| #!/usr/bin/python |
| # Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| """This module provides shared functionality for systems to generate |
| Dart APIs from the IDL database.""" |
| |
| import copy |
| import json |
| import monitored |
| import os |
| import re |
| from htmlrenamer import custom_html_constructors, html_interface_renames, \ |
| typed_array_renames |
| |
| _pure_interfaces = monitored.Set('generator._pure_interfaces', [ |
| 'AbstractWorker', |
| 'CanvasPathMethods', |
| 'ChildNode', |
| 'DocumentAnimation', |
| 'DocumentFontFaceSet', |
| 'DocumentFullscreen', |
| 'DocumentXPathEvaluator', |
| 'ElementAnimation', |
| 'ElementFullscreen', |
| 'EventListener', |
| 'GlobalEventHandlers', |
| 'ImageBitmapFactories', |
| 'MediaQueryListListener', |
| 'MouseEventHitRegion', |
| 'MutationCallback', |
| 'NavigatorCPU', |
| 'NavigatorEvents', |
| 'NavigatorID', |
| 'NavigatorLanguage', |
| 'NavigatorOnLine', |
| 'ParentNode', |
| 'SVGDocument', |
| 'SVGExternalResourcesRequired', |
| 'SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes', |
| 'SVGFitToViewBox', |
| 'SVGTests', |
| 'SVGURIReference', |
| 'SVGZoomAndPan', |
| 'TimeoutHandler', |
| 'URLUtils', |
| 'URLUtilsReadOnly', |
| 'WebGLRenderingContextBase', |
| 'WindowBase64', |
| 'WindowEventHandlers', |
| 'WindowImageBitmapFactories', |
| 'WindowPagePopup', |
| 'WindowTimers', |
| ]) |
| |
| _safe_interfaces = monitored.Set('generator._safe_interfaces', [ |
| 'double', |
| 'Float32Array', |
| 'Float64Array', |
| 'Int8Array', |
| 'Int16Array', |
| 'Int32Array', |
| 'Uint8Array', |
| 'Uint8ClampedArray', |
| 'Uint16Array', |
| 'Uint32Array', |
| 'ArrayBufferView', |
| 'ArrayBuffer', |
| 'SourceBuffer', # IDL lies about this class being a pure interface. |
| 'Console', # this one is a bit of a hack as our console implementation |
| # in dart:html is non-standard for legacy reasons. |
| 'AudioContext', |
| 'AudioSourceNode', |
| 'WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES', # Added a polyfill for this. |
| # Types where we can get access to the prototype easily enough. |
| # We might consider in the future treating these are regular interface types. |
| 'StereoPannerNode', |
| 'PannerNode', |
| 'AudioNode', |
| 'FontFaceSet', |
| 'MemoryInfo', |
| 'ConsoleBase', |
| 'Geolocation', |
| 'Animation', |
| 'SourceBufferList', |
| 'GamepadList', |
| |
| # The following classes are enabled just to get the build to go. |
| # SpeechRecognitionResultList isn't really allowed but the codegen creates |
| # invalid output otherwise. |
| |
| 'SpeechRecognitionResultList', |
| 'SQLResultSetRowList', |
| ]) |
| |
| # These are interfaces that we have to treat as safe for dart2js and dartium |
| # but going in dev compiler we should not treat as safe as these classes |
| # really aren't guaranteed to have a stable interface name. |
| _safe_interfaces_legacy = monitored.Set('generator._safe_interfaces_legacy', [ |
| 'ANGLEInstancedArrays', |
| 'Bluetooth', |
| 'Body', |
| 'NonDocumentTypeChildNode', |
| 'CHROMIUMSubscribeUniform', |
| 'CHROMIUMValuebuffer', |
| 'GeofencingRegion', |
| 'Coordinates', |
| 'DOMFileSystem', |
| 'DirectoryEntry', |
| 'DOMFileSystemSync', |
| 'Entry', |
| 'Database', |
| 'DeprecatedStorageInfo', |
| 'DeprecatedStorageQuota', |
| 'DeviceAcceleration', |
| 'DeviceRotationRate', |
| 'DirectoryReader', |
| 'EntrySync', |
| 'DirectoryEntrySync', |
| 'DirectoryReaderSync', |
| 'NonElementParentNode', |
| 'EXTBlendMinMax', |
| 'EXTFragDepth', |
| 'EXTShaderTextureLOD', |
| 'EXTTextureFilterAnisotropic', |
| 'EXTsRGB', |
| 'EffectModel', |
| 'FileEntry', |
| 'FileEntrySync', |
| 'FileWriter', |
| 'FileWriterSync', |
| 'FontFaceSetLoadEvent', |
| 'Geofencing', |
| 'Geoposition', |
| 'Iterator', |
| 'MediaDeviceInfo', |
| 'MediaStreamTrackEvent', |
| 'Metadata', |
| 'NavigatorStorageUtils', |
| 'StorageQuota', |
| 'NavigatorUserMediaError', |
| 'OESElementIndexUint', |
| 'OESStandardDerivatives', |
| 'OESTextureFloat', |
| 'OESTextureFloatLinear', |
| 'OESTextureHalfFloat', |
| 'OESTextureHalfFloatLinear', |
| 'OESVertexArrayObject', |
| 'PagePopupController', |
| 'PluginPlaceholderElement', |
| 'PositionError', |
| 'RTCDTMFSender', |
| 'RTCDataChannel', |
| 'RTCDataChannelEvent', |
| 'RTCIceCandidateEvent', |
| 'RTCStatsReport', |
| 'RTCStatsResponse', |
| 'ReadableByteStreamReader', |
| 'ReadableStreamReader', |
| 'ResourceProgressEvent', |
| 'SQLError', |
| 'SQLResultSet', |
| 'SQLTransaction', |
| 'SharedArrayBuffer', |
| 'SourceInfo', |
