| // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "include/dart_api.h" |
| #include "platform/assert.h" |
| #include "vm/class_finalizer.h" |
| #include "vm/compiler.h" |
| #include "vm/dart_api_impl.h" |
| #include "vm/dart_entry.h" |
| #include "vm/resolver.h" |
| #include "vm/stack_frame.h" |
| #include "vm/unit_test.h" |
| #include "vm/verifier.h" |
| #include "vm/zone.h" |
| |
| namespace dart { |
| |
| // Unit test for empty stack frame iteration. |
| TEST_CASE(EmptyStackFrameIteration) { |
| StackFrameIterator iterator(StackFrameIterator::kValidateFrames); |
| EXPECT(!iterator.HasNextFrame()); |
| EXPECT(iterator.NextFrame() == NULL); |
| VerifyPointersVisitor::VerifyPointers(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| // Unit test for empty dart stack frame iteration. |
| TEST_CASE(EmptyDartStackFrameIteration) { |
| DartFrameIterator iterator; |
| EXPECT(iterator.NextFrame() == NULL); |
| VerifyPointersVisitor::VerifyPointers(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| #define FUNCTION_NAME(name) StackFrame_##name |
| #define REGISTER_FUNCTION(name, count) \ |
| { ""#name, FUNCTION_NAME(name), count }, |
| |
| |
| void FUNCTION_NAME(StackFrame_equals)(Dart_NativeArguments args) { |
| NativeArguments* arguments = reinterpret_cast<NativeArguments*>(args); |
| const Instance& expected = Instance::CheckedHandle(arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| const Instance& actual = Instance::CheckedHandle(arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| if (!expected.OperatorEquals(actual)) { |
| OS::Print("expected: '%s' actual: '%s'\n", |
| expected.ToCString(), actual.ToCString()); |
| FATAL("Expect_equals fails.\n"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| void FUNCTION_NAME(StackFrame_frameCount)(Dart_NativeArguments args) { |
| int count = 0; |
| StackFrameIterator frames(StackFrameIterator::kValidateFrames); |
| while (frames.NextFrame() != NULL) { |
| count += 1; // Count the frame. |
| } |
| VerifyPointersVisitor::VerifyPointers(); |
| NativeArguments* arguments = reinterpret_cast<NativeArguments*>(args); |
| arguments->SetReturn(Object::Handle(Smi::New(count))); |
| } |
| |
| |
| void FUNCTION_NAME(StackFrame_dartFrameCount)(Dart_NativeArguments args) { |
| int count = 0; |
| DartFrameIterator frames; |
| while (frames.NextFrame() != NULL) { |
| count += 1; // Count the dart frame. |
| } |
| VerifyPointersVisitor::VerifyPointers(); |
| NativeArguments* arguments = reinterpret_cast<NativeArguments*>(args); |
| arguments->SetReturn(Object::Handle(Smi::New(count))); |
| } |
| |
| |
| void FUNCTION_NAME(StackFrame_validateFrame)(Dart_NativeArguments args) { |
| Dart_Handle index = Dart_GetNativeArgument(args, 0); |
| Dart_Handle name = Dart_GetNativeArgument(args, 1); |
| const Smi& frame_index_smi = Smi::CheckedHandle(Api::UnwrapHandle(index)); |
| const char* expected_name = |
| String::CheckedHandle(Api::UnwrapHandle(name)).ToCString(); |
| int frame_index = frame_index_smi.Value(); |
| int count = 0; |
| DartFrameIterator frames; |
| StackFrame* frame = frames.NextFrame(); |
| while (frame != NULL) { |
| if (count == frame_index) { |
| // Find the function corresponding to this frame and check if it |
| // matches the function name passed in. |
| const Function& function = |
| Function::Handle(frame->LookupDartFunction()); |
| if (function.IsNull()) { |
| FATAL("StackFrame_validateFrame fails, invalid dart frame.\n"); |
| } |
| const char* name = function.ToFullyQualifiedCString(); |
