
This file contains highlights of what changes on each version of the polymer package. We will also note important changes to the polyfill packages if they impact polymer: custom_element, html_import, observe, shadow_dom, and template_binding.

Pub version 0.10.0-dev

  • initPolymer is now deprecated: no need to call it or to include init.dart, instead include <link rel="import" href="packages/polymer/polymer.html">
  • Mime-type of script tags needs to change to prepare for upcoming breaking change in Dartium: use <script type="application/dart;component=1">.
  • The output of pub-build no longer uses mirrors. We replace all uses of mirrors with code generation.
  • Interop with polymer-js elements now works.
  • Polymer polyfills are now consolidated in package:web_components, which is identical to platform.js from
  • Breaking change: “noscript” polymer-elements are created by polymer.js, and therefore cannot be extended (subtyped) in Dart. They can still be used by Dart elements or applications, however.
  • New feature: @ObserveProperty('foo bar.baz') myMethod() {...} will cause myMethod to be called when “foo” or “bar.baz” changes.
  • Updated for 0.10.0-dev package:observe and package:template_binding changes.
  • breaking change: @initMethod and @CustomTag are only supported on public classes/methods.

Pub version 0.9.5

  • Improvements on how to handle cross-package HTML imports.

Pub version 0.9.4

  • Removes unused dependency on csslib.

Pub version 0.9.3+3

  • Removes workaround now that mirrors implement a missing feature. Requires SDK >= 1.1.0-dev.5.0.

Pub version 0.9.3+2

  • Fix rare canonicalization bug 15694

Pub version 0.9.3+1

  • Fix type error in runner.dart 15649.

Pub version 0.9.3

  • pub-build now runs the linter automatically

Pub version 0.9.2+4

  • fix linter on SVG and MathML tags with XML namespaces

Pub version 0.9.2+3

  • fix 15574, event bindings in dart2js, by working around issue 15573

Pub version 0.9.2+2

  • fix enteredView in dart2js, by using custom_element >= 0.9.1+1