| 'SpeechRecognitionAlternative', |
| 'SpeechRecognitionResult', |
| 'SpeechSynthesis', |
| 'SpeechSynthesisVoice', |
| 'StorageInfo', |
| 'StyleMedia', |
| 'WebGL2RenderingContextBase', |
| 'WebGLCompressedTextureATC', |
| 'WebGLCompressedTextureETC1', |
| 'WebGLCompressedTexturePVRTC', |
| 'WebGLCompressedTextureS3TC', |
| 'WebGLDebugRendererInfo', |
| 'WebGLDebugShaders', |
| 'WebGLDepthTexture', |
| 'WebGLDrawBuffers', |
| 'WebGLLoseContext', |
| 'WorkerConsole', |
| 'WorkerPerformance', |
| 'XPathNSResolver', |
| ]) |
| |
| # Classes we should just suppress? |
| # SpeechGrammarList and friends |
| |
| def IsPureInterface(interface_name, database): |
| if (interface_name in _pure_interfaces): |
| return True |
| if (interface_name in _safe_interfaces or |
| interface_name in _safe_interfaces_legacy or |
| database.HasInterface(interface_name)): |
| return False |
| |
| interface = database.GetInterface(interface_name) |
| |
| if 'Constructor' in interface.ext_attrs: |
| return False |
| |
| return interface.is_no_interface_object |
| |
| # |
| # Classes which have native constructors but which we are suppressing because |
| # they are not cross-platform. |
| # |
| _suppressed_native_constructors = monitored.Set( |
| 'generator._suppressed_native_constructors', [ |
| 'DocumentFragment', |
| 'Range', |
| 'Text', |
| ]) |
| |
| _custom_types = monitored.Set('generator._custom_types', |
| typed_array_renames.keys()) |
| |
| def IsCustomType(interface_name): |
| return interface_name in _custom_types |
| |
| _methods_with_named_formals = monitored.Set( |
| 'generator._methods_with_named_formals', [ |
| 'DirectoryEntry.getDirectory', |
| 'DirectoryEntry.getFile', |
| 'Entry.copyTo', |
| 'Entry.moveTo', |
| 'HTMLInputElement.setRangeText', |
| 'HTMLTextAreaElement.setRangeText', |
| 'XMLHttpRequest.open', |
| ]) |
| |
| def ReturnValueConversionHack(idl_type, value, interface_name): |
| if idl_type == 'SVGMatrix': |
| return '%sTearOff::create(%s)' % (idl_type, value) |
| elif ((idl_type == 'SVGAngle' and interface_name != 'SVGAnimatedAngle') |
| or (idl_type == 'SVGTransform' and interface_name == 'SVGSVGElement')): |
| # Somewhere in the IDL it probably specifies whether we need to call |
| # create or not. |
| return 'SVGPropertyTearOff<%s>::create(%s)' % (idl_type, value) |
| |
| return value |
| |
| # |
| # Renames for attributes that have names that are not legal Dart names. |
| # |
| _dart_attribute_renames = monitored.Dict('generator._dart_attribute_renames', { |
| 'default': 'defaultValue', |
| }) |
| |
| # |
| # Interface version of the DOM needs to delegate typed array constructors to a |
| # factory provider. |
| # |
| interface_factories = monitored.Dict('generator.interface_factories', { |
| }) |
| |
| |
| # |
| # Custom native specs for the dart2js dom. |
| # |
| _dart2js_dom_custom_native_specs = monitored.Dict( |
| 'generator._dart2js_dom_custom_native_specs', { |
| |
| # Nodes with different tags in different browsers can be listed as multiple |
| # tags here provided there is not conflict in usage (e.g. browser X has tag |
| # T and no other browser has tag T). |
| |
| 'AnalyserNode': 'AnalyserNode,RealtimeAnalyserNode', |
| 'AudioContext': 'AudioContext,webkitAudioContext', |
| |
| 'ChannelMergerNode': 'ChannelMergerNode,AudioChannelMerger', |
| 'ChannelSplitterNode': 'ChannelSplitterNode,AudioChannelSplitter', |
| |
| 'ClientRectList': 'ClientRectList,DOMRectList', |
| |
| 'CSSStyleDeclaration': |
| # IE Firefox |
| 'CSSStyleDeclaration,MSStyleCSSProperties,CSS2Properties', |
| |
| 'Clipboard': 'Clipboard,DataTransfer', |
| |
| 'ApplicationCache': |
| 'ApplicationCache,DOMApplicationCache,OfflineResourceList', |
| |
| 'Event': |
| 'Event,InputEvent', |
| |
| 'HTMLTableCellElement': |
| 'HTMLTableCellElement,HTMLTableDataCellElement,HTMLTableHeaderCellElement', |
| |
| 'GainNode': 'GainNode,AudioGainNode', |
| |
| 'IDBOpenDBRequest': |
| 'IDBOpenDBRequest,IDBVersionChangeRequest', |
| |
| 'MouseEvent': 'MouseEvent,DragEvent', |
| |
| 'MutationObserver': 'MutationObserver,WebKitMutationObserver', |
| |
| 'NamedNodeMap': 'NamedNodeMap,MozNamedAttrMap', |
| |
| 'NodeList': 'NodeList,RadioNodeList', |
| |
| 'OscillatorNode': 'OscillatorNode,Oscillator', |
| |
| 'PannerNode': 'PannerNode,AudioPannerNode,webkitAudioPannerNode', |
| |
| 'RTCPeerConnection': 'RTCPeerConnection,webkitRTCPeerConnection,mozRTCPeerConnection', |
| |
| 'RTCIceCandidate': 'RTCIceCandidate,mozRTCIceCandidate', |
| |
