blob: acbb37364484c73a13a984f0eb8831f259d920b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
class A {
int value;
void set(int value) { this.value = value; }
int get() => value;
int operator[](int index) => value + index;
void operator[]=(int index, int newValue) { value += -index + newValue; }
void test(int expected) {
Expect.equals(expected, value);
Function limp(int n) {
if (n == 0) return set;
return () => limp(n - 1);
A get self => this;
A operator+(A other) {
this.value += other.value;
return this;
class Box {
A value;
A operator[](int pos) => value;
void operator[]=(int pos, A a) { value = a; }
A get x => value;
void set x(A a) { value = a; }
// Subset of grammar being tested.
// expression:
// assignableExpression assignmentOperator expression
// | conditionalExpression cascadeSection*
// ;
// expressionWithoutCascade:
// assignableExpression assignmentOperator expressionWithoutCascade
// | conditionalExpression
// ;
// expressionList:
// expression (',' expression)*
// ;
// assignableExpression:
//      primary (arguments* assignableSelector)+
//    | super assignableSelector
//   | identifier
// ;
// conditionalExpression:
//     logicalOrExpression ('?' expressionWithoutCascade ':' expressionWithoutCascade)?
// ;
// primary:
// thisExpression
// | super assignableSelector
// | functionExpression
// | literal
// | identifier
// | newExpression
// | constObjectExpression
// | '(' expression ')'
//    ;
// assignableSelector:
//      '[' expression ']'
//    | '.' identifier
//    ;
// In words:
// An assignableExpression is either a variable or something ending in
// [expression] or .identifier.
main() {
A a = new A(42);
A original = a;
A b = new A(87);
fa() => a;
Box box = new Box(a);
// Different expressions on the left-hand side of '..'.
// conditionalExpression >> postfixExpression > primary selector*
Expect.equals(a, a..set(37)..get());
Expect.equals(a, fa()..set(42)..get());
Expect.equals(a, box.x..set(37)..get());
// '..' binds to 'b + a', i.e., to the 'b' object, not to 'a'.
Expect.equals(b, b + a..test(124)..set(117)..get());
// expression :: conditionalExpression cascadeSection
// and conditionalExpression ends in expressionWithoutCascade.
// I.e., '..' binds to the entire condition expression, not to 'b'.
(a.value == 37) ? a : b..set(42);
// This binds .. to 'a', not 'c=a', and performs assignment after reading
// c.get().
A c = new A(21);
c = a..set(c.get()); // FAILING.
Expect.equals(a, c);
Expect.equals(original, a);
a.test(21); // Fails as 42 if above is parsed as (c = a)..set(c.get()).
// Should be parsed as (box..x = (c = a))..x.test(21).
c = null;
box..x = c = a..x.test(21);
// Other variants
c = null;
box..x = c = (a..test(21))..x.test(21);
c = null;
box..x = (c = a..test(21))..x.test(21);
// Should work the same:
c = null;
Box originalBox = box;
// Should parse as:
// box = (box..x = (a.value == 21 ? b : c)..x.test(117));
box = box..x = a.value == 21 ? b : c..x.test(117);
Expect.equals(originalBox, box);
Expect.equals(box.value, b);
// New cascades are allowed inside an expressionWithoutCascade if properly
// delimited.
box..x = (a..set(42)..test(42))..x.test(42);