blob: 84b379b2854d0a6b15a19111cf7668a71c501a87 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
typedef void MyFunctionType();
class A native "A" {
setClosure(MyFunctionType f) native;
check(MyFunctionType f) native;
invoke() native;
makeA() native { return new A(); }
void setup() native """
function A() {}
A.prototype.setClosure = function(f) { this.f = f; };
A.prototype.check = function(f) { return this.f === f; };
A.prototype.invoke = function() { return this.f(); };
makeA = function(){return new A;};
var staticClosure;
staticMethod() => 42;
class B {
var instanceClosure;
instanceMethod() => 43;
checkUntyped(a, closure) {
Expect.equals(closure(), a.invoke());
checkTyped(A a, MyFunctionType closure) {
Expect.equals(closure(), a.invoke());
main() {
staticClosure = () => 44;
B b = new B();
b.instanceClosure = () => 45;
closureStatement() => 46;
var closureExpression = () => 47;
checkUntyped(makeA(), staticClosure);
checkTyped(makeA(), staticClosure);
checkUntyped(makeA(), staticMethod);
checkTyped(makeA(), staticMethod);
checkUntyped(makeA(), b.instanceClosure);
checkTyped(makeA(), b.instanceClosure);
checkUntyped(makeA(), b.instanceMethod);
checkTyped(makeA(), b.instanceMethod);
checkUntyped(makeA(), closureStatement);
checkTyped(makeA(), closureStatement);
checkUntyped(makeA(), closureExpression);
checkTyped(makeA(), closureExpression);