blob: 669058063d40b43c3e0aa4b4683cae9952d9df2a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// SharedOptions=--enable-enum
// Basic syntax test for enumeration types
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
enum Color { red, orange, yellow, green }
// Additional comma at end of list is ok.
enum Veggies { carrot, bean, broccolo, }
// Need at least one enumeration identifier.
enum Nada {} /// 01: compile-time error
// Duplicate entries are a compile-time error
enum ComeAgain { ahau, knust, zipfel, knust, gupf } /// 02: compile-time error
// Enum entries must not collide with implicitly defined members.
enum ComeAgain { ahau, knust, zipfel, index } /// 03: compile-time error
enum ComeAgain { ahau, knust, zipfel, values } /// 04: compile-time error
enum ComeAgain { ahau, knust, zipfel, toString } /// 05: compile-time error
// Enum entry must not collide with enum type name.
enum ComeAgain { ahau, knust, zipfel, ComeAgain } /// 06: compile-time error
// Missing comma.
enum Numbers { one, two, three four, five } /// 07: compile-time error
// Missing enum type name.
enum { eins, zwei, drei } /// 08: compile-time error
// Duplicate name in library scope.
topLevelFunction() => null;
enum topLevelFunction { bla, blah } /// 09: compile-time error
class C {}
enum C { bla, blah } /// 10: compile-time error
var zzTop;
enum zzTop { Billy, Dusty, Frank } /// 11: compile-time error
// Enum type cannot be super type or interface type.
class Rainbow extends Color {} /// 20: compile-time error
class Rainbow implements Color {} /// 21: compile-time error
class Rainbow extends List with Color {} /// 22: compile-time error
main() {
var x = ComeAgain.zipfel; /// 02: continued
var x = ComeAgain.zipfel; /// 03: continued
var x = ComeAgain.zipfel; /// 04: continued
var x = ComeAgain.zipfel; /// 05: continued
var x = ComeAgain.zipfel; /// 06: continued
var x = Numbers.four; /// 07: continued
var x = topLevelFunction.bla; /// 09: continued
var x = C.bla; /// 10: continued
var x = zzTop.Frank; /// 11: continued
var x = new Rainbow(); /// 20: continued
var x = new Rainbow(); /// 21: continued
var x = new Rainbow(); /// 22: continued
// It is a compile-time error to explicitly instantiate an enum instance.
var x = new Color(); /// 30: compile-time error