| // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "lib/invocation_mirror.h" |
| #include "vm/bootstrap_natives.h" |
| #include "vm/class_finalizer.h" |
| #include "vm/compiler.h" |
| #include "vm/dart_entry.h" |
| #include "vm/exceptions.h" |
| #include "vm/object_store.h" |
| #include "vm/parser.h" |
| #include "vm/port.h" |
| #include "vm/resolver.h" |
| #include "vm/symbols.h" |
| |
| namespace dart { |
| |
| static RawInstance* CreateMirror(const String& mirror_class_name, |
| const Array& constructor_arguments) { |
| const Library& mirrors_lib = Library::Handle(Library::MirrorsLibrary()); |
| const String& constructor_name = Symbols::Dot(); |
| |
| const Object& result = Object::Handle( |
| DartLibraryCalls::InstanceCreate(mirrors_lib, |
| mirror_class_name, |
| constructor_name, |
| constructor_arguments)); |
| ASSERT(!result.IsError()); |
| return Instance::Cast(result).raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| // Conventions: |
| // * For throwing a NSM in a class klass we use its runtime type as receiver, |
| // i.e., klass.RareType(). |
| // * For throwing a NSM in a library, we just pass the null instance as |
| // receiver. |
| static void ThrowNoSuchMethod(const Instance& receiver, |
| const String& function_name, |
| const Function& function, |
| const Array& arguments, |
| const InvocationMirror::Call call, |
| const InvocationMirror::Type type) { |
| const Smi& invocation_type = Smi::Handle(Smi::New( |
| InvocationMirror::EncodeType(call, type))); |
| |
| const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(6)); |
| args.SetAt(0, receiver); |
| args.SetAt(1, function_name); |
| args.SetAt(2, invocation_type); |
| args.SetAt(3, arguments); |
| // TODO(rmacnak): Argument 4 (attempted argument names). |
| if (!function.IsNull()) { |
| const intptr_t total_num_parameters = function.NumParameters(); |
| const Array& array = Array::Handle(Array::New(total_num_parameters)); |
| String& param_name = String::Handle(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < total_num_parameters; i++) { |
| param_name = function.ParameterNameAt(i); |
| array.SetAt(i, param_name); |
| } |
| args.SetAt(5, array); |
| } |
| |
| Exceptions::ThrowByType(Exceptions::kNoSuchMethod, args); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static void EnsureConstructorsAreCompiled(const Function& func) { |
| // Only generative constructors can have initializing formals. |
| if (!func.IsConstructor()) return; |
| |
| Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current(); |
| const Class& cls = Class::Handle(isolate, func.Owner()); |
| const Error& error = Error::Handle( |
| isolate, cls.EnsureIsFinalized(Isolate::Current())); |
| if (!error.IsNull()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(error); |
| } |
| if (!func.HasCode()) { |
| const Error& error = Error::Handle( |
| isolate, Compiler::CompileFunction(isolate, func)); |
| if (!error.IsNull()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(error); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static RawInstance* CreateParameterMirrorList(const Function& func, |
| const Instance& owner_mirror) { |
| HANDLESCOPE(Isolate::Current()); |
| const intptr_t implicit_param_count = func.NumImplicitParameters(); |
| const intptr_t non_implicit_param_count = func.NumParameters() - |
| implicit_param_count; |
| const intptr_t index_of_first_optional_param = |
| non_implicit_param_count - func.NumOptionalParameters(); |
| const intptr_t index_of_first_named_param = |
| non_implicit_param_count - func.NumOptionalNamedParameters(); |
| const Array& results = Array::Handle(Array::New(non_implicit_param_count)); |
| const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(9)); |
| |
| Smi& pos = Smi::Handle(); |
| String& name = String::Handle(); |
| Instance& param = Instance::Handle(); |
| Bool& is_final = Bool::Handle(); |
| Object& default_value = Object::Handle(); |
| Object& metadata = Object::Handle(); |
| |
| // We force compilation of constructors to ensure the types of initializing |
| // formals have been corrected. We do not force the compilation of all types |
| // of functions because some have no body, e.g. signature functions. |
| EnsureConstructorsAreCompiled(func); |
| |
| bool has_extra_parameter_info = true; |
| if (non_implicit_param_count == 0) { |
| has_extra_parameter_info = false; |
| } |
| if (func.IsImplicitConstructor()) { |
| // This covers the default constructor and forwarding constructors. |
| has_extra_parameter_info = false; |
| } |
| |
| Array& param_descriptor = Array::Handle(); |
| if (has_extra_parameter_info) { |
| // Reparse the function for the following information: |
| // * The default value of a parameter. |
| // * Whether a parameters has been deflared as final. |
| // * Any metadata associated with the parameter. |
| const Object& result = |
| Object::Handle(Parser::ParseFunctionParameters(func)); |
| if (result.IsError()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(Error::Cast(result)); |
| } |
| param_descriptor ^= result.raw(); |
| ASSERT(param_descriptor.Length() == |
| (Parser::kParameterEntrySize * non_implicit_param_count)); |
| } |
| |
| args.SetAt(0, MirrorReference::Handle(MirrorReference::New(func))); |
| args.SetAt(2, owner_mirror); |
| |
| if (!has_extra_parameter_info) { |
| is_final ^= Bool::True().raw(); |
| default_value = Object::null(); |
| metadata = Object::null(); |
| } |
| |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < non_implicit_param_count; i++) { |
| pos ^= Smi::New(i); |
| name ^= func.ParameterNameAt(implicit_param_count + i); |
| if (has_extra_parameter_info) { |
| is_final ^= param_descriptor.At(i * Parser::kParameterEntrySize + |
| Parser::kParameterIsFinalOffset); |
| default_value = param_descriptor.At(i * Parser::kParameterEntrySize + |
| Parser::kParameterDefaultValueOffset); |
| metadata = param_descriptor.At(i * Parser::kParameterEntrySize + |
| Parser::kParameterMetadataOffset); |
| } |
| ASSERT(default_value.IsNull() || default_value.IsInstance()); |
| |
| // Arguments 0 (referent) and 2 (owner) are the same for all parameters. See |
| // above. |
| args.SetAt(1, name); |
| args.SetAt(3, pos); |
| args.SetAt(4, Bool::Get(i >= index_of_first_optional_param)); |
| args.SetAt(5, Bool::Get(i >= index_of_first_named_param)); |
| args.SetAt(6, is_final); |
| args.SetAt(7, default_value); |
| args.SetAt(8, metadata); |
| param ^= CreateMirror(Symbols::_LocalParameterMirror(), args); |
| results.SetAt(i, param); |
| } |
| results.MakeImmutable(); |
| return results.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static RawInstance* CreateTypeVariableMirror(const TypeParameter& param, |
| const Instance& owner_mirror) { |
| const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(3)); |
| args.SetAt(0, param); |
| args.SetAt(1, String::Handle(param.name())); |
| args.SetAt(2, owner_mirror); |
| return CreateMirror(Symbols::_LocalTypeVariableMirror(), args); |
| } |
| |
| |
| // We create a list in native code and let Dart code create the type mirror |
| // object and the ordered map. |
| static RawInstance* CreateTypeVariableList(const Class& cls) { |
| const TypeArguments& args = TypeArguments::Handle(cls.type_parameters()); |
| if (args.IsNull()) { |
| return Object::empty_array().raw(); |
| } |
| const Array& result = Array::Handle(Array::New(args.Length() * 2)); |
| TypeParameter& type = TypeParameter::Handle(); |
| String& name = String::Handle(); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < args.Length(); i++) { |
| type ^= args.TypeAt(i); |
| ASSERT(type.IsTypeParameter()); |
| ASSERT(!type.IsMalformed()); |
| ASSERT(type.IsFinalized()); |
| name ^= type.name(); |
| result.SetAt(2 * i, name); |
| result.SetAt(2 * i + 1, type); |
| } |
| return result.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static RawInstance* CreateTypedefMirror(const Class& cls, |
| const AbstractType& type, |
| const Bool& is_declaration, |
| const Instance& owner_mirror) { |
| const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(6)); |
| args.SetAt(0, MirrorReference::Handle(MirrorReference::New(cls))); |
| args.SetAt(1, type); |
| args.SetAt(2, String::Handle(cls.Name())); |
| args.SetAt(3, Bool::Get(cls.NumTypeParameters() != 0)); |
| args.SetAt(4, cls.NumTypeParameters() == 0 ? Bool::False() : is_declaration); |
| args.SetAt(5, owner_mirror); |
| return CreateMirror(Symbols::_LocalTypedefMirror(), args); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static RawInstance* CreateFunctionTypeMirror(const Class& cls, |
| const AbstractType& type) { |
| const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(2)); |
| args.SetAt(0, MirrorReference::Handle(MirrorReference::New(cls))); |
| args.SetAt(1, type); |
| return CreateMirror(Symbols::_LocalFunctionTypeMirror(), args); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static RawInstance* CreateMethodMirror(const Function& func, |
| const Instance& owner_mirror) { |
| const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(12)); |
| args.SetAt(0, MirrorReference::Handle(MirrorReference::New(func))); |
| |
| String& name = String::Handle(func.name()); |
| name = String::IdentifierPrettyNameRetainPrivate(name); |
| args.SetAt(1, name); |
| |
| args.SetAt(2, owner_mirror); |
| args.SetAt(3, Bool::Get(func.is_static())); |
| args.SetAt(4, Bool::Get(func.is_abstract())); |
| args.SetAt(5, Bool::Get(func.IsGetterFunction())); |
| args.SetAt(6, Bool::Get(func.IsSetterFunction())); |
| |
| bool isConstructor = (func.kind() == RawFunction::kConstructor); |
| args.SetAt(7, Bool::Get(isConstructor)); |
| args.SetAt(8, Bool::Get(isConstructor && func.is_const())); |
| args.SetAt(9, Bool::Get(isConstructor && func.IsConstructor())); |
| args.SetAt(10, Bool::Get(isConstructor && func.is_redirecting())); |
| args.SetAt(11, Bool::Get(isConstructor && func.IsFactory())); |
| |
| return CreateMirror(Symbols::_LocalMethodMirror(), args); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static RawInstance* CreateVariableMirror(const Field& field, |
| const Instance& owner_mirror) { |
| const MirrorReference& field_ref = |
| MirrorReference::Handle(MirrorReference::New(field)); |
| |
| const String& name = String::Handle(field.name()); |
| |
| const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(7)); |
| args.SetAt(0, field_ref); |
| args.SetAt(1, name); |
| args.SetAt(2, owner_mirror); |
| args.SetAt(3, Object::null_instance()); // Null for type. |
| args.SetAt(4, Bool::Get(field.is_static())); |
| args.SetAt(5, Bool::Get(field.is_final())); |
| args.SetAt(6, Bool::Get(field.is_const())); |
| |
| return CreateMirror(Symbols::_LocalVariableMirror(), args); |
| } |
| |
| static RawFunction* CallMethod(const Class& cls) { |
| if (cls.IsSignatureClass()) { |
| return cls.signature_function(); |
| } |
| |
| Class& lookup_cls = Class::Handle(cls.raw()); |
| Function& call_function = Function::Handle(); |
| do { |
| call_function = lookup_cls.LookupDynamicFunction(Symbols::Call()); |
| if (!call_function.IsNull()) { |
| return call_function.raw(); |
| } |
| lookup_cls = lookup_cls.SuperClass(); |
| } while (!lookup_cls.IsNull()); |
| return Function::null(); |
| } |
| |
| static RawInstance* CreateClassMirror(const Class& cls, |
| const AbstractType& type, |
| const Bool& is_declaration, |
| const Instance& owner_mirror) { |
| if (type.IsTypeRef()) { |
| AbstractType& ref_type = AbstractType::Handle(TypeRef::Cast(type).type()); |
| ASSERT(!ref_type.IsTypeRef()); |
| ASSERT(ref_type.IsCanonical()); |
| return CreateClassMirror(cls, ref_type, is_declaration, owner_mirror); |
| } |
| ASSERT(!cls.IsDynamicClass() && !cls.IsVoidClass()); |
| ASSERT(!type.IsNull()); |
| ASSERT(type.IsFinalized()); |
| |
| if (cls.IsSignatureClass()) { |
| if (cls.IsCanonicalSignatureClass()) { |
| // We represent function types as canonical signature classes. |
| return CreateFunctionTypeMirror(cls, type); |
| } else { |
| // We represent typedefs as non-canonical signature classes. |
| return CreateTypedefMirror(cls, type, is_declaration, owner_mirror); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const Error& error = Error::Handle(cls.EnsureIsFinalized(Isolate::Current())); |
| if (!error.IsNull()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(error); |
| } |
| |
| const Bool& is_generic = Bool::Get(cls.NumTypeParameters() != 0); |
| const Bool& is_mixin_app_alias = Bool::Get(cls.is_mixin_app_alias()); |
| |
| const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(8)); |
| args.SetAt(0, MirrorReference::Handle(MirrorReference::New(cls))); |
| args.SetAt(1, type); |
| // Note that the VM does not consider mixin application aliases to be mixin |
| // applications, so this only covers anonymous mixin applications. We do not |
| // set the names of anonymous mixin applications here because the mirrors |
| // use a different naming convention than the VM (lib.S with lib.M and S&M |
| // respectively). |
| if (!cls.IsMixinApplication()) { |
| args.SetAt(2, String::Handle(cls.Name())); |
| } |
| args.SetAt(3, owner_mirror); |
| args.SetAt(4, Bool::Get(cls.is_abstract())); |
| args.SetAt(5, is_generic); |
| args.SetAt(6, is_mixin_app_alias); |
| args.SetAt(7, cls.NumTypeParameters() == 0 ? Bool::False() : is_declaration); |
| return CreateMirror(Symbols::_LocalClassMirror(), args); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static RawInstance* CreateLibraryMirror(const Library& lib) { |
| const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(3)); |
| args.SetAt(0, MirrorReference::Handle(MirrorReference::New(lib))); |
| String& str = String::Handle(); |
| str = lib.name(); |
| args.SetAt(1, str); |
| str = lib.url(); |
| if (str.Equals("dart:_builtin") || str.Equals("dart:_blink")) { |
| // Censored library (grumble). |
| return Instance::null(); |
| } |
| args.SetAt(2, str); |
| return CreateMirror(Symbols::_LocalLibraryMirror(), args); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static RawInstance* CreateCombinatorMirror(const Object& identifiers, |
| bool is_show) { |
| const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(2)); |
| args.SetAt(0, identifiers); |
| args.SetAt(1, Bool::Get(is_show)); |
| return CreateMirror(Symbols::_LocalCombinatorMirror(), args); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static RawInstance* CreateLibraryDependencyMirror(const Instance& importer, |
| const Namespace& ns, |
| const String& prefix, |
| bool is_import) { |
| const Library& importee = Library::Handle(ns.library()); |
| const Instance& importee_mirror = |
| Instance::Handle(CreateLibraryMirror(importee)); |
| if (importee_mirror.IsNull()) { |
| // Imported library is censored: censor the import. |
| return Instance::null(); |
| } |
| |
| const Array& show_names = Array::Handle(ns.show_names()); |
| const Array& hide_names = Array::Handle(ns.hide_names()); |
| intptr_t n = show_names.IsNull() ? 0 : show_names.Length(); |
| intptr_t m = hide_names.IsNull() ? 0 : hide_names.Length(); |
| const Array& combinators = Array::Handle(Array::New(n + m)); |
| Object& t = Object::Handle(); |
| intptr_t i = 0; |
| for (intptr_t j = 0; j < n; j++) { |
| t = show_names.At(j); |
| t = CreateCombinatorMirror(t, true); |
| combinators.SetAt(i++, t); |
| } |
| for (intptr_t j = 0; j < m; j++) { |
| t = hide_names.At(j); |
| t = CreateCombinatorMirror(t, false); |
| combinators.SetAt(i++, t); |
| } |
| |
| Object& metadata = Object::Handle(ns.GetMetadata()); |
| if (metadata.IsError()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(Error::Cast(metadata)); |
| } |
| |
| const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(6)); |
| args.SetAt(0, importer); |
| args.SetAt(1, importee_mirror); |
| args.SetAt(2, combinators); |
| args.SetAt(3, prefix); |
| args.SetAt(4, Bool::Get(is_import)); |
| args.SetAt(5, metadata); |
| // is_deferred? |
| return CreateMirror(Symbols::_LocalLibraryDependencyMirror(), args); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(LibraryMirror_libraryDependencies, 2) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Instance, lib_mirror, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| const Library& lib = Library::Handle(ref.GetLibraryReferent()); |
| |
| Array& ports = Array::Handle(); |
| Namespace& ns = Namespace::Handle(); |
| Instance& dep = Instance::Handle(); |
| String& prefix = String::Handle(); |
| GrowableObjectArray& deps = |
| GrowableObjectArray::Handle(GrowableObjectArray::New()); |
| |
| // Unprefixed imports. |
| ports = lib.imports(); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < ports.Length(); i++) { |
| ns ^= ports.At(i); |
| if (!ns.IsNull()) { |
| dep = CreateLibraryDependencyMirror(lib_mirror, ns, prefix, true); |
| if (!dep.IsNull()) { |
| deps.Add(dep); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Exports. |
| ports = lib.exports(); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < ports.Length(); i++) { |
| ns ^= ports.At(i); |
| dep = CreateLibraryDependencyMirror(lib_mirror, ns, prefix, false); |
| if (!dep.IsNull()) { |
| deps.Add(dep); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Prefixed imports. |
| DictionaryIterator entries(lib); |
| Object& entry = Object::Handle(); |
| while (entries.HasNext()) { |
| entry = entries.GetNext(); |
| if (entry.IsLibraryPrefix()) { |
| const LibraryPrefix& lib_prefix = LibraryPrefix::Cast(entry); |
| prefix = lib_prefix.name(); |
| ports = lib_prefix.imports(); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < ports.Length(); i++) { |
| ns ^= ports.At(i); |
| if (!ns.IsNull()) { |
| dep = CreateLibraryDependencyMirror(lib_mirror, ns, prefix, true); |
| if (!dep.IsNull()) { |
| deps.Add(dep); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return deps.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| static RawInstance* CreateTypeMirror(const AbstractType& type) { |
| if (type.IsTypeRef()) { |
| AbstractType& ref_type = AbstractType::Handle(TypeRef::Cast(type).type()); |
| ASSERT(!ref_type.IsTypeRef()); |
| ASSERT(ref_type.IsCanonical()); |
| return CreateTypeMirror(ref_type); |
| } |
| ASSERT(type.IsFinalized()); |
| ASSERT(!type.IsMalformed()); |
| if (type.HasResolvedTypeClass()) { |
| const Class& cls = Class::Handle(type.type_class()); |
| // Handle void and dynamic types. |
| if (cls.IsVoidClass()) { |
| Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(1)); |
| args.SetAt(0, Symbols::Void()); |
| // TODO(mlippautz): Create once in the VM isolate and retrieve from there. |
| return CreateMirror(Symbols::_SpecialTypeMirror(), args); |
| } else if (cls.IsDynamicClass()) { |
| Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(1)); |
