blob: 27ca94f44f7a4f0e7c5ee979a6c0f6996d3f5c83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class _Directory {
static _current() native "Directory_Current";
static _setCurrent(path) native "Directory_SetCurrent";
static _createTemp(String path) native "Directory_CreateTemp";
static String _systemTemp() native "Directory_SystemTemp";
static _exists(String path) native "Directory_Exists";
static _create(String path) native "Directory_Create";
static _deleteNative(String path, bool recursive) native "Directory_Delete";
static _rename(String path, String newPath) native "Directory_Rename";
static void _fillWithDirectoryListing(
List<FileSystemEntity> list,
String path,
bool recursive,
bool followLinks) native "Directory_FillWithDirectoryListing";
class _AsyncDirectoryListerOps {
factory _AsyncDirectoryListerOps(int pointer) =>
new _AsyncDirectoryListerOpsImpl(pointer);
class _AsyncDirectoryListerOpsImpl extends NativeFieldWrapperClass1
implements _AsyncDirectoryListerOps {
factory _AsyncDirectoryListerOpsImpl(int pointer) =>
new _AsyncDirectoryListerOpsImpl._().._setPointer(pointer);
void _setPointer(int pointer)
native "Directory_SetAsyncDirectoryListerPointer";
int getPointer() native "Directory_GetAsyncDirectoryListerPointer";