blob: 021f415edca7eac78179ae6000ddadeb18f92724 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "symbol_map_helper.dart";
apply(Function function, ArgumentDescriptor args) {
return Function.apply(
function, args.positionalArguments,
class ArgumentDescriptor {
final List positionalArguments;
final Map<String, dynamic> namedArguments;
ArgumentDescriptor(this.positionalArguments, this.namedArguments);
void throwsNSME(function) {
Expect.throws(function, (e) => e is NoSuchMethodError);
main() {
var c1 = () => 'c1';
var c2 = (a) => 'c2 $a';
var c3 = ([a = 1]) => 'c3 $a';
var c4 = ({a: 1}) => 'c4 $a';
var c5 = ({a: 1, b: 2}) => 'c5 $a $b';
var c6 = ({b: 1, a: 2}) => 'c6 $a $b';
var c7 = (x, {b: 1, a: 2}) => 'c7 $x $a $b';
Expect.equals('c1', apply(c1, new ArgumentDescriptor(null, null)));
Expect.equals('c1', apply(c1, new ArgumentDescriptor([], null)));
Expect.equals('c1', apply(c1, new ArgumentDescriptor([], {})));
Expect.equals('c1', apply(c1, new ArgumentDescriptor(null, {})));
throwsNSME(() => apply(c1, new ArgumentDescriptor([1], null)));
throwsNSME(() => apply(c1, new ArgumentDescriptor([1], {'a': 2})));
throwsNSME(() => apply(c1, new ArgumentDescriptor(null, {'a': 2})));
Expect.equals('c2 1', apply(c2, new ArgumentDescriptor([1], null)));
Expect.equals('c2 1', apply(c2, new ArgumentDescriptor([1], {})));
throwsNSME(() => apply(c2, new ArgumentDescriptor(null, null)));
throwsNSME(() => apply(c2, new ArgumentDescriptor([], null)));
throwsNSME(() => apply(c2, new ArgumentDescriptor(null, {})));
throwsNSME(() => apply(c2, new ArgumentDescriptor(null, {'a': 1})));
Expect.equals('c3 1', apply(c3, new ArgumentDescriptor([], null)));
Expect.equals('c3 2', apply(c3, new ArgumentDescriptor([2], {})));
throwsNSME(() => apply(c3, new ArgumentDescriptor([1, 2], null)));
throwsNSME(() => apply(c3, new ArgumentDescriptor(null, {'a': 1})));
Expect.equals('c4 1', apply(c4, new ArgumentDescriptor([], null)));
Expect.equals('c4 2', apply(c4, new ArgumentDescriptor([], {'a': 2})));
Expect.equals('c4 1', apply(c4, new ArgumentDescriptor(null, null)));
Expect.equals('c4 1', apply(c4, new ArgumentDescriptor([], {})));
throwsNSME(() => apply(c4, new ArgumentDescriptor([1], {'a': 1})));
throwsNSME(() => apply(c4, new ArgumentDescriptor([1], {})));
throwsNSME(() => apply(c4, new ArgumentDescriptor([], {'a': 1, 'b': 2})));
Expect.equals('c5 1 2', apply(c5, new ArgumentDescriptor([], null)));
Expect.equals('c5 3 2', apply(c5, new ArgumentDescriptor([], {'a': 3})));
Expect.equals('c5 1 2', apply(c5, new ArgumentDescriptor(null, null)));
Expect.equals('c5 1 2', apply(c5, new ArgumentDescriptor([], {})));
Expect.equals('c5 3 4',
apply(c5, new ArgumentDescriptor([], {'a': 3, 'b': 4})));
Expect.equals('c5 4 3',
apply(c5, new ArgumentDescriptor([], {'b': 3, 'a': 4})));
Expect.equals('c5 1 3',
apply(c5, new ArgumentDescriptor([], {'b': 3})));
throwsNSME(() => apply(c5, new ArgumentDescriptor([1], {'a': 1})));
throwsNSME(() => apply(c5, new ArgumentDescriptor([1], {})));
throwsNSME(() =>
apply(c5, new ArgumentDescriptor([], {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3})));
Expect.equals('c6 2 1', apply(c6, new ArgumentDescriptor([], null)));
Expect.equals('c6 3 1', apply(c6, new ArgumentDescriptor([], {'a': 3})));
Expect.equals('c6 2 1', apply(c6, new ArgumentDescriptor(null, null)));
Expect.equals('c6 2 1', apply(c6, new ArgumentDescriptor([], {})));
Expect.equals('c6 3 4',
apply(c6, new ArgumentDescriptor([], {'a': 3, 'b': 4})));
Expect.equals('c6 4 3',
apply(c6, new ArgumentDescriptor([], {'b': 3, 'a': 4})));
Expect.equals('c6 2 3',
apply(c6, new ArgumentDescriptor([], {'b': 3})));
throwsNSME(() => apply(c6, new ArgumentDescriptor([1], {'a': 1})));
throwsNSME(() => apply(c6, new ArgumentDescriptor([1], {})));
throwsNSME(() =>
apply(c6, new ArgumentDescriptor([], {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3})));
Expect.equals('c7 7 2 1', apply(c7, new ArgumentDescriptor([7], null)));
Expect.equals('c7 7 3 1', apply(c7, new ArgumentDescriptor([7], {'a': 3})));
Expect.equals('c7 7 2 1', apply(c7, new ArgumentDescriptor([7], {})));
Expect.equals('c7 7 3 4',
apply(c7, new ArgumentDescriptor([7], {'a': 3, 'b': 4})));
Expect.equals('c7 7 4 3',
apply(c7, new ArgumentDescriptor([7], {'b': 3, 'a': 4})));
Expect.equals('c7 7 2 3',
apply(c7, new ArgumentDescriptor([7], {'b': 3})));
throwsNSME(() => apply(c7, new ArgumentDescriptor([], {'a': 1})));
throwsNSME(() => apply(c7, new ArgumentDescriptor([], {})));
throwsNSME(() =>
apply(c7, new ArgumentDescriptor([7], {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3})));