blob: 8b67c7b72ed831d00a6aa3f30a314095f027bc92 [file] [log] [blame]
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// SharedOptions=--experimental-trust-js-interop-type-annotations
// Similar test to js_typed_interop_side_cast, but because we are using the
// --experimental-trust-js-interop-type-annotations flag, we test a slighly
// different behavior.
library js_typed_interop_side_cast_exp_test;
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:js' as js;
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:unittest/html_config.dart';
@JS() @anonymous
class A {
external int get x;
external factory A({int x});
@JS() @anonymous
class B {
external int get x;
external factory B({int x});
@JS() @anonymous
class C {
external int get x;
external factory C({int x});
main() {
test('side-casts work for reachable types', () {
new C(x: 3); // make C reachable
var a = new A(x: 3);
expect(a is C, isTrue);
C c = a;
expect(c.x, equals(3));
// Note: this test would fail without the experimental flag.
test('side-casts do not work for unreachable types', () {
var a = new A(x: 3);
expect(a is B, isFalse);