexedLibrary createLibrary(String name, Uri canonicalUri);
@@ -1807,6 +1813,9 @@
   DiagnosticReporter get reporter => _elementMap.reporter;
+  @override
+  bool get enableAssertions => _elementMap.options.enableUserAssertions;
 class KernelResolutionWorldBuilder extends KernelResolutionWorldBuilderBase {
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/kernel/element_map_mixins.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/kernel/element_map_mixins.dart
index 9117831..2041dd4 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/kernel/element_map_mixins.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/kernel/element_map_mixins.dart
@@ -878,6 +878,7 @@
     ConstructedConstantExpression superConstructorInvocation;
+    List<AssertConstantExpression> assertions = <AssertConstantExpression>[];
     for (ir.Initializer initializer in node.initializers) {
       if (initializer is ir.FieldInitializer) {
         registerField(initializer.field, visit(initializer.value));
@@ -888,14 +889,11 @@
         superConstructorInvocation = _computeConstructorInvocation(
   , initializer.arguments);
       } else if (initializer is ir.AssertInitializer) {
-        // Assert in initializer is currently not supported in dart2js.
-        // TODO(johnniwinther): Support assert in initializer.
-        String constructorName = '${}.${}';
-        elementMap.reporter.reportErrorMessage(
-            computeSourceSpanFromTreeNode(initializer),
-            {'constructorName': constructorName});
-        return new ErroneousConstantConstructor();
+        ConstantExpression condition = visit(initializer.statement.condition);
+        ConstantExpression message = initializer.statement.message != null
+            ? visit(initializer.statement.message)
+            : null;
+        assertions.add(new AssertConstantExpression(condition, message));
       } else if (initializer is ir.InvalidInitializer) {
         String constructorName = '${}.${}';
@@ -926,8 +924,8 @@
       return new RedirectingGenerativeConstantConstructor(
           defaultValues, superConstructorInvocation);
     } else {
-      return new GenerativeConstantConstructor(
-          type, defaultValues, fieldMap, superConstructorInvocation);
+      return new GenerativeConstantConstructor(type, defaultValues, fieldMap,
+          assertions, superConstructorInvocation);
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/resolution/constructors.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/resolution/constructors.dart
index 8d721f4..ba5ec7b 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/resolution/constructors.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/resolution/constructors.dart
@@ -479,6 +479,7 @@
+            const <AssertConstantExpression>[],
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/serialization/constant_serialization.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/serialization/constant_serialization.dart
index 69d4418..b1eaa93 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/serialization/constant_serialization.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/serialization/constant_serialization.dart
@@ -193,6 +193,11 @@
     encoder.setElement(Key.IMPORT, exp.import as ImportElement);
     encoder.setConstant(Key.EXPRESSION, exp.expression);
+  @override
+  void visitAssert(AssertConstantExpression exp, ObjectEncoder context) {
+    throw new UnsupportedError("AssertConstantExpression is not supported.");
+  }
 /// Utility class for deserializing [ConstantExpression]s.
@@ -299,6 +304,7 @@
             decoder.getElement(Key.IMPORT) as ImportElement);
       case ConstantExpressionKind.SYNTHETIC:
+      case ConstantExpressionKind.ASSERT:
     throw new UnsupportedError("Unexpected constant kind: ${kind} in $decoder");
@@ -428,7 +434,11 @@
       case ConstantConstructorKind.GENERATIVE:
         ResolutionInterfaceType type = readType();
         return new GenerativeConstantConstructor(
-            type, readDefaults(), readFields(), readConstructorInvocation());
+            type,
+            readDefaults(),
+            readFields(),
+            const <AssertConstantExpression>[],
+            readConstructorInvocation());
       case ConstantConstructorKind.REDIRECTING_GENERATIVE:
         return new RedirectingGenerativeConstantConstructor(
             readDefaults(), readConstructorInvocation());
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/serialization/equivalence.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/serialization/equivalence.dart
index 9fef23a..3deda32 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/serialization/equivalence.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/serialization/equivalence.dart
@@ -930,6 +930,15 @@
             exp1, exp2, 'expression', exp1.expression, exp2.expression);
+  @override
+  bool visitAssert(
+      AssertConstantExpression exp1, covariant AssertConstantExpression exp2) {
+    return strategy.testConstants(
+            exp1, exp2, 'condition', exp1.condition, exp2.condition) &&
+        strategy.testConstants(
+            exp1, exp2, 'message', exp1.message, exp2.message);
+  }
 /// Visitor that checks for structural equivalence of [ConstantValue]s.
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/ssa/builder_kernel.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/ssa/builder_kernel.dart
index 9d4b34a..096366f 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/ssa/builder_kernel.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/ssa/builder_kernel.dart
@@ -4922,7 +4922,8 @@
             "Only ${argumentIndex} of ${compiledArguments.length} "
-            "arguments have been read from: ${compiledArguments}"));
+            "arguments have been read from: ${compiledArguments} passed to "
+            "$function."));
     _returnType =
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/use_unused_api.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/use_unused_api.dart
index fa487cb..6edbf01 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/use_unused_api.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/use_unused_api.dart
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
-  constructedConstant.computeInstanceFields(null);
+  constructedConstant.computeInstanceData(null);
   expression.evaluate(null, null);
   new NullConstantConstructorVisitor()
     ..visit(null, null)
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/kernel/body_builder.dart b/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/kernel/body_builder.dart
index 3228ddf..740e940 100644
--- a/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/kernel/body_builder.dart
+++ b/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/kernel/body_builder.dart
@@ -3012,9 +3012,44 @@
     Expression message = popForValueIfNotNull(commaToken);
     Expression condition = popForValue();
+    // Compute start and end offsets for the condition expression.
+    // This code is a temporary workaround because expressions don't carry
+    // their start and end offsets currently.
+    //
+    // The token that follows leftParenthesis is considered to be the
+    // first token of the condition.
+    // TODO(ahe): this really should be condition.fileOffset.
+    int startOffset =;
+    int endOffset;
+    {
+      // Search forward from leftParenthesis to find the last token of
+      // the condition - which is a token immediately followed by a commaToken,
+      // right parenthesis or a trailing comma.
+      Token conditionBoundary = commaToken ?? leftParenthesis.endGroup;
+      Token conditionLastToken = leftParenthesis;
+      while (!conditionLastToken.isEof) {
+        Token nextToken =;
+        if (nextToken == conditionBoundary) {
+          break;
+        } else if (optional(',', nextToken) &&
+   == conditionBoundary) {
+          // The next token is trailing comma, which means current token is
+          // the last token of the condition.
+          break;
+        }
+        conditionLastToken = nextToken;
+      }
+      if (conditionLastToken.isEof) {
+        endOffset = startOffset = -1;
+      } else {
+        endOffset = conditionLastToken.offset + conditionLastToken.length;
+      }
+    }
     AssertStatement statement = new ShadowAssertStatement(condition,
-        conditionStartOffset: leftParenthesis.offset + 1,
-        conditionEndOffset: leftParenthesis.endGroup.offset,
+        conditionStartOffset: startOffset,
+        conditionEndOffset: endOffset,
         message: message);
     switch (kind) {
       case Assert.Statement:
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/kernel/kernel_class_builder.dart b/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/kernel/kernel_class_builder.dart
index 20555a2..785f889 100644
--- a/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/kernel/kernel_class_builder.dart
+++ b/pkg/front_end/lib/src/fasta/kernel/kernel_class_builder.dart
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
   Supertype buildSupertype(
       LibraryBuilder library, List<KernelTypeBuilder> arguments) {
     Class cls = isPatch ? : this.cls;
+    arguments ??= calculatedBounds;
     if (arguments != null) {
       return new Supertype(cls, buildTypeArguments(library, arguments));
     } else {
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/test/fasta/assert_locations_test.dart b/pkg/front_end/test/fasta/assert_locations_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8bcf7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/test/fasta/assert_locations_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
+library fasta.test.assert_locations_test;
+import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart' show asyncTest;
+import 'package:expect/expect.dart' show Expect;
+import 'package:kernel/ast.dart'
+    show Program, RecursiveVisitor, Procedure, AssertStatement;
+import "package:front_end/src/api_prototype/compiler_options.dart"
+    show CompilerOptions;
+import 'package:front_end/src/testing/compiler_common.dart' show compileScript;
+import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/fasta_codes.dart' show LocatedMessage;
+import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/severity.dart' show Severity;
+/// Span of the condition expression in the assert statement.
+class ConditionSpan {
+  final startOffset;
+  final endOffset;
+  ConditionSpan(this.startOffset, this.endOffset);
+/// Generated test with multiple functions each containing a single
+/// assertion statement inside. [spans] specifies the mapping
+/// between function name and [ConditionSpan] for an [AssertionStatement]
+/// inside that function.
+class Test {
+  final String source;
+  final Map<String, ConditionSpan> spans;
+  Test(this.source, this.spans);
+Test generateTest() {
+  final sb = new StringBuffer();
+  final spans = new Map<String, ConditionSpan>();
+  // Create a test case for assert statement with the given [condition] and
+  // [message]. Argument list would contain a trailing comma if [trailingComma]
+  // is [true].
+  // [additionalOffset] specifies an offset in characters from the opening
+  // parenthesis of the assert statement to the first character of the
+  // condition.
+  void makeAssertWithMessage(String condition,
+      {String message, bool trailingComma: false, int additionalOffset: 0}) {
+    final name = 'testCase${spans.length}';
+    sb.writeln('void $name(x) {');
+    sb.write('assert(');
+    final startOffset = sb.length + additionalOffset;
+    sb.write(condition);
+    final endOffset = sb.length;
+    if (message != null) {
+      sb.write(', "${message}"');
+    }
+    if (trailingComma) {
+      sb.write(',');
+    }
+    sb.writeln(');');
+    sb.writeln('}');
+    spans[name] = new ConditionSpan(startOffset, endOffset);
+  }
+  // Create test cases for various variants of the assert statement with
+  // the given condition.
+  void makeAssert(String condition, {int additionalOffset: 0}) {
+    makeAssertWithMessage(condition, additionalOffset: additionalOffset);
+    makeAssertWithMessage(condition,
+        trailingComma: true, additionalOffset: additionalOffset);
+    makeAssertWithMessage(condition,
+        message: 'message message', additionalOffset: additionalOffset);
+    makeAssertWithMessage(condition,
+        message: 'message message',
+        trailingComma: true,
+        additionalOffset: additionalOffset);
+  }
+  // Create all test cases.
+  makeAssert('''
+  (
+    x != null
+  )''', additionalOffset: 3);
+  makeAssert('''(x != null)''');
+  makeAssert('''x''');
+  makeAssert('''((x))''');
+  makeAssert('''!x''');
+  makeAssert('''((!x))''');
+  makeAssert('''x.method("a", "b")''');
+  // Add a dummy main to avoid compilation errors.
+  sb.writeln('''
+void main() {}
+  return new Test(sb.toString(), spans);
+/// Visitor that verifies that all [AssertStatement]s in the Kernel AST
+/// have expected spans for their conditions.
+class VerifyingVisitor extends RecursiveVisitor<Null> {
+  final Test test;
+  /// Set of names of verified [Procedure]s.
+  final Set<String> verified = new Set<String>();
+  /// When [AssertStatement] is reached it is checked against this
+  /// span.
+  ConditionSpan expectedSpan;
+  VerifyingVisitor(this.test);
+  @override
+  visitProcedure(Procedure node) {
+    expectedSpan = test.spans[];
+    if (expectedSpan != null) {
+      super.visitProcedure(node);
+      verified.add(;
+      expectedSpan = null;
+    }
+  }
+  @override
+  visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement node) {
+    Expect.equals(expectedSpan.startOffset, node.conditionStartOffset);
+    Expect.equals(expectedSpan.endOffset, node.conditionEndOffset);
+  }
+void main() {
+  asyncTest(() async {
+    Test test = generateTest();
+    CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions()
+      ..onProblem = (LocatedMessage message, Severity severity,
+          String formatted, int line, int column) {
+"Unexpected error: $formatted");
+      }
+      ..strongMode = true;
+    Program p = await compileScript(test.source,
+        options: options, fileName: 'synthetic-test.dart');
+    Expect.isNotNull(p);
+    VerifyingVisitor visitor = new VerifyingVisitor(test);
+    p.mainMethod.enclosingLibrary.accept(visitor);
+    Expect.setEquals(test.spans.keys, visitor.verified);
+  });
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/ast_builder.status b/pkg/front_end/testcases/ast_builder.status
index c804aae..d236b72 100644
--- a/pkg/front_end/testcases/ast_builder.status
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/ast_builder.status
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
 inference/unsafe_block_closure_inference_function_call_explicit_type_param_via_expr2: Fail
 inference_new/dependency_only_if_generic_method: Fail
 inference_new/for_each_identifier_downwards: Crash
+instantiate_to_bound/supertypes: Crash
 invalid_cast: Crash
 invocations: Crash
 metadata_enum: Crash
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/instantiate_to_bound/supertypes.dart b/pkg/front_end/testcases/instantiate_to_bound/supertypes.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65f0c61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/instantiate_to_bound/supertypes.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// The test checks that instantiate to bound is applied to raw generic
+// supertypes.
+import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
+class B {}
+class X<T extends B> {}
+class Y extends X {}
+void main() {
+  Expect.isTrue(new Y() is X);
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/instantiate_to_bound/supertypes.dart.strong.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/instantiate_to_bound/supertypes.dart.strong.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c261752
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/instantiate_to_bound/supertypes.dart.strong.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "package:expect/expect.dart" as exp;
+class B extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → void
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+class X<T extends self::B> extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → void
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+class Y extends self::X<self::B> {
+  synthetic constructor •() → void
+    : super self::X::•()
+    ;
+static method main() → void {
+  exp::Expect::isTrue(new self::Y::•() is self::X<self::B>);
diff --git a/pkg/kernel/lib/text/ast_to_text.dart b/pkg/kernel/lib/text/ast_to_text.dart
index 87b92be..4ad291a 100644
--- a/pkg/kernel/lib/text/ast_to_text.dart
+++ b/pkg/kernel/lib/text/ast_to_text.dart
@@ -1670,6 +1670,7 @@
   void writeVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node,
       {bool useVarKeyword: false}) {
     if (showOffsets) writeWord("[${node.fileOffset}]");
+    if (showMetadata) writeMetadata(node);
     writeModifier(node.isCovariant, 'covariant');
     writeModifier(node.isGenericCovariantImpl, 'generic-covariant-impl');
diff --git a/pkg/vm/bin/kernel_service.dart b/pkg/vm/bin/kernel_service.dart
index 0345df1..b53b6bb 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/bin/kernel_service.dart
+++ b/pkg/vm/bin/kernel_service.dart
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
 import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/file_system.dart';
 import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/front_end.dart';
-import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/incremental_kernel_generator.dart';
 import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/memory_file_system.dart';
 import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/standard_file_system.dart';
 import 'package:front_end/src/compute_platform_binaries_location.dart'
@@ -37,6 +36,7 @@
 import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart' show Program;
 import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart' show TargetFlags;
 import 'package:kernel/target/vm.dart' show VmTarget;
+import 'package:vm/incremental_compiler.dart';
 const bool verbose = const bool.fromEnvironment('DFE_VERBOSE');
 const String platformKernelFile = 'virtual_platform_kernel.dill';
@@ -47,10 +47,12 @@
 // Current tags include the following:
 //   0 - Perform normal compilation.
 //   1 - Update in-memory file system with in-memory sources (used by tests).
-//   2 - APP JIT snapshot training run for kernel_service.
+//   2 - Accept last compilation result.
+//   3 - APP JIT snapshot training run for kernel_service.
 const int kCompileTag = 0;
 const int kUpdateSourcesTag = 1;
-const int kTrainTag = 2;
+const int kAcceptTag = 2;
+const int kTrainTag = 3;
 abstract class Compiler {
   final FileSystem fileSystem;
@@ -111,10 +113,10 @@
   Future<Program> compileInternal(Uri script);
-class IncrementalCompiler extends Compiler {
-  IncrementalKernelGenerator generator;
+class IncrementalCompilerWrapper extends Compiler {
+  IncrementalCompiler generator;
-  IncrementalCompiler(FileSystem fileSystem, Uri platformKernelPath,
+  IncrementalCompilerWrapper(FileSystem fileSystem, Uri platformKernelPath,
       {bool strongMode: false, bool suppressWarnings: false, syncAsync: false})
       : super(fileSystem, platformKernelPath,
             strongMode: strongMode,
@@ -124,20 +126,20 @@
   Future<Program> compileInternal(Uri script) async {
     if (generator == null) {
-      generator = new IncrementalKernelGenerator(options, script);
+      generator = new IncrementalCompiler(options, script);
-    return await generator.computeDelta(entryPoint: script);
+    errors.clear();
+    return await generator.compile(entryPoint: script);
-  void invalidate(Uri uri) {
-    generator.invalidate(uri);
-  }
+  void accept() => generator.accept();
+  void invalidate(Uri uri) => generator.invalidate(uri);
-class SingleShotCompiler extends Compiler {
+class SingleShotCompilerWrapper extends Compiler {
   final bool requireMain;
-  SingleShotCompiler(FileSystem fileSystem, Uri platformKernelPath,
+  SingleShotCompilerWrapper(FileSystem fileSystem, Uri platformKernelPath,
       {this.requireMain: false,
       bool strongMode: false,
       bool suppressWarnings: false,
@@ -166,7 +168,7 @@
     {bool strongMode: false,
     bool suppressWarnings: false,
     bool syncAsync: false}) async {
-  IncrementalCompiler compiler = lookupIncrementalCompiler(isolateId);
+  IncrementalCompilerWrapper compiler = lookupIncrementalCompiler(isolateId);
   if (compiler != null) {
     updateSources(compiler, sourceFiles);
     invalidateSources(compiler, sourceFiles);
@@ -175,11 +177,11 @@
         ? StandardFileSystem.instance
         : _buildFileSystem(sourceFiles, platformKernel);
-    // TODO(aam): IncrementalCompiler instance created below have to be
+    // TODO(aam): IncrementalCompilerWrapper instance created below have to be
     // destroyed when corresponding isolate is shut down. To achieve that kernel
     // isolate needs to receive a message indicating that particular
     // isolate was shut down. Message should be handled here in this script.
-    compiler = new IncrementalCompiler(fileSystem, platformKernelPath,
+    compiler = new IncrementalCompilerWrapper(fileSystem, platformKernelPath,
         strongMode: strongMode,
         suppressWarnings: suppressWarnings,
         syncAsync: syncAsync);
@@ -188,7 +190,7 @@
   return compiler;
-void updateSources(IncrementalCompiler compiler, List sourceFiles) {
+void updateSources(IncrementalCompilerWrapper compiler, List sourceFiles) {
   final bool hasMemoryFS = compiler.fileSystem is HybridFileSystem;
   if (sourceFiles.isNotEmpty) {
     final FileSystem fs = compiler.fileSystem;
@@ -208,7 +210,7 @@
-void invalidateSources(IncrementalCompiler compiler, List sourceFiles) {
+void invalidateSources(IncrementalCompilerWrapper compiler, List sourceFiles) {
   if (sourceFiles.isNotEmpty) {
     for (int i = 0; i < sourceFiles.length ~/ 2; i++) {
       compiler.invalidate(Uri.parse(sourceFiles[i * 2]));
@@ -251,15 +253,24 @@
   // unit tests compile sources that are not on the file system, so this can only
   // happen during unit tests.
   if (tag == kUpdateSourcesTag) {
-    assert(
-        incremental,
-        "Incremental compiler required for use of"
-        "'kUpdateSourcesTag'");
+    assert(incremental,
+        "Incremental compiler required for use of 'kUpdateSourcesTag'");
     compiler = lookupIncrementalCompiler(isolateId);
     assert(compiler != null);
     updateSources(compiler, sourceFiles);
     port.send(new CompilationResult.ok(null).toResponse());
+  } else if (tag == kAcceptTag) {
+    assert(
+        incremental, "Incremental compiler required for use of 'kAcceptTag'");
+    compiler = lookupIncrementalCompiler(isolateId);
+    // There are unit tests that invoke the IncrementalCompiler directly and
+    // request a reload, meaning that we won't have a compiler for this isolate.
+    if (compiler != null) {
+      (compiler as IncrementalCompilerWrapper).accept();
+    }
+    port.send(new CompilationResult.ok(null).toResponse());
+    return;
   // script should only be null for kUpdateSourcesTag.
@@ -279,7 +290,7 @@
     final FileSystem fileSystem = sourceFiles.isEmpty && platformKernel == null
         ? StandardFileSystem.instance
         : _buildFileSystem(sourceFiles, platformKernel);
-    compiler = new SingleShotCompiler(fileSystem, platformKernelPath,
+    compiler = new SingleShotCompilerWrapper(fileSystem, platformKernelPath,
         requireMain: sourceFiles.isEmpty,
         strongMode: strong,
         suppressWarnings: suppressWarnings,
diff --git a/pkg/vm/lib/incremental_compiler.dart b/pkg/vm/lib/incremental_compiler.dart
index 017d612..ac51130 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/lib/incremental_compiler.dart
+++ b/pkg/vm/lib/incremental_compiler.dart
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@
   List<Program> _pendingDeltas;
   CompilerOptions _compilerOptions;
-  IncrementalCompiler(this._compilerOptions, Uri entryPoint) {
-    _generator = new IncrementalKernelGenerator(_compilerOptions, entryPoint);
+  IncrementalCompiler(this._compilerOptions, Uri entryPoint,
+      {Uri bootstrapDill}) {
+    _generator = new IncrementalKernelGenerator(
+        _compilerOptions, entryPoint, bootstrapDill);
     _pendingDeltas = <Program>[];
@@ -36,13 +38,18 @@
     // If more than one delta is pending, we need to combine them.
+    Procedure mainMethod;
     Map<Uri, Library> combined = <Uri, Library>{};
     for (Program delta in _pendingDeltas) {
+      if (delta.mainMethod != null) {
+        mainMethod = delta.mainMethod;
+      }
       for (Library library in delta.libraries) {
         combined[library.importUri] = library;
-    return new Program(libraries: combined.values.toList());
+    return new Program(libraries: combined.values.toList())
+      ..mainMethod = mainMethod;
   /// This lets incremental compiler know that results of last [compile] call
diff --git a/pkg/vm/lib/kernel_front_end.dart b/pkg/vm/lib/kernel_front_end.dart
index 569b786..298dae7 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/lib/kernel_front_end.dart
+++ b/pkg/vm/lib/kernel_front_end.dart
@@ -60,8 +60,9 @@
       globalTypeFlow.transformProgram(coreTypes, program);
     } else {
       devirtualization.transformProgram(coreTypes, program);
-      no_dynamic_invocations_annotator.transformProgram(coreTypes, program);
+    no_dynamic_invocations_annotator.transformProgram(program);
diff --git a/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/no_dynamic_invocations_annotator.dart b/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/no_dynamic_invocations_annotator.dart
index 7950fa0..a5db2e7 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/no_dynamic_invocations_annotator.dart
+++ b/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/no_dynamic_invocations_annotator.dart
@@ -5,14 +5,13 @@
 library vm.transformations.no_dynamic_invocations_annotator;
 import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
-import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart' show CoreTypes;
 import '../metadata/procedure_attributes.dart';
 /// Assumes strong mode and closed world. If a procedure can not be riched
 /// via dynamic invocation from anywhere then annotates it with appropriate
 /// [ProcedureAttributeMetadata] annotation.
-Program transformProgram(CoreTypes coreTypes, Program program) {
+Program transformProgram(Program program) {
   new NoDynamicInvocationsAnnotator(program).visitProgram(program);
   return program;
diff --git a/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/type_flow/analysis.dart b/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/type_flow/analysis.dart
index de9316c..42b78f0 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/type_flow/analysis.dart
+++ b/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/type_flow/analysis.dart
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 // * Verify incremental re-calculation by fresh analysis starting with known
 //   allocated classes.
