blob: 4487ec4a14d83bff7bed72bf39cd509e827e2149 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:source_maps/source_maps.dart' hide SourceFile;
import 'package:compiler/implementation/apiimpl.dart';
import 'package:compiler/implementation/elements/elements.dart'
show LibraryElement,
import 'package:compiler/implementation/source_file.dart' show SourceFile;
validateSourceMap(Uri targetUri, [Compiler compiler]) {
Uri mapUri = getMapUri(targetUri);
SingleMapping sourceMap = getSourceMap(mapUri);
checkFileReferences(targetUri, mapUri, sourceMap);
checkIndexReferences(targetUri, mapUri, sourceMap);
if (compiler != null) {
checkNames(targetUri, mapUri, sourceMap, compiler);
checkIndexReferences(Uri targetUri, Uri mapUri, SingleMapping sourceMap) {
List<String> target =
new File.fromUri(targetUri).readAsStringSync().split('\n');
int urlsLength = sourceMap.urls.length;
List<List<String>> sources = new List(urlsLength);
print('Reading sources');
for (int i = 0; i < urlsLength; i++) {
sources[i] = new File.fromUri(mapUri.resolve(sourceMap.urls[i])).
sourceMap.lines.forEach((TargetLineEntry line) {
Expect.isTrue(line.line >= 0);
Expect.isTrue(line.line < target.length);
for (TargetEntry entry in line.entries) {
int urlIndex = entry.sourceUrlId;
// TODO(zarah): Entry columns sometimes point one or more characters too
// far. Incomment this check when this is fixed.
// Expect.isTrue(entry.column < target[line.line].length);
Expect.isTrue(entry.column >= 0);
Expect.isTrue(urlIndex == null ||
(urlIndex >= 0 && urlIndex < urlsLength));
Expect.isTrue(entry.sourceLine == null ||
(entry.sourceLine >= 0 &&
entry.sourceLine < sources[urlIndex].length));
Expect.isTrue(entry.sourceColumn == null ||
(entry.sourceColumn >= 0 &&
entry.sourceColumn < sources[urlIndex][entry.sourceLine].length));
Expect.isTrue(entry.sourceNameId == null ||
(entry.sourceNameId >= 0 &&
entry.sourceNameId < sourceMap.names.length));
checkFileReferences(Uri targetUri, Uri mapUri, SingleMapping sourceMap) {
Expect.equals(targetUri, mapUri.resolve(sourceMap.targetUrl));
print('Checking sources');
sourceMap.urls.forEach((String url) {
Expect.isTrue(new File.fromUri(mapUri.resolve(url)).existsSync());
checkRedundancy(SingleMapping sourceMap) {
sourceMap.lines.forEach((TargetLineEntry line) {
TargetEntry previous = null;
for (TargetEntry next in line.entries) {
if (previous != null) {
Expect.isFalse(sameSourcePoint(previous, next),
'$previous and $next are consecutive entries on line $line in the '
'source map but point to same source locations');
previous = next;
checkNames(Uri targetUri, Uri mapUri,
SingleMapping sourceMap, Compiler compiler) {
Map<Uri, CompilationUnitElement> compilationUnitMap = {};
void mapCompilationUnits(LibraryElement library) {
library.compilationUnits.forEach((CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit) {
compilationUnitMap[compilationUnit.script.readableUri] = compilationUnit;
compiler.libraryLoader.libraries.forEach((LibraryElement library) {
if (library.patch != null) {
sourceMap.lines.forEach((TargetLineEntry line) {
for (TargetEntry entry in line.entries) {
if (entry.sourceNameId != null) {
Uri uri = mapUri.resolve(sourceMap.urls[entry.sourceUrlId]);
Position targetPosition =
new Position(line.line, entry.column);
Position sourcePosition =
new Position(entry.sourceLine, entry.sourceColumn);
String name = sourceMap.names[entry.sourceNameId];
CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit = compilationUnitMap[uri];
"No compilation unit found for $uri.");
SourceFile sourceFile = compilationUnit.script.file;
Position positionFromOffset(int offset) {
int line = sourceFile.getLine(offset);
int column = sourceFile.getColumn(line, offset);
return new Position(line, column);
Interval intervalFromElement(AstElement element) {
if (!element.hasNode) return null;
var begin = element.node.getBeginToken().charOffset;
var end = element.node.getEndToken();
end = end.charOffset + end.charCount;
return new Interval(positionFromOffset(begin),
void match(AstElement element) {
Interval interval = intervalFromElement(element);
if (interval != null && interval.contains(sourcePosition)) {
if (name != 'call') {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Check closures.
Expect.equals(, name);
} else if (name != {
"Name '$name' does not match element $element in "
compilationUnit.forEachLocalMember((AstElement element) {
if (element.isClass) {
ClassElement classElement = element;
} else {
sameSourcePoint(TargetEntry entry, TargetEntry otherEntry) {
(entry.sourceUrlId == otherEntry.sourceUrlId) &&
(entry.sourceLine == otherEntry.sourceLine) &&
(entry.sourceColumn == otherEntry.sourceColumn) &&
(entry.sourceNameId == otherEntry.sourceNameId);
Uri getMapUri(Uri targetUri) {
print('Accessing $targetUri');
File targetFile = new File.fromUri(targetUri);
List<String> target = targetFile.readAsStringSync().split('\n');
String mapReference = target[target.length - 2]; // #sourceMappingURL=<url>
Expect.isTrue(mapReference.startsWith('//# sourceMappingURL='));
String mapName = mapReference.substring(mapReference.indexOf('=') + 1);
return targetUri.resolve(mapName);
SingleMapping getSourceMap(Uri mapUri) {
print('Accessing $mapUri');
File mapFile = new File.fromUri(mapUri);
return new SingleMapping.fromJson(
copyDirectory(Directory sourceDir, Directory destinationDir) {
sourceDir.listSync().forEach((FileSystemEntity element) {
String newPath = path.join(destinationDir.path,
if (element is File) {
} else if (element is Directory) {
Directory newDestinationDir = new Directory(newPath);
copyDirectory(element, newDestinationDir);
Future<Directory> createTempDir() {
return Directory.systemTemp
.then((Directory dir) {
return dir;
class Position {
final int line;
final int column;
Position(this.line, this.column);
bool operator <=(Position other) {
return line < other.line ||
line == other.line && column <= other.column;
String toString() => '[$line,$column]';
class Interval {
final Position begin;
final Position end;
Interval(this.begin, this.end);
bool contains(Position other) {
return begin <= other && other <= end;
String toString() => '$begin-$end';