blob: cb779d92029d4e515948e882ed7218c2d1dc6a79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// VMOptions=---optimization-counter-threshold=10
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'dart:async';
int globalVariable = 1;
int topLevelFoo(int param) => 1;
int get topLevelGetter => globalVariable;
void set topLevelSetter(val) {
globalVariable = val;
class C {
static int staticField = 1;
static int get staticGetter => staticField;
static void set staticSetter(val) {
staticField = val;
static int staticFoo(int param) => param;
int field = 1;
int get getter => field;
void set setter(val) {
field = val;
int foo(int param) => param;
dummy() => 1;
staticMembers() async {
var a = C.staticField + await dummy();
Expect.equals(a, 2);
var f = (C.staticField = 1) + await dummy();
Expect.equals(f, 2);
var b = C.staticGetter + await dummy();
Expect.equals(b, 2);
var c = (C.staticSetter = 1) + await dummy();
Expect.equals(c, 2);
var d = C.staticFoo(2) + await dummy();
Expect.equals(d, 3);
var e = C.staticField +
C.staticGetter +
(C.staticSetter = 1) +
C.staticFoo(1) +
await dummy();
Expect.equals(e, 5);
topLevelMembers() async {
var a = globalVariable + await dummy();
Expect.equals(a, 2);
var b = topLevelGetter + await dummy();
Expect.equals(b, 2);
var c = (topLevelSetter = 1) + await dummy();
Expect.equals(c, 2);
var d = topLevelFoo(1) + await dummy();
Expect.equals(d, 2);
var e = globalVariable +
topLevelGetter +
(topLevelSetter = 1) +
topLevelFoo(1) +
await dummy();
Expect.equals(e, 5);
instanceMembers() async {
var inst = new C();
var a = inst.field + await dummy();
Expect.equals(a, 2);
var b = inst.getter + await dummy();
Expect.equals(b, 2);
var c = (inst.setter = 1) + await dummy();
Expect.equals(c, 2);
var d = + await dummy();
Expect.equals(d, 2);
var e = inst.field +
inst.getter +
(inst.setter = 1) + +
await dummy();
Expect.equals(e, 5);
await() => 4;
nonAsyncFunction() => await();
others() async {
var a = "${globalVariable} ${await dummy()} " + await "someString";
Expect.equals(a, "1 1 someString");
try {
var c = new C();
var d = c.nooooo() + await dummy();
} catch (e) {}
var cnt = 2;
var b = [1,2,3];
b[cnt] = await dummy();
Expect.equals(b[cnt], 1);
var e = b[0] + await dummy();
Expect.equals(e, 2);
Expect.equals(nonAsyncFunction(), 4);
conditionals() async {
var a = false;
var b = true;
var c = (a || b) || await dummy();
var d = (a || b) ? a : await dummy();
var e = (a is int) ? await dummy() : 2;
Expect.equals(e, 2);
try {
var f = (a is int) ? await dummy() : 2;
} catch(e) {}
main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {