blob: ce64a6c9a0fc09e576dbc2f09442f6cd8d95d558 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:collection";
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
void testInvalidArguments() {}
void testPath() {
void test(s, uri) {
Expect.equals(s, uri.toString());
Expect.equals(uri, Uri.parse(s));
test("http:", new Uri(scheme: "http"));
test("http://host/xxx", new Uri(scheme: "http", host: "host", path: "xxx"));
test("http://host/xxx", new Uri(scheme: "http", host: "host", path: "/xxx"));
new Uri(scheme: "http", host: "host", pathSegments: ["xxx"]));
new Uri(scheme: "http", host: "host", path: "xxx/yyy"));
new Uri(scheme: "http", host: "host", path: "/xxx/yyy"));
new Uri(scheme: "http", host: "host", pathSegments: ["xxx", "yyy"]));
test("urn:", new Uri(scheme: "urn"));
test("urn:xxx", new Uri(scheme: "urn", path: "xxx"));
test("urn:xxx:yyy", new Uri(scheme: "urn", path: "xxx:yyy"));
Expect.equals(3, new Uri(path: "xxx/yyy/zzz").pathSegments.length);
Expect.equals(3, new Uri(path: "/xxx/yyy/zzz").pathSegments.length);
Expect.equals(3, Uri.parse("http://host/xxx/yyy/zzz").pathSegments.length);
Expect.equals(3, Uri.parse("file:///xxx/yyy/zzz").pathSegments.length);
void testPathSegments() {
void test(String path, List<String> segments) {
void check(uri) {
Expect.equals(path, uri.path);
Expect.equals(path, uri.toString());
Expect.listEquals(segments, uri.pathSegments);
var uri1 = new Uri(pathSegments: segments);
var uri2 = new Uri(path: path);
Expect.equals(uri1, uri2);
test("", []);
test("%20", [" "]);
test("%20/%20%20", [" ", " "]);
test("A", ["A"]);
test("%C3%B8", ["ø"]);
test("%C3%B8/%C3%A5", ["ø", "å"]);
test("%C8%A4/%E5%B9%B3%E4%BB%AE%E5%90%8D", ["Ȥ", "平仮名"]);
test("A/b", ["A", "b"]);
test("A/%25", ["A", "%"]);
test("%2F/a%2Fb", ["/", "a/b"]);
test("name;v=1.1", ["name;v=1.1"]);
test("name,v=1.1", ["name,v=1.1"]);
test("name;v=1.1/name,v=1.1", ["name;v=1.1", "name,v=1.1"]);
var unreserved = "-._~0123456789"
var subDelimiters = r"!$&'()*+,;=";
var additionalPathChars = ":@";
var pchar = unreserved + subDelimiters + additionalPathChars;
var encoded = new StringBuffer();
var unencoded = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 32; i < 128; i++) {
if (pchar.indexOf(new String.fromCharCode(i)) != -1) {
} else {
var encodedStr = encoded.toString();
var unencodedStr = unencoded.toString();
test(encodedStr, [unencodedStr]);
test(encodedStr + "/" + encodedStr, [unencodedStr, unencodedStr]);
Uri uri;
var pathSegments = ["xxx", "yyy", "zzz"];
uri = new Uri(pathSegments: pathSegments);
Expect.equals(3, uri.pathSegments.length);
uri = new Uri(pathSegments: pathSegments.where((_) => true));
Expect.equals(3, uri.pathSegments.length);
uri = new Uri(pathSegments: new DoubleLinkedQueue.from(pathSegments));
Expect.equals(3, uri.pathSegments.length);
uri = new Uri(scheme: "http", host: "host", pathSegments: pathSegments);
Expect.equals(3, uri.pathSegments.length);
uri = new Uri(
scheme: "http",
host: "host",
pathSegments: pathSegments.where((_) => true));
Expect.equals(3, uri.pathSegments.length);
uri = new Uri(
scheme: "http",
host: "host",
pathSegments: new DoubleLinkedQueue.from(pathSegments));
Expect.equals(3, uri.pathSegments.length);
uri = new Uri(scheme: "file", pathSegments: pathSegments);
Expect.equals(3, uri.pathSegments.length);
uri = new Uri(scheme: "file", pathSegments: pathSegments.where((_) => true));
Expect.equals(3, uri.pathSegments.length);
uri = new Uri(
scheme: "file", pathSegments: new DoubleLinkedQueue.from(pathSegments));
Expect.equals(3, uri.pathSegments.length);
void testPathCompare() {
void test(Uri uri1, Uri uri2) {
Expect.equals(uri1, uri2);
Expect.equals(uri2, uri1);
test(new Uri(scheme: "http", host: "host", path: "xxx"),
new Uri(scheme: "http", host: "host", path: "/xxx"));
test(new Uri(scheme: "http", host: "host", pathSegments: ["xxx"]),
new Uri(scheme: "http", host: "host", path: "/xxx"));
test(new Uri(scheme: "http", host: "host", pathSegments: ["xxx"]),
new Uri(scheme: "http", host: "host", path: "xxx"));
test(new Uri(scheme: "file", path: "xxx"),
new Uri(scheme: "file", path: "/xxx"));
test(new Uri(scheme: "file", pathSegments: ["xxx"]),
new Uri(scheme: "file", path: "/xxx"));
test(new Uri(scheme: "file", pathSegments: ["xxx"]),
new Uri(scheme: "file", path: "xxx"));
testPathSegmentsUnmodifiableList() {
void test(list) {
bool isUnsupported(e) => e is UnsupportedError;
Expect.equals("a", list[0]);
Expect.throws(() => list[0] = "c", isUnsupported);
Expect.equals(2, list.length);
Expect.throws(() => list.length = 1, isUnsupported);
Expect.throws(() => list.add("c"), isUnsupported);
Expect.throws(() => list.addAll(["c", "d"]), isUnsupported);
Expect.listEquals(["b", "a"], list.reversed.toList());
Expect.throws(() => list.sort(), isUnsupported);
Expect.equals(0, list.indexOf("a"));
Expect.equals(0, list.lastIndexOf("a"));
Expect.throws(() => list.clear(), isUnsupported);
Expect.throws(() => list.insert(1, "c"), isUnsupported);
Expect.throws(() => list.insertAll(1, ["c", "d"]), isUnsupported);
Expect.throws(() => list.setAll(1, ["c", "d"]), isUnsupported);
Expect.throws(() => list.remove("a"), isUnsupported);
Expect.throws(() => list.removeAt(0), isUnsupported);
Expect.throws(() => list.removeLast(), isUnsupported);
Expect.throws(() => list.removeWhere((e) => true), isUnsupported);
Expect.throws(() => list.retainWhere((e) => false), isUnsupported);
Expect.listEquals(["a"], list.sublist(0, 1));
Expect.listEquals(["a"], list.getRange(0, 1).toList());
Expect.throws(() => list.setRange(0, 1, ["c"]), isUnsupported);
Expect.throws(() => list.removeRange(0, 1), isUnsupported);
Expect.throws(() => list.fillRange(0, 1, "c"), isUnsupported);
Expect.throws(() => list.replaceRange(0, 1, ["c"]), isUnsupported);
Map map = new Map();
map[0] = "a";
map[1] = "b";
Expect.mapEquals(list.asMap(), map);
test(new Uri(pathSegments: ["a", "b"]).pathSegments);
main() {