| args.SetAt(0, Symbols::Dynamic()); |
| // TODO(mlippautz): Create once in the VM isolate and retrieve from there. |
| return CreateMirror(Symbols::_SpecialTypeMirror(), args); |
| } |
| return CreateClassMirror(cls, type, Bool::False(), Object::null_instance()); |
| } else if (type.IsTypeParameter()) { |
| return CreateTypeVariableMirror(TypeParameter::Cast(type), |
| Object::null_instance()); |
| } else if (type.IsBoundedType()) { |
| AbstractType& actual_type = |
| AbstractType::Handle(BoundedType::Cast(type).type()); |
| return CreateTypeMirror(actual_type); |
| } |
| return Instance::null(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static RawInstance* CreateIsolateMirror() { |
| Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current(); |
| const String& debug_name = String::Handle(String::New(isolate->name())); |
| const Library& root_library = |
| Library::Handle(isolate, isolate->object_store()->root_library()); |
| const Instance& root_library_mirror = |
| Instance::Handle(CreateLibraryMirror(root_library)); |
| |
| const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(2)); |
| args.SetAt(0, debug_name); |
| args.SetAt(1, root_library_mirror); |
| return CreateMirror(Symbols::_LocalIsolateMirror(), args); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static RawInstance* CreateMirrorSystem() { |
| Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current(); |
| const GrowableObjectArray& libraries = GrowableObjectArray::Handle( |
| isolate, isolate->object_store()->libraries()); |
| |
| const intptr_t num_libraries = libraries.Length(); |
| const GrowableObjectArray& library_mirrors = GrowableObjectArray::Handle( |
| isolate, GrowableObjectArray::New(num_libraries)); |
| Library& library = Library::Handle(isolate); |
| Instance& library_mirror = Instance::Handle(isolate); |
| |
| for (int i = 0; i < num_libraries; i++) { |
| library ^= libraries.At(i); |
| library_mirror = CreateLibraryMirror(library); |
| if (!library_mirror.IsNull()) { |
| library_mirrors.Add(library_mirror); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const Instance& isolate_mirror = Instance::Handle(CreateIsolateMirror()); |
| |
| const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(2)); |
| args.SetAt(0, library_mirrors); |
| args.SetAt(1, isolate_mirror); |
| return CreateMirror(Symbols::_LocalMirrorSystem(), args); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static RawInstance* ReturnResult(const Object& result) { |
| if (result.IsError()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(Error::Cast(result)); |
| } |
| if (result.IsInstance()) { |
| return Instance::Cast(result).raw(); |
| } |
| ASSERT(result.IsNull()); |
| return Instance::null(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| // Invoke the function, or noSuchMethod if it is null. Propagate any unhandled |
| // exceptions. Wrap and propagate any compilation errors. |
| static RawInstance* InvokeDynamicFunction( |
| const Instance& receiver, |
| const Function& function, |
| const String& target_name, |
| const Array& args, |
| const Array& args_descriptor_array) { |
| // Note "args" is already the internal arguments with the receiver as the |
| // first element. |
| Object& result = Object::Handle(); |
| ArgumentsDescriptor args_descriptor(args_descriptor_array); |
| if (function.IsNull() || |
| !function.is_visible() || |
| !function.AreValidArguments(args_descriptor, NULL)) { |
| result = DartEntry::InvokeNoSuchMethod(receiver, |
| target_name, |
| args, |
| args_descriptor_array); |
| } else { |
| result = DartEntry::InvokeFunction(function, |
| args, |
| args_descriptor_array); |
| } |
| return ReturnResult(result); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static RawInstance* InvokeLibraryGetter(const Library& library, |
| const String& getter_name, |
| const bool throw_nsm_if_absent) { |
| // To access a top-level we may need to use the Field or the getter Function. |
| // The getter function may either be in the library or in the field's owner |
| // class, depending on whether it was an actual getter, or an uninitialized |
| // field. |
| const Field& field = Field::Handle( |
| library.LookupLocalField(getter_name)); |
| Function& getter = Function::Handle(); |
| if (field.IsNull()) { |
| // No field found. Check for a getter in the lib. |
| const String& internal_getter_name = |
| String::Handle(Field::GetterName(getter_name)); |
| getter = library.LookupLocalFunction(internal_getter_name); |
| if (getter.IsNull()) { |
| getter = library.LookupLocalFunction(getter_name); |
| if (!getter.IsNull()) { |
| // Looking for a getter but found a regular method: closurize it. |
| const Function& closure_function = |
| Function::Handle(getter.ImplicitClosureFunction()); |
| return closure_function.ImplicitStaticClosure(); |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (!field.IsUninitialized()) { |
| return field.value(); |
| } |
| // An uninitialized field was found. Check for a getter in the field's |
| // owner classs. |
| const Class& klass = Class::Handle(field.owner()); |
| const String& internal_getter_name = |
| String::Handle(Field::GetterName(getter_name)); |
| getter = klass.LookupStaticFunction(internal_getter_name); |
| } |
| |
| if (!getter.IsNull() && getter.is_visible()) { |
| // Invoke the getter and return the result. |
| const Object& result = Object::Handle( |
| DartEntry::InvokeFunction(getter, Object::empty_array())); |
| return ReturnResult(result); |
| } |
| |
| if (throw_nsm_if_absent) { |
| ThrowNoSuchMethod(Instance::null_instance(), |
| getter_name, |
| getter, |
| Object::null_array(), |
| InvocationMirror::kTopLevel, |
| InvocationMirror::kGetter); |
| } |
| |
| // Fall through case: Indicate that we didn't find any function or field using |
| // a special null instance. This is different from a field being null. Callers |
| // make sure that this null does not leak into Dartland. |
| return Object::sentinel().raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static RawInstance* InvokeClassGetter(const Class& klass, |
| const String& getter_name, |
| const bool throw_nsm_if_absent) { |
| // Note static fields do not have implicit getters. |
| const Field& field = Field::Handle(klass.LookupStaticField(getter_name)); |
| if (field.IsNull() || field.IsUninitialized()) { |
| const String& internal_getter_name = String::Handle( |
| Field::GetterName(getter_name)); |
| Function& getter = Function::Handle( |
| klass.LookupStaticFunction(internal_getter_name)); |
| |
| if (getter.IsNull() || !getter.is_visible()) { |
| if (getter.IsNull()) { |
| getter = klass.LookupStaticFunction(getter_name); |
| if (!getter.IsNull()) { |
| // Looking for a getter but found a regular method: closurize it. |
| const Function& closure_function = |
| Function::Handle(getter.ImplicitClosureFunction()); |
| return closure_function.ImplicitStaticClosure(); |
| } |
| } |
| if (throw_nsm_if_absent) { |
| ThrowNoSuchMethod(AbstractType::Handle(klass.RareType()), |
| getter_name, |
| getter, |
| Object::null_array(), |
| InvocationMirror::kStatic, |
| InvocationMirror::kGetter); |
| } |
| // Fall through case: Indicate that we didn't find any function or field |
| // using a special null instance. This is different from a field being |
| // null. Callers make sure that this null does not leak into Dartland. |
| return Object::sentinel().raw(); |
| } |
| |
| // Invoke the getter and return the result. |
| const Object& result = Object::Handle( |
| DartEntry::InvokeFunction(getter, Object::empty_array())); |
| return ReturnResult(result); |
| } |
| return field.value(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static RawInstance* InvokeInstanceGetter(const Class& klass, |
| const Instance& reflectee, |
| const String& getter_name, |
| const bool throw_nsm_if_absent) { |
| const String& internal_getter_name = String::Handle( |
| Field::GetterName(getter_name)); |
| Function& function = Function::Handle( |
| Resolver::ResolveDynamicAnyArgs(klass, internal_getter_name)); |
| |
| if (!function.IsNull() || throw_nsm_if_absent) { |
| const int kNumArgs = 1; |
| const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(kNumArgs)); |
| args.SetAt(0, reflectee); |
| const Array& args_descriptor = |
| Array::Handle(ArgumentsDescriptor::New(args.Length())); |
| |
| // InvokeDynamic invokes NoSuchMethod if the provided function is null. |
| return InvokeDynamicFunction(reflectee, |
| function, |
| internal_getter_name, |
| args, |
| args_descriptor); |
| } |
| |
| // Fall through case: Indicate that we didn't find any function or field using |
| // a special null instance. This is different from a field being null. Callers |
| // make sure that this null does not leak into Dartland. |
| return Object::sentinel().raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static RawAbstractType* InstantiateType(const AbstractType& type, |
| const AbstractType& instantiator) { |
| ASSERT(type.IsFinalized()); |
| ASSERT(!type.IsMalformed()); |
| |
| if (type.IsInstantiated()) { |
| return type.Canonicalize(); |
| } |
| |
| ASSERT(!instantiator.IsNull()); |
| ASSERT(instantiator.IsFinalized()); |
| ASSERT(!instantiator.IsMalformed()); |
| |
| const TypeArguments& type_args = |
| TypeArguments::Handle(instantiator.arguments()); |
