blob: 704b2a384faefb22cc9a892a87481f363ac20185 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test least upper bound through type checking of conditionals.
class N<T> {
T get n => null;
class C1<T> extends N<N<C1<T>>> {
T get c1 => null;
class C2<T> extends N<N<C2<N<C2<T>>>>> {
T get c2 => null;
* Test that we don't try to find the least upper bound by applying the
* algorithm for finding the most specific common declaration recursively on
* type arguments.
* For C1<int> and N<C1<String>> this would result in this infinite chain of
* computations:
* lub(C1<int>, N<C1<String>>) = lub(N<N<C1<int>>>, N<C1<String>>)
* =>
* lub(N<C1<int>>, C1<String>) = lub(N<C1<int>>, N<N<C1<String>>>)
* =>
* lub(C1<int>, N<C1<String>>) = lub(N<N<C1<int>>>, N<C1<String>>>)
* => ...
void testC1(bool z, C1<int> a, N<C1<String>> b) {
if (z) {
// The least upper bound of C1<int> and N<C1<String>> is Object since the
// supertypes are
// {C1<int>, N<N<C1<int>>>, Object} for C1<int> and
// {N<C1<String>>, Object} for N<C1<String>> and
// Object is the most specific type in the intersection of the supertypes.
// Is least upper bound dynamic?
(z ? a : b).z; /// 01: static type warning
// Is least upper bound N<...> ?
(z ? a : b).n; /// 02: static type warning
// Is least upper bound C1<...> ?
(z ? a : b).c1; /// 03: static type warning
// Is least upper bound N<dynamic> ?
(z ? a : b).n.z; /// 04: static type warning
// Is least upper bound N<N<...>> ?
(z ? a : b).n.n; /// 05: static type warning
// Is least upper bound N<C1<...>> ?
(z ? a : b).n.c1; /// 06: static type warning
* Test that we don't try to find the least upper bound by applying the
* algorithm for finding the most specific common declaration recursively on
* type arguments.
* For C1<int> and N<C1<String>> this would result in this infinite and
* expanding chain of computations:
* lub(C2<int>, N<C2<String>>) = lub(N<N<C2<N<C2<int>>>>>, N<C2<String>>)
* =>
* lub(N<C2<N<C2<int>>>>, C2<String>) =
* lub(N<C2<N<C2<int>>>>, N<N<C2<N<C2<String>>>>>)
* =>
* lub(C2<N<C2<int>>>, N<C2<N<C2<String>>>>) =
* lub(N<N<C2<N<C2<int>>>>>, N<C2<N<C2<String>>>>>)
* => ...
void testC2(bool z, C2<int> a, N<C2<String>> b) {
if (z) {
// The least upper bound of C2<int> and N<C2<String>> is Object since the
// supertypes are
// {C2<int>, N<N<C2<N<C2<int>>>>>, Object} for C1<int> and
// {N<C2<String>>, Object} for N<C1<String>> and
// Object is the most specific type in the intersection of the supertypes.
// Is least upper bound dynamic?
(z ? a : b).z; /// 07: static type warning
// Is least upper bound N<...> ?
(z ? a : b).n; /// 08: static type warning
// Is least upper bound C2<...> ?
(z ? a : b).c2; /// 09: static type warning
// Is least upper bound N<dynamic> ?
(z ? a : b).n.z; /// 10: static type warning
// Is least upper bound N<N<...>> ?
(z ? a : b).n.n; /// 11: static type warning
// Is least upper bound N<C2<...>> ?
(z ? a : b).n.c2; /// 12: static type warning
void main() {
testC1(false, null, null);
testC2(false, null, null);