 // * Auto-generate entry_points.json during build.
-// * Support FutureOr<T> properly.
 // === Precision ===
 // * Handle '==' with null.
@@ -778,6 +777,11 @@
       return true;
+    // TODO(alexmarkov): handle FutureOr more precisely (requires generics).
+    if (superClass == _typeFlowAnalysis.environment.futureOrClass) {
+      return true;
+    }
     _ClassData subClassData = getClassData(subClass);
     _ClassData superClassData = getClassData(superClass);
@@ -799,6 +803,7 @@
     assertx(base is InterfaceType); // TODO(alexmarkov)
+    final baseClass = (base as InterfaceType).classNode;
     // TODO(alexmarkov): take type arguments into account.
@@ -806,11 +811,13 @@
     // subtypes is too large
     if (base == const DynamicType() ||
-        base == _typeFlowAnalysis.environment.objectType) {
+        base == _typeFlowAnalysis.environment.objectType ||
+        // TODO(alexmarkov): handle FutureOr more precisely (requires generics).
+        baseClass == _typeFlowAnalysis.environment.futureOrClass) {
       return const AnyType();
-    _ClassData classData = getClassData((base as InterfaceType).classNode);
+    _ClassData classData = getClassData(baseClass);
     final allocatedSubtypes = classData.allocatedSubtypes;
     if (!_sealed) {
@@ -1028,6 +1035,10 @@
   Call callSite(TreeNode node) => summaryCollector.callSites[node];
+  Type fieldType(Field field) => _fieldValues[field]?.value;
+  Args<Type> argumentTypes(Member member) => _summaries[member]?.argumentTypes;
   /// ---- Implementation of [CallHandler] interface. ----
diff --git a/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/type_flow/summary.dart b/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/type_flow/summary.dart
index 50dfbb2..58a259c 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/type_flow/summary.dart
+++ b/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/type_flow/summary.dart
@@ -59,8 +59,9 @@
 /// Input parameter of the summary.
 class Parameter extends Statement {
   final String _name;
-  final DartType staticType;
+  final Type staticType;
   Type defaultValue;
+  Type _argumentType = const EmptyType();
   Parameter(this._name, this.staticType);
@@ -76,6 +77,12 @@
   Type apply(List<Type> computedTypes, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy,
           CallHandler callHandler) =>
       throw 'Unable to apply _Parameter';
+  Type get argumentType => _argumentType;
+  void _observeArgumentType(Type argType, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) {
+    _argumentType = _argumentType.union(argType, typeHierarchy);
+  }
 /// Narrows down [arg] to [type].
@@ -279,8 +286,16 @@
     types.setAll(0, args);
+    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
+      Parameter param = _statements[i] as Parameter;
+      param._observeArgumentType(args[i], typeHierarchy);
+      types[i] = args[i].intersection(param.staticType, typeHierarchy);
+    }
     for (int i = args.length; i < parameterCount; i++) {
-      types[i] = (_statements[i] as Parameter).defaultValue;
+      Parameter param = _statements[i] as Parameter;
+      param._observeArgumentType(param.defaultValue, typeHierarchy);
+      types[i] = param.defaultValue;
       assertx(types[i] != null);
@@ -299,4 +314,14 @@
     return result.getComputedType(types);
+  Args<Type> get argumentTypes {
+    final positional = new List<Type>(parameterCount);
+    for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) {
+      Parameter param = _statements[i] as Parameter;
+      positional[i] = param.argumentType;
+    }
+    // TODO(alexmarkov): support named parameters
+    return new Args<Type>(positional);
+  }
diff --git a/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector.dart b/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector.dart
index 3899672..d5c121a 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector.dart
+++ b/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector.dart
@@ -263,7 +263,8 @@
       if (hasReceiver) {
         // TODO(alexmarkov): subclass cone
         _receiver = _declareParameter(
-            "this", new InterfaceType(member.enclosingClass), null);
+            "this", member.enclosingClass.rawType, null,
+            isReceiver: true);
         _environment.thisType = member.enclosingClass?.thisType;
@@ -385,8 +386,11 @@
   Parameter _declareParameter(
-      String name, DartType type, Expression initializer) {
-    final param = new Parameter(name, type);
+      String name, DartType type, Expression initializer,
+      {bool isReceiver: false}) {
+    Type staticType =
+        isReceiver ? new ConeType(type) : new Type.fromStatic(type);
+    final param = new Parameter(name, staticType);
     assertx(param.index < _summary.parameterCount);
     if (param.index >= _summary.requiredParameterCount) {
diff --git a/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/type_flow/transformer.dart b/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/type_flow/transformer.dart
index 63f91ae..78e54e4 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/type_flow/transformer.dart
+++ b/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/type_flow/transformer.dart
@@ -142,80 +142,134 @@
-  void _annotateNode(TreeNode node) {
-    final callSite = _typeFlowAnalysis.callSite(node);
-    if ((callSite != null) && callSite.isResultUsed && callSite.isReachable) {
-      final resultType = callSite.resultType;
-      assertx(resultType != null);
+  InferredType _convertType(Type type) {
+    assertx(type != null);
-      Class concreteClass;
+    Class concreteClass;
-      final nullable = resultType is NullableType;
-      if (nullable) {
-        final baseType = (resultType as NullableType).baseType;
+    final nullable = type is NullableType;
+    if (nullable) {
+      final baseType = (type as NullableType).baseType;
-        if (baseType == const EmptyType()) {
-          concreteClass = _typeFlowAnalysis.environment.coreTypes.nullClass;
-        } else {
-          concreteClass =
-              baseType.getConcreteClass(_typeFlowAnalysis.hierarchyCache);
-        }
+      if (baseType == const EmptyType()) {
+        concreteClass = _typeFlowAnalysis.environment.coreTypes.nullClass;
       } else {
         concreteClass =
-            resultType.getConcreteClass(_typeFlowAnalysis.hierarchyCache);
+            baseType.getConcreteClass(_typeFlowAnalysis.hierarchyCache);
+    } else {
+      concreteClass = type.getConcreteClass(_typeFlowAnalysis.hierarchyCache);
+    }
-      if ((concreteClass != null) || !nullable) {
-        _metadata.mapping[node] = new InferredType(concreteClass, nullable);
+    if ((concreteClass != null) || !nullable) {
+      return new InferredType(concreteClass, nullable);
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
+  void _setInferredType(TreeNode node, Type type) {
+    final inferredType = _convertType(type);
+    if (inferredType != null) {
+      _metadata.mapping[node] = inferredType;
+    }
+  }
+  void _annotateCallSite(TreeNode node) {
+    final callSite = _typeFlowAnalysis.callSite(node);
+    if ((callSite != null) && callSite.isResultUsed && callSite.isReachable) {
+      _setInferredType(node, callSite.resultType);
+    }
+  }
+  void _annotateMember(Member member) {
+    if (_typeFlowAnalysis.isMemberUsed(member)) {
+      if (member is Field) {
+        _setInferredType(member, _typeFlowAnalysis.fieldType(member));
+      } else {
+        Args<Type> argTypes = _typeFlowAnalysis.argumentTypes(member);
+        assertx(argTypes != null);
+        final int firstParamIndex = hasReceiverArg(member) ? 1 : 0;
+        final positionalParams = member.function.positionalParameters;
+        assertx(argTypes.positionalCount ==
+            firstParamIndex + positionalParams.length);
+        for (int i = 0; i < positionalParams.length; i++) {
+          _setInferredType(
+              positionalParams[i], argTypes.values[firstParamIndex + i]);
+        }
+        // TODO(alexmarkov): figure out how to pass receiver type.
+        // TODO(alexmarkov): support named parameters
+  visitConstructor(Constructor node) {
+    _annotateMember(node);
+    super.visitConstructor(node);
+  }
+  @override
+  visitProcedure(Procedure node) {
+    _annotateMember(node);
+    super.visitProcedure(node);
+  }
+  @override
+  visitField(Field node) {
+    _annotateMember(node);
+    super.visitField(node);
+  }
+  @override
   visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
-    _annotateNode(node);
+    _annotateCallSite(node);
   visitPropertyGet(PropertyGet node) {
-    _annotateNode(node);
+    _annotateCallSite(node);
   visitDirectMethodInvocation(DirectMethodInvocation node) {
-    _annotateNode(node);
+    _annotateCallSite(node);
   visitDirectPropertyGet(DirectPropertyGet node) {
-    _annotateNode(node);
+    _annotateCallSite(node);
   visitSuperMethodInvocation(SuperMethodInvocation node) {
-    _annotateNode(node);
+    _annotateCallSite(node);
   visitSuperPropertyGet(SuperPropertyGet node) {
-    _annotateNode(node);
+    _annotateCallSite(node);
   visitStaticInvocation(StaticInvocation node) {
-    _annotateNode(node);
+    _annotateCallSite(node);
   visitStaticGet(StaticGet node) {
-    _annotateNode(node);
+    _annotateCallSite(node);
diff --git a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector/calls.dart.expect b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector/calls.dart.expect
index 1e61c59..3b59fa8 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector/calls.dart.expect
+++ b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector/calls.dart.expect
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
 ------------ #lib::A:: ------------
-%this = _Parameter #0 [#lib::A]
+%this = _Parameter #0 [_T (#lib::A)+]
 t1 = _Call direct [dart.core::Object::] (%this)
 RESULT: _T {}?
 ------------ #lib::A::foo1 ------------
-%this = _Parameter #0 [#lib::A]
-%x = _Parameter #1 [dart.core::Object]
+%this = _Parameter #0 [_T (#lib::A)+]
+%x = _Parameter #1 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
 RESULT: _T {}?
 ------------ #lib::B:: ------------
-%this = _Parameter #0 [#lib::B]
+%this = _Parameter #0 [_T (#lib::B)+]
 t1 = _Call direct [dart.core::Object::] (%this)
 RESULT: _T {}?
 ------------ #lib::B::bar1 ------------
-%this = _Parameter #0 [#lib::B]
-%arg = _Parameter #1 [dart.core::Object]
+%this = _Parameter #0 [_T (#lib::B)+]
+%arg = _Parameter #1 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
 RESULT: _T {}?
 ------------ #lib::B::bar2 ------------
-%this = _Parameter #0 [#lib::B]
+%this = _Parameter #0 [_T (#lib::B)+]
 RESULT: _T {}?
 ------------ #lib::B::bar3 ------------
-%this = _Parameter #0 [#lib::B]
-%y = _Parameter #1 [dart.core::int]
+%this = _Parameter #0 [_T (#lib::B)+]
+%y = _Parameter #1 [_T (dart.core::int)+?]
 RESULT: _T {}?
 ------------ #lib::B::bar4 ------------
 RESULT: _T {}?
 ------------ #lib::C:: ------------
-%this = _Parameter #0 [#lib::C]
+%this = _Parameter #0 [_T (#lib::C)+]
 t1 = _Call direct [dart.core::Object::] (%this)
 RESULT: _T {}?
 ------------ #lib::C::interfaceCalls ------------
-%this = _Parameter #0 [#lib::C]
-%aa = _Parameter #1 [#lib::A]
-%a2 = _Parameter #2 [dart.core::Object]
-%a3 = _Parameter #3 [dart.core::Object]
-%a4 = _Parameter #4 [dart.core::Object]
+%this = _Parameter #0 [_T (#lib::C)+]
+%aa = _Parameter #1 [_T (#lib::A)+?]
+%a2 = _Parameter #2 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
+%a3 = _Parameter #3 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
+%a4 = _Parameter #4 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
 t5 = _Call direct [#lib::B::] (_T (#lib::B))
 t6 = _Call [#lib::A::foo1] (%aa, _T (#lib::B))
 t7* = _Call get [#lib::A::foo2] (%aa)
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@
 a4 = _Join [dart.core::Object] (%a4, _T ANY?)
 ------------ #lib::C::dynamicCalls ------------
-%this = _Parameter #0 [#lib::C]
-%aa = _Parameter #1 [dynamic]
-%a2 = _Parameter #2 [dart.core::Object]
-%a3 = _Parameter #3 [dart.core::Object]
-%a4 = _Parameter #4 [dart.core::Object]
+%this = _Parameter #0 [_T (#lib::C)+]
+%aa = _Parameter #1 [_T ANY?]
+%a2 = _Parameter #2 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
+%a3 = _Parameter #3 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
+%a4 = _Parameter #4 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
 t5 = _Call direct [#lib::B::] (_T (#lib::B))
 t6 = _Call dynamic [foo1] (%aa, _T (#lib::B))
 t7* = _Call dynamic get [foo2] (%aa)
@@ -57,15 +57,15 @@
 a4 = _Join [dart.core::Object] (%a4, t10)
 ------------ #lib::D:: ------------
-%this = _Parameter #0 [#lib::D]
+%this = _Parameter #0 [_T (#lib::D)+]
 t1 = _Call direct [#lib::B::] (%this)
 RESULT: _T {}?
 ------------ #lib::D::superCalls ------------
-%this = _Parameter #0 [#lib::D]
-%a1 = _Parameter #1 [dart.core::Object]
-%a2 = _Parameter #2 [dart.core::Object]
-%a3 = _Parameter #3 [dart.core::Object]
-%a4 = _Parameter #4 [dart.core::Object]
+%this = _Parameter #0 [_T (#lib::D)+]
+%a1 = _Parameter #1 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
+%a2 = _Parameter #2 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
+%a3 = _Parameter #3 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
+%a4 = _Parameter #4 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
 t5 = _Call direct [#lib::B::bar1] (%this, %a1)
 t6* = _Call direct get [#lib::B::bar4] (%this)
 t7 = _Call direct set [#lib::B::bar3] (%this, t6)
diff --git a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector/hello.dart.expect b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector/hello.dart.expect
index 2f27227..35081b4 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector/hello.dart.expect
+++ b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector/hello.dart.expect
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 ------------ #lib::main ------------
-%args = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::List<dart.core::String>]
+%args = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::List<dynamic>)+?]
 t1 = _Call direct [dart.core::print] (_T (dart.core::String)+)
 RESULT: _T {}?
diff --git a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector/implicit_return_null.dart.expect b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector/implicit_return_null.dart.expect
index a34ced5..e189190 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector/implicit_return_null.dart.expect
+++ b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector/implicit_return_null.dart.expect
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ------------ #lib::T:: ------------
-%this = _Parameter #0 [#lib::T]
+%this = _Parameter #0 [_T (#lib::T)+]
 t1 = _Call direct [dart.core::Object::] (%this)
 RESULT: _T {}?
 ------------ #lib::empty1 ------------
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 t0 = _Call direct [#lib::T::] (_T (#lib::T))
 RESULT: _T (#lib::T)
 ------------ #lib::return2 ------------
-%i = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::int]
+%i = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::int)+?]
 t1* = _Call [dart.core::num::-] (%i, _T (dart.core::int)+)
 t2* = _Call direct [#lib::return2] (t1)
@@ -29,77 +29,77 @@
 t0 = _Call direct [#lib::T::] (_T (#lib::T))
 RESULT: _T {}?
 ------------ #lib::expr2 ------------
-%c = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::bool]
+%c = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::bool)+?]
 t1 = _Call direct [#lib::T::] (_T (#lib::T))
 t2 = _Call direct [#lib::T::] (_T (#lib::T))
 %result = _Join [dynamic] (_T (#lib::T), _T {}?)
 RESULT: %result
 ------------ #lib::expr3 ------------
-%c = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::bool]
-%x = _Parameter #1 [dart.core::Object]
+%c = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::bool)+?]
+%x = _Parameter #1 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
 t2 = _Call direct [#lib::T::] (_T (#lib::T))
 t3 = _Call [dart.core::Object::toString] (%x)
 %result = _Join [dynamic] (_T (#lib::T), _T {}?)
 RESULT: %result
 ------------ #lib::throw1 ------------
-%c = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::bool]
-%x = _Parameter #1 [dart.core::Object]
+%c = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::bool)+?]
+%x = _Parameter #1 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
 RESULT: _T {}
 ------------ #lib::throw2 ------------
-%c = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::bool]
-%x = _Parameter #1 [dart.core::Object]
+%c = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::bool)+?]
+%x = _Parameter #1 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
 t2 = _Call direct [#lib::T::] (_T (#lib::T))
 RESULT: _T (#lib::T)
 ------------ #lib::loop1 ------------
-%c = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::bool]
-%x = _Parameter #1 [dart.core::Object]
+%c = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::bool)+?]
+%x = _Parameter #1 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
 RESULT: _T {}?
 ------------ #lib::loop2 ------------
-%c = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::bool]
-%x = _Parameter #1 [dart.core::Object]
+%c = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::bool)+?]
+%x = _Parameter #1 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
 t2 = _Call direct [#lib::T::] (_T (#lib::T))
 %result = _Join [dynamic] (_T (#lib::T), _T {}?)
 RESULT: %result
 ------------ #lib::loop3 ------------
-%c = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::bool]
-%x = _Parameter #1 [dart.core::Object]
+%c = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::bool)+?]
+%x = _Parameter #1 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
 t2 = _Call direct [#lib::T::] (_T (#lib::T))
 %result = _Join [dynamic] (_T (#lib::T), _T {}?)
 RESULT: %result
 ------------ #lib::switch_ ------------
-%c = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::bool]
-%i = _Parameter #1 [dart.core::int]
+%c = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::bool)+?]
+%i = _Parameter #1 [_T (dart.core::int)+?]
 t2 = _Call direct [#lib::T::] (_T (#lib::T))
 %result = _Join [dynamic] (_T (#lib::T), _T {}?)
 RESULT: %result
 ------------ #lib::if1 ------------
-%c = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::bool]
+%c = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::bool)+?]
 t1 = _Call direct [#lib::T::] (_T (#lib::T))
 RESULT: _T (#lib::T)
 ------------ #lib::if2 ------------
-%c = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::bool]
+%c = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::bool)+?]
 t1 = _Call direct [#lib::T::] (_T (#lib::T))
 %result = _Join [dynamic] (_T (#lib::T), _T {}?)
 RESULT: %result
 ------------ #lib::if3 ------------
-%c = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::bool]
+%c = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::bool)+?]
 RESULT: _T {}?
 ------------ #lib::if4 ------------
-%c = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::bool]
+%c = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::bool)+?]
 RESULT: _T {}?
 ------------ #lib::if5 ------------
-%c = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::bool]
+%c = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::bool)+?]
 t1* = _Call direct [#lib::if5] (%c)
 t2* = _Call direct [#lib::if5] (_T (dart.core::bool)+)
 %result = _Join [void] (t1, t2, _T {}?)
 RESULT: %result
 ------------ #lib::label1 ------------
-%c = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::bool]
+%c = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::bool)+?]
 t1 = _Call direct [#lib::T::] (_T (#lib::T))
 %result = _Join [dynamic] (_T (#lib::T), _T {}?)
 RESULT: %result
 ------------ #lib::try1 ------------
-%c = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::bool]
+%c = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::bool)+?]
 t1 = _Call direct [#lib::T::] (_T (#lib::T))
 %result = _Join [dynamic] (_T (#lib::T), _T {}?)
 RESULT: %result
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 t0 = _Call direct [#lib::T::] (_T (#lib::T))
 RESULT: _T (#lib::T)
 ------------ #lib::try4 ------------
-%c = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::bool]
+%c = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::bool)+?]
 t1 = _Call direct [#lib::T::] (_T (#lib::T))
 %result = _Join [dynamic] (_T (#lib::T), _T {}?)
 RESULT: %result
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
 t0 = _Call direct [#lib::T::] (_T (#lib::T))
 RESULT: _T (#lib::T)
 ------------ #lib::try7 ------------
-%c = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::bool]
+%c = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::bool)+?]
 t1 = _Call direct [#lib::T::] (_T (#lib::T))
 RESULT: _T (#lib::T)
 ------------ #lib::main ------------
diff --git a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector/vars.dart.expect b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector/vars.dart.expect
index c25357b..c400675 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector/vars.dart.expect
+++ b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/summary_collector/vars.dart.expect
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 ------------ #lib::A:: ------------
-%this = _Parameter #0 [#lib::A]
+%this = _Parameter #0 [_T (#lib::A)+]
 t1 = _Call direct [dart.core::Object::] (%this)
 RESULT: _T {}?
 ------------ #lib::B:: ------------
-%this = _Parameter #0 [#lib::B]
+%this = _Parameter #0 [_T (#lib::B)+]
 t1 = _Call direct [dart.core::Object::] (%this)
 RESULT: _T {}?
 ------------ #lib::foo ------------
-%a1 = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::Object]
-%a2 = _Parameter #1 [dart.core::Object]
+%a1 = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
+%a2 = _Parameter #1 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
 t2 = _Call direct get [#lib::someStatic] ()
 t3 = _Call direct [#lib::A::] (_T (#lib::A))
 a1 = _Join [dart.core::Object] (%a1, _T (#lib::A), _T (#lib::B))
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 t10 = _Narrow (t9 to _T (dart.core::Object)+?)