| Error& bound_error = Error::Handle(); |
| AbstractType& result = |
| AbstractType::Handle(type.InstantiateFrom(type_args, &bound_error)); |
| if (!bound_error.IsNull()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(bound_error); |
| } |
| ASSERT(result.IsFinalized()); |
| return result.Canonicalize(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(Mirrors_makeLocalMirrorSystem, 0) { |
| return CreateMirrorSystem(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(Mirrors_makeLocalClassMirror, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(AbstractType, type, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| ASSERT(!type.IsMalformed()); |
| ASSERT(type.IsFinalized()); |
| ASSERT(type.HasResolvedTypeClass()); |
| const Class& cls = Class::Handle(type.type_class()); |
| ASSERT(!cls.IsNull()); |
| if (cls.IsDynamicClass() || |
| cls.IsVoidClass() || |
| (cls.IsSignatureClass() && !cls.IsCanonicalSignatureClass())) { |
| Exceptions::ThrowArgumentError(type); |
| } |
| return CreateClassMirror(cls, |
| AbstractType::Handle(cls.DeclarationType()), |
| Bool::True(), // is_declaration |
| Object::null_instance()); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(Mirrors_makeLocalTypeMirror, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(AbstractType, type, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| return CreateTypeMirror(type); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(Mirrors_mangleName, 2) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(String, name, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| const Library& lib = Library::Handle(ref.GetLibraryReferent()); |
| return lib.IsPrivate(name) ? lib.PrivateName(name) : name.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(MirrorReference_equals, 2) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, a, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, b, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| return Bool::Get(a.referent() == b.referent()).raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(DeclarationMirror_metadata, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Instance, reflectee, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| Object& decl = Object::Handle(); |
| if (reflectee.IsMirrorReference()) { |
| const MirrorReference& decl_ref = MirrorReference::Cast(reflectee); |
| decl = decl_ref.referent(); |
| } else if (reflectee.IsTypeParameter()) { |
| decl = reflectee.raw(); |
| } else { |
| } |
| |
| Class& klass = Class::Handle(); |
| Library& library = Library::Handle(); |
| |
| if (decl.IsClass()) { |
| klass ^= decl.raw(); |
| library = klass.library(); |
| } else if (decl.IsFunction()) { |
| klass = Function::Cast(decl).origin(); |
| library = klass.library(); |
| } else if (decl.IsField()) { |
| klass = Field::Cast(decl).origin(); |
| library = klass.library(); |
| } else if (decl.IsLibrary()) { |
| library ^= decl.raw(); |
| } else if (decl.IsTypeParameter()) { |
| klass ^= TypeParameter::Cast(decl).parameterized_class(); |
| library = klass.library(); |
| } else { |
| return Object::empty_array().raw(); |
| } |
| |
| const Object& metadata = Object::Handle(library.GetMetadata(decl)); |
| if (metadata.IsError()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(Error::Cast(metadata)); |
| } |
| return metadata.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(FunctionTypeMirror_call_method, 2) { |
| owner_mirror, |
| arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| const Class& cls = Class::Handle(ref.GetClassReferent()); |
| const Function& func = Function::Handle(CallMethod(cls)); |
| ASSERT(!func.IsNull()); |
| return CreateMethodMirror(func, owner_mirror); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(FunctionTypeMirror_parameters, 2) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Instance, owner, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| const Class& cls = Class::Handle(ref.GetClassReferent()); |
| const Function& func = Function::Handle(cls.signature_function()); |
| return CreateParameterMirrorList(func, owner); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(FunctionTypeMirror_return_type, 2) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| instantiator, |
| arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| const Class& cls = Class::Handle(ref.GetClassReferent()); |
| const Function& func = Function::Handle(CallMethod(cls)); |
| ASSERT(!func.IsNull()); |
| AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle(func.result_type()); |
| return InstantiateType(type, instantiator); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(ClassMirror_library, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| const Class& klass = Class::Handle(ref.GetClassReferent()); |
| const Library& library = Library::Handle(klass.library()); |
| ASSERT(!library.IsNull()); |
| return CreateLibraryMirror(library); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(ClassMirror_supertype, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(AbstractType, type, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| ASSERT(!type.IsMalformed()); |
| ASSERT(type.IsFinalized()); |
| if (!type.HasResolvedTypeClass()) { |
| Exceptions::ThrowArgumentError(type); |
| } |
| const Class& cls = Class::Handle(type.type_class()); |
| const AbstractType& super_type = AbstractType::Handle(cls.super_type()); |
| ASSERT(super_type.IsNull() || super_type.IsFinalized()); |
| return super_type.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(ClassMirror_supertype_instantiated, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(AbstractType, type, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| ASSERT(!type.IsMalformed()); |
| ASSERT(type.IsFinalized()); |
| if (!type.HasResolvedTypeClass()) { |
| Exceptions::ThrowArgumentError(type); |
| } |
| const Class& cls = Class::Handle(type.type_class()); |
| const AbstractType& super_type = AbstractType::Handle(cls.super_type()); |
| return InstantiateType(super_type, type); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(ClassMirror_interfaces, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(AbstractType, type, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| ASSERT(!type.IsMalformed()); |
| ASSERT(type.IsFinalized()); |
| if (!type.HasResolvedTypeClass()) { |
| Exceptions::ThrowArgumentError(type); |
| } |
| const Class& cls = Class::Handle(type.type_class()); |
| const Error& error = Error::Handle(cls.EnsureIsFinalized(isolate)); |
| if (!error.IsNull()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(error); |
| } |
| |
| return cls.interfaces(); |
| } |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(ClassMirror_interfaces_instantiated, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(AbstractType, type, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| ASSERT(!type.IsMalformed()); |
| ASSERT(type.IsFinalized()); |
| if (!type.HasResolvedTypeClass()) { |
| Exceptions::ThrowArgumentError(type); |
| } |
| const Class& cls = Class::Handle(type.type_class()); |
| const Error& error = Error::Handle(cls.EnsureIsFinalized(isolate)); |
| if (!error.IsNull()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(error); |
| } |
| |
| Array& interfaces = Array::Handle(cls.interfaces()); |
| Array& interfaces_inst = Array::Handle(Array::New(interfaces.Length())); |
| AbstractType& interface = AbstractType::Handle(); |
| |
| for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.Length(); i++) { |
| interface ^= interfaces.At(i); |
| interface = InstantiateType(interface, type); |
| interfaces_inst.SetAt(i, interface); |
| } |
| |
| return interfaces_inst.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(ClassMirror_mixin, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(AbstractType, type, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| ASSERT(!type.IsMalformed()); |
| ASSERT(type.IsFinalized()); |
| if (!type.HasResolvedTypeClass()) { |
| Exceptions::ThrowArgumentError(type); |
| } |
| const Class& cls = Class::Handle(type.type_class()); |
| const AbstractType& mixin_type = AbstractType::Handle(cls.mixin()); |
| ASSERT(mixin_type.IsNull() || mixin_type.IsFinalized()); |
| return mixin_type.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(ClassMirror_mixin_instantiated, 2) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(AbstractType, type, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| instantiator, |
| arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| ASSERT(!type.IsMalformed()); |
| ASSERT(type.IsFinalized()); |
| if (!type.HasResolvedTypeClass()) { |
| Exceptions::ThrowArgumentError(type); |
| } |
| const Class& cls = Class::Handle(type.type_class()); |
| const AbstractType& mixin_type = AbstractType::Handle(cls.mixin()); |
| if (mixin_type.IsNull()) { |
| return mixin_type.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| return InstantiateType(mixin_type, instantiator); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(ClassMirror_members, 2) { |
| owner_mirror, |
| arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| const Class& klass = Class::Handle(ref.GetClassReferent()); |
| |
| const Error& error = Error::Handle(klass.EnsureIsFinalized(isolate)); |
| if (!error.IsNull()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(error); |
| } |
| |
