blob: c3375d26d673bd3c25c9624252fa7b21325869b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
// Test of parameterized types with invalid bounds.
abstract class J<T> {}
abstract class K<T> {}
abstract class I<
extends num //# 00: continued
extends num //# 01: continued
extends num //# 02: continued
extends num //# 03: continued
extends num //# 04: continued
extends num //# 05: continued
extends num //# 06: continued
> {}
class A<T> implements I<T>, J<T> {}
main() {
var a = new A<String>();
I i = a; // //# 00: dynamic type error, static type warning
J j = a; // //# 01: static type warning
K k = a; // //# 02: dynamic type error, static type warning
// In production mode, A<String> is subtype of I, error in checked mode.
var x = a is I; // //# 03: dynamic type error, static type warning
// In both production and checked modes, A<String> is a subtype of J.
Expect.isTrue(a is J); // //# 04: static type warning
// In both production and checked modes, A<String> is not a subtype of K.
// However, while unsuccessfully trying to prove that A<String> is a K,
// a malformed type is encountered in checked mode, resulting in a dynamic
// type error.
Expect.isTrue(a is !K); // //# 05: dynamic type error, static type warning
a = new A<int>();
I i = a;
J j = a;
K k = a; // //# 06: dynamic type error, static type warning
// In both production and checked modes, A<int> is a subtype of I.
Expect.isTrue(a is I);
// In both production and checked modes, A<int> is a subtype of J.
Expect.isTrue(a is J);
// In both production and checked modes, A<int> is not a subtype of K.
Expect.isTrue(a is! K);