blob: 0d512f3fc78c920adbddd47e0777be5213f08e86 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test of [qualifiedNamesIn] and [canNamesResolveStaticallyTo].
library trydart.qualified_names_test;
import 'package:dart2js_incremental/library_updater.dart' show
import 'compiler_test_case.dart';
typedef Checker(LibraryElement script);
class NameTestCase extends CompilerTestCase {
final Checker check;
NameTestCase(String source, this.check)
: super(source);
Future run() => loadMainApp().then(check);
main() {
runTests( => new NameTestCase(l.first, l.last)).toList());
final List tests = [
["main() { x; }",
(LibraryElement script) {
var names = qualifiedNamesIn(script.findLocal("main"));
Expect.setEquals(["main", "x"].toSet(), names);
["main() { x; x.y; }",
(LibraryElement script) {
var names = qualifiedNamesIn(script.findLocal("main"));
Expect.setEquals(["main", "x", "x.y"].toSet(), names);
["main() { x; x.y; x.y.z; x.y.z.w;}",
(LibraryElement script) {
var names = qualifiedNamesIn(script.findLocal("main"));
// ".w" is skipped.
Expect.setEquals(["main", "x", "x.y", "x.y.z"].toSet(), names);
["x() {} y() {} z() {} w() {} main() { x; x.y; x.y.z; x.y.z.w;}",
(LibraryElement script) {
var main = script.findLocal("main");
var names = qualifiedNamesIn(main);
var x = script.findLocal("x");
var y = script.findLocal("y");
var z = script.findLocal("z");
var w = script.findLocal("w");
Expect.isTrue(canNamesResolveStaticallyTo(names, main, script));
Expect.isTrue(canNamesResolveStaticallyTo(names, x, script));
Expect.isFalse(canNamesResolveStaticallyTo(names, y, script));
Expect.isFalse(canNamesResolveStaticallyTo(names, z, script));
Expect.isFalse(canNamesResolveStaticallyTo(names, w, script));