blob: bdb1df4f4e630ad53b07772830bbdc2c9f3430fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Experimental bootstrap to initialize polymer applications. This library is
/// not used by default, and may be replaced by Dart code in the near future.
/// This script contains logic to bootstrap polymer apps during development. It
/// internally discovers Dart script tags through HTML imports, and constructs
/// a new entrypoint for the application that is then launched in an isolate.
/// For each script tag found, we will load the corresponding Dart library and
/// execute all methods annotated with `@initMethod` and register all classes
/// labeled with `@CustomTag`. We keep track of the order of imports and execute
/// initializers in the same order.
/// You can this experimental bootstrap logic by including the
/// polymer_experimental.html import, instead of polymer.html:
/// <link rel="import" href="packages/polymer/polymer_experimental.html">
/// This bootstrap replaces `initPolymer` so Dart code might need to be changed
/// too. If you loaded init.dart directly, you can remove it. But if you invoke
/// initPolymer in your main, you should remove that call and change to use
/// `@initMethod` instead. The current bootstrap doesn't support having Dart
/// script tags in the main page, so you may need to move some code into an HTML
/// import. For example, If you need to run some initialization code before any
/// other code is executed, include an HTML import to an html file with a
/// "application/dart" script tag that contains an initializer
/// method with the body of your old main, and make sure this tag is placed
/// above other html-imports that load the rest of the application.
/// Initialization methods are executed in the order in which they are
/// discovered in the HTML document.
(function() {
// Only run in Dartium.
if (!navigator.dartEnabled &&
// TODO(sigmund): remove userAgent check once 1.6 rolls as stable.
// See:
(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('(Dart)') === -1)) {
// Extract a Dart import URL from a script tag, which is the 'src' attribute
// of the script tag, or a data-url with the script contents for inlined code.
function getScriptUrl(script) {
var url = script.src;
if (url) {
// Normalize package: urls
var index = url.indexOf('packages/');
if (index == 0 || (index > 0 && url[index - 1] == '/')) {
url = "package:" + url.slice(index + 9);
return url;
// TODO(sigmund): change back to application/dart: using application/json is
// wrong but it hides a warning in Dartium (
return "data:application/json;base64," + window.btoa(script.textContent);
// Creates a Dart program that imports [urls] and passes them to
// startPolymerInDevelopment, which in turn will invoke methods marked with
// @initMethod, and register any custom tag labeled with @CustomTag in those
// libraries.
function createMain(urls, mainUrl) {
var imports = Array(urls.length + 1);
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; ++i) {
imports[i] = 'import "' + urls[i] + '" as i' + i + ';';
imports[urls.length] = 'import "package:polymer/src/mirror_loader.dart";';
var arg = urls.length == 0 ? '[]' :
('[\n "' + urls.join('",\n "') + '"\n ]');
return (imports.join('\n') +
'\n\nmain() {\n' +
' startPolymerInDevelopment(' + arg + ');\n' +
function discoverScripts(content, state, importedDoc) {
if (!state) {
// internal state tracking documents we've visited, the resulting list of
// scripts, and any tags with the incorrect mime-type.
state = {seen: {}, scripts: [], badTags: []};
if (!content) return state;
// Note: we visit both script and link-imports together to ensure we
// preserve the order of the script tags as they are discovered.
var nodes = content.querySelectorAll('script,link[rel="import"]');
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var node = nodes[i];
if (node instanceof HTMLLinkElement) {
// TODO(jmesserly): figure out why ".import" fails in content_shell but
// works in Dartium.
if (node.import && node.import.href) node = node.import;
if (state.seen[node.href]) continue;
state.seen[node.href] = node;
discoverScripts(node.import, state, true);
} else if (node instanceof HTMLScriptElement) {
if (node.type != 'application/dart') continue;
if (importedDoc) {
} else {
return state;
// TODO(jmesserly): we're using this function because DOMContentLoaded can
// be fired too soon:
HTMLImports.whenReady(function() {
// Append a new script tag that initializes everything.
var newScript = document.createElement('script');
newScript.type = "application/dart";
var results = discoverScripts(document);
if (results.badTags.length > 0) {
console.warn('The experimental polymer boostrap does not support '
+ 'having script tags in the main document. You can move the script '
+ 'tag to an HTML import instead. Also make sure your script tag '
+ 'doesn\'t have a main, but a top-level method marked with '
+ '@initMethod instead');
for (var i = 0; i < results.badTags.length; i++) {
newScript.textContent = createMain(results.scripts);