| // Currently all unit tests are loaded as being part of dart:core-lib. |
| Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current(); |
| String& url = String::Handle(String::New(TestCase::url())); |
| const Library& lib = Library::Handle(Library::LookupLibrary(url)); |
| ASSERT(!lib.IsNull()); |
| const char* lib_name = String::Handle(lib.url()).ToCString(); |
| intptr_t length = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, "%s_%s", lib_name, expected_name); |
| char* full_name = isolate->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(length + 1); |
| ASSERT(full_name != NULL); |
| OS::SNPrint(full_name, (length + 1), "%s_%s", lib_name, expected_name); |
| if (strcmp(full_name, name) != 0) { |
| FATAL("StackFrame_validateFrame fails, incorrect frame.\n"); |
| } |
| return; |
| } |
| count += 1; // Count the dart frames. |
| frame = frames.NextFrame(); |
| } |
| FATAL("StackFrame_validateFrame fails, frame count < index passed in.\n"); |
| } |
| |
| |
| // List all native functions implemented in the vm or core boot strap dart |
| // libraries so that we can resolve the native function to it's entry |
| // point. |
| V(StackFrame_equals, 2) \ |
| V(StackFrame_frameCount, 0) \ |
| V(StackFrame_dartFrameCount, 0) \ |
| V(StackFrame_validateFrame, 2) \ |
| |
| |
| static struct NativeEntries { |
| const char* name_; |
| Dart_NativeFunction function_; |
| int argument_count_; |
| } BuiltinEntries[] = { |
| }; |
| |
| |
| static Dart_NativeFunction native_lookup(Dart_Handle name, |
| int argument_count, |
| bool* auto_setup_scope) { |
| ASSERT(auto_setup_scope != NULL); |
| *auto_setup_scope = false; |
| const Object& obj = Object::Handle(Api::UnwrapHandle(name)); |
| ASSERT(obj.IsString()); |
| const char* function_name = obj.ToCString(); |
| ASSERT(function_name != NULL); |
| int num_entries = sizeof(BuiltinEntries) / sizeof(struct NativeEntries); |
| for (int i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { |
| struct NativeEntries* entry = &(BuiltinEntries[i]); |
| if (!strcmp(function_name, entry->name_) && |
| (entry->argument_count_ == argument_count)) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<Dart_NativeFunction>(entry->function_); |
| } |
| } |
| return NULL; |
| } |
| |
| |
| // Unit test case to verify stack frame iteration. |
| TEST_CASE(ValidateStackFrameIteration) { |
| const char* kScriptChars = |
| "class StackFrame {" |
| " static equals(var obj1, var obj2) native \"StackFrame_equals\";" |
| " static int frameCount() native \"StackFrame_frameCount\";" |
| " static int dartFrameCount() native \"StackFrame_dartFrameCount\";" |
| " static validateFrame(int index," |
| " String name) native \"StackFrame_validateFrame\";" |
| "} " |
| "class First {" |
| " First() { }" |
| " int method1(int param) {" |
| " if (param == 1) {" |
| " param = method2(200);" |
| " } else {" |
| " param = method2(100);" |
| " }" |
| " }" |
| " int method2(int param) {" |
| " if (param == 200) {" |
| " First.staticmethod(this, param);" |
| " } else {" |
| " First.staticmethod(this, 10);" |
| " }" |
| " }" |
| " static int staticmethod(First obj, int param) {" |
| " if (param == 10) {" |
| " obj.method3(10);" |
| " } else {" |
| " obj.method3(200);" |
| " }" |
| " }" |
| " method3(int param) {" |
| " StackFrame.equals(9, StackFrame.frameCount());" |
| " StackFrame.equals(7, StackFrame.dartFrameCount());" |
| " StackFrame.validateFrame(0, \"StackFrame_validateFrame\");" |
| " StackFrame.validateFrame(1, \"First_method3\");" |