| 'RTCIceCandidateEvent': 'RTCIceCandidateEvent,RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent', |
| |
| 'RTCSessionDescription': 'RTCSessionDescription,mozRTCSessionDescription', |
| |
| 'RTCDataChannel': 'RTCDataChannel,DataChannel', |
| |
| 'ScriptProcessorNode': 'ScriptProcessorNode,JavaScriptAudioNode', |
| |
| 'TransitionEvent': 'TransitionEvent,WebKitTransitionEvent', |
| |
| 'CSSKeyframeRule': |
| 'CSSKeyframeRule,MozCSSKeyframeRule,WebKitCSSKeyframeRule', |
| |
| 'CSSKeyframesRule': |
| 'CSSKeyframesRule,MozCSSKeyframesRule,WebKitCSSKeyframesRule', |
| |
| # webgl extensions are sometimes named directly after the getExtension |
| # parameter (e.g on Firefox). |
| |
| 'ANGLEInstancedArrays': 'ANGLEInstancedArrays,ANGLE_instanced_arrays', |
| 'EXTBlendMinMax': 'EXTBlendMinMax,EXT_blend_minmax', |
| 'EXTFragDepth': 'EXTFragDepth,EXT_frag_depth', |
| 'EXTShaderTextureLOD': 'EXTShaderTextureLOD,EXT_shader_texture_lod', |
| 'EXTTextureFilterAnisotropic': |
| 'EXTTextureFilterAnisotropic,EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic', |
| 'OESElementIndexUint': 'OESElementIndexUint,OES_element_index_uint', |
| 'OESStandardDerivatives': 'OESStandardDerivatives,OES_standard_derivatives', |
| 'OESTextureFloat': 'OESTextureFloat,OES_texture_float', |
| 'OESTextureFloatLinear': 'OESTextureFloatLinear,OES_texture_float_linear', |
| 'OESTextureHalfFloat': 'OESTextureHalfFloat,OES_texture_half_float', |
| 'OESTextureHalfFloatLinear': |
| 'OESTextureHalfFloatLinear,OES_texture_half_float_linear', |
| 'OESVertexArrayObject': |
| 'OESVertexArrayObject,OES_vertex_array_object', |
| 'WebGLCompressedTextureATC': |
| 'WebGLCompressedTextureATC,WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc', |
| 'WebGLCompressedTextureETC1': |
| 'WebGLCompressedTextureETC1,WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1', |
| 'WebGLCompressedTexturePVRTC': |
| 'WebGLCompressedTexturePVRTC,WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc', |
| 'WebGLCompressedTextureS3TC': |
| 'WebGLCompressedTextureS3TC,WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc', |
| 'WebGLDebugRendererInfo': 'WebGLDebugRendererInfo,WEBGL_debug_renderer_info', |
| 'WebGLDebugShaders': 'WebGLDebugShaders,WEBGL_debug_shaders', |
| 'WebGLDepthTexture': 'WebGLDepthTexture,WEBGL_depth_texture', |
| 'WebGLDrawBuffers': 'WebGLDrawBuffers,WEBGL_draw_buffers', |
| 'WebGLLoseContext': |
| 'WebGLLoseContext,WebGLExtensionLoseContext,WEBGL_lose_context', |
| |
| |
| }, dart2jsOnly=True) |
| |
| def IsRegisteredType(type_name): |
| return type_name in _idl_type_registry |
| |
| def MakeNativeSpec(javascript_binding_name): |
| if javascript_binding_name in _dart2js_dom_custom_native_specs: |
| return _dart2js_dom_custom_native_specs[javascript_binding_name] |
| else: |
| # Make the class 'hidden' so it is dynamically patched at runtime. This |
| # is useful for browser compat. |
| return javascript_binding_name |
| |
| |
| def MatchSourceFilter(thing): |
| return 'WebKit' in thing.annotations or 'Dart' in thing.annotations |
| |
| |
| class ParamInfo(object): |
| """Holder for various information about a parameter of a Dart operation. |
| |
| Attributes: |
| name: Name of parameter. |
| type_id: Original type id. None for merged types. |
| is_optional: Parameter optionality. |
| """ |
| def __init__(self, name, type_id, is_optional): |
| self.name = name |
| self.type_id = type_id |
| self.is_optional = is_optional |
| |
| def Copy(self): |
| return ParamInfo(self.name, self.type_id, self.is_optional) |
| |
| def __repr__(self): |
| content = 'name = %s, type_id = %s, is_optional = %s' % ( |
| self.name, self.type_id, self.is_optional) |
| return '<ParamInfo(%s)>' % content |
| |
| def GetCallbackInfo(interface): |
| """For the given interface, find operations that take callbacks (for use in |
| auto-transforming callbacks into futures).""" |
| callback_handlers = [operation for operation in interface.operations |
| if operation.id == 'handleEvent'] |
| if callback_handlers == []: |
| callback_handlers = [operation for operation in interface.operations |
| if operation.id == 'handleItem'] |
| return AnalyzeOperation(interface, callback_handlers) |
| |
| # Given a list of overloaded arguments, render dart arguments. |
| def _BuildArguments(args, interface, constructor=False): |
| def IsOptional(argument): |
| if 'Callback' in argument.ext_attrs: |
| # Optional callbacks arguments are treated as optional arguments. |
| return argument.optional |
| if constructor: |
| # FIXME: Optional constructors arguments should not be treated as |