 RESULT: t10
 ------------ #lib::bar ------------
-%a1 = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::Object]
-%a2 = _Parameter #1 [dart.core::int]
+%a1 = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
+%a2 = _Parameter #1 [_T (dart.core::int)+?]
 t2 = _Narrow (%a1 to _T (dart.core::int)+)
 t3* = _Call [dart.core::num::+] (t2, %a2)
 t4* = _Call [dart.core::num::*] (t3, _T (dart.core::int)+)
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@
 %result = _Join [dart.core::int] (t4, t5)
 RESULT: %result
 ------------ #lib::loop1 ------------
-%a1 = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::Object]
-%a2 = _Parameter #1 [dart.core::Object]
+%a1 = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
+%a2 = _Parameter #1 [_T (dart.core::Object)+?]
 t2* = _Call direct [#lib::loop1] (_T (dart.core::Object)+?, %a1)
 x = _Join [dart.core::Object] (%a1, t2, %a2)
 ------------ #lib::loop2 ------------
-%x = _Parameter #0 [dart.core::int]
+%x = _Parameter #0 [_T (dart.core::int)+?]
 t1* = _Call [dart.core::num::+] (_T (dart.core::int)+?, _T (dart.core::int)+)
 i = _Join [dart.core::int] (_T (dart.core::int)+, t1)
 t3 = _Call [dart.core::num::<] (i, _T (dart.core::int)+)
diff --git a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/bench_vector.dart.expect b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/bench_vector.dart.expect
index e409910..82e6549 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/bench_vector.dart.expect
+++ b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/bench_vector.dart.expect
@@ -4,29 +4,29 @@
 import "dart:typed_data" as typ;
 class _Vector extends core::Object {
-  final field core::int _offset;
-  final field core::int _length;
-  final field core::List<core::double> _elements;
-  constructor •(core::int size) → void
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!]  final field core::int _offset;
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!]  final field core::int _length;
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.typed_data::_Float64List]  final field core::List<core::double> _elements;
+  constructor •([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] core::int size) → void
     : self::_Vector::_offset = 0, self::_Vector::_length = size, self::_Vector::_elements = [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.typed_data::_Float64List] typ::Float64List::•(size), super core::Object::•()
   constructor fromVOL(core::List<core::double> values, core::int offset, core::int length) → void
     : self::_Vector::_offset = offset, self::_Vector::_length = length, self::_Vector::_elements = values, super core::Object::•()
     throw "TFA Error: #lib::_Vector::fromVOL";
   operator [](core::int i) → core::double
-    return [[]] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.core::_Double] [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.typed_data::_Float64List] this.{self::_Vector::_elements}.{core::List::[]}(i.{core::num::+}([] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] this.{self::_Vector::_offset}));
-  operator []=(core::int i, core::double value) → void {
-    [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.typed_data::_Float64List] this.{self::_Vector::_elements}.{core::List::[]=}([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] i.{core::num::+}([] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] this.{self::_Vector::_offset}), value);
+    return [[]] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.core::_Double] [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.typed_data::_Float64List] this.{self::_Vector::_elements}.{core::List::[]}(i.{core::num::+}([] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] this.{self::_Vector::_offset}));
+  operator []=([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] core::int i, core::double value) → void {
+    [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.typed_data::_Float64List] this.{self::_Vector::_elements}.{core::List::[]=}(i.{core::num::+}([] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] this.{self::_Vector::_offset}), value);
-  operator *(self::_Vector a) → core::double {
+  operator *([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::_Vector] self::_Vector a) → core::double {
     core::double result = 0.0;
     for (core::int i = 0; [<??] i.{core::num::<}([] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] this.{self::_Vector::_length}); i = i.{core::num::+}(1))
       result = [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.core::_Double] result.{core::double::+}([*] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.core::_Double] [[]] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.core::_Double] this.{self::_Vector::[]}(i).{core::double::*}([[]] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.core::_Double] a.{self::_Vector::[]}(i)));
     return result;
-static field self::_Vector v = new self::_Vector::•(10);
-static field core::double x = 0.0;
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::_Vector]static field self::_Vector v = new self::_Vector::•(10);
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.core::_Double]static field core::double x = 0.0;
 static method main(core::List<core::String> args) → dynamic {
   core::Stopwatch timer = let final core::Stopwatch #t1 = new core::Stopwatch::•() in let final dynamic #t2 = [] #t1.{core::Stopwatch::start}() in #t1;
   for (core::int i = 0; [<??] i.{core::num::<}(100000000); i = i.{core::num::+}(1)) {
diff --git a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/devirt.dart.expect b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/devirt.dart.expect
index b8520e9..7f01388 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/devirt.dart.expect
+++ b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/devirt.dart.expect
@@ -34,24 +34,24 @@
   method toString() → core::String
     return "D";
-static field self::A dd;
-static field self::E ee = new self::E::•();
-static method callerA1(self::A aa) → void {
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::D?]static field self::A dd;
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::E]static field self::E ee = new self::E::•();
+static method callerA1([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] self::A aa) → void {
-static method callerA2(self::A aa) → void {
+static method callerA2([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::B] self::A aa) → void {
   [] aa.{self::A::foo}();
-static method callerA3(self::A aa) → void {
+static method callerA3([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::C] self::A aa) → void {
   [] aa.{self::A::foo}();
-static method callerA4(self::A aa) → void {
+static method callerA4([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::D?] self::A aa) → void {
   [] aa.{self::A::foo}();
-static method callerE1(dynamic x) → void {
+static method callerE1([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] dynamic x) → void {
   [] x.{core::Object::toString}();
-static method callerE2(dynamic x) → void {
+static method callerE2([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::E] dynamic x) → void {
   [] x.{core::Object::toString}();
 static method main(core::List<core::String> args) → dynamic {
diff --git a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/future_or.dart b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/future_or.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fb1a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/future_or.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'dart:async';
+class A {}
+class B extends A {}
+void foo1_a1(x) {}
+void foo1_a2(x) {}
+void foo1_a3(x) {}
+void foo1_a4(x) {}
+void foo1(Future<A> a1, A a2, FutureOr<A> a3, FutureOr<A> a4) {
+  foo1_a1(a1);
+  foo1_a2(a2);
+  foo1_a3(a3);
+  foo1_a4(a4);
+void foo2_a1(x) {}
+void foo2_a2(x) {}
+void foo2_a3(x) {}
+void foo2_a4(x) {}
+void foo2(Future<A> a1, A a2, FutureOr<A> a3, FutureOr<A> a4) {
+  foo2_a1(a1);
+  foo2_a2(a2);
+  foo2_a3(a3);
+  foo2_a4(a4);
+Function unknown;
+getDynamic() =>;
+main(List<String> args) {
+  foo1(new Future<B>.value(new B()), new B(), new Future<B>.value(new B()),
+      new B());
+  foo2(getDynamic(), getDynamic(), getDynamic(), getDynamic());
diff --git a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/future_or.dart.expect b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/future_or.dart.expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f86761e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/future_or.dart.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+library #lib;
+import self as self;
+import "dart:core" as core;
+import "dart:async" as asy;
+class A extends core::Object {
+  synthetic constructor •() → void
+    : super core::Object::•()
+    ;
+class B extends self::A {
+  synthetic constructor •() → void
+    : super self::A::•()
+    ;
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.core::Null?]static field core::Function unknown;
+static method foo1_a1([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.async::_Future] dynamic x) → void {}
+static method foo1_a2([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::B] dynamic x) → void {}
+static method foo1_a3([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.async::_Future] dynamic x) → void {}
+static method foo1_a4([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::B] dynamic x) → void {}
+static method foo1([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.async::_Future] asy::Future<self::A> a1, [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::B] self::A a2, [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.async::_Future] asy::FutureOr<self::A> a3, [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::B] asy::FutureOr<self::A> a4) → void {
+  self::foo1_a1(a1);
+  self::foo1_a2(a2);
+  self::foo1_a3(a3);
+  self::foo1_a4(a4);
+static method foo2_a1([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.async::_Future?] dynamic x) → void {}
+static method foo2_a2([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::B?] dynamic x) → void {}
+static method foo2_a3(dynamic x) → void {}
+static method foo2_a4(dynamic x) → void {}
+static method foo2([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.async::_Future?] asy::Future<self::A> a1, [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::B?] self::A a2, asy::FutureOr<self::A> a3, asy::FutureOr<self::A> a4) → void {
+  self::foo2_a1(a1);
+  self::foo2_a2(a2);
+  self::foo2_a3(a3);
+  self::foo2_a4(a4);
+static method getDynamic() → dynamic
+  return;
+static method main(core::List<core::String> args) → dynamic {
+  self::foo1([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.async::_Future] asy::Future::value<self::B>(new self::B::•()), new self::B::•(), [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.async::_Future] asy::Future::value<self::B>(new self::B::•()), new self::B::•());
+  self::foo2(self::getDynamic() as{TypeError} asy::Future<self::A>, self::getDynamic() as{TypeError} self::A, self::getDynamic() as{TypeError} asy::FutureOr<self::A>, self::getDynamic() as{TypeError} asy::FutureOr<self::A>);
diff --git a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_field_initializer.dart.expect b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_field_initializer.dart.expect
index 237f42e..e4209cf 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_field_initializer.dart.expect
+++ b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_field_initializer.dart.expect
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
     return [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] self::field1;
 class D extends core::Object {
-  field core::Object field2 = [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] self::getValue();
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!]  field core::Object field2 = [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] self::getValue();
   synthetic constructor •() → void
     : super core::Object::•()
@@ -55,26 +55,26 @@
   synthetic constructor •() → void
     : super core::Object::•()
-  method barL1(self::D dd) → dynamic
+  method barL1([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::D] self::D dd) → dynamic
     return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] this.{self::DeepCaller2::barL2}(dd);
-  method barL2(self::D dd) → dynamic
+  method barL2([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::D] self::D dd) → dynamic
     return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] this.{self::DeepCaller2::barL3}(dd);
-  method barL3(self::D dd) → dynamic
+  method barL3([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::D] self::D dd) → dynamic
     return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] this.{self::DeepCaller2::barL4}(dd);
-  method barL4(self::D dd) → dynamic
+  method barL4([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::D] self::D dd) → dynamic
     return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] dd.{self::D::field2};
-static field core::Function unknown;
-static field core::Object field1 = [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] self::getValue();
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.core::Null?]static field core::Function unknown;
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!]static field core::Object field1 = [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] self::getValue();
 static method getDynamic() → dynamic
 static method getValue() → core::Object {
   self::A aa = self::getDynamic() as{TypeError} self::A;
   return [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] aa.{self::A::foo}();
-static method use1(self::DeepCaller1 x) → dynamic
+static method use1([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::DeepCaller1] self::DeepCaller1 x) → dynamic
   return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] x.{self::DeepCaller1::barL1}();
-static method use2(self::DeepCaller2 x) → dynamic
+static method use2([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::DeepCaller2] self::DeepCaller2 x) → dynamic
   return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] x.{self::DeepCaller2::barL1}(new self::D::•());
 static method createC() → dynamic {
   new self::C::•();
diff --git a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_new_class1.dart.expect b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_new_class1.dart.expect
index 344b2fb..6df2428 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_new_class1.dart.expect
+++ b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_new_class1.dart.expect
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@
   synthetic constructor •() → void
     : super core::Object::•()
-  method bar(self::A aa) → dynamic
+  method bar([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::B?] self::A aa) → dynamic
     return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::T1] aa.{self::A::foo}();
-static field core::Function unknown;
-static method use1(self::Intermediate i, self::A aa) → dynamic
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.core::Null?]static field core::Function unknown;
+static method use1([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::Intermediate] self::Intermediate i, [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::B?] self::A aa) → dynamic
   return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::T1] i.{self::Intermediate::bar}(aa);
-static method use2(self::Intermediate i, self::A aa) → dynamic
+static method use2([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::Intermediate] self::Intermediate i, [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::B?] self::A aa) → dynamic
   return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::T1] i.{self::Intermediate::bar}(aa);
 static method getDynamic() → dynamic
diff --git a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_new_class2.dart.expect b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_new_class2.dart.expect
index 79b33b7..9133d59 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_new_class2.dart.expect
+++ b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_new_class2.dart.expect
@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@
   method bar(self::A aa) → dynamic
     return [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] aa.{self::A::foo}();
-static field core::Function unknown;
-static method use1(self::Intermediate i, self::A aa) → dynamic
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.core::Null?]static field core::Function unknown;
+static method use1([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::Intermediate] self::Intermediate i, self::A aa) → dynamic
   return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] i.{self::Intermediate::bar}(aa);
-static method use2(self::Intermediate i, self::A aa) → dynamic
+static method use2([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::Intermediate] self::Intermediate i, self::A aa) → dynamic
   return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] i.{self::Intermediate::bar}(aa);
-static method use3(self::Intermediate i, self::A aa) → dynamic
+static method use3([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::Intermediate] self::Intermediate i, self::A aa) → dynamic
   return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] i.{self::Intermediate::bar}(aa);
 static method getDynamic() → dynamic
diff --git a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_new_dynamic_target.dart.expect b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_new_dynamic_target.dart.expect
index 68fff2b..55d3d4e 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_new_dynamic_target.dart.expect
+++ b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_new_dynamic_target.dart.expect
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
   method bazz() → dynamic
     return new self::T3::•();
-static field core::Function unknown;
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.core::Null?]static field core::Function unknown;
 static method use_foo1(dynamic x) → dynamic
   return [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::T1];
 static method use_foo2(dynamic x) → dynamic
diff --git a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_set_field.dart.expect b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_set_field.dart.expect
index eef7a9d..78b259d 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_set_field.dart.expect
+++ b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_set_field.dart.expect
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
 class A extends core::Object {
-  field dynamic field1 = new self::T1::•();
-  field dynamic field2 = new self::T1::•();
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::T1]  field dynamic field1 = new self::T1::•();
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!]  field dynamic field2 = new self::T1::•();
   synthetic constructor •() → void
     : super core::Object::•()
@@ -23,36 +23,36 @@
   synthetic constructor •() → void
     : super core::Object::•()
-  method barL1(self::A aa) → dynamic
+  method barL1([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::A?] self::A aa) → dynamic
     return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::T1] this.{self::DeepCaller1::barL2}(aa);
-  method barL2(self::A aa) → dynamic
+  method barL2([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::A?] self::A aa) → dynamic
     return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::T1] this.{self::DeepCaller1::barL3}(aa);
-  method barL3(self::A aa) → dynamic
+  method barL3([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::A?] self::A aa) → dynamic
     return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::T1] this.{self::DeepCaller1::barL4}(aa);
-  method barL4(self::A aa) → dynamic
+  method barL4([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::A?] self::A aa) → dynamic
     return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::T1] aa.{self::A::field1};
 class DeepCaller2 extends core::Object {
   synthetic constructor •() → void
     : super core::Object::•()
-  method barL1(self::A aa) → dynamic
+  method barL1([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::A?] self::A aa) → dynamic
     return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] this.{self::DeepCaller2::barL2}(aa);
-  method barL2(self::A aa) → dynamic
+  method barL2([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::A?] self::A aa) → dynamic
     return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] this.{self::DeepCaller2::barL3}(aa);
-  method barL3(self::A aa) → dynamic
+  method barL3([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::A?] self::A aa) → dynamic
     return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] this.{self::DeepCaller2::barL4}(aa);
-  method barL4(self::A aa) → dynamic
+  method barL4([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::A?] self::A aa) → dynamic
     return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] aa.{self::A::field2};
-static field core::Function unknown;
-static method use1(self::DeepCaller1 x, self::A aa) → dynamic
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.core::Null?]static field core::Function unknown;
+static method use1([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::DeepCaller1] self::DeepCaller1 x, [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::A?] self::A aa) → dynamic
   return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::T1] x.{self::DeepCaller1::barL1}(aa);
-static method use2(self::DeepCaller2 x, self::A aa) → dynamic
+static method use2([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::DeepCaller2] self::DeepCaller2 x, [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::A?] self::A aa) → dynamic
   return [] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] x.{self::DeepCaller2::barL1}(aa);
 static method getDynamic() → dynamic
-static method setField2(self::A aa, dynamic value) → void {
+static method setField2([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::A] self::A aa, [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::T2] dynamic value) → void {
   [] aa.{self::A::field2} = value;
 static method main(core::List<core::String> args) → dynamic {
diff --git a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_while_processing.dart.expect b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_while_processing.dart.expect
index 17533c2..5a3bce0 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_while_processing.dart.expect
+++ b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/invalidation_while_processing.dart.expect
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
   method foo() → void {}
 class Point extends core::Object {
-  final field self::I x;
-  const constructor •(self::I x) → void
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!]  final field self::I x;
+  const constructor •([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] self::I x) → void
     : self::Point::x = x, super core::Object::•()
   method newPoint1() → self::Point
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
   method newPoint2() → self::Point
     return new self::Point::•([] [@vm.inferred-type.metadata=!] this.{self::Point::x});
-static method getX(dynamic point) → dynamic {
+static method getX([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::Point] dynamic point) → dynamic {
 static method main() → dynamic {
diff --git a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/no_such_method.dart.expect b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/no_such_method.dart.expect
index 2d4e301..7410cd7 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/no_such_method.dart.expect
+++ b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/no_such_method.dart.expect
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
   synthetic constructor •() → void
     : super self::A::•()
-  method noSuchMethod(core::Invocation invocation) → dynamic {
+  method noSuchMethod([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.core::_InvocationMirror?] core::Invocation invocation) → dynamic {
     return new self::T1::•();
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
   synthetic constructor •() → void
     : super core::Object::•()
-  method noSuchMethod(core::Invocation invocation) → dynamic {
+  method noSuchMethod([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.core::_InvocationMirror?] core::Invocation invocation) → dynamic {
     return new self::T2::•();
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
   method foo() → dynamic
     throw "TFA Error: #lib::E::foo";
-  method noSuchMethod(core::Invocation invocation) → dynamic {
+  method noSuchMethod([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.core::_InvocationMirror?] core::Invocation invocation) → dynamic {
     return new self::T4::•();
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
   method twoArg(dynamic a1, dynamic a2) → dynamic
     throw "TFA Error: #lib::F::twoArg";
-  method noSuchMethod(core::Invocation invocation) → dynamic {
+  method noSuchMethod([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.core::_InvocationMirror?] core::Invocation invocation) → dynamic {
     return new self::T2::•();
@@ -80,13 +80,13 @@
   synthetic constructor •() → void
     : super core::Object::•()
-  method noSuchMethod(core::Invocation invocation) → dynamic {
+  method noSuchMethod([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.core::_InvocationMirror?] core::Invocation invocation) → dynamic {
     return new self::T5::•();
-static field self::A bb = new self::B::•();
-static field self::A dd = new self::D::•();
-static field core::Function unknown;
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::B]static field self::A bb = new self::B::•();
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::D]static field self::A dd = new self::D::•();
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=dart.core::Null?]static field core::Function unknown;
 static method getDynamic() → dynamic
 static method main(core::List<core::String> args) → dynamic {
diff --git a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/tear_off_interface_method.dart.expect b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/tear_off_interface_method.dart.expect
index d00fa90..1f42b77 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/tear_off_interface_method.dart.expect
+++ b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/tear_off_interface_method.dart.expect
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 class TearOffInterfaceMethod extends core::Object {
   field dynamic bazz;
-  constructor •(self::A arg) → void
+  constructor •([@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::B] self::A arg) → void
     : self::TearOffInterfaceMethod::bazz = arg.{self::A::foo}, super core::Object::•()
diff --git a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/tear_off_super_method.dart.expect b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/tear_off_super_method.dart.expect
index 8a28d7c..a1b09f0 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/tear_off_super_method.dart.expect
+++ b/pkg/vm/testcases/transformations/type_flow/transformer/tear_off_super_method.dart.expect
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
   method bar() → core::int
     return [] this.{self::Base::doCall}(super.{self::Base::foo});
-static field self::A aa = new self::B::•();
+[@vm.inferred-type.metadata=#lib::B]static field self::A aa = new self::B::•();
 static method knownResult() → dynamic
   return new self::B::•();
 static method main(core::List<core::String> args) → dynamic {
diff --git a/runtime/bin/ b/runtime/bin/
index a5cc7ac..32aa820 100644
--- a/runtime/bin/
+++ b/runtime/bin/
@@ -36,8 +36,6 @@
 #include "bin/gzip.h"
-#include "vm/kernel.h"
 extern "C" {
 extern const uint8_t kDartVmSnapshotData[];
 extern const uint8_t kDartVmSnapshotInstructions[];
@@ -439,8 +437,8 @@
       isolate = Dart_CreateIsolateFromKernel(script_uri, NULL, platform_program,
                                              flags, isolate_data, error);
     } else {
-      *error = OS::SCreate(
-          NULL, "Platform kernel not available to create service isolate.");
+      *error =
+          strdup("Platform kernel not available to create service isolate.");
       delete isolate_data;
       return NULL;
@@ -553,8 +551,11 @@
     if (!isolate_run_app_snapshot && kernel_program == NULL) {
       if (!dfe.CanUseDartFrontend()) {
-        *error = OS::SCreate(NULL, "Dart frontend unavailable to compile %s.",
-                             script_uri);
+        const char* format = "Dart frontend unavailable to compile script %s.";
+        intptr_t len = snprintf(NULL, 0, format, script_uri) + 2;
+        *error = reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(len));
+        ASSERT(error != NULL);
+        snprintf(*error, len, format, script_uri);
         return NULL;
diff --git a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/service_kernel.status b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/service_kernel.status
index 831090c..2618858 100644
--- a/runtime/observatory/tests/service/service_kernel.status
+++ b/runtime/observatory/tests/service/service_kernel.status
@@ -47,25 +47,33 @@
 coverage_leaf_function_test: RuntimeError
 coverage_optimized_function_test: Skip # Timeout
 get_source_report_test: RuntimeError
-get_vm_timeline_rpc_test: Pass, Timeout
-issue_25465_test: Pass, Timeout
-issue_30555_test: Pass, Timeout
-next_through_assign_call_test: Pass, Timeout
-next_through_call_on_field_in_class_test: Pass, Timeout
-next_through_create_list_and_map_test: Pass, Timeout
-next_through_is_and_as_test: Pass, Timeout
-next_through_multi_catch_test: Pass, Timeout
-next_through_simple_async_with_returns_test: Pass, Timeout
-next_through_simple_linear_2_test: Pass, Timeout
+get_vm_timeline_rpc_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 32137.
+issue_25465_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 32137.
+issue_30555_test: Pass, RuntimeError, Timeout # Issue 32137.
+next_through_assign_call_test: Skip # Issues 32137 and 32138.
+next_through_assign_int_test: Skip # Issues 32137 and 32138.
+next_through_call_on_field_in_class_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 32137.
+next_through_call_on_field_test: Skip # Issues 32137 and 32138.
+next_through_create_list_and_map_test: Skip # Issues 32137 and 32138.
+next_through_function_expression_test: Skip # Issues 32137 and 32138.
+next_through_is_and_as_test: Skip # Issues 32137 and 32138.
+next_through_multi_catch_test: Skip # Issues 32137 and 32138.
+next_through_simple_async_with_returns_test: Skip # Issues 32137 and 32138.
+next_through_simple_linear_2_test: Skip # Issues 32137 and 32138.
+next_through_simple_linear_test: Skip # Issues 32137 and 32138.
+pause_idle_isolate_test: Skip # Issues 32137 and 32138.
+pause_on_start_and_exit_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 32137.
 regress_28443_test: Pass, Timeout
+regress_28980_test: Skip # Issues 32137 and 32138.
 reload_sources_test: RuntimeError
+set_vm_name_rpc_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 32137.
 step_test: Pass, Slow
 step_through_constructor_test: Pass, Slow
-step_through_function_2_test: Pass, Timeout
-step_through_function_test: Pass, Timeout
-step_through_property_get_test: Pass, Timeout
-step_through_switch_test: Pass, Timeout
-step_through_switch_with_continue_test: Pass, Timeout
+step_through_function_2_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 32137.
+step_through_function_test: Skip # Issues 32137 and 32138.
+step_through_property_get_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 32137.
+step_through_switch_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 32137.
+step_through_switch_with_continue_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 32137.
 [ $compiler == dartk && $system == windows && $strong ]
 add_breakpoint_rpc_kernel_test: Skip # Timeout
@@ -103,3 +111,4 @@
 [ $compiler == dartk && $strong && ($arch == simarm || $arch == simarm64) ]
 async_single_step_exception_test: RuntimeError
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/
index 2856f70..c311538 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/aot/
@@ -1979,16 +1979,23 @@
       intptr_t cid =;
-      if ((cid == kMintCid) || (cid == kBigintCid) || (cid == kDoubleCid)) {
+      if ((cid == kMintCid) || (cid == kBigintCid)) {
         // Constants stored as a plain list, no rehashing needed.
         constants = Array::MakeFixedLength(retained_constants);
       } else {
         // Rehash.
-        for (intptr_t j = 0; j < retained_constants.Length(); j++) {
-          constant ^= retained_constants.At(j);
-          cls.InsertCanonicalConstant(Z, constant);
+        if (cid == kDoubleCid) {
+          for (intptr_t j = 0; j < retained_constants.Length(); j++) {
+            constant ^= retained_constants.At(j);
+            cls.InsertCanonicalDouble(Z, Double::Cast(constant));
+          }
+        } else {
+          for (intptr_t j = 0; j < retained_constants.Length(); j++) {
+            constant ^= retained_constants.At(j);
+            cls.InsertCanonicalConstant(Z, constant);
+          }
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
index d69740c..dfbd141 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/
@@ -947,10 +947,29 @@
     // Note: in catch-blocks we have ParameterInstr for each local variable
     // not only for normal parameters.
     if (index() < scope->num_variables()) {
-      LocalVariable* param = scope->VariableAt(index());
+      const LocalVariable* param = scope->VariableAt(index());
+      CompileType* inferred_type = NULL;
+      if (block_->IsGraphEntry()) {
+        inferred_type = param->parameter_type();
+      }
+      // Best bet: use inferred type if it has a concrete class.
+      if ((inferred_type != NULL) &&
+          (inferred_type->ToNullableCid() != kDynamicCid)) {
+        TraceStrongModeType(this, inferred_type);
+        return *inferred_type;
+      }
+      // If parameter type was checked by caller, then use Dart type annotation,
+      // plus non-nullability from inferred type if known.
       if (param->was_type_checked_by_caller()) {
-        return CompileType::FromAbstractType(param->type(),
-                                             CompileType::kNullable);
+        const bool is_nullable =
+            (inferred_type == NULL) || inferred_type->is_nullable();
+        TraceStrongModeType(this, param->type());
+        return CompileType::FromAbstractType(param->type(), is_nullable);
+      }
+      // Last resort: use inferred non-nullability.
