blob: a0c4ce8bfd7da735bff419527564ec5f8ead3df1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
class C {
var f = () => "f";
get g => (x) => "g($x)";
a() => "a";
b(x) => x;
c(x, [y = 2]) => x + y;
d(x, {y: 2}) => x + y;
/// This class doesn't use its type variable.
class D<T> {
var f = () => "f";
get g => (x) => "g($x)";
a() => "a";
b(x) => x;
c(x, [y = 2]) => x + y;
d(x, {y: 2}) => x + y;
/// This class uses its type variable.
class E<T> {
var f = () => "f";
get g => (T x) => "g($x)";
a() => "a";
b(T x) => x;
c(T x, [T y = 2]) => x + y;
d(T x, {T y: 2}) => x + y;
expect(expected, actual) {
print("Expecting '$expected' and got '$actual'");
if (expected != actual) {
print("Expected '$expected' but got '$actual'");
throw "Expected '$expected' but got '$actual'";
test(o) {
expect("f", o.f());
expect("f", (o.f)());
expect("g(42)", o.g(42));
expect("g(42)", (o.g)(42));
expect("a", o.a());
expect("a", (o.a)());
expect(42, o.b(42));
expect(42, (o.b)(42));
expect(42, o.c(40));
expect(42, (o.c)(40));
expect(87, o.c(80, 7));
expect(87, (o.c)(80, 7));
expect(42, o.d(40));
expect(42, (o.d)(40));
expect(87, o.d(80, y: 7));
expect(87, (o.d)(80, y: 7));
main(arguments) {
test(new C());
test(new D<int>());
test(new E<int>());