blob: 1c27681e8cef2d118336dbfcd20dae53fdb28943 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library parser_helper;
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "package:compiler/implementation/elements/elements.dart";
import "package:compiler/implementation/tree/tree.dart";
import "package:compiler/implementation/scanner/scannerlib.dart";
import "package:compiler/implementation/source_file.dart";
import "package:compiler/implementation/util/util.dart";
import "package:compiler/implementation/elements/modelx.dart"
show CompilationUnitElementX, ElementX, LibraryElementX;
import "package:compiler/implementation/dart2jslib.dart";
export "package:compiler/implementation/dart2jslib.dart"
show DiagnosticListener;
// TODO(ahe): We should have token library to export instead.
export "package:compiler/implementation/scanner/scannerlib.dart";
class LoggerCanceler implements DiagnosticListener {
void cancel(String reason, {node, token, instruction, element}) {
throw new CompilerCancelledException(reason);
void log(message) {
void internalError(node, String message) {
SourceSpan spanFromSpannable(node) {
throw 'unsupported operation';
void reportMessage(SourceSpan span, Message message, kind) {
void reportFatalError(Spannable node,
MessageKind errorCode,
[Map arguments]) {
log(new Message(errorCode, arguments, false));
void reportError(Spannable node, MessageKind errorCode, [Map arguments]) {
log(new Message(errorCode, arguments, false));
void reportWarning(Spannable node, MessageKind errorCode, [Map arguments]) {
log(new Message(errorCode, arguments, false));
void reportInfo(Spannable node, MessageKind errorCode, [Map arguments]) {
log(new Message(errorCode, arguments, false));
void reportHint(Spannable node, MessageKind errorCode, [Map arguments]) {
log(new Message(errorCode, arguments, false));
withCurrentElement(Element element, f()) => f();
Token scan(String text) => new StringScanner.fromString(text).tokenize();
Node parseBodyCode(String text, Function parseMethod,
{DiagnosticListener diagnosticHandler}) {
Token tokens = scan(text);
if (diagnosticHandler == null) diagnosticHandler = new LoggerCanceler();
Uri uri = new Uri(scheme: "source");
Script script = new Script(uri, uri,new MockFile(text));
LibraryElement library = new LibraryElementX(script);
library.canUseNative = true;
NodeListener listener =
new NodeListener(diagnosticHandler, library.entryCompilationUnit);
Parser parser = new Parser(listener);
Token endToken = parseMethod(parser, tokens);
assert(endToken.kind == EOF_TOKEN);
Node node = listener.popNode();
Expect.isTrue(listener.nodes.isEmpty, 'Not empty: ${listener.nodes}');
return node;
Node parseStatement(String text) =>
parseBodyCode(text, (parser, tokens) => parser.parseStatement(tokens));
Node parseFunction(String text, Compiler compiler) {
ElementX element = parseUnit(text, compiler, compiler.mainApp).head;
Expect.equals(ElementKind.FUNCTION, element.kind);
return element.parseNode(compiler);
Node parseMember(String text, {DiagnosticListener diagnosticHandler}) {
return parseBodyCode(text, (parser, tokens) => parser.parseMember(tokens),
diagnosticHandler: diagnosticHandler);
class MockFile extends StringSourceFile {
: super('<string>', text);
var sourceCounter = 0;
Link<Element> parseUnit(String text, Compiler compiler,
LibraryElement library,
[void registerSource(Uri uri, String source)]) {
Token tokens = scan(text);
Uri uri = new Uri(scheme: "source", path: '${++sourceCounter}');
if (registerSource != null) {
registerSource(uri, text);
var script = new Script(uri, uri, new MockFile(text));
var unit = new CompilationUnitElementX(script, library);
int id = 0;
ElementListener listener = new ElementListener(compiler, unit, () => id++);
PartialParser parser = new PartialParser(listener);
compiler.withCurrentElement(unit, () => parser.parseUnit(tokens));
return unit.localMembers;
NodeList fullParseUnit(String source, {DiagnosticListener diagnosticHandler}) {
return parseBodyCode(source, (parser, tokens) => parser.parseUnit(tokens),
diagnosticHandler: diagnosticHandler);