+      if (inferred_type != NULL) {
+        TraceStrongModeType(this, inferred_type);
+        return *inferred_type;
@@ -1063,6 +1082,7 @@
   CompileType* inferred_type = result_type();
   if ((inferred_type != NULL) &&
       (inferred_type->ToNullableCid() != kDynamicCid)) {
+    TraceStrongModeType(this, inferred_type);
     return *inferred_type;
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
index dd4a560..cf07b3e 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
@@ -771,7 +771,12 @@
       Class::Handle(builder_->zone_, H.LookupClassByKernelClass(kernel_name));
-  const intptr_t cid =;
+  intptr_t cid =;
+  if (cid == kClosureCid) {
+    // VM uses more specific function types and doesn't expect instances of
+    // _Closure class, so inferred _Closure class doesn't make sense for the VM.
+    cid = kDynamicCid;
+  }
   return InferredTypeMetadata(cid, nullable);
@@ -2053,6 +2058,8 @@
     intptr_t pos,
     ParameterTypeCheckMode type_check_mode) {
   intptr_t kernel_offset = builder_->ReaderOffset();  // no tag.
+  const InferredTypeMetadata parameter_type =
+      builder_->inferred_type_metadata_helper_.GetInferredType(kernel_offset);
   VariableDeclarationHelper helper(builder_);
   String& name = H.DartSymbol(helper.name_index_);
@@ -2060,8 +2067,8 @@
-  LocalVariable* variable =
-      MakeVariable(helper.position_, helper.position_, name, type);
+  LocalVariable* variable = MakeVariable(helper.position_, helper.position_,
+                                         name, type, &parameter_type);
   if (helper.IsFinal()) {
@@ -2113,8 +2120,15 @@
     TokenPosition declaration_pos,
     TokenPosition token_pos,
     const String& name,
-    const AbstractType& type) {
-  return new (Z) LocalVariable(declaration_pos, token_pos, name, type);
+    const AbstractType& type,
+    const InferredTypeMetadata* param_type_md /* = NULL */) {
+  CompileType* param_type = NULL;
+  if ((param_type_md != NULL) && !param_type_md->IsTrivial()) {
+    param_type = new (Z) CompileType(CompileType::CreateNullable(
+        param_type_md->nullable, param_type_md->cid));
+  }
+  return new (Z)
+      LocalVariable(declaration_pos, token_pos, name, type, param_type);
 void StreamingScopeBuilder::AddExceptionVariable(
@@ -6885,9 +6899,10 @@
                                argument_names, ICData::kNoRebind, &result_type,
   } else {
-    instructions += InstanceCall(
-        position, name, token_kind, type_args_len, argument_count,
-        argument_names, checked_argument_count, *interface_target, &result_type);
+    instructions +=
+        InstanceCall(position, name, token_kind, type_args_len, argument_count,
+                     argument_names, checked_argument_count, *interface_target,
+                     &result_type);
   // Drop temporaries preserving result on the top of the stack.
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_binary_flowgraph.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_binary_flowgraph.h
index 34df86f..5bef7e4 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_binary_flowgraph.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_binary_flowgraph.h
@@ -577,6 +577,8 @@
   const intptr_t cid;
   const bool nullable;
+  bool IsTrivial() const { return (cid == kDynamicCid) && nullable; }
 // Helper class which provides access to inferred type metadata.
@@ -744,7 +746,8 @@
   LocalVariable* MakeVariable(TokenPosition declaration_pos,
                               TokenPosition token_pos,
                               const String& name,
-                              const AbstractType& type);
+                              const AbstractType& type,
+                              const InferredTypeMetadata* param_type_md = NULL);
   void AddExceptionVariable(GrowableArray<LocalVariable*>* variables,
                             const char* prefix,
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
index ede8726..a3c0dd1 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/
@@ -1227,22 +1227,23 @@
       Constant(Integer::ZoneHandle(Z, Integer::New(value, Heap::kOld))));
-Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::InstanceCall(TokenPosition position,
-                                        const String& name,
-                                        Token::Kind kind,
-                                        intptr_t type_args_len,
-                                        intptr_t argument_count,
-                                        const Array& argument_names,
-                                        intptr_t checked_argument_count,
-                                        const Function& interface_target,
-                                        const InferredTypeMetadata* result_type) {
+Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::InstanceCall(
+    TokenPosition position,
+    const String& name,
+    Token::Kind kind,
+    intptr_t type_args_len,
+    intptr_t argument_count,
+    const Array& argument_names,
+    intptr_t checked_argument_count,
+    const Function& interface_target,
+    const InferredTypeMetadata* result_type) {
   const intptr_t total_count = argument_count + (type_args_len > 0 ? 1 : 0);
   ArgumentArray arguments = GetArguments(total_count);
   InstanceCallInstr* call = new (Z) InstanceCallInstr(
       position, name, kind, arguments, type_args_len, argument_names,
       checked_argument_count, ic_data_array_, GetNextDeoptId(),
-  if (result_type != NULL) {
+  if ((result_type != NULL) && !result_type->IsTrivial()) {
     call->SetResultType(Z, CompileType::CreateNullable(result_type->nullable,
@@ -1528,7 +1529,7 @@
     ASSERT((result_type == NULL) || (result_type->cid == kDynamicCid) ||
            (result_type->cid == recognized_cid));
     call->SetResultType(Z, CompileType::FromCid(recognized_cid));
-  } else if (result_type != NULL) {
+  } else if ((result_type != NULL) && !result_type->IsTrivial()) {
     call->SetResultType(Z, CompileType::CreateNullable(result_type->nullable,
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
index 49cb711..6ee6b79 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ b/runtime/vm/
@@ -5925,14 +5925,23 @@
 Dart_CompileToKernel(const char* script_uri,
                      const uint8_t* platform_kernel,
                      intptr_t platform_kernel_size) {
   Dart_KernelCompilationResult result;
   result.status = Dart_KernelCompilationStatus_Unknown;
   result.error = strdup("Dart_CompileToKernel is unsupported.");
   return result;
-  return KernelIsolate::CompileToKernel(script_uri, platform_kernel,
-                                        platform_kernel_size, 0, NULL, true);
+  result = KernelIsolate::CompileToKernel(script_uri, platform_kernel,
+                                          platform_kernel_size, 0, NULL, true);
+  if (result.status == Dart_KernelCompilationStatus_Ok) {
+    if (KernelIsolate::AcceptCompilation().status !=
+        Dart_KernelCompilationStatus_Ok) {
+      FATAL(
+          "An error occurred in the CFE while accepting the most recent"
+          " compilation results.");
+    }
+  }
+  return result;
@@ -5943,15 +5952,25 @@
                             int source_files_count,
                             Dart_SourceFile sources[],
                             bool incremental_compile) {
   Dart_KernelCompilationResult result;
   result.status = Dart_KernelCompilationStatus_Unknown;
   result.error = strdup("Dart_CompileSourcesToKernel is unsupported.");
   return result;
-  return KernelIsolate::CompileToKernel(
+  result = KernelIsolate::CompileToKernel(
       script_uri, platform_kernel, platform_kernel_size, source_files_count,
       sources, incremental_compile);
+  if (result.status == Dart_KernelCompilationStatus_Ok) {
+    if (KernelIsolate::AcceptCompilation().status !=
+        Dart_KernelCompilationStatus_Ok) {
+      FATAL(
+          "An error occurred in the CFE while accepting the most recent"
+          " compilation results.");
+    }
+  }
+  return result;
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
index 9dc702d..6db3341 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ b/runtime/vm/
@@ -521,6 +521,16 @@
+static void AcceptCompilation(Thread* thread) {
+  TransitionVMToNative transition(thread);
+  if (KernelIsolate::AcceptCompilation().status !=
+      Dart_KernelCompilationStatus_Ok) {
+    FATAL(
+        "An error occurred in the CFE while accepting the most recent"
+        " compilation results.");
+  }
 // NOTE: This function returns *after* FinalizeLoading is called.
 void IsolateReloadContext::Reload(bool force_reload,
                                   const char* root_script_url,
@@ -559,6 +569,8 @@
   if (packages_url_ != NULL) {
     packages_url = String::New(packages_url_);
+  bool did_kernel_compilation = false;
   if (isolate()->use_dart_frontend()) {
     // Load the kernel program and figure out the modified libraries.
     const GrowableObjectArray& libs =
@@ -592,7 +604,7 @@
+      did_kernel_compilation = true;
           ReadPrecompiledKernelFromBuffer(retval.kernel, retval.kernel_size));
@@ -611,6 +623,13 @@
+    // If we use the CFE and performed a compilation, we need to notify that
+    // we have accepted the compilation to clear some state in the incremental
+    // compiler.
+    if (isolate()->use_dart_frontend() && did_kernel_compilation) {
+      AcceptCompilation(thread);
+    }
     TIR_Print("---- SKIPPING RELOAD (No libraries were modified)\n");
@@ -671,6 +690,13 @@
       result = Object::null();
+      // If we use the CFE and performed a compilation, we need to notify that
+      // we have accepted the compilation to clear some state in the incremental
+      // compiler.
+      if (did_kernel_compilation) {
+        AcceptCompilation(thread);
+      }
     } else {
       result = tmp.raw();
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
index 7b0f1f6..829c764 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ b/runtime/vm/
@@ -46,10 +46,12 @@
 // Current tags include the following:
 //   0 - Perform normal compilation.
 //   1 - Update in-memory file system with in-memory sources (used by tests).
-//   2 - APP JIT snapshot training run for kernel_service.
+//   2 - Accept last compilation result.
+//   3 - APP JIT snapshot training run for kernel_service.
 const int KernelIsolate::kCompileTag = 0;
 const int KernelIsolate::kUpdateSourcesTag = 1;
-const int KernelIsolate::kTrainTag = 2;
+const int KernelIsolate::kAcceptTag = 2;
+const int KernelIsolate::kTrainTag = 3;
 Dart_IsolateCreateCallback KernelIsolate::create_callback_ = NULL;
 Monitor* KernelIsolate::monitor_ = new Monitor();
@@ -568,6 +570,22 @@
+Dart_KernelCompilationResult KernelIsolate::AcceptCompilation() {
+  // This must be the main script to be loaded. Wait for Kernel isolate
+  // to finish initialization.
+  Dart_Port kernel_port = WaitForKernelPort();
+  if (kernel_port == ILLEGAL_PORT) {
+    Dart_KernelCompilationResult result;
+    result.status = Dart_KernelCompilationStatus_Unknown;
+    result.error = strdup("Error while initializing Kernel isolate");
+    return result;
+  }
+  KernelCompilationRequest request;
+  return request.SendAndWaitForResponse(kAcceptTag, kernel_port, NULL, NULL, 0,
+                                        0, NULL, true);
 Dart_KernelCompilationResult KernelIsolate::UpdateInMemorySources(
     int source_files_count,
     Dart_SourceFile source_files[]) {
diff --git a/runtime/vm/kernel_isolate.h b/runtime/vm/kernel_isolate.h
index 6d32010..001aa41 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/kernel_isolate.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/kernel_isolate.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
   static const char* kName;
   static const int kCompileTag;
   static const int kUpdateSourcesTag;
+  static const int kAcceptTag;
   static const int kTrainTag;
   static void Run();
@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@
       Dart_SourceFile source_files[] = NULL,
       bool incremental_compile = true);
+  static Dart_KernelCompilationResult AcceptCompilation();
   static Dart_KernelCompilationResult UpdateInMemorySources(
       int source_files_count,
       Dart_SourceFile source_files[]);
diff --git a/runtime/vm/ b/runtime/vm/
index 840ca2f..9a8cf11 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/
+++ b/runtime/vm/
@@ -4403,31 +4403,77 @@
                      patch_prefix, class_name);
-// Returns an instance of Double or Double::null().
-// 'index' points to either:
-// - constants_list_ position of found element, or
-// - constants_list_ position where new canonical can be inserted.
-RawDouble* Class::LookupCanonicalDouble(Zone* zone,
-                                        double value,
-                                        intptr_t* index) const {
-  ASSERT(this->raw() == Isolate::Current()->object_store()->double_class());
-  const Array& constants = Array::Handle(zone, this->constants());
-  const intptr_t constants_len = constants.Length();
-  // Linear search to see whether this value is already present in the
-  // list of canonicalized constants.
-  Double& canonical_value = Double::Handle(zone);
-  while (*index < constants_len) {
-    canonical_value ^= constants.At(*index);
-    if (canonical_value.IsNull()) {
-      break;
-    }
-    if (canonical_value.BitwiseEqualsToDouble(value)) {
-      ASSERT(canonical_value.IsCanonical());
-      return canonical_value.raw();
-    }
-    *index = *index + 1;
+class CanonicalDoubleKey {
+ public:
+  explicit CanonicalDoubleKey(const Double& key)
+      : key_(&key), value_(key.value()) {}
+  explicit CanonicalDoubleKey(const double value) : key_(NULL), value_(value) {}
+  bool Matches(const Double& obj) const {
+    return obj.BitwiseEqualsToDouble(value_);
-  return Double::null();
+  uword Hash() const { return Hash(value_); }
+  // Thomas Wang, Integer Hash Functions.
+  //
+  // "64 bit to 32 bit Hash Functions"
+  static uword Hash(double value) {
+    uint64_t v = bit_cast<uint64_t>(value);
+    v = ~v + (v << 18);
+    v = v ^ (v >> 31);
+    v = v * 21;
+    v = v ^ (v >> 11);
+    v = v + (v << 6);
+    v = v ^ (v >> 22);
+    return static_cast<uint32_t>(v);
+  }
+  const Double* key_;
+  const double value_;
+ private:
+// Traits for looking up Canonical Instances based on a hash of the fields.
+class CanonicalDoubleTraits {
+ public:
+  static const char* Name() { return "CanonicalDoubleTraits"; }
+  static bool ReportStats() { return false; }
+  // Called when growing the table.
+  static bool IsMatch(const Object& a, const Object& b) {
+    return a.raw() == b.raw();
+  }
+  static bool IsMatch(const CanonicalDoubleKey& a, const Object& b) {
+    return a.Matches(Double::Cast(b));
+  }
+  static uword Hash(const Object& key) {
+    ASSERT(key.IsDouble());
+    return CanonicalDoubleKey::Hash(Double::Cast(key).value());
+  }
+  static uword Hash(const CanonicalDoubleKey& key) { return key.Hash(); }
+  static RawObject* NewKey(const CanonicalDoubleKey& obj) {
+    if (obj.key_ != NULL) {
+      return obj.key_->raw();
+    } else {
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  }
+typedef UnorderedHashSet<CanonicalDoubleTraits> CanonicalDoubleSet;
+// Returns an instance of Double or Double::null().
+RawDouble* Class::LookupCanonicalDouble(Zone* zone, double value) const {
+  ASSERT(this->raw() == Isolate::Current()->object_store()->double_class());
+  if (this->constants() == Object::empty_array().raw()) return Double::null();
+  Double& canonical_value = Double::Handle(zone);
+  CanonicalDoubleSet constants(zone, this->constants());
+  canonical_value ^= constants.GetOrNull(CanonicalDoubleKey(value));
+  this->set_constants(constants.Release());
+  return canonical_value.raw();
 RawMint* Class::LookupCanonicalMint(Zone* zone,
@@ -4554,9 +4600,19 @@
   return canonical_value.raw();
-void Class::InsertCanonicalNumber(Zone* zone,
-                                  intptr_t index,
-                                  const Number& constant) const {
+void Class::InsertCanonicalDouble(Zone* zone, const Double& constant) const {
+  if (this->constants() == Object::empty_array().raw()) {
+    this->set_constants(Array::Handle(
+        zone, HashTables::New<CanonicalDoubleSet>(128, Heap::kOld)));
+  }
+  CanonicalDoubleSet constants(zone, this->constants());
+  constants.InsertNewOrGet(CanonicalDoubleKey(constant));
+  this->set_constants(constants.Release());
+void Class::InsertCanonicalInt(Zone* zone,
+                               intptr_t index,
+                               const Number& constant) const {
   // The constant needs to be added to the list. Grow the list if it is full.
   Array& canonical_list = Array::Handle(zone, constants());
   const intptr_t list_len = canonical_list.Length();
@@ -4571,7 +4627,8 @@
 void Class::RehashConstants(Zone* zone) const {
   intptr_t cid = id();
   if ((cid == kMintCid) || (cid == kBigintCid) || (cid == kDoubleCid)) {
-    // Constants stored as a plain list, no rehashing needed.
+    // Constants stored as a plain list or in a hashset with a stable hashcode,
+    // which only depends on the actual value of the constant.
@@ -4579,6 +4636,7 @@
   if (old_constants.Length() == 0) return;
   CanonicalInstancesSet set(zone, old_constants.raw());
   Instance& constant = Instance::Handle(zone);
   CanonicalInstancesSet::Iterator it(&set);
@@ -18584,7 +18642,7 @@
-        cls.InsertCanonicalNumber(zone, index, result);
+        cls.InsertCanonicalInt(zone, index, result);
         return result.raw();
@@ -18610,7 +18668,7 @@
     case kDoubleCid: {
       Double& dbl = Double::Handle(zone);
-      dbl ^= cls.LookupCanonicalDouble(zone, Double::Cast(*this).value(), &idx);
+      dbl ^= cls.LookupCanonicalDouble(zone, Double::Cast(*this).value());
       return (dbl.raw() == this->raw());
     case kBigintCid: {
@@ -19110,7 +19168,7 @@
     // The value needs to be added to the constants list. Grow the list if
     // it is full.
-    cls.InsertCanonicalNumber(zone, index, canonical_value);
+    cls.InsertCanonicalInt(zone, index, canonical_value);
     return canonical_value.raw();
@@ -19228,9 +19286,8 @@
   // Linear search to see whether this value is already present in the
   // list of canonicalized constants.
   Double& canonical_value = Double::Handle(zone);
-  intptr_t index = 0;
-  canonical_value ^= cls.LookupCanonicalDouble(zone, value, &index);
+  canonical_value ^= cls.LookupCanonicalDouble(zone, value);
   if (!canonical_value.IsNull()) {
     return canonical_value.raw();
@@ -19238,16 +19295,15 @@
     SafepointMutexLocker ml(isolate->constant_canonicalization_mutex());
     // Retry lookup.
-      canonical_value ^= cls.LookupCanonicalDouble(zone, value, &index);
+      canonical_value ^= cls.LookupCanonicalDouble(zone, value);
       if (!canonical_value.IsNull()) {
         return canonical_value.raw();
     canonical_value = Double::New(value, Heap::kOld);
-    // The value needs to be added to the constants list. Grow the list if
-    // it is full.
-    cls.InsertCanonicalNumber(zone, index, canonical_value);
+    // The value needs to be added to the constants list.
+    cls.InsertCanonicalDouble(zone, canonical_value);
     return canonical_value.raw();
@@ -19544,7 +19600,7 @@
     // The value needs to be added to the constants list. Grow the list if
     // it is full.
-    cls.InsertCanonicalNumber(zone, index, value);
+    cls.InsertCanonicalInt(zone, index, value);
     return value.raw();
diff --git a/runtime/vm/object.h b/runtime/vm/object.h
index a409542..1c15efe 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/object.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/object.h
@@ -1210,13 +1210,11 @@
   RawLibraryPrefix* LookupLibraryPrefix(const String& name) const;
-  // Returns an instance of Double or Double::null().
+  RawDouble* LookupCanonicalDouble(Zone* zone, double value) const;
+  // Returns an instance of Mint or Mint::null().
   // 'index' points to either:
   // - constants_list_ position of found element, or
   // - constants_list_ position where new canonical can be inserted.
-  RawDouble* LookupCanonicalDouble(Zone* zone,
-                                   double value,
-                                   intptr_t* index) const;
   RawMint* LookupCanonicalMint(Zone* zone,
                                int64_t value,
                                intptr_t* index) const;
@@ -1228,9 +1226,10 @@
   RawInstance* InsertCanonicalConstant(Zone* zone,
                                        const Instance& constant) const;
-  void InsertCanonicalNumber(Zone* zone,
-                             intptr_t index,
-                             const Number& constant) const;
+  void InsertCanonicalDouble(Zone* zone, const Double& constant) const;
+  void InsertCanonicalInt(Zone* zone,
+                          intptr_t index,
+                          const Number& constant) const;
   void RehashConstants(Zone* zone) const;
diff --git a/runtime/vm/scopes.h b/runtime/vm/scopes.h
index 7a1a51e..e739416 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/scopes.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/scopes.h
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 namespace dart {
+class CompileType;
 class LocalScope;
 class LocalVariable : public ZoneAllocated {
@@ -23,12 +24,14 @@
   LocalVariable(TokenPosition declaration_pos,
                 TokenPosition token_pos,
                 const String& name,
-                const AbstractType& type)
+                const AbstractType& type,
+                CompileType* parameter_type = NULL)
       : declaration_pos_(declaration_pos),
+        parameter_type_(parameter_type),
@@ -53,6 +56,8 @@
   const AbstractType& type() const { return type_; }
+  CompileType* parameter_type() const { return parameter_type_; }
   bool is_final() const { return is_final_; }
   void set_is_final() { is_final_ = true; }
@@ -135,6 +140,8 @@
   const AbstractType& type_;  // Declaration type of local variable.
+  CompileType* const parameter_type_;  // NULL or incoming parameter type.
   const Instance* const_value_;  // NULL or compile-time const value.
   bool is_final_;     // If true, this variable is readonly.
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_http/websocket.dart b/sdk/lib/_http/websocket.dart
index 99dc790..33a4f18 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_http/websocket.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_http/websocket.dart
@@ -413,6 +413,18 @@
    * not, the receiving end will close the connection.
   void addUtf8Text(List<int> bytes);
+  /**
+   * Gets the user agent used for WebSocket connections.
+   */
+  static String get userAgent => _WebSocketImpl.userAgent;
+  /**
+   * Sets the user agent to use for WebSocket connections.
+   */
+  static set userAgent(String userAgent) {
+    _WebSocketImpl.userAgent = userAgent;
+  }
 class WebSocketException implements IOException {
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_http/websocket_impl.dart b/sdk/lib/_http/websocket_impl.dart
index 4ed7bb2..fa89b00 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_http/websocket_impl.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_http/websocket_impl.dart
@@ -1249,6 +1249,12 @@
     return _sink.close();
+  static String get userAgent => _httpClient.userAgent;
+  static set userAgent(String userAgent) {
+    _httpClient.userAgent = userAgent;
+  }
   void _close([int code, String reason]) {
     if (_writeClosed) return;
     if (_outCloseCode == null) {
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_rti.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_rti.dart
index e7d9bef..f4c540e 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_rti.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_rti.dart
@@ -539,6 +539,13 @@
  *   against.
 bool checkSubtype(Object object, String isField, List checks, String asField) {
+      ? checkSubtypeV2(object, isField, checks, asField)
+      : checkSubtypeV1(object, isField, checks, asField);
+bool checkSubtypeV1(
+    Object object, String isField, List checks, String asField) {
   if (object == null) return false;
   var arguments = getRuntimeTypeInfo(object);
   // Interceptor is needed for JSArray and native classes.
@@ -551,7 +558,24 @@
   if (isSubclass == null) return false;
   // Should the asField function be passed the receiver?
   var substitution = getField(interceptor, asField);
-  return checkArguments(substitution, arguments, checks);
+  return checkArgumentsV1(substitution, arguments, checks);
+bool checkSubtypeV2(
+    Object object, String isField, List checks, String asField) {
+  if (object == null) return false;
+  var arguments = getRuntimeTypeInfo(object);
+  // Interceptor is needed for JSArray and native classes.
+  // TODO(sra): It could be a more specialized interceptor since [object] is not
+  // `null` or a primitive.
