blob: 3fd552d3faa4a27f572acdf9b93546658ebada32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "vm/kernel.h"
#include "vm/kernel_binary.h"
#include "vm/kernel_to_il.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
namespace dart {
namespace kernel {
class StreamingConstantEvaluator {
StreamingConstantEvaluator(StreamingFlowGraphBuilder* builder,
Zone* zone,
TranslationHelper* h,
DartTypeTranslator* type_translator);
virtual ~StreamingConstantEvaluator() {}
Instance& EvaluateExpression();
void EvaluateStaticGet();
void EvaluateSymbolLiteral();
void EvaluateDoubleLiteral();
RawObject* EvaluateConstConstructorCall(const dart::Class& type_class,
const TypeArguments& type_arguments,
const Function& constructor,
const Object& argument);
bool GetCachedConstant(intptr_t kernel_offset, Instance* value);
void CacheConstantValue(intptr_t kernel_offset, const Instance& value);
StreamingFlowGraphBuilder* builder_;
Isolate* isolate_;
Zone* zone_;
TranslationHelper& translation_helper_;
// DartTypeTranslator& type_translator_;
Script& script_;
Instance& result_;
class StreamingFlowGraphBuilder {
StreamingFlowGraphBuilder(FlowGraphBuilder* flow_graph_builder,
const uint8_t* buffer,
intptr_t buffer_length)
: flow_graph_builder_(flow_graph_builder),
reader_(new kernel::Reader(buffer, buffer_length)),
canonical_names_next_offset_(-1) {}
virtual ~StreamingFlowGraphBuilder() {
delete reader_;
delete[] string_offsets_;
// The canonical names themselves are not (yet) deallocated.
delete[] canonical_names_;
Fragment BuildAt(intptr_t kernel_offset);
intptr_t GetStringOffset(intptr_t index);
CanonicalName* GetCanonicalName(intptr_t index);
intptr_t ReaderOffset();
void SetOffset(intptr_t offset);
void SkipBytes(intptr_t skip);
uint32_t ReadUInt();
intptr_t ReadListLength();
TokenPosition ReadPosition(bool record = true);
Tag ReadTag(uint8_t* payload = NULL);
CatchBlock* catch_block();
ScopeBuildingResult* scopes();
ParsedFunction* parsed_function();
dart::String& DartSymbol(intptr_t str_index);
dart::String& DartString(intptr_t str_index);
String* KernelString(intptr_t str_index);
Fragment DebugStepCheck(TokenPosition position);
Fragment LoadLocal(LocalVariable* variable);
Fragment PushArgument();
Fragment RethrowException(TokenPosition position, int catch_try_index);
Fragment ThrowNoSuchMethodError();
Fragment Constant(const Object& value);
Fragment IntConstant(int64_t value);
Fragment LoadStaticField();
Fragment StaticCall(TokenPosition position,
const Function& target,
intptr_t argument_count);
Fragment BuildInvalidExpression();
Fragment BuildStaticGet();
Fragment BuildSymbolLiteral();
Fragment BuildThisExpression();
Fragment BuildRethrow();
Fragment BuildBigIntLiteral();
Fragment BuildStringLiteral();
Fragment BuildIntLiteral(uint8_t payload);
Fragment BuildIntLiteral(bool is_negative);
Fragment BuildDoubleLiteral();
Fragment BuildBoolLiteral(bool value);
Fragment BuildNullLiteral();
FlowGraphBuilder* flow_graph_builder_;
TranslationHelper& translation_helper_;
Zone* zone_;
kernel::Reader* reader_;
StreamingConstantEvaluator constant_evaluator_;
// We build a table that gives us the start and end offsets of all the strings
// in the binary.
// The number of string offsets. Note that this is one more than the number
// of strings in the binary.
intptr_t string_offset_count_;
// An array of offsets of size string_table_size_ + 1, in order to include the
// end offset of the last string. The string with index N consists of the
// UTF-8 encoded bytes stretching from string_table_offsets_[N] (enclusive) to
// string_table_offsets_[N+1] (exclusive).
intptr_t* string_offsets_;
CanonicalName** canonical_names_;
intptr_t canonical_names_size_;
intptr_t canonical_names_entries_read_;
intptr_t canonical_names_next_offset_;
friend class StreamingConstantEvaluator;
} // namespace kernel
} // namespace dart
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)