| const Array& fields = Array::Handle(klass.fields()); |
| const intptr_t num_fields = fields.Length(); |
| |
| const Array& functions = Array::Handle(klass.functions()); |
| const intptr_t num_functions = functions.Length(); |
| |
| Instance& member_mirror = Instance::Handle(); |
| const GrowableObjectArray& member_mirrors = GrowableObjectArray::Handle( |
| GrowableObjectArray::New(num_fields + num_functions)); |
| |
| Field& field = Field::Handle(); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) { |
| field ^= fields.At(i); |
| if (!field.is_synthetic()) { |
| member_mirror = CreateVariableMirror(field, owner_mirror); |
| member_mirrors.Add(member_mirror); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Function& func = Function::Handle(); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_functions; i++) { |
| func ^= functions.At(i); |
| if (func.is_visible() && |
| (func.kind() == RawFunction::kRegularFunction || |
| func.kind() == RawFunction::kGetterFunction || |
| func.kind() == RawFunction::kSetterFunction)) { |
| member_mirror = CreateMethodMirror(func, owner_mirror); |
| member_mirrors.Add(member_mirror); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return member_mirrors.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(ClassMirror_constructors, 2) { |
| owner_mirror, |
| arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| const Class& klass = Class::Handle(ref.GetClassReferent()); |
| |
| const Error& error = Error::Handle(klass.EnsureIsFinalized(isolate)); |
| if (!error.IsNull()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(error); |
| } |
| |
| const Array& functions = Array::Handle(klass.functions()); |
| const intptr_t num_functions = functions.Length(); |
| |
| Instance& constructor_mirror = Instance::Handle(); |
| const GrowableObjectArray& constructor_mirrors = GrowableObjectArray::Handle( |
| GrowableObjectArray::New(num_functions)); |
| |
| Function& func = Function::Handle(); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_functions; i++) { |
| func ^= functions.At(i); |
| if (func.is_visible() && func.kind() == RawFunction::kConstructor) { |
| constructor_mirror = CreateMethodMirror(func, owner_mirror); |
| constructor_mirrors.Add(constructor_mirror); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return constructor_mirrors.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(LibraryMirror_members, 2) { |
| owner_mirror, |
| arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| const Library& library = Library::Handle(ref.GetLibraryReferent()); |
| |
| Instance& member_mirror = Instance::Handle(); |
| const GrowableObjectArray& member_mirrors = |
| GrowableObjectArray::Handle(GrowableObjectArray::New()); |
| |
| Object& entry = Object::Handle(); |
| DictionaryIterator entries(library); |
| |
| AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle(); |
| |
| while (entries.HasNext()) { |
| entry = entries.GetNext(); |
| if (entry.IsClass()) { |
| const Class& klass = Class::Cast(entry); |
| // We filter out function signature classes and dynamic. |
| // TODO(12478): Should not need to filter out dynamic. |
| // Note that the VM does not consider mixin application aliases to be |
| // mixin applications. |
| if (!klass.IsCanonicalSignatureClass() && |
| !klass.IsDynamicClass() && |
| !klass.IsMixinApplication()) { |
| type = klass.DeclarationType(); |
| member_mirror = CreateClassMirror(klass, |
| type, |
| Bool::True(), // is_declaration |
| owner_mirror); |
| member_mirrors.Add(member_mirror); |
| } |
| } else if (entry.IsField()) { |
| const Field& field = Field::Cast(entry); |
| if (!field.is_synthetic()) { |
| member_mirror = CreateVariableMirror(field, owner_mirror); |
| member_mirrors.Add(member_mirror); |
| } |
| } else if (entry.IsFunction()) { |
| const Function& func = Function::Cast(entry); |
| if (func.kind() == RawFunction::kRegularFunction || |
| func.kind() == RawFunction::kGetterFunction || |
| func.kind() == RawFunction::kSetterFunction) { |
| member_mirror = CreateMethodMirror(func, owner_mirror); |
| member_mirrors.Add(member_mirror); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return member_mirrors.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(ClassMirror_type_variables, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| const Class& klass = Class::Handle(ref.GetClassReferent()); |
| return CreateTypeVariableList(klass); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(ClassMirror_type_arguments, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(AbstractType, type, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| |
| const Class& cls = Class::Handle(type.type_class()); |
| const intptr_t num_params = cls.NumTypeParameters(); |
| |
| if (num_params == 0) { |
| return Object::empty_array().raw(); |
| } |
| |
| const Array& result = Array::Handle(Array::New(num_params)); |
| AbstractType& arg_type = AbstractType::Handle(); |
| Instance& type_mirror = Instance::Handle(); |
| const TypeArguments& args = TypeArguments::Handle(type.arguments()); |
| |
| // Handle argument lists that have been optimized away, because either no |
| // arguments have been provided, or all arguments are dynamic. Return a list |
| // of typemirrors on dynamic in this case. |
| if (args.IsNull()) { |
| arg_type ^= Object::dynamic_type(); |
| type_mirror ^= CreateTypeMirror(arg_type); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_params; i++) { |
| result.SetAt(i, type_mirror); |
| } |
| return result.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| ASSERT(args.Length() >= num_params); |
| const intptr_t num_inherited_args = args.Length() - num_params; |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_params; i++) { |
| arg_type ^= args.TypeAt(i + num_inherited_args); |
| type_mirror = CreateTypeMirror(arg_type); |
| result.SetAt(i, type_mirror); |
| } |
| return result.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(TypeVariableMirror_owner, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(TypeParameter, param, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| const Class& owner = Class::Handle(param.parameterized_class()); |
| const AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle(owner.DeclarationType()); |
| return CreateClassMirror(owner, |
| type, |
| Bool::True(), // is_declaration |
| Instance::null_instance()); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(TypeVariableMirror_upper_bound, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(TypeParameter, param, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| return param.bound(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(Mirrors_evalInLibraryWithPrivateKey, 2) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(String, expression, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(String, private_key, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| |
| const GrowableObjectArray& libraries = |
| GrowableObjectArray::Handle(isolate->object_store()->libraries()); |
| const int num_libraries = libraries.Length(); |
| Library& each_library = Library::Handle(); |
| Library& ctxt_library = Library::Handle(); |
| String& library_key = String::Handle(); |
| |
| if (private_key.IsNull()) { |
| ctxt_library = Library::CoreLibrary(); |
| } else { |
| for (int i = 0; i < num_libraries; i++) { |
| each_library ^= libraries.At(i); |
| library_key = each_library.private_key(); |
| if (library_key.Equals(private_key)) { |
| ctxt_library = each_library.raw(); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| ASSERT(!ctxt_library.IsNull()); |
| const Object& result = |
| Object::Handle(ctxt_library.Evaluate(expression, |
| Array::empty_array(), |
| Array::empty_array())); |
| if (result.IsError()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(Error::Cast(result)); |
| } |
| return result.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(TypedefMirror_declaration, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Type, type, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| const Class& cls = Class::Handle(type.type_class()); |
| // We represent typedefs as non-canonical signature classes. |
| ASSERT(cls.IsSignatureClass() && !cls.IsCanonicalSignatureClass()); |
| return CreateTypedefMirror(cls, |
| AbstractType::Handle(cls.DeclarationType()), |
| Bool::True(), // is_declaration |
| Object::null_instance()); |
| } |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(InstanceMirror_invoke, 5) { |
| // Argument 0 is the mirror, which is unused by the native. It exists |
| // because this native is an instance method in order to be polymorphic |
| // with its cousins. |
| GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Instance, reflectee, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| String, function_name, arguments->NativeArgAt(2)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Array, args, arguments->NativeArgAt(3)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Array, arg_names, arguments->NativeArgAt(4)); |
| |
| Class& klass = Class::Handle(reflectee.clazz()); |
| Function& function = Function::Handle( |
| Resolver::ResolveDynamicAnyArgs(klass, function_name)); |
| |
| const Array& args_descriptor = |
| Array::Handle(ArgumentsDescriptor::New(args.Length(), arg_names)); |
| |
| if (function.IsNull()) { |