| # optional arguments. |
| return argument.optional |
| if 'DartForceOptional' in argument.ext_attrs: |
| return True |
| return False |
| |
| # Given a list of overloaded arguments, choose a suitable name. |
| def OverloadedName(args): |
| return '_OR_'.join(sorted(set(arg.id for arg in args))) |
| |
| def DartType(idl_type_name): |
| if idl_type_name in _idl_type_registry: |
| return _idl_type_registry[idl_type_name].dart_type or idl_type_name |
| return idl_type_name |
| |
| # Given a list of overloaded arguments, choose a suitable type. |
| def OverloadedType(args): |
| type_ids = sorted(set(arg.type.id for arg in args)) |
| if len(set(DartType(arg.type.id) for arg in args)) == 1: |
| return type_ids[0] |
| else: |
| return None |
| |
| result = [] |
| |
| is_optional = False |
| for arg_tuple in map(lambda *x: x, *args): |
| is_optional = is_optional or any(arg is None or IsOptional(arg) for arg in arg_tuple) |
| |
| filtered = filter(None, arg_tuple) |
| type_id = OverloadedType(filtered) |
| name = OverloadedName(filtered) |
| result.append(ParamInfo(name, type_id, is_optional)) |
| |
| return result |
| |
| # Argument default value is one that we suppress |
| # FIXME(leafp) We may wish to eliminate this special treatment of optional |
| # arguments entirely, since default values are being used more pervasively |
| # in the IDL now. |
| def HasSuppressedOptionalDefault(argument): |
| return (argument.default_value == 'Undefined') or argument.default_value_is_null |
| |
| def IsOptional(argument): |
| return argument.optional and (not(HasSuppressedOptionalDefault(argument))) \ |
| or 'DartForceOptional' in argument.ext_attrs |
| |
| def AnalyzeOperation(interface, operations): |
| """Makes operation calling convention decision for a set of overloads. |
| |
| Returns: An OperationInfo object. |
| """ |
| # split operations with optional args into multiple operations |
| split_operations = [] |
| for operation in operations: |
| for i in range(0, len(operation.arguments)): |
| if IsOptional(operation.arguments[i]): |
| new_operation = copy.deepcopy(operation) |
| new_operation.arguments = new_operation.arguments[:i] |
| split_operations.append(new_operation) |
| split_operations.append(operation) |
| |
| # Zip together arguments from each overload by position, then convert |
| # to a dart argument. |
| info = OperationInfo() |
| info.operations = operations |
| info.overloads = split_operations |
| info.declared_name = operations[0].id |
| info.name = operations[0].ext_attrs.get('DartName', info.declared_name) |
| info.constructor_name = None |
| info.js_name = info.declared_name |
| info.type_name = operations[0].type.id # TODO: widen. |
| info.param_infos = _BuildArguments([op.arguments for op in split_operations], interface) |
| full_name = '%s.%s' % (interface.id, info.declared_name) |
| info.requires_named_arguments = full_name in _methods_with_named_formals |
| # The arguments in that the original operation took as callbacks (for |
| # conversion to futures). |
| info.callback_args = [] |
| return info |
| |
| def ConvertToFuture(info): |
| """Given an OperationInfo object, convert the operation's signature so that it |
| instead uses futures instead of callbacks.""" |
| new_info = copy.deepcopy(info) |
| def IsNotCallbackType(param): |
| return 'Callback' not in param.type_id |
| # Success callback is the first argument (change if this no longer holds). |
| new_info.callback_args = filter( |
| lambda x: not IsNotCallbackType(x), new_info.param_infos) |
| new_info.param_infos = filter(IsNotCallbackType, new_info.param_infos) |
| new_info.type_name = 'Future' |
| |
| return new_info |
| |
| |
| def AnalyzeConstructor(interface): |
| """Returns an OperationInfo object for the constructor. |
| |
| Returns None if the interface has no Constructor. |
| """ |
| if interface.id in _suppressed_native_constructors: |
| return None |
| |
| if 'Constructor' in interface.ext_attrs: |
| name = None |
| overloads = interface.ext_attrs['Constructor'] |
| idl_args = [[] if f is None else f.arguments for f in overloads] |
| elif 'NamedConstructor' in interface.ext_attrs: |
| func_value = interface.ext_attrs.get('NamedConstructor') |
| idl_args = [func_value.arguments] |
| name = func_value.id |
| else: |
| return None |
| |
| info = OperationInfo() |
| info.overloads = None |
| info.idl_args = idl_args |
| info.declared_name = name |
| info.name = name |
| info.constructor_name = ('_' if interface.id in custom_html_constructors |
