blob: 7d194aae0b1f701b8d7bef211394f70cb42cf6f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.declarations_location;
import "dart:mirrors";
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "library_without_declaration.dart";
import "library_with_annotated_declaration.dart";
const metadata = 'metadata';
class C<S, @metadata T> {
var a;
final b = 2;
static var c;
static final d = 4;
var e;
List<C> f;
// We only check for a suffix of the uri because the test might be run from
// any number of absolute paths.
DeclarationMirror mirror, String uriSuffix, int line, int column) {
Uri uri = mirror.location.sourceUri;
uri.toString().endsWith(uriSuffix), "Expected suffix $uriSuffix in $uri");
Expect.equals(line, mirror.location.line, "line");
Expect.equals(column, mirror.location.column, "column");
main() {
String mainSuffix = 'other_declarations_location_test.dart';
// Fields.
expectLocation(reflectClass(C).declarations[#a], mainSuffix, 15, 7);
expectLocation(reflectClass(C).declarations[#b], mainSuffix, 16, 9);
expectLocation(reflectClass(C).declarations[#c], mainSuffix, 17, 14);
expectLocation(reflectClass(C).declarations[#d], mainSuffix, 18, 16);
expectLocation(reflectClass(C).declarations[#e], mainSuffix, 20, 7);
expectLocation(reflectClass(C).declarations[#f], mainSuffix, 21, 11);
// Type variables.
expectLocation(reflectClass(C).declarations[#S], mainSuffix, 14, 9);
expectLocation(reflectClass(C).declarations[#T], mainSuffix, 14, 12);
// Libraries.
expectLocation(reflectClass(C).owner, mainSuffix, 5, 1);
"library_without_declaration.dart", 1, 1);
"library_with_annotated_declaration.dart", 5, 1);