+  // TODO(9586): Move type info for static functions onto an interceptor.
+  var interceptor = getInterceptor(object);
+  var isSubclass = getField(interceptor, isField);
+  // When we read the field and it is not there, [isSubclass] will be `null`.
+  if (isSubclass == null) return false;
+  // Should the asField function be passed the receiver?
+  var substitution = getField(interceptor, asField);
+  return checkArgumentsV2(substitution, arguments, null, checks, null);
 /// Returns the field's type name.
@@ -564,6 +588,7 @@
       isCheckPropertyToJsConstructorName(isField), arguments);
+/// Called from generated code.
 Object subtypeCast(Object object, String isField, List checks, String asField) {
   if (object == null) return object;
   if (checkSubtype(object, isField, checks, asField)) return object;
@@ -571,6 +596,7 @@
   throw new CastErrorImplementation(object, typeName);
+/// Called from generated code.
 Object assertSubtype(
     Object object, String isField, List checks, String asField) {
   if (object == null) return object;
@@ -581,6 +607,8 @@
 /// Checks that the type represented by [subtype] is a subtype of [supertype].
 /// If not a type error with [message] is thrown.
+/// Called from generated code.
 assertIsSubtype(var subtype, var supertype, String message) {
   if (!isSubtype(subtype, supertype)) {
@@ -599,8 +627,13 @@
  * See the comment in the beginning of this file for a description of the
  * possible values for [substitution].
-bool checkArguments(var substitution, var arguments, var checks) {
-  return areSubtypes(substitute(substitution, arguments), checks);
+bool checkArgumentsV1(var substitution, var arguments, var checks) {
+  return areSubtypesV1(substitute(substitution, arguments), checks);
+bool checkArgumentsV2(
+    var substitution, var arguments, var sEnv, var checks, var tEnv) {
+  return areSubtypesV2(substitute(substitution, arguments), sEnv, checks, tEnv);
@@ -614,7 +647,8 @@
  * See the comment in the beginning of this file for a description of type
  * representations.
-bool areSubtypes(var s, var t) {
+bool areSubtypesV1(var s, var t) {
   // `null` means a raw type.
   if (s == null || t == null) return true;
@@ -624,7 +658,33 @@
   int len = getLength(s);
   for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-    if (!isSubtype(getIndex(s, i), getIndex(t, i))) {
+    if (!isSubtypeV1(getIndex(s, i), getIndex(t, i))) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+bool areSubtypesV2(var s, var sEnv, var t, var tEnv) {
+  // `null` means a raw type.
+  if (t == null) return true;
+  if (s == null) {
+    int len = getLength(t);
+    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+      if (!isSubtypeV2(null, null, getIndex(t, i), tEnv)) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  assert(isJsArray(s));
+  assert(isJsArray(t));
+  assert(getLength(s) == getLength(t));
+  int len = getLength(s);
+  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+    if (!isSubtypeV2(getIndex(s, i), sEnv, getIndex(t, i), tEnv)) {
       return false;
@@ -684,6 +744,7 @@
   return isSubtype(type, t);
+/// Called from generated code.
 Object subtypeOfRuntimeTypeCast(Object object, var type) {
   if (object != null && !checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType(object, type)) {
     throw new CastErrorImplementation(object, runtimeTypeToString(type));
@@ -691,6 +752,7 @@
   return object;
+/// Called from generated code.
 Object assertSubtypeOfRuntimeType(Object object, var type) {
   if (object != null && !checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType(object, type)) {
     throw new TypeErrorImplementation(object, runtimeTypeToString(type));
@@ -717,6 +779,12 @@
  * constructor of the class, or an array (for generic class types).
 bool isSubtype(var s, var t) {
+      ? isSubtypeV2(s, null, t, null)
+      : isSubtypeV1(s, t);
+bool isSubtypeV1(var s, var t) {
   // Subtyping is reflexive.
   if (isIdentical(s, t)) return true;
   // If either type is dynamic, [s] is a subtype of [t].
@@ -734,7 +802,7 @@
   if (isNullType(s)) return true;
   if (isDartFunctionType(t)) {
-    return isFunctionSubtype(s, t);
+    return isFunctionSubtypeV1(s, t);
   // Check function types against the Function class and the Object class.
   if (isDartFunctionType(s)) {
@@ -766,17 +834,79 @@
     return true;
   // Recursively check the type arguments.
-  return checkArguments(substitution, getArguments(s), getArguments(t));
+  return checkArgumentsV1(substitution, getArguments(s), getArguments(t));
-bool isAssignable(var s, var t) {
-  return isSubtype(s, t) || isSubtype(t, s);
+bool isSubtypeV2(var s, var sEnv, var t, var tEnv) {
+  // Subtyping is reflexive.
+  if (isIdentical(s, t)) return true;
+  // [t] is a top type?
+  if (t == null) return true;
+  if (isDartObjectTypeRti(t)) return true;
+  // TODO(sra): void is a top type.
+  // [s] is a top type?
+  if (s == null) return false;
+  // Generic function type parameters must match exactly, which would have
+  // exited earlier. The de Bruijn indexing ensures the representation as a
+  // small number can be used for type comparison.
+  if (isGenericFunctionTypeParameter(s)) {
+    // TODO(sra): Use the bound of the type variable.
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (isGenericFunctionTypeParameter(t)) return false;
+  if (isNullType(s)) return true;
+  if (isDartFunctionType(t)) {
+    return isFunctionSubtypeV2(s, sEnv, t, tEnv);
+  }
+  if (isDartFunctionType(s)) {
+    // Check function types against the `Function` class (`Object` is also a
+    // supertype, but is tested above with other 'top' types.).
+    return isDartFunctionTypeRti(t);
+  }
+  // Get the object describing the class and check for the subtyping flag
+  // constructed from the type of [t].
+  var typeOfS = isJsArray(s) ? getIndex(s, 0) : s;
+  var typeOfT = isJsArray(t) ? getIndex(t, 0) : t;
+  // Check for a subtyping flag.
+  // Get the necessary substitution of the type arguments, if there is one.
+  var substitution;
+  if (isNotIdentical(typeOfT, typeOfS)) {
+    String typeOfTString = runtimeTypeToString(typeOfT);
+    if (!builtinIsSubtype(typeOfS, typeOfTString)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    var typeOfSPrototype = JS('', '#.prototype', typeOfS);
+    var field = '${JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.OPERATOR_AS_PREFIX)}${typeOfTString}';
+    substitution = getField(typeOfSPrototype, field);
+  }
+  // The class of [s] is a subclass of the class of [t].  If [s] has no type
+  // arguments and no substitution, it is used as raw type.  If [t] has no
+  // type arguments, it used as a raw type.  In both cases, [s] is a subtype
+  // of [t].
+  if ((!isJsArray(s) && substitution == null) || !isJsArray(t)) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  // Recursively check the type arguments.
+  return checkArgumentsV2(
+      substitution, getArguments(s), sEnv, getArguments(t), tEnv);
+bool isAssignableV1(var s, var t) {
+  return isSubtypeV1(s, t) || isSubtypeV1(t, s);
  * If [allowShorter] is `true`, [t] is allowed to be shorter than [s].
-bool areAssignable(List s, List t, bool allowShorter) {
+bool areAssignableV1(List s, List t, bool allowShorter) {
   // Both lists are empty and thus equal.
   if (t == null && s == null) return true;
   // [t] is empty (and [s] is not) => only OK if [allowShorter].
@@ -796,14 +926,14 @@
   for (int i = 0; i < tLength; i++) {
-    if (!isAssignable(getIndex(s, i), getIndex(t, i))) {
+    if (!isAssignableV1(getIndex(s, i), getIndex(t, i))) {
       return false;
   return true;
-bool areAssignableMaps(var s, var t) {
+bool areAssignableMapsV1(var s, var t) {
   if (t == null) return true;
   if (s == null) return false;
@@ -819,12 +949,20 @@
     var tType = JS('', '#[#]', t, name);
     var sType = JS('', '#[#]', s, name);
-    if (!isAssignable(tType, sType)) return false;
+    if (!isAssignableV1(tType, sType)) return false;
   return true;
+/// Top-level function subtype check when [t] is known to be a function type
+/// rti.
 bool isFunctionSubtype(var s, var t) {
+      ? isFunctionSubtypeV2(s, null, t, null)
+      : isFunctionSubtypeV1(s, t);
+bool isFunctionSubtypeV1(var s, var t) {
   if (!isDartFunctionType(s)) return false;
   var genericBoundsTag =
@@ -832,19 +970,6 @@
-  // Generic function types must agree on number of type parameters and bounds.
-  if (hasField(s, genericBoundsTag)) {
-    if (hasNoField(t, genericBoundsTag)) return false;
-    var sBounds = getField(s, genericBoundsTag);
-    var tBounds = getField(t, genericBoundsTag);
-    int sGenericParameters = getLength(sBounds);
-    int tGenericParameters = getLength(tBounds);
-    if (sGenericParameters != tGenericParameters) return false;
-    // TODO(sra): Compare bounds.
-  } else if (hasField(t, genericBoundsTag)) {
-    return false;
-  }
   if (hasField(s, voidReturnTag)) {
     if (hasNoField(t, voidReturnTag) && hasField(t, returnTypeTag)) {
       return false;
@@ -852,7 +977,7 @@
   } else if (hasNoField(t, voidReturnTag)) {
     var sReturnType = getField(s, returnTypeTag);
     var tReturnType = getField(t, returnTypeTag);
-    if (!isAssignable(sReturnType, tReturnType)) return false;
+    if (!isAssignableV1(sReturnType, tReturnType)) return false;
   var requiredParametersTag =
@@ -883,8 +1008,8 @@
   if (sParametersLen == tParametersLen) {
     // Simple case: Same number of required parameters.
-    if (!areAssignable(sParameterTypes, tParameterTypes, false)) return false;
-    if (!areAssignable(
+    if (!areAssignableV1(sParameterTypes, tParameterTypes, false)) return false;
+    if (!areAssignableV1(
         sOptionalParameterTypes, tOptionalParameterTypes, true)) {
       return false;
@@ -893,7 +1018,7 @@
     int pos = 0;
     // Check all required parameters of [s].
     for (; pos < sParametersLen; pos++) {
-      if (!isAssignable(
+      if (!isAssignableV1(
           getIndex(sParameterTypes, pos), getIndex(tParameterTypes, pos))) {
         return false;
@@ -903,7 +1028,7 @@
     // Check the remaining parameters of [t] with the first optional parameters
     // of [s].
     for (; tPos < tParametersLen; sPos++, tPos++) {
-      if (!isAssignable(getIndex(sOptionalParameterTypes, sPos),
+      if (!isAssignableV1(getIndex(sOptionalParameterTypes, sPos),
           getIndex(tParameterTypes, tPos))) {
         return false;
@@ -912,7 +1037,7 @@
     // Check the optional parameters of [t] with the remaining optional
     // parameters of [s]:
     for (; tPos < tOptionalParametersLen; sPos++, tPos++) {
-      if (!isAssignable(getIndex(sOptionalParameterTypes, sPos),
+      if (!isAssignableV1(getIndex(sOptionalParameterTypes, sPos),
           getIndex(tOptionalParameterTypes, tPos))) {
         return false;
@@ -923,7 +1048,125 @@
   var sNamedParameters = getField(s, namedParametersTag);
   var tNamedParameters = getField(t, namedParametersTag);
-  return areAssignableMaps(sNamedParameters, tNamedParameters);
+  return areAssignableMapsV1(sNamedParameters, tNamedParameters);
+bool isFunctionSubtypeV2(var s, var sEnv, var t, var tEnv) {
+  assert(isDartFunctionType(t));
+  if (!isDartFunctionType(s)) return false;
+  var genericBoundsTag =
+  // Generic function types must agree on number of type parameters and bounds.
+  if (hasField(s, genericBoundsTag)) {
+    if (hasNoField(t, genericBoundsTag)) return false;
+    var sBounds = getField(s, genericBoundsTag);
+    var tBounds = getField(t, genericBoundsTag);
+    int sGenericParameters = getLength(sBounds);
+    int tGenericParameters = getLength(tBounds);
+    if (sGenericParameters != tGenericParameters) return false;
+    // TODO(sra): Compare bounds, which should be 'equal' trees due to the de
+    // Bruijn numbering of type parameters.
+    // TODO(sra): Extend [sEnv] and [tEnv] with bindings for the [s] and [t]
+    // type parameters to enable checking the bound against non-type-parameter
+    // terms.
+  } else if (hasField(t, genericBoundsTag)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // 'void' is a top type, so use `null` (dynamic) in its place.
+  // TODO(sra): Create a void type that can be used in all positions.
+  var sReturnType =
+      hasField(s, voidReturnTag) ? null : getField(s, returnTypeTag);
+  var tReturnType =
+      hasField(t, voidReturnTag) ? null : getField(t, returnTypeTag);
+  if (!isSubtypeV2(sReturnType, sEnv, tReturnType, tEnv)) return false;
+  var requiredParametersTag =
+  var sParameterTypes = getField(s, requiredParametersTag);
+  var tParameterTypes = getField(t, requiredParametersTag);
+  var optionalParametersTag =
+  var sOptionalParameterTypes = getField(s, optionalParametersTag);
+  var tOptionalParameterTypes = getField(t, optionalParametersTag);
+  int sParametersLen = sParameterTypes != null ? getLength(sParameterTypes) : 0;
+  int tParametersLen = tParameterTypes != null ? getLength(tParameterTypes) : 0;
+  int sOptionalParametersLen =
+      sOptionalParameterTypes != null ? getLength(sOptionalParameterTypes) : 0;
+  int tOptionalParametersLen =
+      tOptionalParameterTypes != null ? getLength(tOptionalParameterTypes) : 0;
+  if (sParametersLen > tParametersLen) {
+    // Too many required parameters in [s].
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (sParametersLen + sOptionalParametersLen <
+      tParametersLen + tOptionalParametersLen) {
+    // Too few required and optional parameters in [s].
+    return false;
+  }
+  int pos = 0;
+  // Check all required parameters of [s].
+  for (; pos < sParametersLen; pos++) {
+    if (!isSubtypeV2(getIndex(tParameterTypes, pos), tEnv,
+        getIndex(sParameterTypes, pos), sEnv)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  int sPos = 0;
+  int tPos = pos;
+  // Check the remaining parameters of [t] with the first optional parameters
+  // of [s].
+  for (; tPos < tParametersLen; sPos++, tPos++) {
+    if (!isSubtypeV2(getIndex(tOptionalParameterTypes, tPos), tEnv,
+        getIndex(sParameterTypes, sPos), sEnv)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  tPos = 0;
+  // Check the optional parameters of [t] with the remaining optional
+  // parameters of [s]:
+  for (; tPos < tOptionalParametersLen; sPos++, tPos++) {
+    if (!isSubtypeV2(getIndex(tOptionalParameterTypes, tPos), tEnv,
+        getIndex(sOptionalParameterTypes, sPos), sEnv)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  var namedParametersTag =
+  var sNamedParameters = getField(s, namedParametersTag);
+  var tNamedParameters = getField(t, namedParametersTag);
+  if (tNamedParameters == null) return true;
+  if (sNamedParameters == null) return false;
+  return namedParametersSubtypeCheckV2(
+      sNamedParameters, sEnv, tNamedParameters, tEnv);
+bool namedParametersSubtypeCheckV2(var s, var sEnv, var t, var tEnv) {
+  assert(isJsObject(s));
+  assert(isJsObject(t));
+  // Each named parameter in [t] must exist in [s] and be a subtype of the type
+  // in [s].
+  List names = JS('JSFixedArray', 'Object.getOwnPropertyNames(#)', t);
+  for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
+    var name = names[i];
+    if (JS('bool', '!, #)', s, name)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    var tType = JS('', '#[#]', t, name);
+    var sType = JS('', '#[#]', s, name);
+    if (!isSubtypeV2(tType, tEnv, sType, sEnv)) return false;
+  }
+  return true;
diff --git a/tests/co19/co19-dart2js.status b/tests/co19/co19-dart2js.status
index 873634c..10eb24a 100644
--- a/tests/co19/co19-dart2js.status
+++ b/tests/co19/co19-dart2js.status
@@ -6977,6 +6977,9 @@
 LibTest/core/Uri/Uri_A06_t03: Slow, Pass # Please triage this failure
 LibTest/math/Point/operator_mult_A02_t01: RuntimeError # Issue 1533
+[ $compiler == dart2js && $checked && $fast_startup ]
+Language/Statements/Break/async_loops_t02: RuntimeError
 [ $compiler == dart2js && !$checked && $enable_asserts ]
 Language/Statements/Assert/execution_t01: SkipByDesign # Unspec'd feature.
 Language/Statements/Assert/execution_t02: SkipByDesign # Unspec'd feature.
diff --git a/tests/co19/co19-kernel.status b/tests/co19/co19-kernel.status
index e55b34f..d3b5419 100644
--- a/tests/co19/co19-kernel.status
+++ b/tests/co19/co19-kernel.status
@@ -219,6 +219,10 @@
 [ $compiler == dartk && $mode == debug ]
 LibTest/isolate/Isolate/spawnUri_A01_t04: Pass, Slow, Timeout
+[ $compiler == dartk && $system == windows ]
+Language/Libraries_and_Scripts/top_level_syntax_t06: Pass, Timeout
+Language/Reference/Operator_Precedence/precedence_t03: Pass, Timeout
 [ $compiler == dartk && $strong ]
 *: SkipByDesign
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/constant_expression_evaluate_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/constant_expression_evaluate_test.dart
index c485f0b..08a7251 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/constant_expression_evaluate_test.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/constant_expression_evaluate_test.dart
@@ -114,6 +114,9 @@
   ConstantValue evaluateField(FieldEntity field, ConstantValue evaluate()) {
     return _environment.evaluateField(field, evaluate);
+  @override
+  bool get enableAssertions => true;
 const List<TestData> DATA = const [
@@ -309,7 +312,7 @@
-  const TestData('errors', '''
+  const TestData('errors', r'''
  const integer = const int.fromEnvironment("foo", defaultValue: 5);
  const string = const String.fromEnvironment("bar", defaultValue: "baz");
  const boolean = const bool.fromEnvironment("baz", defaultValue: false);
@@ -320,6 +323,23 @@
     final field;
     const Class1() : field = not_string.length;
+ class Class2 implements Class3 {
+    const Class2() : assert(false);
+    const Class2.redirect() : this();
+ }
+ class Class3 {
+    const Class3() : assert(false, "Message");
+    const factory Class3.fact() = Class2;
+ }
+ class Class4 extends Class2 {
+    const Class4();
+ }
+ class Class5 {
+    const Class5(a) : assert(a > 0, "$a <= 0");
+ }
+ class Class6 extends Class5 {
+    const Class6(a) : super(a - 1);
+ }
  ''', const [
     const ConstantData(
         r'"$integer $string $boolean"', 'StringConstant("5 baz false")'),
@@ -436,11 +456,43 @@
     const ConstantData('const Class1()', 'NonConstant',
     const ConstantData('getter', 'NonConstant'),
+    const ConstantData(
+        'const Class2()', 'NonConstant', MessageKind.INVALID_ASSERT_VALUE),
+    const ConstantData('const Class2.redirect()', 'NonConstant',
+        MessageKind.INVALID_ASSERT_VALUE),
+    const ConstantData('const Class3()', 'NonConstant',
+    const ConstantData(
+        'const Class3.fact()', 'NonConstant', MessageKind.INVALID_ASSERT_VALUE),
+    const ConstantData(
+        'const Class4()', 'NonConstant', MessageKind.INVALID_ASSERT_VALUE),
+    const ConstantData('const Class5(0)', 'NonConstant',
+    const ConstantData('const Class5(1)', 'ConstructedConstant(Class5())'),
+    const ConstantData('const Class6(1)', 'NonConstant',
+    const ConstantData('const Class6(2)', 'ConstructedConstant(Class6())'),
+  ]),
+  const TestData('assert', '''
+    class A {
+      const A() : assert(true);
+    }
+    class B {
+      const B() : assert(true, "Message");
+    }
+  ''', const [
+    const ConstantData(r'const A()', 'ConstructedConstant(A())'),
+    const ConstantData(r'const B()', 'ConstructedConstant(B())'),
-main() {
-  asyncTest(() => Future.forEach(DATA, testData));
+main(List<String> args) {
+  asyncTest(() async {
+    for (TestData data in DATA) {
+      if (args.isNotEmpty && !args.contains( continue;
+      await testData(data);
+    }
+  });
 Future testData(TestData data) async {
@@ -524,6 +576,8 @@
     // evaluator which results in different constant expressions for errorneous
     // constants.
+    // Assert in initializer is not supported by the old frontend.
+    'assert',
   const skipKernelList = const [
     // TODO(johnniwinther): Investigate why some types of the constructed
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/constant_expression_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/constant_expression_test.dart
index 223ba1b..210992a 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/constant_expression_test.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/constant_expression_test.dart
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
           "`${constant.toDartText()}`, expected '${data.type}'.");
     if (data.fields != null) {
-      Map instanceFields = constant.computeInstanceFields(environment);
+      Map instanceFields = constant.computeInstanceData(environment).fieldMap;
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/generic_methods/function_type_variable_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/generic_methods/function_type_variable_test.dart
index dd18bd0..62d2eb1 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/generic_methods/function_type_variable_test.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/generic_methods/function_type_variable_test.dart
@@ -190,6 +190,11 @@
     ClassEntity cls = env.getClass('C3');
         (ConstructorEntity constructor) {
+      Expect.equals(
+          0,
+          constructor.parameterStructure.typeParameters,
+          "Type parameters found on constructor $constructor: "
+          "${constructor.parameterStructure}");
       List<TypeVariableType> functionTypeVariables =
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/helpers/program_lookup.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/helpers/program_lookup.dart
index 5b1b8b1..7a92931 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/helpers/program_lookup.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/helpers/program_lookup.dart
@@ -2,9 +2,32 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
+import 'package:compiler/src/common_elements.dart';
 import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart';
 import 'package:compiler/src/elements/entities.dart';
 import 'package:compiler/src/js_emitter/model.dart';
+import 'package:compiler/src/js/js.dart' as js;
+MemberEntity lookupMember(ElementEnvironment elementEnvironment, String name) {
+  MemberEntity member;
+  int dotIndex = name.indexOf('.');
+  if (dotIndex != -1) {
+    String className = name.substring(0, dotIndex);
+    name = name.substring(dotIndex + 1);
+    ClassEntity cls = elementEnvironment.lookupClass(
+        elementEnvironment.mainLibrary, className);
+    Expect.isNotNull(cls, "No class '$className' found in the main library.");
+    member = elementEnvironment.lookupClassMember(cls, name);
+    member ??= elementEnvironment.lookupConstructor(cls, name);
+    Expect.isNotNull(member, "No member '$name' found in $cls");
+  } else {
+    member = elementEnvironment.lookupLibraryMember(
+        elementEnvironment.mainLibrary, name);
+    Expect.isNotNull(member, "No member '$name' found in the main library.");
+  }
+  return member;
 class ProgramLookup {
   final Program program;
@@ -50,47 +73,69 @@
 class LibraryData {
   final Library library;
-  Map<ClassEntity, ClassData> _classMap;
-  Map<FunctionEntity, StaticMethod> _methodMap;
+  Map<ClassEntity, ClassData> _classMap = <ClassEntity, ClassData>{};
+  Map<FunctionEntity, StaticMethod> _methodMap =
+      <FunctionEntity, StaticMethod>{};
-  LibraryData(this.library);
-  ClassData getClassData(ClassEntity element) {
-    if (_classMap == null) {
-      _classMap = <ClassEntity, ClassData>{};
-      for (Class cls in library.classes) {
-        assert(!_classMap.containsKey(cls.element));
-        _classMap[cls.element] = new ClassData(cls);
-      }
+  LibraryData(this.library) {
+    for (Class cls in library.classes) {
+      assert(!_classMap.containsKey(cls.element));
+      _classMap[cls.element] = new ClassData(cls);
-    return _classMap[element];
-  }
-  StaticMethod getMethod(FunctionEntity function) {
-    if (_methodMap == null) {
-      _methodMap = <FunctionEntity, StaticMethod>{};
-      for (StaticMethod method in library.statics) {
+    for (StaticMethod method in library.statics) {
+      ClassEntity enclosingClass = method.element?.enclosingClass;
+      if (enclosingClass != null) {
+        ClassData data =
+            _classMap.putIfAbsent(enclosingClass, () => new ClassData(null));
+        assert(!data._methodMap.containsKey(method.element));
+        data._methodMap[method.element] = method;
+      } else if (method.element != null) {
         _methodMap[method.element] = method;
+  }
+  ClassData getClassData(ClassEntity element) {
+    return _classMap[element];
+  }
+  StaticMethod getMethod(FunctionEntity function) {
     return _methodMap[function];
 class ClassData {
   final Class cls;
-  Map<FunctionEntity, Method> _methodMap;
+  Map<FunctionEntity, Method> _methodMap = <FunctionEntity, Method>{};
-  ClassData(this.cls);
-  Method getMethod(FunctionEntity function) {
-    if (_methodMap == null) {
-      _methodMap = <FunctionEntity, Method>{};
+  ClassData(this.cls) {
+    if (cls != null) {
       for (Method method in cls.methods) {
         _methodMap[method.element] = method;
+  }
+  Method getMethod(FunctionEntity function) {
     return _methodMap[function];
+void forEachCall(js.Node root, void f(js.Call node)) {
+  CallVisitor visitor = new CallVisitor(f);
+  root.accept(visitor);
+class CallVisitor extends js.BaseVisitor {
+  final void Function(js.Call) callback;
+  CallVisitor(this.callback);
+  @override
+  visitCall(js.Call node) {
+    callback(node);
+    super.visitCall(node);
+  }
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/rti/factory_call_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/rti/factory_call_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed72d73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/rti/factory_call_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
+import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
+import 'package:compiler/src/common_elements.dart';
+import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart';
+import 'package:compiler/src/elements/entities.dart';
+import 'package:compiler/src/js_backend/runtime_types.dart';
+import 'package:compiler/src/js_emitter/model.dart';
+import 'package:compiler/src/js/js.dart' as js;
+import 'package:compiler/src/world.dart';
+import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
+import '../helpers/program_lookup.dart';
+import '../memory_compiler.dart';
+const String code = '''
+import 'package:meta/dart2js.dart';
+class A<T> {
+  final field;
+  @noInline
+  factory A.fact(t) => new A(t);
+  @noInline
+  A(t) : field = t is T;
+// A call to A.fact.
