blob: 2bd31007259a17035a467f5214fd7190fcc6712d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library trydart.test.program_result;
import '../poi/source_update.dart';
class ProgramResult {
final String code;
final List<String> messages;
final bool compileUpdatesShouldThrow;
const ProgramResult(
this.code, this.messages, {this.compileUpdatesShouldThrow: false});
List<String> messagesWith(String extra) {
return new List<String>.from(messages)..add(extra);
class ProgramExpectation {
final List<String> messages;
final bool compileUpdatesShouldThrow;
const ProgramExpectation(
this.messages, {this.compileUpdatesShouldThrow: false});
ProgramResult toResult(String code) {
return new ProgramResult(
code, messages, compileUpdatesShouldThrow: compileUpdatesShouldThrow);
class EncodedResult {
final List updates;
final List<ProgramExpectation> expectations;
const EncodedResult(this.updates, this.expectations);
List<ProgramResult> decode() {
if (updates.length == 1) {
throw new StateError("Trivial diff, no reason to use decode.");
List<String> sources = expandUpdates(updates);
if (sources.length != expectations.length) {
throw new StateError(
"Number of sources and expectations differ "
"(${sources.length} sources, ${expectations.length} expectations).");
List<ProgramResult> result = new List<ProgramResult>(sources.length);
for (int i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) {
result[i] = expectations[i].toResult(sources[i]);
return result;