blob: c592214c63c6b1edf65b7786c44449ceefe8e718 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library mirror_system_helper;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:compiler/implementation/mirrors/source_mirrors.dart';
import 'package:compiler/implementation/mirrors/dart2js_mirrors.dart';
import 'mock_compiler.dart';
export 'package:compiler/implementation/mirrors/source_mirrors.dart';
export 'package:compiler/implementation/mirrors/mirrors_util.dart';
const String SOURCE = 'source';
final Uri SOURCE_URI = new Uri(scheme: SOURCE, path: SOURCE);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Move this to a mirrors helper library.
Future<MirrorSystem> createMirrorSystem(String source) {
MockCompiler compiler = new MockCompiler.internal(
analyzeOnly: true,
analyzeAll: true,
preserveComments: true);
compiler.registerSource(SOURCE_URI, source);
compiler.librariesToAnalyzeWhenRun = <Uri>[SOURCE_URI];
return compiler.runCompiler(null).then((_) {
return new Dart2JsMirrorSystem(compiler);
* Returns [:true:] if [type] is an instance of [:decl:] with type arguments
* equal to [typeArgument].
bool isInstance(ClassMirror decl, List<TypeMirror> typeArguments,
ClassMirror type) {
if (type.isOriginalDeclaration) return false;
if (!isSameDeclaration(decl, type)) return false;
return areEqualsTypes(typeArguments, type.typeArguments);
* Returns [:true:] if [type] is the same type as [expected]. This method
* equates a non-generic declaration with its instantiation.
bool isEqualType(TypeMirror expected, TypeMirror type) {
if (expected == type) return true;
if (expected is ClassMirror && type is ClassMirror) {
if (!isSameDeclaration(expected, type)) return false;
if (expected.isOriginalDeclaration || expected.typeArguments.isEmpty) {
return type.isOriginalDeclaration || type.typeArguments.isEmpty;
return areEqualsTypes(expected.typeArguments, type.typeArguments);
return true;
* Returns [:true:] if [types] are equals to [expected] using the equalitry
* defined by [isEqualType].
bool areEqualsTypes(List<TypeMirror> expected, List<TypeMirror> types) {
return checkSameList(expected, types, isEqualType);
* Returns [:true:] if an instance of [type] with type arguments equal to
* [typeArguments] is found in [types].
bool containsType(ClassMirror decl, List<TypeMirror> typeArguments,
Iterable<TypeMirror> types) {
return types.any((type) => isInstance(decl, typeArguments, type));
* Returns the declaration of [type].
TypeMirror toDeclaration(TypeMirror type) {
return type is ClassMirror ? type.originalDeclaration : type;
* Returns [:true:] if [type] is of the same declaration as [expected].
bool isSameDeclaration(TypeMirror expected, TypeMirror type) {
return toDeclaration(expected) == toDeclaration(type);
* Returns [:true:] if a type of the declaration of [expected] is in [types].
bool containsDeclaration(TypeMirror expected, Iterable<TypeMirror> types) {
for (var type in types) {
if (isSameDeclaration(expected, type)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns [:true:] if declarations of [expected] are the same as those of
* [types], taking order into account.
bool isSameDeclarationList(Iterable<TypeMirror> expected,
Iterable<TypeMirror> types) {
return checkSameList(expected, types, isSameDeclaration);
* Returns [:true:] if declarations of [expected] are the same as those of
* [iterable], not taking order into account.
bool isSameDeclarationSet(Iterable<TypeMirror> expected,
Iterable<TypeMirror> types) {
Set<TypeMirror> expectedSet =;
Set<TypeMirror> typesSet =;
return expectedSet.length == typesSet.length &&
* Utility method for checking whether [expected] and [iterable] contains the
* same elements with respect to the checking function [check], takin order
* into account.
bool checkSameList(Iterable<TypeMirror> expected,
Iterable<TypeMirror> types,
bool check(TypeMirror a, TypeMirror b)) {
if (expected.length != types.length) return false;
Iterator<TypeMirror> expectedIterator = expected.iterator;
Iterator<TypeMirror> typesIterator = types.iterator;
while (expectedIterator.moveNext() && typesIterator.moveNext()) {
if (!check(expectedIterator.current, typesIterator.current)) {
return false;
return true;