blob: e236c691b4dee8c4ef91071503e3fe756b979819 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that the additional runtime type support is output to the right
// Files when using deferred loading.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
import 'memory_source_file_helper.dart';
import "dart:async";
import 'package:compiler/src/dart2jslib.dart'
as dart2js;
class MemoryOutputSink<T> extends EventSink<T> {
List<T> mem = new List<T>();
void add(T event) {
void addError(T event, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {}
void close() {}
void main() {
Uri script = currentDirectory.resolveUri(Platform.script);
Uri libraryRoot = script.resolve('../../../sdk/');
Uri packageRoot = script.resolve('./packages/');
var provider = new MemorySourceFileProvider(MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES);
var handler = new FormattingDiagnosticHandler(provider);
Map<String, MemoryOutputSink> outputs = new Map<String, MemoryOutputSink>();
MemoryOutputSink outputSaver(name, extension) {
if (name == '') {
name = 'main';
extension ='js';
return outputs.putIfAbsent("$name.$extension", () {
return new MemoryOutputSink();
Compiler compiler = new Compiler(provider.readStringFromUri,
asyncTest(() =>'memory:main.dart')).then((_) {
String mainOutput = outputs['main.js'].mem[0];
String deferredOutput = outputs['out_1.part.js'].mem[0];
String isPrefix = compiler.backend.namer.operatorIsPrefix;
Expect.isTrue(deferredOutput.contains('${isPrefix}A: true'));
Expect.isFalse(mainOutput.contains('${isPrefix}A: true'));
// We force additional runtime type support to be output for A by instantiating
// it with a type argument, and testing for the type. The extra support should
// go to the deferred hunk.
const Map MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES = const {"main.dart": """
import 'lib.dart' deferred as lib show f, A, instance;
void main() {
lib.loadLibrary().then((_) {
""", "lib.dart": """
class A<T> {}
A<A> instance = new A<A>();
bool f (Object o) {
return o is A<A>;