| // Didn't find a method: try to find a getter and invoke call on its result. |
| const String& getter_name = |
| String::Handle(Field::GetterName(function_name)); |
| function = Resolver::ResolveDynamicAnyArgs(klass, getter_name); |
| if (!function.IsNull()) { |
| ASSERT(function.kind() != RawFunction::kMethodExtractor); |
| // Invoke the getter. |
| const int kNumArgs = 1; |
| const Array& getter_args = Array::Handle(Array::New(kNumArgs)); |
| getter_args.SetAt(0, reflectee); |
| const Array& getter_args_descriptor = |
| Array::Handle(ArgumentsDescriptor::New(getter_args.Length())); |
| const Instance& getter_result = Instance::Handle( |
| InvokeDynamicFunction(reflectee, |
| function, |
| getter_name, |
| getter_args, |
| getter_args_descriptor)); |
| // Replace the closure as the receiver in the arguments list. |
| args.SetAt(0, getter_result); |
| // Call the closure. |
| const Object& call_result = |
| Object::Handle(DartEntry::InvokeClosure(args, args_descriptor)); |
| if (call_result.IsError()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(Error::Cast(call_result)); |
| } |
| return call_result.raw(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Found an ordinary method. |
| return InvokeDynamicFunction(reflectee, |
| function, |
| function_name, |
| args, |
| args_descriptor); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(InstanceMirror_invokeGetter, 3) { |
| // Argument 0 is the mirror, which is unused by the native. It exists |
| // because this native is an instance method in order to be polymorphic |
| // with its cousins. |
| GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Instance, reflectee, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(String, getter_name, arguments->NativeArgAt(2)); |
| Class& klass = Class::Handle(reflectee.clazz()); |
| return InvokeInstanceGetter(klass, reflectee, getter_name, true); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(InstanceMirror_invokeSetter, 4) { |
| // Argument 0 is the mirror, which is unused by the native. It exists |
| // because this native is an instance method in order to be polymorphic |
| // with its cousins. |
| GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Instance, reflectee, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(String, setter_name, arguments->NativeArgAt(2)); |
| GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Instance, value, arguments->NativeArgAt(3)); |
| |
| const Class& klass = Class::Handle(reflectee.clazz()); |
| const String& internal_setter_name = |
| String::Handle(Field::SetterName(setter_name)); |
| const Function& setter = Function::Handle( |
| Resolver::ResolveDynamicAnyArgs(klass, internal_setter_name)); |
| |
| const int kNumArgs = 2; |
| const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(kNumArgs)); |
| args.SetAt(0, reflectee); |
| args.SetAt(1, value); |
| const Array& args_descriptor = |
| Array::Handle(ArgumentsDescriptor::New(args.Length())); |
| |
| return InvokeDynamicFunction(reflectee, |
| setter, |
| internal_setter_name, |
| args, |
| args_descriptor); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(InstanceMirror_computeType, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Instance, instance, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| const Type& type = Type::Handle(instance.GetType()); |
| // The static type of null is specified to be the bottom type, however, the |
| // runtime type of null is the Null type, which we correctly return here. |
| return type.Canonicalize(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(ClosureMirror_function, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Instance, closure, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| ASSERT(!closure.IsNull()); |
| |
| Function& function = Function::Handle(); |
| bool callable = closure.IsCallable(&function); |
| if (callable) { |
| return CreateMethodMirror(function, Instance::null_instance()); |
| } |
| return Instance::null(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(ClassMirror_invoke, 5) { |
| // Argument 0 is the mirror, which is unused by the native. It exists |
| // because this native is an instance method in order to be polymorphic |
| // with its cousins. |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| const Class& klass = Class::Handle(ref.GetClassReferent()); |
| String, function_name, arguments->NativeArgAt(2)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Array, args, arguments->NativeArgAt(3)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Array, arg_names, arguments->NativeArgAt(4)); |
| |
| Function& function = Function::Handle( |
| klass.LookupStaticFunction(function_name)); |
| |
| if (function.IsNull()) { |
| // Didn't find a method: try to find a getter and invoke call on its result. |
| const String& getter_name = |
| String::Handle(Field::GetterName(function_name)); |
| function = klass.LookupStaticFunction(getter_name); |
| if (!function.IsNull()) { |
| // Invoke the getter. |
| const Object& getter_result = Object::Handle( |
| DartEntry::InvokeFunction(function, Object::empty_array())); |
| if (getter_result.IsError()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(Error::Cast(getter_result)); |
| } |
| // Make room for the closure (receiver) in the argument list. |
| intptr_t numArgs = args.Length(); |
| const Array& call_args = Array::Handle(Array::New(numArgs + 1)); |
| Object& temp = Object::Handle(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) { |
| temp = args.At(i); |
| call_args.SetAt(i + 1, temp); |
| } |
| call_args.SetAt(0, getter_result); |
| const Array& call_args_descriptor_array = |
| Array::Handle(ArgumentsDescriptor::New(call_args.Length(), arg_names)); |
| // Call the closure. |
| const Object& call_result = Object::Handle( |
| DartEntry::InvokeClosure(call_args, call_args_descriptor_array)); |
| if (call_result.IsError()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(Error::Cast(call_result)); |
| } |
| return call_result.raw(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const Array& args_descriptor_array = |
| Array::Handle(ArgumentsDescriptor::New(args.Length(), arg_names)); |
| |
| ArgumentsDescriptor args_descriptor(args_descriptor_array); |
| |
| if (function.IsNull() || |
| !function.AreValidArguments(args_descriptor, NULL) || |
| !function.is_visible()) { |
| ThrowNoSuchMethod(AbstractType::Handle(klass.RareType()), |
| function_name, |
| function, |
| Object::null_array(), |
| InvocationMirror::kStatic, |
| InvocationMirror::kMethod); |
| } |
| |
| Object& result = Object::Handle( |
| DartEntry::InvokeFunction(function, args, args_descriptor_array)); |
| if (result.IsError()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(Error::Cast(result)); |
| } |
| return result.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(ClassMirror_invokeGetter, 3) { |
| // Argument 0 is the mirror, which is unused by the native. It exists |
| // because this native is an instance method in order to be polymorphic |
| // with its cousins. |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| const Class& klass = Class::Handle(ref.GetClassReferent()); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(String, getter_name, arguments->NativeArgAt(2)); |
| return InvokeClassGetter(klass, getter_name, true); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(ClassMirror_invokeSetter, 4) { |
| // Argument 0 is the mirror, which is unused by the native. It exists |
| // because this native is an instance method in order to be polymorphic |
| // with its cousins. |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| const Class& klass = Class::Handle(ref.GetClassReferent()); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(String, setter_name, arguments->NativeArgAt(2)); |
| GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Instance, value, arguments->NativeArgAt(3)); |
| |
| // Check for real fields and user-defined setters. |
| const Field& field = Field::Handle(klass.LookupStaticField(setter_name)); |
| Function& setter = Function::Handle(); |
| const String& internal_setter_name = String::Handle( |
| Field::SetterName(setter_name)); |
| |
| if (field.IsNull()) { |
| setter = klass.LookupStaticFunction(internal_setter_name); |
| |
| const int kNumArgs = 1; |
| const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(kNumArgs)); |
| args.SetAt(0, value); |
| |
| if (setter.IsNull() || !setter.is_visible()) { |
| ThrowNoSuchMethod(AbstractType::Handle(klass.RareType()), |
| internal_setter_name, |
| setter, |
| args, |
| InvocationMirror::kStatic, |
| InvocationMirror::kSetter); |
| } |
| |
| // Invoke the setter and return the result. |
| Object& result = Object::Handle( |
| DartEntry::InvokeFunction(setter, args)); |
| if (result.IsError()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(Error::Cast(result)); |
| } |
| return result.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| if (field.is_final()) { |
| ThrowNoSuchMethod(AbstractType::Handle(klass.RareType()), |
| internal_setter_name, |
| setter, |
| Object::null_array(), |
| InvocationMirror::kStatic, |
| InvocationMirror::kSetter); |
| } |
| |
| field.set_value(value); |
| return value.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(ClassMirror_invokeConstructor, 5) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| const Class& klass = Class::Handle(ref.GetClassReferent()); |
| GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Type, type, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| String, constructor_name, arguments->NativeArgAt(2)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Array, explicit_args, arguments->NativeArgAt(3)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Array, arg_names, arguments->NativeArgAt(4)); |
| |
| // By convention, the static function implementing a named constructor 'C' |
| // for class 'A' is labeled 'A.C', and the static function implementing the |
| // unnamed constructor for class 'A' is labeled 'A.'. |
| // This convention prevents users from explicitly calling constructors. |
| const String& klass_name = String::Handle(klass.Name()); |
| String& internal_constructor_name = |
| String::Handle(String::Concat(klass_name, Symbols::Dot())); |
| if (!constructor_name.IsNull()) { |
| internal_constructor_name = |
| String::Concat(internal_constructor_name, constructor_name); |
| } |
| |
| Function& lookup_constructor = Function::Handle( |
| klass.LookupFunction(internal_constructor_name)); |
| |
| if (lookup_constructor.IsNull() || |
| !(lookup_constructor.IsConstructor() || lookup_constructor.IsFactory()) || |
| !lookup_constructor.is_visible()) { |
| // Pretend we didn't find the constructor at all when the arity is wrong |
| // so as to produce the same NoSuchMethodError as the non-reflective case. |
| lookup_constructor = Function::null(); |
| ThrowNoSuchMethod(AbstractType::Handle(klass.RareType()), |
| internal_constructor_name, |
| lookup_constructor, |
| Object::null_array(), |
| InvocationMirror::kConstructor, |
| InvocationMirror::kMethod); |
| } |
| |
| if (klass.is_abstract() && !lookup_constructor.IsFactory()) { |
| const Array& error_args = Array::Handle(Array::New(3)); |
| error_args.SetAt(0, klass_name); |
| // 1 = script url |
| // 2 = token position |
| Exceptions::ThrowByType(Exceptions::kAbstractClassInstantiation, |
| error_args); |
| } |
| |
| ASSERT(!type.IsNull()); |
| TypeArguments& type_arguments = TypeArguments::Handle(type.arguments()); |
| if (!type.IsInstantiated()) { |
| // Must have been a declaration type. |
| AbstractType& rare_type = AbstractType::Handle(klass.RareType()); |
| ASSERT(rare_type.IsInstantiated()); |
| type_arguments = rare_type.arguments(); |
| } |
| |
| Class& redirected_klass = Class::Handle(klass.raw()); |
| Function& redirected_constructor = Function::Handle(lookup_constructor.raw()); |
| if (lookup_constructor.IsRedirectingFactory()) { |
| ClassFinalizer::ResolveRedirectingFactory(klass, lookup_constructor); |
| Type& redirect_type = Type::Handle(lookup_constructor.RedirectionType()); |
| |
| if (!redirect_type.IsInstantiated()) { |
| // The type arguments of the redirection type are instantiated from the |
| // type arguments of the type reflected by the class mirror. |
| Error& bound_error = Error::Handle(); |
| redirect_type ^= redirect_type.InstantiateFrom(type_arguments, |
| &bound_error); |
| if (!bound_error.IsNull()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(bound_error); |
| } |
| redirect_type ^= redirect_type.Canonicalize(); |
| } |
| |
| type = redirect_type.raw(); |
| type_arguments = redirect_type.arguments(); |
| |
| redirected_constructor = lookup_constructor.RedirectionTarget(); |
| ASSERT(!redirected_constructor.IsNull()); |
| redirected_klass = type.type_class(); |
| } |
| |
| const intptr_t num_explicit_args = explicit_args.Length(); |
| const intptr_t num_implicit_args = |
| redirected_constructor.IsConstructor() ? 2 : 1; |
| const Array& args = |
| Array::Handle(Array::New(num_implicit_args + num_explicit_args)); |
| |
| // Copy over the explicit arguments. |
| Object& explicit_argument = Object::Handle(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < num_explicit_args; i++) { |
| explicit_argument = explicit_args.At(i); |
| args.SetAt(i + num_implicit_args, explicit_argument); |
| } |
| |
| const Array& args_descriptor_array = |
| Array::Handle(ArgumentsDescriptor::New(args.Length(), |
| arg_names)); |
| |
| ArgumentsDescriptor args_descriptor(args_descriptor_array); |
| if (!redirected_constructor.AreValidArguments(args_descriptor, NULL) || |
| !redirected_constructor.is_visible()) { |
| // Pretend we didn't find the constructor at all when the arity is wrong |
| // so as to produce the same NoSuchMethodError as the non-reflective case. |
| redirected_constructor = Function::null(); |
| ThrowNoSuchMethod(AbstractType::Handle(klass.RareType()), |
| internal_constructor_name, |
| redirected_constructor, |
| Object::null_array(), |
| InvocationMirror::kConstructor, |
| InvocationMirror::kMethod); |
| } |
| |
| Instance& new_object = Instance::Handle(); |
| if (redirected_constructor.IsConstructor()) { |
| // Constructors get the uninitialized object and a constructor phase. Note |
| // we have delayed allocation until after the function type and argument |
| // matching checks. |
| new_object = Instance::New(redirected_klass); |
| if (!type_arguments.IsNull()) { |
| // The type arguments will be null if the class has no type parameters, in |
| // which case the following call would fail because there is no slot |
| // reserved in the object for the type vector. |
| new_object.SetTypeArguments(type_arguments); |
| } |
| args.SetAt(0, new_object); |
| args.SetAt(1, Smi::Handle(Smi::New(Function::kCtorPhaseAll))); |
| } else { |
| // Factories get type arguments. |
| args.SetAt(0, type_arguments); |
| } |
| |
| // Invoke the constructor and return the new object. |
| const Object& result = |
| Object::Handle(DartEntry::InvokeFunction(redirected_constructor, |
| args, |
| args_descriptor_array)); |
| if (result.IsError()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(Error::Cast(result)); |
| } |
| |
| // Factories may return null. |
| ASSERT(result.IsInstance() || result.IsNull()); |
| |
| if (redirected_constructor.IsConstructor()) { |
| return new_object.raw(); |
| } else { |
| return result.raw(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(LibraryMirror_invoke, 5) { |
| // Argument 0 is the mirror, which is unused by the native. It exists |
| // because this native is an instance method in order to be polymorphic |
| // with its cousins. |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| const Library& library = Library::Handle(ref.GetLibraryReferent()); |
| String, function_name, arguments->NativeArgAt(2)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Array, args, arguments->NativeArgAt(3)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Array, arg_names, arguments->NativeArgAt(4)); |
| |
| Function& function = Function::Handle( |
| library.LookupLocalFunction(function_name)); |
| |
| if (function.IsNull()) { |
| // Didn't find a method: try to find a getter and invoke call on its result. |
| const Instance& getter_result = |
| Instance::Handle(InvokeLibraryGetter(library, function_name, false)); |
| if (getter_result.raw() != Object::sentinel().raw()) { |
| // Make room for the closure (receiver) in arguments. |
| intptr_t numArgs = args.Length(); |
| const Array& call_args = Array::Handle(Array::New(numArgs + 1)); |
| Object& temp = Object::Handle(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) { |
| temp = args.At(i); |
| call_args.SetAt(i + 1, temp); |
| } |
| call_args.SetAt(0, getter_result); |
| const Array& call_args_descriptor_array = Array::Handle( |
| ArgumentsDescriptor::New(call_args.Length(), arg_names)); |
| // Call closure. |
| const Object& call_result = Object::Handle( |
| DartEntry::InvokeClosure(call_args, call_args_descriptor_array)); |
| if (call_result.IsError()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(Error::Cast(call_result)); |
| } |
| return call_result.raw(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const Array& args_descriptor_array = |
| Array::Handle(ArgumentsDescriptor::New(args.Length(), arg_names)); |
| ArgumentsDescriptor args_descriptor(args_descriptor_array); |
| |
| if (function.IsNull() || |
| !function.AreValidArguments(args_descriptor, NULL) || |
| !function.is_visible()) { |
| ThrowNoSuchMethod(Instance::null_instance(), |
| function_name, |
| function, |
| Object::null_array(), |
| InvocationMirror::kTopLevel, |
| InvocationMirror::kMethod); |
| } |
| |
| const Object& result = Object::Handle( |
| DartEntry::InvokeFunction(function, args, args_descriptor_array)); |
| if (result.IsError()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(Error::Cast(result)); |
| } |
| return result.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(LibraryMirror_invokeGetter, 3) { |
| // Argument 0 is the mirror, which is unused by the native. It exists |
| // because this native is an instance method in order to be polymorphic |
| // with its cousins. |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| const Library& library = Library::Handle(ref.GetLibraryReferent()); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(String, getter_name, arguments->NativeArgAt(2)); |
| return InvokeLibraryGetter(library, getter_name, true); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(LibraryMirror_invokeSetter, 4) { |
| // Argument 0 is the mirror, which is unused by the native. It exists |
| // because this native is an instance method in order to be polymorphic |
