blob: e5d433d2eb69ed9e42c9557296d3f8eacebef441 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.test.diagnostic_helper;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:compiler/compiler_new.dart'
show CompilerDiagnostics, Diagnostic;
import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart'
show Message, MessageKind;
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
class CollectedMessage {
final Message message;
final Uri uri;
final int begin;
final int end;
final String text;
final Diagnostic kind;
this.message, this.uri, this.begin, this.end, this.text, this.kind);
MessageKind get messageKind => message?.kind;
String toString() {
return '${message != null ? message.kind : ''}'
class DiagnosticCollector implements CompilerDiagnostics {
List<CollectedMessage> messages = <CollectedMessage>[];
void report(covariant Message message, Uri uri, int begin, int end,
String text, Diagnostic kind) {
messages.add(new CollectedMessage(message, uri, begin, end, text, kind));
Iterable<CollectedMessage> filterMessagesByKinds(List<Diagnostic> kinds) {
return messages
.where((CollectedMessage message) => kinds.contains(message.kind));
Iterable<CollectedMessage> get errors {
return filterMessagesByKinds([Diagnostic.ERROR]);
Iterable<CollectedMessage> get warnings {
return filterMessagesByKinds([Diagnostic.WARNING]);
Iterable<CollectedMessage> get hints {
return filterMessagesByKinds([Diagnostic.HINT]);
Iterable<CollectedMessage> get infos {
return filterMessagesByKinds([Diagnostic.INFO]);
Iterable<CollectedMessage> get crashes {
return filterMessagesByKinds([Diagnostic.CRASH]);
Iterable<CollectedMessage> get verboseInfos {
return filterMessagesByKinds([Diagnostic.VERBOSE_INFO]);
/// `true` if non-verbose messages has been collected.
bool get hasRegularMessages {
return messages.any((m) => m.kind != Diagnostic.VERBOSE_INFO);
void clear() {
void checkMessages(List<Expected> expectedMessages) {
int index = 0;
Iterable<CollectedMessage> messages = filterMessagesByKinds([
for (CollectedMessage message in messages) {
if (index >= expectedMessages.length) {"Unexpected messages:\n "
"${messages.skip(index).join('\n ')}");
} else {
Expected expected = expectedMessages[index];
Expect.equals(expected.messageKind, message.messageKind,
"Unexpected message kind in:\n ${messages.join('\n ')}");
Expect.equals(expected.diagnosticKind, message.kind,
"Unexpected diagnostic kind in\n ${messages.join('\n ')}");
class Expected {
final MessageKind messageKind;
final Diagnostic diagnosticKind;
const Expected(this.messageKind, this.diagnosticKind);
const Expected.error(MessageKind messageKind)
: this(messageKind, Diagnostic.ERROR);
const Expected.warning(MessageKind messageKind)
: this(messageKind, Diagnostic.WARNING);
const Expected.hint(MessageKind messageKind)
: this(messageKind, Diagnostic.HINT);
const messageKind)
: this(messageKind, Diagnostic.INFO);
void compareWarningKinds(String text, List expectedWarnings,
Iterable<CollectedMessage> foundWarnings) {
compareMessageKinds(text, expectedWarnings, foundWarnings, 'warning');
/// [expectedMessages] must be a list of either [MessageKind] or [CheckMessage].
void compareMessageKinds(String text, List expectedMessages,
Iterable<CollectedMessage> foundMessages, String kind) {
var fail = (message) =>'$text: $message');
HasNextIterator expectedIterator =
new HasNextIterator(expectedMessages.iterator);
HasNextIterator<CollectedMessage> foundIterator =
new HasNextIterator(foundMessages.iterator);
while (expectedIterator.hasNext && foundIterator.hasNext) {
var expected =;
var found =;
if (expected is MessageKind) {
Expect.equals(expected, found.message.kind);
} else if (expected is CheckMessage) {
String error = expected(found.message);
Expect.isNull(error, error);
} else {"Unexpected $kind value: $expected.");
if (expectedIterator.hasNext) {
do {
var expected =;
if (expected is CheckMessage) expected = expected(null);
print('Expected $kind "${expected}" did not occur');
} while (expectedIterator.hasNext);
fail('Too few ${kind}s');
if (foundIterator.hasNext) {
do {
CollectedMessage message =;
print('Additional $kind "${message}: ${message.message}"');
} while (foundIterator.hasNext);
fail('Too many ${kind}s');
/// A function the checks [message]. If the check fails or if [message] is
/// `null`, an error string is returned. Otherwise `null` is returned.
typedef String CheckMessage(Message message);
CheckMessage checkMessage(MessageKind kind, Map arguments) {
return (Message message) {
if (message == null) return '$kind';
if (message.kind != kind) return 'Expected message $kind, found $message.';
for (var key in arguments.keys) {
if (!message.arguments.containsKey(key)) {
return 'Expected argument $key not found in $message.kind.';
String expectedValue = '${arguments[key]}';
String foundValue = '${message.arguments[key]}';
if (expectedValue != foundValue) {
return 'Expected argument $key with value $expectedValue, '
'found $foundValue.';
return null;