+callAfact() => new A<int>.fact(0).runtimeType;
+main() {
+  callAfact();
+main() {
+  asyncTest(() async {
+    CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
+        memorySourceFiles: {'main.dart': code},
+        options: [Flags.strongMode, Flags.useKernel]);
+    Expect.isTrue(result.isSuccess);
+    Compiler compiler = result.compiler;
+    ClosedWorld closedWorld = compiler.backendClosedWorldForTesting;
+    RuntimeTypesNeed rtiNeed = closedWorld.rtiNeed;
+    ElementEnvironment elementEnvironment = closedWorld.elementEnvironment;
+    ProgramLookup programLookup = new ProgramLookup(compiler);
+    js.Name getName(String name) {
+      return compiler.backend.namer
+          .globalPropertyNameForMember(lookupMember(elementEnvironment, name));
+    }
+    void checkParameters(String name,
+        {int expectedParameterCount, bool needsTypeArguments}) {
+      FunctionEntity function = lookupMember(elementEnvironment, name);
+      Expect.equals(
+          needsTypeArguments,
+          rtiNeed.methodNeedsTypeArguments(function),
+          "Unexpected type argument need for $function.");
+      Method method = programLookup.getMethod(function);
+      Expect.isNotNull(method, "No method found for $function");
+      js.Fun fun = method.code;
+      Expect.equals(expectedParameterCount, fun.params.length,
+          "Unexpected parameter count on $function: ${js.nodeToString(fun)}");
+    }
+    // The declarations should have type parameters only when needed.
+    checkParameters('A.fact',
+        expectedParameterCount: 2, needsTypeArguments: false);
+    checkParameters('A.', expectedParameterCount: 2, needsTypeArguments: false);
+    checkArguments(String name, String targetName,
+        {int expectedTypeArguments}) {
+      FunctionEntity function = lookupMember(elementEnvironment, name);
+      Method method = programLookup.getMethod(function);
+      js.Fun fun = method.code;
+      js.Name selector = getName(targetName);
+      bool callFound = false;
+      forEachCall(fun, (js.Call node) {
+        js.Expression target =;
+        if (target is js.PropertyAccess && target.selector == selector) {
+          callFound = true;
+          Expect.equals(
+              expectedTypeArguments,
+              node.arguments.length,
+              "Unexpected argument count in $function call to $targetName: "
+              "${js.nodeToString(fun)}");
+        }
+      });
+      Expect.isTrue(
+          callFound,
+          "No call to $targetName in $function found: "
+          "${js.nodeToString(fun)}");
+    }
+    // The declarations should have type parameters only when needed by the
+    // selector.
+    checkArguments('callAfact', 'A.fact', expectedTypeArguments: 2);
+  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/rti/instance_call_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/rti/instance_call_test.dart
index 6c6da99..d27c13e 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/rti/instance_call_test.dart
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/rti/instance_call_test.dart
@@ -108,22 +108,6 @@
     ElementEnvironment elementEnvironment = closedWorld.elementEnvironment;
     ProgramLookup programLookup = new ProgramLookup(compiler);
-    FunctionEntity getFunctionEntity(String name) {
-      FunctionEntity function;
-      int dotIndex = name.indexOf('.');
-      if (dotIndex != -1) {
-        String className = name.substring(0, dotIndex);
-        name = name.substring(dotIndex + 1);
-        ClassEntity cls = elementEnvironment.lookupClass(
-            elementEnvironment.mainLibrary, className);
-        function = elementEnvironment.lookupClassMember(cls, name);
-      } else {
-        function = elementEnvironment.lookupLibraryMember(
-            elementEnvironment.mainLibrary, name);
-      }
-      return function;
-    }
     CallStructure callStructure = new CallStructure(1, const <String>[], 1);
     js.Name getName(String name) {
@@ -133,7 +117,7 @@
     void checkParameters(String name,
         {int expectedParameterCount, bool needsTypeArguments}) {
-      FunctionEntity function = getFunctionEntity(name);
+      FunctionEntity function = lookupMember(elementEnvironment, name);
@@ -162,7 +146,7 @@
     checkArguments(String name, String targetName,
         {int expectedTypeArguments}) {
-      FunctionEntity function = getFunctionEntity(name);
+      FunctionEntity function = lookupMember(elementEnvironment, name);
       Method method = programLookup.getMethod(function);
       js.Fun fun = method.code;
@@ -198,20 +182,3 @@
     checkArguments('call3b', 'method3', expectedTypeArguments: 2 /*1*/);
-void forEachCall(js.Node root, void f(js.Call node)) {
-  CallVisitor visitor = new CallVisitor(f);
-  root.accept(visitor);
-class CallVisitor extends js.BaseVisitor {
-  final void Function(js.Call) callback;
-  CallVisitor(this.callback);
-  @override
-  visitCall(js.Call node) {
-    callback(node);
-    super.visitCall(node);
-  }
diff --git a/tests/corelib/corelib.status b/tests/corelib/corelib.status
index f1bd513..a4398a5 100644
--- a/tests/corelib/corelib.status
+++ b/tests/corelib/corelib.status
@@ -250,7 +250,6 @@
 iterable_return_type_test/01: RuntimeError
 iterable_return_type_test/02: RuntimeError
 iterable_to_list_test/01: RuntimeError
-map_test: Crash # Issue 27394
 nan_infinity_test/01: RuntimeError
 string_base_vm_test: RuntimeError
 symbol_reserved_word_test/03: RuntimeError
diff --git a/tests/corelib_2/corelib_2.status b/tests/corelib_2/corelib_2.status
index 5047aea..25b3c79 100644
--- a/tests/corelib_2/corelib_2.status
+++ b/tests/corelib_2/corelib_2.status
@@ -208,7 +208,6 @@
 [ $compiler == dart2js && $dart2js_with_kernel && $host_checked && $strong ]
 apply3_test: CompileTimeError
 cast_test: RuntimeError
-collection_length_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
 collection_removes_test: RuntimeError
 dynamic_nosuchmethod_test: CompileTimeError
 error_stack_trace1_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12399
@@ -221,34 +220,25 @@
 integer_to_string_test/01: RuntimeError
 iterable_empty_test: Crash # 'file:*/pkg/compiler/lib/src/ssa/interceptor_simplifier.dart': Failed assertion: line 391 pos 16: 'receiver.nonCheck() == user.inputs[1].nonCheck()': is not true.
 iterable_fold_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'isDynamic' was called on null.
-iterable_generate_test/01: RuntimeError
 iterable_reduce_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'isDynamic' was called on null.
-iterable_return_type_test/01: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 4 arguments have been read from: [HTypeInfoExpression(COMPLETE, int), HTypeInfoExpression(COMPLETE, int), HTypeInfoExpression(COMPLETE, int), HTypeInfoExpression(COMPLETE, int)]
-iterable_return_type_test/02: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
-iterable_return_type_test/none: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 4 arguments have been read from: [HTypeInfoExpression(COMPLETE, int), HTypeInfoExpression(COMPLETE, int), HTypeInfoExpression(COMPLETE, int), HTypeInfoExpression(COMPLETE, int)]
-iterable_to_list_test/01: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
-iterable_to_list_test/none: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
-iterable_to_set_test: RuntimeError
-json_map_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
+iterable_return_type_test/01: RuntimeError
+iterable_return_type_test/02: RuntimeError
+iterable_to_list_test/01: RuntimeError
 list_concurrent_modify_test: RuntimeError
 list_insert_all_test: RuntimeError
 list_replace_range_test: RuntimeError
 list_set_all_test: RuntimeError
 list_test/01: RuntimeError
 list_test/none: RuntimeError
-list_unmodifiable_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
-map_keys2_test: RuntimeError
 nan_infinity_test/01: RuntimeError
 null_nosuchmethod_test/01: CompileTimeError
 null_nosuchmethod_test/none: CompileTimeError
-null_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
 queue_test: Crash # 'file:*/pkg/compiler/lib/src/ssa/interceptor_simplifier.dart': Failed assertion: line 391 pos 16: 'receiver.nonCheck() == user.inputs[1].nonCheck()': is not true.
 splay_tree_from_iterable_test: RuntimeError
 stacktrace_fromstring_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
 string_replace_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'isDynamic' was called on null.
 string_split_test/checkedstore: RuntimeError
 symbol_reserved_word_test/03: RuntimeError
-type_hashcode_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
 uri_base_test: RuntimeError
 [ $compiler == dart2js && $dart2js_with_kernel && $minified && $strong ]
@@ -267,19 +257,16 @@
 integer_to_string_test/01: RuntimeError
 iterable_empty_test: RuntimeError
 iterable_fold_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'isDynamic' was called on null.
-iterable_generate_test/01: RuntimeError
 iterable_reduce_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'isDynamic' was called on null.
 iterable_return_type_test/01: RuntimeError
 iterable_return_type_test/02: RuntimeError
 iterable_to_list_test/01: RuntimeError
-iterable_to_set_test: RuntimeError
 list_concurrent_modify_test: RuntimeError
 list_insert_all_test: RuntimeError
 list_replace_range_test: RuntimeError # Issue 32010
 list_set_all_test: RuntimeError # Issue 32010
 list_test/01: RuntimeError
 list_test/none: RuntimeError
-map_keys2_test: RuntimeError
 nan_infinity_test/01: RuntimeError
 null_nosuchmethod_test/01: CompileTimeError
 null_nosuchmethod_test/none: CompileTimeError
diff --git a/tests/kernel/kernel.status b/tests/kernel/kernel.status
index b74d5fa..d79e280 100644
--- a/tests/kernel/kernel.status
+++ b/tests/kernel/kernel.status
@@ -4,11 +4,14 @@
 [ $compiler == dart2js ]
 unsorted/invocation_errors_test: Pass
-unsorted/loop_test: Skip
 unsorted/nsm_dispatcher_test: Skip # The test uses Symbol without MirrorsUsed
+unsorted/simple_literal_test/01: Skip # The test expects error for large integer literal.
 unsorted/super_initializer_test: Skip
 unsorted/super_mixin_test: CompileTimeError
+[ !$fasta ]
+unsorted/loop_test: Skip # This test uses optional new/const.
 [ !$strong ]
 unsorted/invocation_errors_test: RuntimeError
@@ -26,8 +29,6 @@
 [ $compiler == dart2analyzer && $runtime == none ]
 unsorted/invocation_errors_test: StaticWarning
-unsorted/loop_test: CompileTimeError # int64
-unsorted/simple_literal_test: CompileTimeError # int64
 unsorted/super_mixin_test: CompileTimeError
 [ $compiler == dart2analyzer && $strong ]
@@ -42,7 +43,3 @@
 [ $runtime == dart_precompiled && $minified ]
 unsorted/symbol_literal_test: Skip # Expects unobfuscated Symbol.toString.
-[ $runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == vm || $fasta ]
-unsorted/loop_test: CompileTimeError
-unsorted/simple_literal_test: CompileTimeError
diff --git a/tests/kernel/unsorted/loop_test.dart b/tests/kernel/unsorted/loop_test.dart
index b96079d..c9b2617 100644
--- a/tests/kernel/unsorted/loop_test.dart
+++ b/tests/kernel/unsorted/loop_test.dart
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
 import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
 fact(n) {
-  var f = 1;
-  while (n > 0) {
-    f *= n;
+  var f =;
+  while (n > 1) {
+    f *= BigInt.from(n);
   return f;
@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@
 main() {
-  Expect.isTrue(fact(0) == 1);
-  Expect.isTrue(fact(1) == 1);
-  Expect.isTrue(fact(5) == 120);
-  Expect
-      .isTrue(fact(42) == 1405006117752879898543142606244511569936384000000000);
-  Expect.isTrue(fact(3.14159) == 1.0874982674320444);
+  Expect.isTrue(fact(0) ==;
+  Expect.isTrue(fact(1) ==;
+  Expect.isTrue(fact(5) == BigInt.from(120));
+  Expect.isTrue(fact(42) ==
+      BigInt.parse("1405006117752879898543142606244511569936384000000000"));
+  Expect.isTrue(fact(3.14159) == BigInt.from(6));
   Expect.isTrue(fib(0) == 0);
   Expect.isTrue(fib(1) == 1);
diff --git a/tests/kernel/unsorted/simple_literal_test.dart b/tests/kernel/unsorted/simple_literal_test.dart
index 9c6d916..c4b8a42 100644
--- a/tests/kernel/unsorted/simple_literal_test.dart
+++ b/tests/kernel/unsorted/simple_literal_test.dart
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 test6() {
-  return 1405006117752879898543142606244511569936384000000000;
+  return 1405006117752879898543142606244511569936384000000000; //# 01: compile-time error
 main() {
@@ -40,6 +40,6 @@
   Expect.isTrue(test3() == 6.022e23);
   Expect.isTrue(test5() == false);
-  Expect
-      .isTrue(test6() == 1405006117752879898543142606244511569936384000000000);
+  Expect.isTrue(test6() == //                                //# 01: continued
+      1405006117752879898543142606244511569936384000000000); //# 01: continued
diff --git a/tests/language/language_dart2js.status b/tests/language/language_dart2js.status
index f4ca4f4..f757d51 100644
--- a/tests/language/language_dart2js.status
+++ b/tests/language/language_dart2js.status
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 # VM specific tests that should not be run by dart2js.
 [ $compiler == dart2js ]
-assertion_initializer_test: Crash
 local_function_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31879
 vm/*: Skip # Issue 12699
@@ -443,10 +442,6 @@
 type_variable_bounds3_test/00: Fail # Issue 12702
 type_variable_bounds_test/02: Fail # Issue 12702
-[ $compiler == dart2js && !$checked && $dart2js_with_kernel ]
-assertion_initializer_const_error2_test/*: CompileTimeError # Issue #31321
-assertion_initializer_const_error2_test/none: Pass
 [ $compiler == dart2js && !$checked && !$dart2js_with_kernel ]
 assertion_test: RuntimeError
 generic_test: RuntimeError, OK
@@ -471,7 +466,6 @@
 [ $compiler == dart2js && $dart2js_with_kernel && $fast_startup ]
 arithmetic_canonicalization_test: RuntimeError
 assertion_initializer_const_error2_test/none: CompileTimeError
-assertion_initializer_test: CompileTimeError
 assertion_test: RuntimeError
 async_star_cancel_while_paused_test: RuntimeError
 bad_override_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -772,7 +766,7 @@
 type_checks_in_factory_method_test: RuntimeError
 [ $compiler == dart2js && $dart2js_with_kernel && $host_checked ]
-assertion_initializer_test: CompileTimeError
+assertion_initializer_const_function_error_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 assertion_test: RuntimeError
 async_star_cancel_while_paused_test: RuntimeError
 async_test/setter1: Crash # 'file:*/pkg/compiler/lib/src/kernel/element_map_impl.dart': Failed assertion: line 939 pos 18: 'asyncMarker == AsyncMarker.SYNC': is not true.
@@ -821,7 +815,6 @@
 constructor_named_arguments_test/none: RuntimeError
 constructor_redirect1_negative_test: Crash # Issue 30856
 constructor_redirect2_negative_test: Crash # Issue 30856
-constructor_redirect2_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 constructor_redirect_test/01: Crash # Assertion failure: Cannot find value Instance of 'ThisLocal' in (local(A.named2#x), local(A.named2#y), local(A.named2#z)) for j:constructor(A.named2).
 cyclic_constructor_test/01: Crash # Issue 30856
 deferred_constraints_constants_test/none: CompileTimeError
@@ -1080,8 +1073,7 @@
 type_variable_conflict2_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 [ $compiler == dart2js && $dart2js_with_kernel && $minified ]
-assertion_initializer_const_error2_test/none: CompileTimeError
-assertion_initializer_test: CompileTimeError
+assertion_initializer_const_function_error_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 assertion_test: RuntimeError
 async_star_cancel_while_paused_test: RuntimeError
 bad_override_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -1394,6 +1386,7 @@
 assertion_initializer_const_error2_test/none: Pass
 assertion_initializer_const_function_error_test/01: Crash
 assertion_initializer_const_function_test/01: CompileTimeError
+assertion_initializer_test: Crash
 async_star_cancel_while_paused_test: RuntimeError # Issue 22853
 bad_constructor_test/05: CompileTimeError # Issue 13639
 bad_typedef_test/00: Crash # Issue 28214
@@ -1520,7 +1513,6 @@
 assertion_initializer_const_error2_test/none: Pass
 assertion_initializer_const_function_error_test/01: Crash
 assertion_initializer_const_function_test/01: CompileTimeError
-assertion_initializer_test: Crash
 const_evaluation_test/*: Fail # mirrors not supported
 deferred_constraints_constants_test: Pass # mirrors not supported, passes for the wrong reason
 deferred_constraints_constants_test/none: Fail # mirrors not supported
diff --git a/tests/language_2/language_2_analyzer.status b/tests/language_2/language_2_analyzer.status
index f24119b..086009d 100644
--- a/tests/language_2/language_2_analyzer.status
+++ b/tests/language_2/language_2_analyzer.status
@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@
 void_type_usage_test/call_literal_map_key_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/call_literal_map_value_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/call_return: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/call_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional2_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional2_for: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional2_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -170,6 +171,7 @@
 void_type_usage_test/conditional2_return: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional2_return_to_void: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional2_stmt: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/conditional2_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional3_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional3_for: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional3_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -179,6 +181,7 @@
 void_type_usage_test/conditional3_return: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional3_return_to_void: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional3_stmt: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/conditional3_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional_for: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -188,49 +191,58 @@
 void_type_usage_test/conditional_return: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional_return_to_void: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional_stmt: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/conditional_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/final_local_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/final_local_for_in2: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/final_local_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/final_local_literal_map_key_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/final_local_literal_map_value_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/final_local_return: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/final_local_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/global_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/global_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/global_literal_map_key_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/global_literal_map_value_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/global_return: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/global_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance2_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance2_for_in2: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance2_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance2_literal_map_key_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance2_literal_map_value_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance2_return: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/instance2_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance3_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance3_for_in2: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance3_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance3_literal_map_key_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance3_literal_map_value_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance3_return: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/instance3_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance_literal_map_key_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance_literal_map_value_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance_return: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/instance_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/local_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/local_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/local_literal_map_key_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/local_literal_map_value_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/local_return: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/local_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/param_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/param_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/param_literal_map_key_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/param_literal_map_value_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/param_return: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/param_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/paren_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/paren_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/paren_literal_map_key_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/paren_literal_map_value_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/paren_return: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/paren_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 [ $compiler == dart2analyzer && $runtime == none ]
 error_stacktrace_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -1213,6 +1225,7 @@
 type_promotion_functions_test/10: Pass
 vm/lazy_deopt_with_exception_test: CompileTimeError
 void_type_callbacks_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 30177
+void_type_callbacks_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 30177
 void_type_function_types_test/none: CompileTimeError # Issue 30177
 [ $compiler == dart2analyzer && !$strong ]
diff --git a/tests/language_2/language_2_dart2js.status b/tests/language_2/language_2_dart2js.status
index d7f5dbe..6e4c689 100644
--- a/tests/language_2/language_2_dart2js.status
+++ b/tests/language_2/language_2_dart2js.status
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
 assertion_test: RuntimeError
 implicit_creation/implicit_new_constructor_generic_test: Pass
+[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == d8 && !$dart2js_with_kernel ]
+void_type_function_types_test/none: CompileTimeError # Issue #30515
 [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == drt && $checked && !$dart2js_with_kernel ]
 regress_30339_test: RuntimeError # Issue 30393
@@ -569,7 +572,6 @@
 issue23244_test: RuntimeError
 left_shift_test: RuntimeError
 library_env_test/has_mirror_support: RuntimeError
-list_is_test: RuntimeError
 list_literal1_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 list_literal4_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError
 list_literal4_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -838,7 +840,6 @@
 issue31596_super_test/05: RuntimeError
 issue31596_tearoff_test: RuntimeError
 issue31596_test: RuntimeError
-list_is_test: RuntimeError
 nsm5_test: MissingCompileTimeError
 override_inheritance_no_such_method_test/05: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -890,7 +891,6 @@
 built_in_identifier_type_annotation_test/68: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 28815
 checked_setter2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31128
 checked_setter_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31128
-closure_param_null_to_object_test: RuntimeError
 extract_type_arguments_test: Crash # Issue 31371
 generic_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError # front end does not validate `extends`
 implicit_downcast_during_constructor_invocation_test: RuntimeError
@@ -1158,7 +1158,6 @@
 issue23244_test: RuntimeError
 left_shift_test: RuntimeError
 library_env_test/has_mirror_support: RuntimeError
-list_is_test: RuntimeError
 list_literal1_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 list_literal4_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError
 list_literal4_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -1352,7 +1351,11 @@
 assertion_initializer_test: CompileTimeError
 assertion_test: RuntimeError
 async_await_foreign_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
+async_await_syntax_test/a06a: RuntimeError
+async_await_syntax_test/b06a: RuntimeError
+async_await_syntax_test/c06a: RuntimeError
 async_await_syntax_test/c10a: MissingCompileTimeError
+async_await_syntax_test/d06a: RuntimeError
 async_await_syntax_test/d08b: MissingCompileTimeError
 async_await_syntax_test/d10a: MissingCompileTimeError
 async_await_test/02: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
@@ -1362,16 +1365,25 @@
 async_congruence_method_test/none: RuntimeError
 async_congruence_top_level_test: RuntimeError
 async_congruence_unnamed_test/none: RuntimeError
+async_error_timing_test: RuntimeError
 async_or_generator_return_type_stacktrace_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 async_or_generator_return_type_stacktrace_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 async_or_generator_return_type_stacktrace_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
 async_return_types_test/nestedFuture: MissingCompileTimeError
+async_return_types_test/none: RuntimeError
 async_return_types_test/tooManyTypeParameters: MissingCompileTimeError
 async_return_types_test/wrongReturnType: MissingCompileTimeError
 async_star_await_pauses_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
+async_star_cancel_and_throw_in_finally_test: RuntimeError
 async_star_cancel_while_paused_test: RuntimeError
+async_star_no_cancel2_test: RuntimeError
+async_star_no_cancel_test: RuntimeError
+async_star_pause_test: RuntimeError
 async_star_regression_2238_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
+async_star_regression_23116_test: RuntimeError
+async_star_regression_fisk_test: RuntimeError
 async_star_stream_take_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
+async_star_take_reyield_test: RuntimeError
 async_star_test/01: Crash # Assertion failure: Unexpected arguments. Expected 1 argument, actual: [invoke dynamic method: selector=Selector(operator, *, arity=1), mask=[subclass=JSUInt32], HTypeInfoReadVariable(ListQueue.E)].
 async_star_test/02: Crash # Assertion failure: Unexpected arguments. Expected 1 argument, actual: [invoke dynamic method: selector=Selector(operator, *, arity=1), mask=[subclass=JSUInt32], HTypeInfoReadVariable(ListQueue.E)].
 async_star_test/03: Crash # Assertion failure: Unexpected arguments. Expected 1 argument, actual: [invoke dynamic method: selector=Selector(operator, *, arity=1), mask=[subclass=JSUInt32], HTypeInfoReadVariable(ListQueue.E)].