| " StackFrame.validateFrame(2, \"First_staticmethod\");" |
| " StackFrame.validateFrame(3, \"First_method2\");" |
| " StackFrame.validateFrame(4, \"First_method1\");" |
| " StackFrame.validateFrame(5, \"Second_method1\");" |
| " StackFrame.validateFrame(6, \"StackFrameTest_testMain\");" |
| " }" |
| "}" |
| "class Second {" |
| " Second() { }" |
| " int method1(int param) {" |
| " if (param == 1) {" |
| " param = method2(200);" |
| " } else {" |
| " First obj = new First();" |
| " param = obj.method1(1);" |
| " param = obj.method1(2);" |
| " }" |
| " }" |
| " int method2(int param) {" |
| " Second.staticmethod(this, param);" |
| " }" |
| " static int staticmethod(Second obj, int param) {" |
| " obj.method3(10);" |
| " }" |
| " method3(int param) {" |
| " StackFrame.equals(8, StackFrame.frameCount());" |
| " StackFrame.equals(6, StackFrame.dartFrameCount());" |
| " StackFrame.validateFrame(0, \"StackFrame_validateFrame\");" |
| " StackFrame.validateFrame(1, \"Second_method3\");" |
| " StackFrame.validateFrame(2, \"Second_staticmethod\");" |
| " StackFrame.validateFrame(3, \"Second_method2\");" |
| " StackFrame.validateFrame(4, \"Second_method1\");" |
| " StackFrame.validateFrame(5, \"StackFrameTest_testMain\");" |
| " }" |
| "}" |
| "class StackFrameTest {" |
| " static testMain() {" |
| " Second obj = new Second();" |
| " obj.method1(1);" |
| " obj.method1(2);" |
| " }" |
| "}"; |
| Dart_Handle lib = TestCase::LoadTestScript( |
| kScriptChars, |
| reinterpret_cast<Dart_NativeEntryResolver>(native_lookup)); |
| Dart_Handle cls = Dart_GetClass(lib, NewString("StackFrameTest")); |
| EXPECT_VALID(Dart_Invoke(cls, NewString("testMain"), 0, NULL)); |
| } |
| |
| |
| // Unit test case to verify stack frame iteration. |
| TEST_CASE(ValidateNoSuchMethodStackFrameIteration) { |
| const char* kScriptChars = |
| "class StackFrame {" |
| " static equals(var obj1, var obj2) native \"StackFrame_equals\";" |
| " static int frameCount() native \"StackFrame_frameCount\";" |
| " static int dartFrameCount() native \"StackFrame_dartFrameCount\";" |
| " static validateFrame(int index," |
| " String name) native \"StackFrame_validateFrame\";" |
| "} " |
| "class StackFrame2Test {" |
| " StackFrame2Test() {}" |
| " noSuchMethod(Invocation im) {" |
| " /* We should have 6 general frames and 4 dart frames as follows:" |
| " * exit frame" |
| " * dart frame corresponding to StackFrame.frameCount" |
| " * dart frame corresponding to StackFrame2Test.noSuchMethod" |
| " * frame for instance function invocation stub calling noSuchMethod" |
| " * dart frame corresponding to StackFrame2Test.testMain" |
| " * entry frame" |
| " */" |
| " StackFrame.equals(6, StackFrame.frameCount());" |
| " StackFrame.equals(4, StackFrame.dartFrameCount());" |
| " StackFrame.validateFrame(0, \"StackFrame_validateFrame\");" |
| " StackFrame.validateFrame(1, \"StackFrame2Test_noSuchMethod\");" |
| " StackFrame.validateFrame(2, \"StackFrame2Test_foo\");" |
| " StackFrame.validateFrame(3, \"StackFrame2Test_testMain\");" |
| " return 5;" |
| " }" |
| " static testMain() {" |
| " var obj = new StackFrame2Test();" |
| " StackFrame.equals(5, obj.foo(101, 202));" |
| " }" |
| "}"; |
| Dart_Handle lib = TestCase::LoadTestScript( |
| kScriptChars, |
| reinterpret_cast<Dart_NativeEntryResolver>(native_lookup)); |
| Dart_Handle cls = Dart_GetClass(lib, NewString("StackFrame2Test")); |
| EXPECT_VALID(Dart_Invoke(cls, NewString("testMain"), 0, NULL)); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace dart |