| else None) |
| info.js_name = name |
| info.type_name = interface.id |
| info.param_infos = _BuildArguments(idl_args, interface, constructor=True) |
| info.requires_named_arguments = False |
| info.pure_dart_constructor = False |
| return info |
| |
| def IsDartListType(type): |
| return type == 'List' or type.startswith('sequence<') |
| |
| def IsDartCollectionType(type): |
| return IsDartListType(type) |
| |
| def FindMatchingAttribute(interface, attr1): |
| matches = [attr2 for attr2 in interface.attributes |
| if attr1.id == attr2.id] |
| if matches: |
| assert len(matches) == 1 |
| return matches[0] |
| return None |
| |
| |
| def DartDomNameOfAttribute(attr): |
| """Returns the Dart name for an IDLAttribute. |
| |
| attr.id is the 'native' or JavaScript name. |
| |
| To ensure uniformity, work with the true IDL name until as late a possible, |
| e.g. translate to the Dart name when generating Dart code. |
| """ |
| name = attr.id |
| name = _dart_attribute_renames.get(name, name) |
| name = attr.ext_attrs.get('DartName', None) or name |
| return name |
| |
| |
| def TypeOrNothing(dart_type, comment=None): |
| """Returns string for declaring something with |dart_type| in a context |
| where a type may be omitted. |
| The string is empty or has a trailing space. |
| """ |
| if dart_type == 'dynamic': |
| if comment: |
| return '/*%s*/ ' % comment # Just a comment foo(/*T*/ x) |
| else: |
| return '' # foo(x) looks nicer than foo(var|dynamic x) |
| else: |
| return dart_type + ' ' |
| |
| |
| def TypeOrVar(dart_type, comment=None): |
| """Returns string for declaring something with |dart_type| in a context |
| where if a type is omitted, 'var' must be used instead.""" |
| if dart_type == 'dynamic': |
| if comment: |
| return 'var /*%s*/' % comment # e.g. var /*T*/ x; |
| else: |
| return 'var' # e.g. var x; |
| else: |
| return dart_type |
| |
| |
| class OperationInfo(object): |
| """Holder for various derived information from a set of overloaded operations. |
| |
| Attributes: |
| overloads: A list of IDL operation overloads with the same name. |
| name: A string, the simple name of the operation. |
| constructor_name: A string, the name of the constructor iff the constructor |
| is named, e.g. 'fromList' in Int8Array.fromList(list). |
| type_name: A string, the name of the return type of the operation. |
| param_infos: A list of ParamInfo. |
| factory_parameters: A list of parameters used for custom designed Factory |
| calls. |
| """ |
| |
| def __init__(self): |
| self.factory_parameters = None |
| |
| def ParametersAsDecVarLists(self, rename_type, force_optional=False): |
| """ Returns a tuple (required, optional, named), where: |
| required is a list of parameter declarations corresponding to the |
| required parameters |
| optional is a list of parameter declarations corresponding to the |
| optional parameters |
| named is a boolean which is true if the optional parameters should |
| be named |
| A parameter declaration is a tuple (dec, var) where var is the |
| variable name, and dec is a string suitable for declaring the |
| variable in a parameter list. That is, dec + var is a valid |
| parameter declaration. |
| """ |
| def FormatParam(param): |
| # Is the type a typedef if so it's a union so it's dynamic. |
| # TODO(terry): This may have to change for dart2js for code shaking the |
| # return types (unions) needs to be emitted with @create |
| # annotations and/or with JS('type1|type2',...) |
| if hasattr(rename_type, 'im_self') and rename_type.im_self._database.HasTypeDef(param.type_id): |
| dart_type = 'dynamic' |
| else: |
| dart_type = rename_type(param.type_id) if param.type_id else 'dynamic' |
| return (TypeOrNothing(dart_type, param.type_id), param.name) |
| required = [] |
| optional = [] |
| for param_info in self.param_infos: |
| if param_info.is_optional: |
| optional.append(FormatParam(param_info)) |
| else: |
| if optional: |
| raise Exception('Optional parameters cannot precede required ones: ' |
| + str(param_info)) |
| required.append(FormatParam(param_info)) |
| needs_named = optional and self.requires_named_arguments and not force_optional |
| return (required, optional, needs_named) |
| |
| def ParametersAsDecStringList(self, rename_type, force_optional=False): |
| """Returns a list of strings where each string corresponds to a parameter |
| declaration. All of the optional/named parameters if any will appear as |
| a single entry at the end of the list. |
| """ |
