blob: d9c745367dfccdd9db173e1c82b191441647a66f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import 'dart:collection';
class MyList extends ListBase {
List list;
get length => list.length;
set length(val) { list.length = val; }
operator [](index) => list[index];
operator []=(index, val) => list[index] = val;
String toString() => "[" + join(", ") + "]";
// l1 must be a modifiable list with 5 elements from 0 to 4.
void testModifiableList(l1) {
bool checkedMode = false;
assert(checkedMode = true);
// Index must be integer and in range.
Expect.throws(() { l1.removeAt(-1); },
(e) => e is RangeError,
Expect.throws(() { l1.removeAt(5); },
(e) => e is RangeError,
"too large");
Expect.throws(() { l1.removeAt(null); },
(e) => e is ArgumentError,
"too large");
Expect.throws(() { l1.removeAt("1"); },
(e) => (checkedMode ? e is TypeError
: e is ArgumentError),
Expect.throws(() { l1.removeAt(1.5); },
(e) => (checkedMode ? e is TypeError
: e is ArgumentError),
Expect.equals(2, l1.removeAt(2), "l1-remove2");
Expect.equals(1, l1[1], "l1-1[1]");
Expect.equals(3, l1[2], "l1-1[2]");
Expect.equals(4, l1[3], "l1-1[3]");
Expect.equals(4, l1.length, "length-1");
Expect.equals(0, l1.removeAt(0), "l1-remove0");
Expect.equals(1, l1[0], "l1-2[0]");
Expect.equals(3, l1[1], "l1-2[1]");
Expect.equals(4, l1[2], "l1-2[2]");
Expect.equals(3, l1.length, "length-2");
void main() {
// Normal modifiable list.
testModifiableList([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);
testModifiableList(new MyList([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]));
// Fixed size list.
var l2 = new List(5);
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) l2[i] = i;
Expect.throws(() { l2.removeAt(2); },
(e) => e is UnsupportedError,
// Unmodifiable list.
var l3 = const [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];
Expect.throws(() { l3.removeAt(2); },
(e) => e is UnsupportedError,
// Empty list is not special.
var l4 = [];
Expect.throws(() { l4.removeAt(0); },
(e) => e is RangeError,