| // Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| List sorted(Iterable input, [compare, key]) { |
| comparator(compare, key) { |
| if (compare == null && key == null) |
| return (a, b) => a.compareTo(b); |
| if (compare == null) |
| return (a, b) => key(a).compareTo(key(b)); |
| if (key == null) |
| return compare; |
| return (a, b) => compare(key(a), key(b)); |
| } |
| List copy = new List.from(input); |
| copy.sort(comparator(compare, key)); |
| return copy; |
| } |
| |
| render(idl_node, [indent_str=' ']) { |
| var output = ['']; |
| var indent_stack = []; |
| |
| indented(action) { // TODO: revert to indented(action()) { |
| indent_stack.add(indent_str); |
| action(); |
| indent_stack.removeLast(); |
| } |
| |
| sort(nodes) => sorted(nodes, key: (a) => a.id); |
| |
| var w; // For some reason mutually recursive local functions don't work. |
| |
| wln([node]) { |
| w(node); |
| output.add('\n'); |
| } |
| |
| w = (node, [list_separator]) { |
| /* |
| Writes the given node. |
| |
| Args: |
| node -- a string, IDLNode instance or a list of such. |
| list_separator -- if provided, and node is a list, |
| list_separator will be written between the list items. |
| */ |
| if (node == null) { |
| return; |
| } else if (node is String) { |
| if (output.last.endsWith('\n')) |
| output.addAll(indent_stack); |
| output.add(node); |
| } else if (node is List) { |
| var separator = null; |
| for (var element in node) { |
| w(separator); |
| separator = list_separator; |
| w(element); |
| } |
| } else if (node is IDLFile) { |
| w(node.modules); |
| w(node.interfaces); |
| } else if (node is IDLModule) { |
| w(node.annotations); |
| w(node.extAttrs); |
| wln('module ${node.id} {'); |
| indented(() { |
| w(node.interfaces); |
| w(node.typedefs); |
| }); |
| wln('};'); |
| } else if (node is IDLInterface) { |
| w(node.annotations); |
| w(node.extAttrs); |
| w('interface ${node.id}'); |
| indented(() { |
| if (!node.parents.isEmpty) { |
| wln(' :'); |
| w(node.parents, ',\n'); |
| } |
| wln(' {'); |
| section(list, comment) { |
| if (list != null && !list.isEmpty) { |
| wln(); |
| wln(comment); |
| w(sort(list)); |
| } |
| } |
| section(node.constants, '/* Constants */'); |
| section(node.attributes, '/* Attributes */'); |
| section(node.operations, '/* Operations */'); |
| section(node.snippets, '/* Snippets */'); |
| }); |
| wln('};'); |
| } else if (node is IDLParentInterface) { |
| w(node.annotations); |
| w(node.type.id); |
| } else if (node is IDLAnnotations) { |
| for (var name in sorted(node.map.keys)) { |
| IDLAnnotation annotation = node.map[name]; |
| var args = annotation.map; |
| if (args.isEmpty) { |
| w('@$name'); |
| } else { |
| var formattedArgs = []; |
| for (var argName in sorted(args.keys)) { |
| var argValue = args[argName]; |
| if (argValue == null) |
| formattedArgs.add(argName); |
| else |
| formattedArgs.add('$argName=$argValue'); |
| } |
| w('@$name(${formattedArgs.join(',')})'); |
| } |
| w(' '); |
| } |
| } else if (node is IDLExtAttrs) { |
| if(!node.map.isEmpty) { |
| w('['); |
| var sep = null; |
| for (var name in sorted(node.map.keys)) { |
| w(sep); |
| sep = ', '; |
| w(name); |
| var value = node.map[name]; |
| if (value != null) { |
| w('='); |
| w(value); |
| } |
| } |
| w('] '); |
| } |
| } else if (node is IDLAttribute) { |
| w(node.annotations); |
| w(node.extAttrs); |
| //if (node.isFcGetter) |
| // w('getter '); |
| //if (node.isFcSetter) |
| // w('setter '); |
| wln('attribute ${node.type.id} ${node.id};'); |
| } else if (node is IDLConstant) { |
| w(node.annotations); |
| w(node.extAttrs); |
| wln('const ${node.type.id} ${node.id} = ${node.value};'); |
| } else if (node is IDLSnippet) { |
| w(node.annotations); |
| wln('snippet {${node.text}};'); |
| } else if (node is IDLOperation) { |
| w(node.annotations); |
| w(node.extAttrs); |
| if (node.specials != null && !node.specials.isEmpty) { |
| w(node.specials, ' '); |
| w(' '); |
| } |
| w('${node.type.id} ${node.id}'); |
| w('('); |
| w(node.arguments, ', '); |
| wln(');'); |
| } else if (node is IDLArgument) { |
| w(node.extAttrs); |
| w('in '); |
| if (node.isOptional) |
| w('optional '); |
| w('${node.type.id} ${node.id}'); |
| } else if (node is IDLExtAttrFunctionValue) { |
| w(node.name); |
| w('('); |
| w(node.arguments, ', '); |
| w(')'); |
| } else if (node is IDLTypeDef) { |
| wln('typedef ${node.type.id} ${node.id};'); |
| } else { |
| w('// $node\n'); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| w(idl_node); |
| return output.join(); |
| } |