blob: 9a2df543adec347694dc3cbcfa39fb9eb3663d0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/js/js.dart' as js;
import 'package:compiler/src/js/placeholder_safety.dart';
void test(String source, int expected, {List notNull: const []}) {
var predicate = (int pos) => !notNull.contains(pos);
js.Template template = js.js.parseForeignJS(source);
int actual = PlaceholderSafetyAnalysis.analyze(template.ast, predicate);
Expect.equals(expected, actual, 'source: "$source", notNull: $notNull');
void main() {
test('0', 0);
test('#.x', 1);
test('!!#.x', 1);
test('#.x + 1', 1);
test('1 + #.x', 1);
test('#[#] + 2', 2);
test('2 + #[#]', 2);
test('(# & #) >>> 0', 2);
test('#.a + #.b + #.c', 1);
test('#.b + #.b + #.c', 2, notNull: [0]);
test('#.c + #.b + #.c', 3, notNull: [0, 1]);
test('#.d + #.b + #.c', 1, notNull: [1]);
test('typeof(#) == "string"', 1);
test('"object" === typeof #', 1);
test('# == 1 || # == 2 || # == 3', 1);
test('# != 1 && # != 2 && # != 3', 1);
test('#.x == 1 || # == 1', 1);
test('# == 1 || #.x == 1', 1);
test('(# || 1, #)', 1); // Could also be 2.
test('(#, null.a, #)', 1);
test('(#, undefined.a, #)', 1);
test('(#, (void 0).a, #)', 1);
test('(#, "a".a, #)', 2);
test('((#, "a").a, #)', 2);
test('#[#][#][#][#]', 2);
test('#[#][#][#][#]', 3, notNull: [0]);
test('#[#][#][#][#]', 3, notNull: [0, 1, 2, 3]);
test('#.a = #', 2);
test('#.a.b = #', 1);
test('#[1] = #', 2);
test('#[1][1] = #', 1);
test('#.a = #.a + #.a + #.a', 2);
test('#.a = #.a + #.a + #.a', 2, notNull: [0]);
test('#.a = #.a + #.a + #.a', 3, notNull: [1]);
test('#.a = #.a + #.a + #.a', 4, notNull: [1, 2]);
test('#()', 1);
test('#(#, #)', 3);
test('#.f(#, #)', 1);
test('#.f(#, #)', 3, notNull: [0]);
test('(#.a+=1, #)', 1);
test('(#.a++, #)', 1);
test('(++#.a, #)', 1);
test('new Array(#)', 1);
test('new Date(#)', 1);
test('new Function(#)', 1);
test('new RegExp(#)', 1);
test('new xxx(#)', 0);
test('String(#)', 1);
test('# in #', 2);
test('Object.keys(#)', 1);
test('typeof #', 1);
test('typeof', 1);
test('typeof foo.#', 0);
test('typeof Array.#', 1);
test('throw #', 1);
test('throw #.x', 1);
test('(function(){})()', 0);
test('(function(a,b){#})(#, #)', 0);
// Placeholders in an immediate call are ok.
test('(function(a,b){a++;b++;return a+b})(#, #)', 2);
test('# ? # : #', 1);
test('(# ? 1 : #, #)', 1);
test('(# ? # : 2, #)', 1);
test('(# ? 1 : 2, #)', 1); // Could also be 4.
test('{A:#, B:#, C:#}', 3);
test('[#,#,#,#]', 4);
test('[,,,,#,#,,,]', 2);