| (required, optional, needs_named) = \ |
| self.ParametersAsDecVarLists(rename_type, force_optional) |
| def FormatParam(dec): |
| return dec[0] + dec[1] |
| argtexts = map(FormatParam, required) |
| if optional: |
| left_bracket, right_bracket = '{}' if needs_named else '[]' |
| argtexts.append( |
| left_bracket + |
| ', '.join(map(FormatParam, optional)) + |
| right_bracket) |
| return argtexts |
| |
| def ParametersAsDeclaration(self, rename_type, force_optional=False): |
| p_list = self.ParametersAsDecStringList(rename_type, force_optional) |
| return ', '.join(p_list) |
| |
| def NumberOfRequiredInDart(self): |
| """ Returns a number of required arguments in Dart declaration of |
| the operation. |
| """ |
| return len(filter(lambda i: not i.is_optional, self.param_infos)) |
| |
| def ParametersAsArgumentList(self, parameter_count=None): |
| """Returns a string of the parameter names suitable for passing the |
| parameters as arguments. |
| """ |
| def param_name(param_info): |
| if self.requires_named_arguments and param_info.is_optional: |
| return '%s : %s' % (param_info.name, param_info.name) |
| else: |
| return param_info.name |
| |
| if parameter_count is None: |
| parameter_count = len(self.param_infos) |
| return ', '.join(map(param_name, self.param_infos[:parameter_count])) |
| |
| def isCallback(self, type_registry, type_id): |
| if type_id and not type_id.endswith('[]'): |
| callback_type = type_registry._database._all_interfaces[type_id] |
| return callback_type.operations[0].id == 'handleEvent' if len(callback_type.operations) > 0 else False |
| else: |
| return False |
| |
| def ParametersAsListOfVariables(self, parameter_count=None, type_registry=None, dart_js_interop=False, backend = None): |
| """Returns a list of the first parameter_count parameter names |
| as raw variables. |
| """ |
| isRemoveOperation = self.name == 'removeEventListener' or self.name == 'removeListener' |
| |
| if parameter_count is None: |
| parameter_count = len(self.param_infos) |
| if not type_registry: |
| return [p.name for p in self.param_infos[:parameter_count]] |
| else: |
| parameters = [] |
| for p in self.param_infos[:parameter_count]: |
| type_id = p.type_id |
| # Unwrap the type to get the JsObject if Type is: |
| # |
| # - type_id is None then it's probably a union type or overloaded |
| # it's a dynamic/any type |
| # - type is Object |
| # |
| if (wrap_unwrap_type_blink(type_id, type_registry)): |
| type_is_callback = self.isCallback(type_registry, type_id) |
| if (dart_js_interop and type_id == 'EventListener' and |
| self.name in ['addEventListener', 'removeEventListener']): |
| # Events fired need use a JSFunction not a anonymous closure to |
| # insure the event can really be removed. |
| parameters.append('js.allowInterop(%s)' % p.name) |
| # These commented out cases don't actually generate any code. |
| # elif dart_js_interop and type_id == 'FontFaceSetForEachCallback': |
| # forEach is supported in the DOM for FontFaceSet as it iterates |
| # over the Javascript Object the callback parameters are also |
| # Javascript objects and must be wrapped. |
| # parameters.append('(fontFace, fontFaceAgain, set) => %s(fontFace, fontFaceAgain, wrap_jso(set))' % p.name) |
| # elif dart_js_interop and type_id == 'HeadersForEachCallback': |
| # forEach is supported in the DOM for Headers as it iterates |
| # over the Javascript Object the callback parameters are also |
| # Javascript objects and must be wrapped. |
| # parameters.append('(String value, String key, map) => %s(value, key, wrap_jso(map))' % p.name) |
| elif dart_js_interop and type_is_callback and not(isRemoveOperation): |
| # Any remove operation that has a a callback doesn't need wrapping. |
| # TODO(terry): Kind of hacky but handles all the cases we care about |
| callback_type = type_registry._database._all_interfaces[type_id] |
| callback_args_decl = [] |
| callback_args_call = [] |
| for callback_arg in callback_type.operations[0].arguments: |
| if dart_js_interop: |
| dart_type = '' # For non-primitives we will be passing JsObject for non-primitives, so ignore types |
| else: |
| dart_type = type_registry.DartType(callback_arg.type.id) + ' ' |
| callback_args_decl.append('%s%s' % (dart_type, callback_arg.id)) |
| if wrap_unwrap_type_blink(callback_arg.type.id, type_registry): |
| callback_args_call.append(callback_arg.id) |
| else: |
| callback_args_call.append(callback_arg.id) |
| parameters.append('(%s) => %s(%s)' % |
| (", ".join(callback_args_decl), |
| p.name, |