| // with its cousins. |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| const Library& library = Library::Handle(ref.GetLibraryReferent()); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(String, setter_name, arguments->NativeArgAt(2)); |
| GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Instance, value, arguments->NativeArgAt(3)); |
| |
| // To access a top-level we may need to use the Field or the |
| // setter Function. The setter function may either be in the |
| // library or in the field's owner class, depending. |
| const Field& field = Field::Handle( |
| library.LookupLocalField(setter_name)); |
| Function& setter = Function::Handle(); |
| const String& internal_setter_name = |
| String::Handle(Field::SetterName(setter_name)); |
| |
| if (field.IsNull()) { |
| setter = library.LookupLocalFunction(internal_setter_name); |
| |
| const int kNumArgs = 1; |
| const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(kNumArgs)); |
| args.SetAt(0, value); |
| |
| if (setter.IsNull() || !setter.is_visible()) { |
| ThrowNoSuchMethod(Instance::null_instance(), |
| internal_setter_name, |
| setter, |
| args, |
| InvocationMirror::kTopLevel, |
| InvocationMirror::kSetter); |
| } |
| |
| // Invoke the setter and return the result. |
| const Object& result = Object::Handle( |
| DartEntry::InvokeFunction(setter, args)); |
| if (result.IsError()) { |
| Exceptions::PropagateError(Error::Cast(result)); |
| } |
| return result.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| if (field.is_final()) { |
| ThrowNoSuchMethod(Instance::null_instance(), |
| internal_setter_name, |
| setter, |
| Object::null_array(), |
| InvocationMirror::kTopLevel, |
| InvocationMirror::kSetter); |
| } |
| |
| field.set_value(value); |
| return value.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(MethodMirror_owner, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| const Function& func = Function::Handle(ref.GetFunctionReferent()); |
| if (func.IsNonImplicitClosureFunction()) { |
| return CreateMethodMirror(Function::Handle( |
| func.parent_function()), Object::null_instance()); |
| } |
| const Class& owner = Class::Handle(func.Owner()); |
| if (owner.IsTopLevel()) { |
| return CreateLibraryMirror(Library::Handle(owner.library())); |
| } |
| |
| AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle(owner.DeclarationType()); |
| return CreateClassMirror(owner, type, Bool::True(), Object::null_instance()); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(MethodMirror_parameters, 2) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Instance, owner, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| const Function& func = Function::Handle(ref.GetFunctionReferent()); |
| return CreateParameterMirrorList(func, owner); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(MethodMirror_return_type, 2) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| const Function& func = Function::Handle(ref.GetFunctionReferent()); |
| GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(AbstractType, instantiator, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| // We handle constructors in Dart code. |
| ASSERT(!func.IsConstructor()); |
| const AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle(func.result_type()); |
| return InstantiateType(type, instantiator); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(MethodMirror_source, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| const Function& func = Function::Handle(ref.GetFunctionReferent()); |
| if (func.IsImplicitConstructor() || func.IsSignatureFunction()) { |
| // We may need to handle more cases when the restrictions on mixins are |
| // relaxed. In particular we might start associating some source with the |
| // forwarding constructors when it becomes possible to specify a particular |
| // constructor from the mixin to use. |
| return Instance::null(); |
| } |
| const Script& script = Script::Handle(func.script()); |
| const TokenStream& stream = TokenStream::Handle(script.tokens()); |
| if (!script.HasSource()) { |
| // When source is not available, avoid printing the whole token stream and |
| // doing expensive position calculations. |
| return stream.GenerateSource(func.token_pos(), func.end_token_pos() + 1); |
| } |
| |
| const TokenStream::Iterator tkit(stream, func.end_token_pos()); |
| intptr_t from_line; |
| intptr_t from_col; |
| intptr_t to_line; |
| intptr_t to_col; |
| script.GetTokenLocation(func.token_pos(), &from_line, &from_col); |
| script.GetTokenLocation(func.end_token_pos(), &to_line, &to_col); |
| intptr_t last_tok_len = String::Handle(tkit.CurrentLiteral()).Length(); |
| // Handle special cases for end tokens of closures (where we exclude the last |
| // token): |
| // (1) "foo(() => null, bar);": End token is `,', but we don't print it. |
| // (2) "foo(() => null);": End token is ')`, but we don't print it. |
| // (3) "var foo = () => null;": End token is `;', but in this case the token |
| // semicolon belongs to the assignment so we skip it. |
| if ((tkit.CurrentTokenKind() == Token::kCOMMA) || // Case 1. |
| (tkit.CurrentTokenKind() == Token::kRPAREN) || // Case 2. |
| (tkit.CurrentTokenKind() == Token::kSEMICOLON && |
| String::Handle(func.name()).Equals("<anonymous closure>"))) { // Case 3. |
| last_tok_len = 0; |
| } |
| const Instance& result = Instance::Handle( |
| script.GetSnippet(from_line, from_col, to_line, to_col + last_tok_len)); |
| ASSERT(!result.IsNull()); |
| return result.raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static RawInstance* CreateSourceLocation(const String& uri, |
| intptr_t line, |
| intptr_t column) { |
| const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(3)); |
| args.SetAt(0, uri); |
| args.SetAt(1, Smi::Handle(Smi::New(line))); |
| args.SetAt(2, Smi::Handle(Smi::New(column))); |
| return CreateMirror(Symbols::_SourceLocation(), args); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(MethodMirror_location, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| const Function& func = Function::Handle(ref.GetFunctionReferent()); |
| if (func.IsImplicitConstructor() || func.IsSignatureFunction()) { |
| // These are synthetic methods; they have no source. |
| return Instance::null(); |
| } |
| const Script& script = Script::Handle(func.script()); |
| const String& uri = String::Handle(script.url()); |
| intptr_t from_line = 0; |
| intptr_t from_col = 0; |
| if (script.HasSource()) { |
| script.GetTokenLocation(func.token_pos(), &from_line, &from_col); |
| } else { |
| // Avoid the slow path of printing the token stream when precise source |
| // information is not available. |
| script.GetTokenLocation(func.token_pos(), &from_line, NULL); |
| } |
| // We should always have at least the line number. |
| ASSERT(from_line != 0); |
| return CreateSourceLocation(uri, from_line, from_col); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(TypedefMirror_referent, 1) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Type, type, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| const Class& cls = Class::Handle(type.type_class()); |
| const Function& sig_func = Function::Handle(cls.signature_function()); |
| const Class& sig_cls = Class::Handle(sig_func.signature_class()); |
| |
| AbstractType& referent_type = AbstractType::Handle(sig_cls.DeclarationType()); |
| referent_type = InstantiateType(referent_type, type); |
| |
| return CreateFunctionTypeMirror(sig_cls, referent_type); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(ParameterMirror_type, 3) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Smi, pos, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(AbstractType, instantiator, arguments->NativeArgAt(2)); |
| const Function& func = Function::Handle(ref.GetFunctionReferent()); |
| const AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle( |
| func.ParameterTypeAt(func.NumImplicitParameters() + pos.Value())); |
| return InstantiateType(type, instantiator); |
| } |
| |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(VariableMirror_type, 2) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(MirrorReference, ref, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| const Field& field = Field::Handle(ref.GetFieldReferent()); |
| GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(AbstractType, instantiator, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| const AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle(field.type()); |
| return InstantiateType(type, instantiator); |
| } |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(TypeMirror_subtypeTest, 2) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(AbstractType, a, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(AbstractType, b, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| return Bool::Get(a.IsSubtypeOf(b, NULL)).raw(); |
| } |
| |
| DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(TypeMirror_moreSpecificTest, 2) { |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(AbstractType, a, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); |
| GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(AbstractType, b, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); |
| return Bool::Get(a.IsMoreSpecificThan(b, NULL)).raw(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| } // namespace dart |