@@ -1379,9 +1391,15 @@
 async_star_test/05: Crash # Assertion failure: Unexpected arguments. Expected 1 argument, actual: [invoke dynamic method: selector=Selector(operator, *, arity=1), mask=[subclass=JSUInt32], HTypeInfoReadVariable(ListQueue.E)].
 async_star_test/none: Crash # Assertion failure: Unexpected arguments. Expected 1 argument, actual: [invoke dynamic method: selector=Selector(operator, *, arity=1), mask=[subclass=JSUInt32], HTypeInfoReadVariable(ListQueue.E)].
 async_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
+asyncstar_concat_test: RuntimeError
 asyncstar_throw_in_catch_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
+asyncstar_yield_test: RuntimeError
+asyncstar_yieldstar_test: RuntimeError
+await_for_cancel_test: RuntimeError
 await_for_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
+await_for_use_local_test: RuntimeError
 await_not_started_immediately_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
+await_test: RuntimeError
 bad_named_parameters2_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 bad_named_parameters_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 bad_named_parameters_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -1460,6 +1478,7 @@
 const_types_test/39: MissingCompileTimeError
 const_types_test/40: MissingCompileTimeError
 constants_test/05: MissingCompileTimeError
+constructor12_test: RuntimeError
 constructor_named_arguments_test/none: RuntimeError
 constructor_redirect1_negative_test/01: Crash # Stack Overflow
 constructor_redirect2_negative_test: Crash # Issue 30856
@@ -1469,6 +1488,7 @@
 covariance_type_parameter_test/02: RuntimeError
 covariance_type_parameter_test/03: RuntimeError
 covariant_override/runtime_check_test: RuntimeError
+covariant_override/tear_off_type_test: RuntimeError
 covariant_subtyping_tearoff1_test: RuntimeError
 covariant_subtyping_tearoff2_test: RuntimeError
 covariant_subtyping_tearoff3_test: RuntimeError
@@ -1501,9 +1521,7 @@
 duplicate_export_negative_test: Fail
 duplicate_implements_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 duplicate_implements_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
-dynamic_invoke_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
 dynamic_prefix_core_test/none: CompileTimeError
-dynamic_test: RuntimeError
 emit_const_fields_test: CompileTimeError
 enum_mirror_test: CompileTimeError
 example_constructor_test: RuntimeError
@@ -1514,9 +1532,6 @@
 external_test/21: CompileTimeError
 external_test/24: CompileTimeError
 extract_type_arguments_test: RuntimeError
-f_bounded_equality_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
-f_bounded_quantification4_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
-f_bounded_quantification5_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
 f_bounded_quantification_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 f_bounded_quantification_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 factory2_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -1536,11 +1551,6 @@
 field_override4_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 field_override_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError
 field_override_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
-first_class_types_libraries_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
-first_class_types_literals_test/01: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
-first_class_types_literals_test/02: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
-first_class_types_literals_test/none: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
-first_class_types_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
 flatten_test/05: MissingRuntimeError
 flatten_test/08: MissingRuntimeError
 flatten_test/09: MissingRuntimeError
@@ -1549,7 +1559,8 @@
 full_stacktrace2_test: RuntimeError
 full_stacktrace3_test: RuntimeError
 function_propagation_test: CompileTimeError
-function_subtype_bound_closure1_test: RuntimeError
+function_subtype2_test: RuntimeError
+function_subtype3_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_bound_closure2_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_bound_closure3_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_bound_closure4_test: RuntimeError
@@ -1559,52 +1570,43 @@
 function_subtype_bound_closure7_test: Crash # Assertion failure: kind=special,memberName=instantiate,callStructure:CallStructure(arity=0, types=1)
 function_subtype_call1_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_call2_test: RuntimeError
+function_subtype_cast0_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_cast1_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_cast2_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_cast3_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_checked0_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_closure0_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_closure1_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_factory1_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_inline1_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_inline2_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_local1_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_local2_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_local5_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_named1_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_named2_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_not0_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_not1_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_not2_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_not3_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_optional1_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_optional2_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_regression_ddc_588_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_setter0_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_top_level1_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_typearg2_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_typearg3_test: RuntimeError
+function_subtype_simple2_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_typearg5_test: RuntimeError
 function_type2_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(B.T) in (local(B.#)) for j:signature(B_closure.$signature).
-function_type_alias10_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
 function_type_alias2_test: RuntimeError
-function_type_alias3_test: RuntimeError
 function_type_alias4_test: RuntimeError
 function_type_alias_test: RuntimeError
 function_type_call_getter2_test/none: RuntimeError
 function_type_test: RuntimeError
-fuzzy_arrows_test/03: RuntimeError
-generic_closure_test/01: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
+generic_async_star_test: RuntimeError
+generic_closure_test/01: RuntimeError
 generic_closure_test/none: RuntimeError
-generic_creation_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
 generic_field_mixin6_test/none: RuntimeError
 generic_function_bounds_test: Crash # Unsupported operation: Unsupported type parameter type node U.
 generic_function_dcall_test: Crash # Unsupported operation: Unsupported type parameter type node T.
 generic_function_type_as_type_argument_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 generic_function_type_as_type_argument_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 generic_function_type_as_type_argument_test/03: RuntimeError
+generic_function_type_within_type_argument_test: RuntimeError
 generic_function_typedef_test/01: RuntimeError
+generic_instanceof2_test: RuntimeError
 generic_instanceof_test: RuntimeError
+generic_is_check_test: RuntimeError
 generic_method_types_test/02: RuntimeError
 generic_method_types_test/03: RuntimeError
 generic_methods_bounds_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -1612,10 +1614,7 @@
 generic_methods_dynamic_test/02: MissingRuntimeError
 generic_methods_dynamic_test/04: MissingRuntimeError
 generic_methods_generic_class_tearoff_test: RuntimeError
-generic_methods_generic_function_result_test/01: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
-generic_methods_generic_function_result_test/none: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
-generic_methods_named_parameters_test: RuntimeError
-generic_methods_optional_parameters_test: RuntimeError
+generic_methods_generic_function_result_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 generic_methods_overriding_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 generic_methods_recursive_bound_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 generic_methods_recursive_bound_test/03: Crash # 'file:*/pkg/compiler/lib/src/js_emitter/metadata_collector.dart': Failed assertion: line 100 pos 12: 'isBound': is not true.
@@ -1651,7 +1650,6 @@
 initializing_formal_type_annotation_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 initializing_formal_type_annotation_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 instance_creation_in_function_annotation_test: CompileTimeError
-instanceof2_test: RuntimeError
 instantiate_tearoff_after_contravariance_check_test: Crash # Assertion failure: kind=special,memberName=instantiate,callStructure:CallStructure(arity=0, types=1)
 instantiate_tearoff_of_call_test: CompileTimeError
 instantiate_tearoff_test: Crash # Assertion failure: kind=special,memberName=instantiate,callStructure:CallStructure(arity=0, types=1)
@@ -1681,18 +1679,21 @@
 issue31596_super_test/03: CompileTimeError
 issue_25671a_test/01: CompileTimeError
 issue_25671b_test/01: CompileTimeError
+known_identifier_usage_error_test/none: RuntimeError
 left_shift_test: RuntimeError
 library_env_test/has_mirror_support: RuntimeError
 library_env_test/has_no_html_support: RuntimeError
 library_env_test/has_no_io_support: RuntimeError
 library_prefixes_test: CompileTimeError
-list_is_test: RuntimeError
 local_function2_test/none: RuntimeError
 local_function3_test/none: RuntimeError
 local_function_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 local_function_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 local_function_test/none: RuntimeError
 main_test/03: RuntimeError
+main_test/20: RuntimeError
+main_test/22: RuntimeError
+main_test/44: RuntimeError
 malbounded_instantiation_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 malbounded_instantiation_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 malbounded_instantiation_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -1704,20 +1705,17 @@
 malbounded_type_cast_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError
 malbounded_type_cast_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 malbounded_type_cast_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
-malbounded_type_cast_test/none: RuntimeError
 malbounded_type_literal_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError
 malbounded_type_test2_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError
 malbounded_type_test_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError
 malbounded_type_test_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 malbounded_type_test_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
-malbounded_type_test_test/none: RuntimeError
 many_generic_instanceof_test: RuntimeError
 many_overridden_no_such_method_test: CompileTimeError
 map_literal11_test/none: MissingRuntimeError
 map_literal3_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 map_literal3_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 map_literal3_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
-map_literal7_test: RuntimeError
 method_override7_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError
 method_override7_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 method_override7_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -1790,7 +1788,6 @@
 mixin_invalid_bound_test/09: MissingCompileTimeError
 mixin_invalid_bound_test/10: MissingCompileTimeError
 mixin_of_mixin_test/none: CompileTimeError
-mixin_regress_13688_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
 mixin_super_2_test/none: CompileTimeError
 mixin_super_bound_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 mixin_super_bound_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -1826,10 +1823,6 @@
 mixin_type_parameters_errors_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
 mixin_type_parameters_errors_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError
 mixin_type_parameters_errors_test/05: MissingCompileTimeError
-mixin_type_parameters_mixin_extends_test: RuntimeError
-mixin_type_parameters_mixin_test: RuntimeError
-mixin_type_parameters_super_extends_test: RuntimeError
-mixin_type_parameters_super_test: RuntimeError
 modulo_test: RuntimeError
 multiline_newline_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError
 multiline_newline_test/04r: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -1839,19 +1832,19 @@
 multiline_newline_test/06r: MissingCompileTimeError
 named_constructor_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 named_parameters_default_eq_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
+named_parameters_default_eq_test/none: RuntimeError
 named_parameters_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 named_parameters_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError
 named_parameters_test/06: MissingCompileTimeError
 named_parameters_test/08: MissingCompileTimeError
 named_parameters_test/10: MissingCompileTimeError
 nan_identical_test: RuntimeError
-nested_generic_closure_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
+nested_generic_closure_test: RuntimeError
 no_main_test/01: CompileTimeError
 no_such_method_mock_test: RuntimeError
 no_such_method_test: CompileTimeError
 nosuchmethod_forwarding/nosuchmethod_forwarding_test/05: RuntimeError
 nosuchmethod_forwarding/nosuchmethod_forwarding_test/06: RuntimeError
-null2_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
 null_no_such_method_test: CompileTimeError
 null_test/mirrors: CompileTimeError
 null_test/none: CompileTimeError
@@ -1924,7 +1917,6 @@
 override_method_with_field_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 parser_quirks_test: CompileTimeError
 prefix5_negative_test: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/kernel_shadow_ast.dart': Failed assertion: line 441 pos 16: 'identical(combiner.arguments.positional[0], rhs)': is not true.
-recursive_generic_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
 redirecting_factory_default_values_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 redirecting_factory_default_values_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 redirecting_factory_default_values_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -1937,7 +1929,9 @@
 regress_18535_test: CompileTimeError
 regress_23089_test: Crash # Stack Overflow
 regress_23408_test: CompileTimeError
+regress_23996_test: RuntimeError
 regress_24283_test: RuntimeError
+regress_24935_test/none: RuntimeError
 regress_25550_test: CompileTimeError
 regress_26175_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
 regress_27617_test/1: Crash # Assertion failure: Unexpected constructor j:constructor(Foo._) in ConstructorDataImpl._getConstructorConstant
@@ -1949,9 +1943,7 @@
 regress_30339_test: CompileTimeError
 regress_31591_test: RuntimeError
 regress_32012_test: Crash # Unsupported operation: Unsupported type parameter type node B.
-reify_typevar_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
-runtime_type_function_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
-runtime_type_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
+runtime_type_function_test: RuntimeError
 setter4_test: MissingCompileTimeError
 setter_no_getter_call_test/01: CompileTimeError
 setter_no_getter_test/01: CompileTimeError
@@ -1959,6 +1951,7 @@
 setter_override_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 setter_override_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 setter_override_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
+shadow_parameter_and_local_test: RuntimeError
 stacktrace_demangle_ctors_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12698
 stacktrace_rethrow_error_test/none: RuntimeError
 stacktrace_rethrow_error_test/withtraceparameter: RuntimeError
@@ -2044,10 +2037,11 @@
 type_variable_bounds_test/06: MissingCompileTimeError
 type_variable_bounds_test/08: MissingCompileTimeError
 type_variable_bounds_test/11: MissingCompileTimeError
-type_variable_nested_test/01: RuntimeError
-type_variable_promotion_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Only 2 of 3 arguments have been read from: [HRef(HForeignCode("# ? Object.keys(#) : []")), literal: NullConstant, literal: NullConstant]
+type_variable_promotion_test: RuntimeError
+typedef_is_test: RuntimeError
 typevariable_substitution2_test/02: RuntimeError
 vm/async_await_catch_stacktrace_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
+vm/await_synchronous_future_test: Crash # Interpolated value #1 is not an Expression or List of Expressions: [VariableUse(f), Instance of 'LiteralNull', null]
 vm/causal_async_exception_stack2_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Unexpected arguments. Expected 1 argument, actual: [invoke dynamic method: selector=Selector(operator, *, arity=1), mask=[subclass=JSUInt32], HTypeInfoReadVariable(ListQueue.E)].
 vm/causal_async_exception_stack_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Unexpected arguments. Expected 1 argument, actual: [invoke dynamic method: selector=Selector(operator, *, arity=1), mask=[subclass=JSUInt32], HTypeInfoReadVariable(ListQueue.E)].
 vm/debug_break_enabled_vm_test/01: CompileTimeError
@@ -2068,9 +2062,6 @@
 vm/store_to_load_forwarding_phis_vm_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
 vm/type_cast_vm_test: RuntimeError
 vm/type_vm_test/28: MissingRuntimeError
-vm/type_vm_test/30: MissingRuntimeError
-vm/type_vm_test/31: MissingRuntimeError
-vm/type_vm_test/32: MissingRuntimeError
 vm/uint32_right_shift_test: RuntimeError
 vm/uint32_shift_test: RuntimeError
 vm/unaligned_integer_access_literal_index_test: RuntimeError
@@ -2081,8 +2072,8 @@
 void_type_usage_test/conditional2_dynamic_init: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart': Failed assertion: line 214 pos 12: 'false': is not true.
 void_type_usage_test/conditional2_for: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart': Failed assertion: line 214 pos 12: 'false': is not true.
 void_type_usage_test/conditional2_literal_list_init: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart': Failed assertion: line 214 pos 12: 'false': is not true.
-void_type_usage_test/conditional2_literal_map_value_init: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart': Failed assertion: line 214 pos 12: 'false': is not true.
 void_type_usage_test/conditional2_literal_map_value_init2: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart': Failed assertion: line 214 pos 12: 'false': is not true.
+void_type_usage_test/conditional2_literal_map_value_init: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart': Failed assertion: line 214 pos 12: 'false': is not true.
 void_type_usage_test/conditional2_null_equals2: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart': Failed assertion: line 214 pos 12: 'false': is not true.
 void_type_usage_test/conditional2_parens: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart': Failed assertion: line 214 pos 12: 'false': is not true.
 void_type_usage_test/conditional2_return: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart': Failed assertion: line 214 pos 12: 'false': is not true.
@@ -2098,8 +2089,8 @@
 void_type_usage_test/conditional3_dynamic_init: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart': Failed assertion: line 214 pos 12: 'false': is not true.
 void_type_usage_test/conditional3_for: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart': Failed assertion: line 214 pos 12: 'false': is not true.
 void_type_usage_test/conditional3_literal_list_init: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart': Failed assertion: line 214 pos 12: 'false': is not true.
-void_type_usage_test/conditional3_literal_map_value_init: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart': Failed assertion: line 214 pos 12: 'false': is not true.
 void_type_usage_test/conditional3_literal_map_value_init2: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart': Failed assertion: line 214 pos 12: 'false': is not true.
+void_type_usage_test/conditional3_literal_map_value_init: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart': Failed assertion: line 214 pos 12: 'false': is not true.
 void_type_usage_test/conditional3_null_equals2: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart': Failed assertion: line 214 pos 12: 'false': is not true.
 void_type_usage_test/conditional3_parens: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart': Failed assertion: line 214 pos 12: 'false': is not true.
 void_type_usage_test/conditional3_return: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart': Failed assertion: line 214 pos 12: 'false': is not true.
@@ -2117,6 +2108,7 @@
 void_type_usage_test/paren_null_equals2: Crash # 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart': Failed assertion: line 214 pos 12: 'false': is not true.
 wrong_number_type_arguments_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 wrong_number_type_arguments_test/none: Pass
+yieldstar_pause_test: RuntimeError
 [ $compiler == dart2js && $dart2js_with_kernel && $minified && $strong ]
 abstract_factory_constructor_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -2134,7 +2126,11 @@
 assertion_initializer_test: CompileTimeError
 assertion_test: RuntimeError
 async_await_foreign_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
+async_await_syntax_test/a06a: RuntimeError
+async_await_syntax_test/b06a: RuntimeError
+async_await_syntax_test/c06a: RuntimeError
 async_await_syntax_test/c10a: MissingCompileTimeError
+async_await_syntax_test/d06a: RuntimeError
 async_await_syntax_test/d08b: MissingCompileTimeError
 async_await_syntax_test/d10a: MissingCompileTimeError
 async_await_test/02: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
@@ -2144,17 +2140,25 @@
 async_congruence_method_test/none: RuntimeError
 async_congruence_top_level_test: RuntimeError
 async_congruence_unnamed_test/none: RuntimeError
-async_error_timing_test: Pass
+async_error_timing_test: RuntimeError
 async_or_generator_return_type_stacktrace_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 async_or_generator_return_type_stacktrace_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 async_or_generator_return_type_stacktrace_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
 async_return_types_test/nestedFuture: MissingCompileTimeError
+async_return_types_test/none: RuntimeError
 async_return_types_test/tooManyTypeParameters: MissingCompileTimeError
 async_return_types_test/wrongReturnType: MissingCompileTimeError
 async_star_await_pauses_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
+async_star_cancel_and_throw_in_finally_test: RuntimeError
 async_star_cancel_while_paused_test: RuntimeError
+async_star_no_cancel2_test: RuntimeError
+async_star_no_cancel_test: RuntimeError
+async_star_pause_test: RuntimeError
 async_star_regression_2238_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
+async_star_regression_23116_test: RuntimeError
+async_star_regression_fisk_test: RuntimeError
 async_star_stream_take_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
+async_star_take_reyield_test: RuntimeError
 async_star_test/01: Crash # Wrong number of template arguments, given 2, expected 1
 async_star_test/02: Crash # Wrong number of template arguments, given 2, expected 1
 async_star_test/03: Crash # Wrong number of template arguments, given 2, expected 1
@@ -2162,9 +2166,15 @@
 async_star_test/05: Crash # Wrong number of template arguments, given 2, expected 1
 async_star_test/none: Crash # Wrong number of template arguments, given 2, expected 1
 async_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
+asyncstar_concat_test: RuntimeError
 asyncstar_throw_in_catch_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
+asyncstar_yield_test: RuntimeError
+asyncstar_yieldstar_test: RuntimeError
+await_for_cancel_test: RuntimeError
 await_for_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
+await_for_use_local_test: RuntimeError
 await_not_started_immediately_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
+await_test: RuntimeError
 bad_named_parameters2_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 bad_named_parameters_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 bad_named_parameters_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -2241,6 +2251,7 @@
 const_types_test/39: MissingCompileTimeError
 const_types_test/40: MissingCompileTimeError
 constants_test/05: MissingCompileTimeError
+constructor12_test: RuntimeError
 constructor_named_arguments_test/none: RuntimeError
 constructor_redirect1_negative_test/01: Crash # Stack Overflow
 constructor_redirect2_negative_test: Crash # Issue 30856
@@ -2250,6 +2261,7 @@
 covariance_type_parameter_test/02: RuntimeError
 covariance_type_parameter_test/03: RuntimeError
 covariant_override/runtime_check_test: RuntimeError
+covariant_override/tear_off_type_test: RuntimeError
 covariant_subtyping_tearoff1_test: RuntimeError
 covariant_subtyping_tearoff2_test: RuntimeError
 covariant_subtyping_tearoff3_test: RuntimeError
@@ -2283,7 +2295,6 @@
 duplicate_implements_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 duplicate_implements_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 dynamic_prefix_core_test/none: CompileTimeError
-dynamic_test: RuntimeError
 emit_const_fields_test: CompileTimeError
 enum_mirror_test: CompileTimeError
 example_constructor_test: RuntimeError
@@ -2322,7 +2333,8 @@
 full_stacktrace2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12698
 full_stacktrace3_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12698
 function_propagation_test: CompileTimeError
-function_subtype_bound_closure1_test: RuntimeError
+function_subtype2_test: RuntimeError
+function_subtype3_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_bound_closure2_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_bound_closure3_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_bound_closure4_test: RuntimeError
@@ -2332,48 +2344,41 @@
 function_subtype_bound_closure7_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_call1_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_call2_test: RuntimeError
+function_subtype_cast0_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_cast1_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_cast2_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_cast3_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_checked0_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_closure0_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_closure1_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_factory1_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_inline1_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_inline2_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_local1_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_local2_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_local5_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_named1_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_named2_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_not0_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_not1_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_not2_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_not3_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_optional1_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_optional2_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_regression_ddc_588_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_setter0_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_top_level1_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_typearg2_test: RuntimeError
-function_subtype_typearg3_test: RuntimeError
+function_subtype_simple2_test: RuntimeError
 function_subtype_typearg5_test: RuntimeError
 function_type2_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(B.T) in (local(B.#)) for j:signature(B_closure.$signature).
 function_type_alias2_test: RuntimeError
-function_type_alias3_test: RuntimeError
 function_type_alias4_test: RuntimeError
 function_type_alias_test: RuntimeError
 function_type_call_getter2_test/none: RuntimeError
 function_type_test: RuntimeError
-fuzzy_arrows_test/03: RuntimeError
+generic_async_star_test: RuntimeError
 generic_field_mixin6_test/none: RuntimeError
 generic_function_bounds_test: Crash # Unsupported operation: Unsupported type parameter type node U.
 generic_function_dcall_test: RuntimeError
 generic_function_type_as_type_argument_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 generic_function_type_as_type_argument_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 generic_function_type_as_type_argument_test/03: RuntimeError
+generic_function_type_within_type_argument_test: RuntimeError
 generic_function_typedef_test/01: RuntimeError
+generic_instanceof2_test: RuntimeError
 generic_instanceof_test: RuntimeError
+generic_is_check_test: RuntimeError
 generic_method_types_test/02: RuntimeError
 generic_method_types_test/03: RuntimeError
 generic_methods_bounds_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -2382,8 +2387,6 @@
 generic_methods_dynamic_test/04: MissingRuntimeError
 generic_methods_generic_class_tearoff_test: RuntimeError
 generic_methods_generic_function_result_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
-generic_methods_named_parameters_test: RuntimeError
-generic_methods_optional_parameters_test: RuntimeError
 generic_methods_overriding_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 generic_methods_recursive_bound_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 generic_methods_recursive_bound_test/03: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: The method 'markSeen' was called on null.