| ", ".join(callback_args_call))) |
| else: |
| parameters.append(p.name) |
| else: |
| if dart_js_interop: |
| conversion = backend._InputConversion(p.type_id, self.declared_name) |
| passParam = p.name |
| if conversion: |
| # Need to pass the IDL Dictionary from Dart Map to JavaScript object. |
| passParam = '{0}({1})'.format(conversion.function_name, p.name) |
| else: |
| passParam = p.name |
| parameters.append(passParam) |
| |
| return parameters |
| |
| def ParametersAsStringOfVariables(self, parameter_count=None): |
| """Returns a string containing the first parameter_count parameter names |
| as raw variables, comma separated. |
| """ |
| return ', '.join(self.ParametersAsListOfVariables(parameter_count)) |
| |
| def IsStatic(self): |
| is_static = self.overloads[0].is_static |
| assert any([is_static == o.is_static for o in self.overloads]) |
| return is_static |
| |
| def _ConstructorFullName(self, rename_type): |
| if self.constructor_name: |
| return rename_type(self.type_name) + '.' + self.constructor_name |
| else: |
| # TODO(antonm): temporary ugly hack. |
| # While in transition phase we allow both DOM's ArrayBuffer |
| # and dart:typed_data's ByteBuffer for IDLs' ArrayBuffers, |
| # hence ArrayBuffer is mapped to dynamic in arguments and return |
| # values. To compensate for that when generating ArrayBuffer itself, |
| # we need to lie a bit: |
| if self.type_name == 'ArrayBuffer': return 'ByteBuffer' |
| return rename_type(self.type_name) |
| |
| def ConstantOutputOrder(a, b): |
| """Canonical output ordering for constants.""" |
| return cmp(a.id, b.id) |
| |
| |
| def _FormatNameList(names): |
| """Returns JavaScript array literal expression with one name per line.""" |
| #names = sorted(names) |
| if len(names) <= 1: |
| expression_string = str(names) # e.g. ['length'] |
| else: |
| expression_string = ',\n '.join(str(names).split(',')) |
| expression_string = expression_string.replace('[', '[\n ') |
| return expression_string |
| |
| |
| def IndentText(text, indent): |
| """Format lines of text with indent.""" |
| def FormatLine(line): |
| if line.strip(): |
| return '%s%s\n' % (indent, line) |
| else: |
| return '\n' |
| return ''.join(FormatLine(line) for line in text.split('\n')) |
| |
| # Given a sorted sequence of type identifiers, return an appropriate type |
| # name |
| def TypeName(type_ids, interface): |
| # Dynamically type this field for now. |
| return 'dynamic' |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| class Conversion(object): |
| """Represents a way of converting between types.""" |
| def __init__(self, name, input_type, output_type): |
| # input_type is the type of the API input (and the argument type of the |
| # conversion function) |
| # output_type is the type of the API output (and the result type of the |
| # conversion function) |
| self.function_name = name |
| self.input_type = input_type |
| self.output_type = output_type |
| |
| # Specific member of interface |
| # "TYPE DIRECTION INTERFACE.*" -> conversion |
| # All members of interface getting (setting) with type. |
| # "TYPE DIRECTION" -> conversion |
| # All getters (setters) of type. |
| # |
| # where DIRECTION is 'get' for getters and operation return values, 'set' for |
| # setters and operation arguments. INTERFACE and MEMBER are the idl names. |
| # |
| |
| _serialize_SSV = Conversion('convertDartToNative_SerializedScriptValue', |
| 'dynamic', 'dynamic') |
| |
| dart2js_conversions = monitored.Dict('generator.dart2js_conversions', { |
| 'Date get': |
| Conversion('convertNativeToDart_DateTime', 'dynamic', 'DateTime'), |
| 'Date set': |
| Conversion('convertDartToNative_DateTime', 'DateTime', 'dynamic'), |
| # Wrap non-local Windows. We need to check EventTarget (the base type) |
| # as well. Note, there are no functions that take a non-local Window |
| # as a parameter / setter. |
| 'Window get': |
| Conversion('_convertNativeToDart_Window', 'dynamic', 'WindowBase'), |
| 'EventTarget get': |
| Conversion('_convertNativeToDart_EventTarget', 'dynamic', |
| 'EventTarget'), |
| 'EventTarget set': |
| Conversion('_convertDartToNative_EventTarget', 'EventTarget', |
| 'dynamic'), |
| |
| 'WebGLContextAttributes get': |
| Conversion('convertNativeToDart_ContextAttributes', 'dynamic', |
| 'ContextAttributes'), |
| |
| 'ImageData get': |
| Conversion('convertNativeToDart_ImageData', 'dynamic', 'ImageData'), |
| 'ImageData set': |
| Conversion('convertDartToNative_ImageData', 'ImageData', 'dynamic'), |
| |
| 'Dictionary get': |