@@ -2418,7 +2421,6 @@
 initializing_formal_type_annotation_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 initializing_formal_type_annotation_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 instance_creation_in_function_annotation_test: CompileTimeError
-instanceof2_test: RuntimeError
 instantiate_tearoff_of_call_test: CompileTimeError
 instantiate_type_variable_test/01: CompileTimeError
 int64_literal_test/01: RuntimeError
@@ -2446,18 +2448,21 @@
 issue31596_super_test/03: CompileTimeError
 issue_25671a_test/01: CompileTimeError
 issue_25671b_test/01: CompileTimeError
+known_identifier_usage_error_test/none: RuntimeError
 left_shift_test: RuntimeError
 library_env_test/has_mirror_support: RuntimeError
 library_env_test/has_no_html_support: RuntimeError
 library_env_test/has_no_io_support: RuntimeError
 library_prefixes_test: CompileTimeError
-list_is_test: RuntimeError
 local_function2_test/none: RuntimeError
 local_function3_test/none: RuntimeError
 local_function_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 local_function_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 local_function_test/none: RuntimeError
 main_test/03: RuntimeError
+main_test/20: RuntimeError
+main_test/22: RuntimeError
+main_test/44: RuntimeError
 malbounded_instantiation_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 malbounded_instantiation_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 malbounded_instantiation_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -2469,20 +2474,17 @@
 malbounded_type_cast_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError
 malbounded_type_cast_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 malbounded_type_cast_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
-malbounded_type_cast_test/none: RuntimeError
 malbounded_type_literal_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError
 malbounded_type_test2_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError
 malbounded_type_test_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError
 malbounded_type_test_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 malbounded_type_test_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
-malbounded_type_test_test/none: RuntimeError
 many_generic_instanceof_test: RuntimeError
 many_overridden_no_such_method_test: CompileTimeError
 map_literal11_test/none: MissingRuntimeError
 map_literal3_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 map_literal3_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 map_literal3_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
-map_literal7_test: RuntimeError
 method_override7_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError
 method_override7_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 method_override7_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -2555,6 +2557,7 @@
 mixin_invalid_bound_test/08: MissingCompileTimeError
 mixin_invalid_bound_test/09: MissingCompileTimeError
 mixin_invalid_bound_test/10: MissingCompileTimeError
+mixin_mixin_type_arguments_test: RuntimeError
 mixin_of_mixin_test/none: CompileTimeError
 mixin_super_2_test/none: CompileTimeError
 mixin_super_bound_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -2591,10 +2594,6 @@
 mixin_type_parameters_errors_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
 mixin_type_parameters_errors_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError
 mixin_type_parameters_errors_test/05: MissingCompileTimeError
-mixin_type_parameters_mixin_extends_test: RuntimeError
-mixin_type_parameters_mixin_test: RuntimeError
-mixin_type_parameters_super_extends_test: RuntimeError
-mixin_type_parameters_super_test: RuntimeError
 mock_writable_final_field_test: RuntimeError # Issue 30847
 mock_writable_final_private_field_test: RuntimeError # Issue 30847
 modulo_test: RuntimeError
@@ -2606,6 +2605,7 @@
 multiline_newline_test/06r: MissingCompileTimeError
 named_constructor_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 named_parameters_default_eq_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
+named_parameters_default_eq_test/none: RuntimeError
 named_parameters_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 named_parameters_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError
 named_parameters_test/06: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -2702,7 +2702,9 @@
 regress_21795_test: RuntimeError
 regress_23089_test: Crash # Stack Overflow
 regress_23408_test: CompileTimeError
+regress_23996_test: RuntimeError
 regress_24283_test: RuntimeError, OK # Requires 64 bit numbers.
+regress_24935_test/none: RuntimeError
 regress_25550_test: CompileTimeError
 regress_26175_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
 regress_27617_test/1: Crash # Assertion failure: Unexpected constructor j:constructor(Foo._) in ConstructorDataImpl._getConstructorConstant
@@ -2722,6 +2724,7 @@
 setter_override_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 setter_override_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 setter_override_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
+shadow_parameter_and_local_test: RuntimeError
 stack_trace_test: RuntimeError
 stacktrace_demangle_ctors_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12698
 stacktrace_rethrow_error_test/none: RuntimeError # Issue 12698
@@ -2785,10 +2788,11 @@
 type_variable_bounds_test/06: MissingCompileTimeError
 type_variable_bounds_test/08: MissingCompileTimeError
 type_variable_bounds_test/11: MissingCompileTimeError
-type_variable_nested_test/01: RuntimeError
 type_variable_promotion_test: RuntimeError
+typedef_is_test: RuntimeError
 typevariable_substitution2_test/02: RuntimeError
 vm/async_await_catch_stacktrace_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
+vm/await_synchronous_future_test: Crash # Interpolated value #1 is not an Expression or List of Expressions: [VariableUse(f), Instance of 'LiteralNull', null]
 vm/causal_async_exception_stack2_test: Crash # Wrong number of template arguments, given 2, expected 1
 vm/causal_async_exception_stack_test: Crash # Wrong number of template arguments, given 2, expected 1
 vm/debug_break_enabled_vm_test/01: CompileTimeError
@@ -2809,9 +2813,6 @@
 vm/store_to_load_forwarding_phis_vm_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Runtime type information not available for type_variable_local(bindCallback.R) in (local(_RootZone.bindCallback#)) for j:closure_call(
 vm/type_cast_vm_test: RuntimeError
 vm/type_vm_test/28: MissingRuntimeError
-vm/type_vm_test/30: MissingRuntimeError
-vm/type_vm_test/31: MissingRuntimeError
-vm/type_vm_test/32: MissingRuntimeError
 vm/uint32_right_shift_test: RuntimeError
 vm/uint32_shift_test: RuntimeError
 vm/unaligned_integer_access_literal_index_test: RuntimeError
@@ -2822,6 +2823,7 @@
 void_type_usage_test/conditional_return_to_void: MissingCompileTimeError
 wrong_number_type_arguments_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 wrong_number_type_arguments_test/none: Pass
+yieldstar_pause_test: RuntimeError
 [ $compiler == dart2js && $dart2js_with_kernel && !$strong ]
 *: SkipByDesign
diff --git a/tests/language_2/language_2_dartdevc.status b/tests/language_2/language_2_dartdevc.status
index e3eb89a..bd10851 100644
--- a/tests/language_2/language_2_dartdevc.status
+++ b/tests/language_2/language_2_dartdevc.status
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@
 type_promotion_functions_test/none: CompileTimeError # Issue 30895
 type_variable_scope_test/none: CompileTimeError
 void_type_callbacks_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 30514
+void_type_callbacks_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_function_types_test/none: CompileTimeError # Issue 30514
 void_type_override_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_override_test/00b: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -147,6 +148,7 @@
 void_type_usage_test/call_literal_map_key_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/call_literal_map_value_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/call_return: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/call_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional2_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional2_for: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional2_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -156,6 +158,7 @@
 void_type_usage_test/conditional2_return: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional2_return_to_void: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional2_stmt: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/conditional2_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional3_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional3_for: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional3_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -165,6 +168,7 @@
 void_type_usage_test/conditional3_return: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional3_return_to_void: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional3_stmt: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/conditional3_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional_for: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -174,49 +178,58 @@
 void_type_usage_test/conditional_return: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional_return_to_void: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/conditional_stmt: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/conditional_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/final_local_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/final_local_for_in2: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/final_local_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/final_local_literal_map_key_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/final_local_literal_map_value_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/final_local_return: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/final_local_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/global_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/global_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/global_literal_map_key_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/global_literal_map_value_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/global_return: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/global_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance2_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance2_for_in2: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance2_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance2_literal_map_key_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance2_literal_map_value_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance2_return: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/instance2_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance3_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance3_for_in2: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance3_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance3_literal_map_key_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance3_literal_map_value_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance3_return: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/instance3_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance_literal_map_key_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance_literal_map_value_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/instance_return: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/instance_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/local_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/local_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/local_literal_map_key_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/local_literal_map_value_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/local_return: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/local_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/param_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/param_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/param_literal_map_key_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/param_literal_map_value_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/param_return: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/param_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/paren_conditional: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/paren_literal_list_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/paren_literal_map_key_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/paren_literal_map_value_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 void_type_usage_test/paren_return: MissingCompileTimeError
+void_type_usage_test/paren_void_init: MissingCompileTimeError
 [ $compiler == dartdevk ]
 abstract_factory_constructor_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError
diff --git a/tests/language_2/language_2_kernel.status b/tests/language_2/language_2_kernel.status
index ff7baba..9e11913 100644
--- a/tests/language_2/language_2_kernel.status
+++ b/tests/language_2/language_2_kernel.status
@@ -552,7 +552,6 @@
 cyclic_type_variable_test/04: Crash
 cyclic_type_variable_test/none: Crash
 deopt_inlined_function_lazy_test: Skip
-instance_call_wrong_argument_count_negative_test: Crash # Issue(http//
 optional_named_parameters_test/02: Crash # Issue(
 optional_named_parameters_test/04: Crash # Issue(
 optional_named_parameters_test/06: Crash # Issue(
@@ -900,7 +899,6 @@
 cyclic_type_variable_test/04: Crash
 cyclic_type_variable_test/none: Crash
 external_test/13: Crash
-instance_call_wrong_argument_count_negative_test: Crash # Issue(
 optional_named_parameters_test/02: Crash # Issue 31795
 optional_named_parameters_test/04: Crash # Issue 31795
 optional_named_parameters_test/06: Crash # Issue 31795
@@ -2126,4 +2124,3 @@
 [ $compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkp ]
 generic_function_bounds_test: RuntimeError # Issue 32076
 generic_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
diff --git a/tests/language_2/void_type_function_types_test.dart b/tests/language_2/void_type_function_types_test.dart
index 9ef5aec..d436c85 100644
--- a/tests/language_2/void_type_function_types_test.dart
+++ b/tests/language_2/void_type_function_types_test.dart
@@ -92,14 +92,14 @@
-  Expect.isTrue(h2 is H2);
+  Expect.isTrue(h2 is F2);
   Expect.isTrue(h2 is G2);
   Expect.isTrue(h2 is H2);
-  Expect.isTrue(h3 is H3);
+  Expect.isTrue(h3 is F3);
   Expect.isTrue(h3 is G3);
   Expect.isTrue(h3 is H3);
diff --git a/tests/lib/lib.status b/tests/lib/lib.status
index 9370d97..689a0ba 100644
--- a/tests/lib/lib.status
+++ b/tests/lib/lib.status
@@ -329,6 +329,9 @@
 mirrors/invocation_fuzz_test/smi: Pass, Slow
 mirrors/variable_is_const_test/01: Crash # Please triage.
+[ $compiler == dartk && $system == windows ]
+mirrors/invocation_fuzz_test/smi: Pass, Timeout # Issue 32137.
 # Enabling of dartk for sim{arm,arm64,dbc64} revelaed these test failures, which
 # are to be triaged.  Isolate tests are skipped on purpose due to the usage of
 # batch mode.
diff --git a/tests/lib_2/lib_2_kernel.status b/tests/lib_2/lib_2_kernel.status
index 4d36cfb..ec87852 100644
--- a/tests/lib_2/lib_2_kernel.status
+++ b/tests/lib_2/lib_2_kernel.status
@@ -31,6 +31,14 @@
 mirrors/invocation_fuzz_test: Skip # Because it times out, issue 29439.
 mirrors/variable_is_const_test/01: Crash
+[ $builder_tag == optimization_counter_threshold && $compiler == dartk ]
+isolate/unresolved_ports_test: CompileTimeError, Pass, Timeout # Fails to compile on opt counter builder (#31838)
+mirrors/invocation_fuzz_test/emptyarray: Pass, Crash, RuntimeError # Flaky on vm-kernel-optcounter-threshold-linux-release-x64, bug #31838
+mirrors/invocation_fuzz_test/false: Pass, Crash, RuntimeError # Flaky on vm-kernel-optcounter-threshold-linux-release-x64, bug #31838
+mirrors/invocation_fuzz_test/none: Pass, Crash, RuntimeError # Flaky on vm-kernel-optcounter-threshold-linux-release-x64, bug #31838
+mirrors/invocation_fuzz_test/smi: Crash, RuntimeError, Fail, Pass # Crashes on opt counter builder (#31838)
+mirrors/invocation_fuzz_test/string: Pass, Crash, RuntimeError # Flaky on vm-kernel-optcounter-threshold-linux-release-x64, bug #31838
 [ $compiler == dartk && $mode == debug && $runtime == vm && $strong ]
 isolate/isolate_complex_messages_test: Crash
 mirrors/library_exports_shown_test: Crash # 31916
@@ -191,6 +199,9 @@
 mirrors/typedef_test: RuntimeError
 mirrors/typevariable_mirror_metadata_test: RuntimeError
+[ $compiler == dartk && $system == windows ]
+isolate/ping_pause_test: Skip # Issues 32137 and 32138
 [ $compiler == dartk && $strong ]
 async/future_test/01: RuntimeError
 async/future_test/none: RuntimeError
@@ -206,7 +217,6 @@
 isolate/ping_pause_test: RuntimeError
 isolate/request_reply_test: Pass, Timeout
 isolate/stacktrace_message_test: RuntimeError
-isolate/unresolved_ports_test: CompileTimeError, Pass, Timeout # Fails to compile on opt counter builder (#31838)
 mirrors/class_mirror_type_variables_test: RuntimeError
 mirrors/constructor_optional_args_test: Crash
 mirrors/constructors_test: RuntimeError
@@ -229,7 +239,6 @@
 mirrors/instance_members_unimplemented_interface_test: RuntimeError
 mirrors/instance_members_with_override_test: RuntimeError
 mirrors/instantiate_abstract_class_test: RuntimeError
-mirrors/invocation_fuzz_test/smi: Crash, Pass # Crashes on opt counter builder (#31838)
 mirrors/invoke_closurization2_test: RuntimeError
 mirrors/invoke_throws_test: Crash
 mirrors/library_imports_bad_metadata_test/none: RuntimeError
diff --git a/tests/standalone_2/io/web_socket_test.dart b/tests/standalone_2/io/web_socket_test.dart
index 531d62b..c65434f 100644
--- a/tests/standalone_2/io/web_socket_test.dart
+++ b/tests/standalone_2/io/web_socket_test.dart
@@ -535,6 +535,23 @@
+  void testShouldSetUserAgent() {
+    asyncStart();
+    createServer().then((server) {
+      server.transform(new WebSocketTransformer()).listen((webSocket) {
+        Expect.equals('Custom User Agent', WebSocket.userAgent);
+        server.close();
+        webSocket.close();
+        asyncEnd();
+      });
+      WebSocket.userAgent = 'Custom User Agent';
+      createClient(server.port).then((webSocket) {
+        webSocket.close();
+      });
+    });
+  }
   void runTests() {
     testRequestResponseClientCloses(2, null, null, 1);
     testRequestResponseClientCloses(2, 3001, null, 2);
@@ -562,6 +579,7 @@
+    testShouldSetUserAgent();
diff --git a/tests/standalone_2/standalone_2_kernel.status b/tests/standalone_2/standalone_2_kernel.status
index 83359910..f2594fa 100644
--- a/tests/standalone_2/standalone_2_kernel.status
+++ b/tests/standalone_2/standalone_2_kernel.status
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
 package/scenarios/invalid/invalid_utf8_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 32085
 package/scenarios/invalid/non_existent_packages_file_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 32085
+[ $builder_tag == optimization_counter_threshold && $compiler == dartk ]
+map_insert_remove_oom_test: Pass, Crash # Flaky on vm-kernel-optcounter-threshold-linux-release-x64, bug #31838
 [ $compiler == dartk && $mode == debug && $runtime == vm && $strong ]
 io/file_lock_test: Slow, Pass
 io/raw_socket_test: Crash
@@ -44,6 +47,12 @@
 regress_29350_test: MissingCompileTimeError
 regress_29350_test/none: Pass # Issue 31537
+[ $compiler == dartk && $system == windows ]
+io/secure_builtin_roots_test: Skip # Issues 32137 and 32138.
+io/test_extension_fail_test: RuntimeError, Pass # Issue 32137.
+io/test_extension_test: RuntimeError, Pass # Issue 32137.
+io/wait_for_event_isolate_test: Skip # Issues 32137 and 32138.
 [ $compiler == dartk && $system == windows && $strong ]
 io/compile_all_test: Fail
 io/file_stream_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31904
@@ -59,6 +68,7 @@
 io/directory_list_sync_test: Timeout, Pass # Please triage.
 io/file_blocking_lock_test: Pass, Crash # Please triage.
 io/file_lock_test: RuntimeError # Please triage.
+io/platform_resolved_executable_test/05: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 32134
 io/platform_test: RuntimeError # Please triage.
 io/test_extension_fail_test: RuntimeError # Please traige.
 io/test_extension_test: RuntimeError # Please traige.
diff --git a/tools/VERSION b/tools/VERSION
index f6a0fd2..4fa6039 100644
--- a/tools/VERSION
+++ b/tools/VERSION
@@ -27,5 +27,5 @@
diff --git a/tools/bots/test_matrix.json b/tools/bots/test_matrix.json
index 6efea6f..fda892d 100644
--- a/tools/bots/test_matrix.json
+++ b/tools/bots/test_matrix.json
@@ -618,6 +618,7 @@
           "name": "vm tests",
           "arguments": [
+            "--builder-tag=optimization_counter_threshold",
@@ -627,6 +628,7 @@
           "name": "strong vm tests",
           "arguments": [
+            "--builder-tag=optimization_counter_threshold",
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index d727fbc..2b5ebc6 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -172,9 +172,8 @@
   # Don't use the wheezy sysroot if we're given another sysroot.
   if TargetSysroot(args):
     return False
-  # The clang toolchain we pull from Fuchsia doesn't have arm and arm64
-  # sysroots, so use the wheezy/jesse ones.
-  return gn_args['is_clang'] and gn_args['target_cpu'].startswith('arm')
+  # Use the downloaded sysroot unless it is explicitly disabled.
+  return not args.no_wheezy and not UseSanitizer(args)
 def ToGnArgs(args, mode, arch, target_os):
@@ -444,8 +443,9 @@
       help='Disable the Debian wheezy sysroot on Linux',
-      dest='wheezy',
-      action='store_false')
+      default=False,
+      dest='no_wheezy',
+      action='store_true')
   other_group.add_argument('--workers', '-w',
       help='Number of simultaneous GN invocations',
diff --git a/tools/testing/dart/command.dart b/tools/testing/dart/command.dart
index b2680ca..30ec729 100644
--- a/tools/testing/dart/command.dart
+++ b/tools/testing/dart/command.dart
@@ -365,6 +365,17 @@
     return "$buffer";
+  @override
+  void _buildHashCode(HashCodeBuilder builder) {
+    super._buildHashCode(builder);
+    builder.addJson(_compilerLocation);
+  }
+  @override
+  bool _equal(FastaCompilationCommand other) {
+    return super._equal(other) && _compilerLocation == other._compilerLocation;
+  }
 class VMKernelCompilationCommand extends CompilationCommand {
diff --git a/tools/testing/dart/compiler_configuration.dart b/tools/testing/dart/compiler_configuration.dart
index ac20f0b..5501b92 100644
--- a/tools/testing/dart/compiler_configuration.dart
+++ b/tools/testing/dart/compiler_configuration.dart
@@ -121,8 +121,12 @@
     throw new UnsupportedError("$this does not support createCommand().");
-  CommandArtifact computeCompilationArtifact(String tempDir,
-      List<String> arguments, Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
+  CommandArtifact computeCompilationArtifact(
+      /// Each test has its own temporary directory to avoid name collisions.
+      String tempDir,
+      List<String> arguments,
+      Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
     return new CommandArtifact([], null, null);
@@ -1095,7 +1099,7 @@
   FastaCompilerConfiguration(Configuration configuration)
       : this._(
-            Uri.base.resolve("pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart"),
+            Repository.uri.resolve("pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart"),
@@ -1145,12 +1149,18 @@
     if (Platform.isWindows) {
       vmPath += ".exe";
-    List<String> compilerArguments = <String>[
-      "-o",
-      outputFileName,
-      "--platform",
-      _plaformDill.toFilePath(),
-    ]..addAll(arguments);
+    List<String> compilerArguments = <String>[];
+    if (!_isLegacy) {
+      compilerArguments.add("--strong-mode");
+    }
+    compilerArguments
+      ..addAll(<String>[
+        "-o",
+        outputFileName,
+        "--platform",
+        _plaformDill.toFilePath(),
+      ])
+      ..addAll(arguments);
     return new CommandArtifact(
@@ -1161,7 +1171,7 @@
-          Uri.base,
+          Repository.uri,
@@ -1192,6 +1202,9 @@
       List<String> sharedOptions,
       List<String> originalArguments,
       CommandArtifact artifact) {
+    if (runtimeConfiguration is! NoneRuntimeConfiguration) {
+      throw "--compiler=fasta only supports --runtime=none";
+    }
     return <String>[];
diff --git a/tools/testing/dart/test_runner.dart b/tools/testing/dart/test_runner.dart
index 5c743b3..ccbf1fd 100644
--- a/tools/testing/dart/test_runner.dart
+++ b/tools/testing/dart/test_runner.dart
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@
 class BatchRunnerProcess {
   /// When true, the command line is passed to the test runner as a
   /// JSON-encoded list of strings.
-  final bool _jsonCommandLine;
+  final bool _useJson;
   Completer<CommandOutput> _completer;
   ProcessCommand _command;
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@
   Timer _timer;
   int _testCount = 0;
-  BatchRunnerProcess(this._jsonCommandLine);
+  BatchRunnerProcess({bool useJson: true}) : _useJson = useJson;
   Future<CommandOutput> runCommand(String runnerType, ProcessCommand command,
       int timeout, List<String> arguments) {
@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@
   String _createArgumentsLine(List<String> arguments, int timeout) {
-    if (_jsonCommandLine) {
+    if (_useJson) {
       return "${JSON.encode(arguments)}\n";
     } else {
       return arguments.join(' ') + '\n';
@@ -1280,7 +1280,7 @@
     if (runners == null) {
       runners = new List<BatchRunnerProcess>(maxProcesses);
       for (int i = 0; i < maxProcesses; i++) {
-        runners[i] = new BatchRunnerProcess(identifier == "fasta");
+        runners[i] = new BatchRunnerProcess(useJson: identifier == "fasta");
       _batchProcesses[identifier] = runners;