| Conversion('convertNativeToDart_Dictionary', 'dynamic', 'Map'), |
| 'Dictionary set': |
| Conversion('convertDartToNative_Dictionary', 'Map', 'dynamic'), |
| |
| 'sequence<DOMString> set': |
| Conversion('convertDartToNative_StringArray', 'List<String>', 'List'), |
| |
| 'any set IDBObjectStore.add': _serialize_SSV, |
| 'any set IDBObjectStore.put': _serialize_SSV, |
| 'any set IDBCursor.update': _serialize_SSV, |
| |
| 'any get SQLResultSetRowList.item' : |
| Conversion('convertNativeToDart_Dictionary', 'dynamic', 'Map'), |
| |
| # postMessage |
| 'SerializedScriptValue set': _serialize_SSV, |
| 'any set CompositorWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage': _serialize_SSV, |
| 'any set DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage': _serialize_SSV, |
| 'any set MessagePort.postMessage': _serialize_SSV, |
| 'any set Window.postMessage': _serialize_SSV, |
| 'any set _DOMWindowCrossFrame.postMessage': _serialize_SSV, |
| |
| '* get CustomEvent.detail': |
| Conversion('convertNativeToDart_SerializedScriptValue', |
| 'dynamic', 'dynamic'), |
| |
| # receiving message via MessageEvent |
| '* get MessageEvent.data': |
| Conversion('convertNativeToDart_SerializedScriptValue', |
| 'dynamic', 'dynamic'), |
| |
| # TODO(alanknight): This generates two variations for dart2js, because of |
| # the optional argument, but not in Dartium. Should do the same for both. |
| 'any set History.pushState': _serialize_SSV, |
| |
| 'any set History.replaceState': _serialize_SSV, |
| |
| '* get History.state': |
| Conversion('convertNativeToDart_SerializedScriptValue', |
| 'dynamic', 'dynamic'), |
| |
| '* get PopStateEvent.state': |
| Conversion('convertNativeToDart_SerializedScriptValue', |
| 'dynamic', 'dynamic'), |
| |
| # IDBAny is problematic. Some uses are just a union of other IDB types, |
| # which need no conversion.. Others include data values which require |
| # serialized script value processing. |
| '* get IDBCursorWithValue.value': |
| Conversion('_convertNativeToDart_IDBAny', 'dynamic', 'dynamic'), |
| |
| # This is problematic. The result property of IDBRequest is used for |
| # all requests. Read requests like IDBDataStore.getObject need |
| # conversion, but other requests like opening a database return |
| # something that does not need conversion. |
| '* get IDBRequest.result': |
| Conversion('_convertNativeToDart_IDBAny', 'dynamic', 'dynamic'), |
| |
| # "source: On getting, returns the IDBObjectStore or IDBIndex that the |
| # cursor is iterating. ...". So we should not try to convert it. |
| '* get IDBCursor.source': None, |
| |
| # Should be either a DOMString, an Array of DOMStrings or null. |
| '* get IDBObjectStore.keyPath': None, |
| |
| '* get XMLHttpRequest.response': |
| Conversion('_convertNativeToDart_XHR_Response', |
| 'dynamic', 'dynamic'), |
| }, dart2jsOnly=True) |
| |
| def FindConversion(idl_type, direction, interface, member): |
| table = dart2js_conversions |
| return (table.get('%s %s %s.%s' % (idl_type, direction, interface, member)) or |
| table.get('* %s %s.%s' % (direction, interface, member)) or |
| table.get('%s %s %s.*' % (idl_type, direction, interface)) or |
| table.get('%s %s' % (idl_type, direction))) |
| return None |
| |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| class IDLTypeInfo(object): |
| def __init__(self, idl_type, data): |
| self._idl_type = idl_type |
| self._data = data |
| |
| def idl_type(self): |
| return self._idl_type |
| |
| def dart_type(self): |
| return self._data.dart_type or self._idl_type |
| |
| def narrow_dart_type(self): |
| return self.dart_type() |
| |
| def interface_name(self): |
| raise NotImplementedError() |
| |
| def implementation_name(self): |
| raise NotImplementedError() |
| |
| def has_generated_interface(self): |
| raise NotImplementedError() |
| |
| def list_item_type(self): |
| raise NotImplementedError() |
| |
| def merged_interface(self): |
| return None |
| |
| def merged_into(self): |
| return None |
| |
| def native_type(self): |
| return self._data.native_type or self._idl_type |
| |
| def bindings_class(self): |
| return 'Dart%s' % self.idl_type() |
| |
| def vector_to_dart_template_parameter(self): |
| return self.native_type() |
| |
| def to_native_info(self, idl_node, interface_name, callback_name): |
| cls = self.bindings_class() |
| |
| if 'Callback' in idl_node.ext_attrs: |
| return '%s.release()', 'OwnPtr<%s>' % self.native_type(), cls, 'create' |
| |
| # This is a hack to handle property references correctly. |
| if (self.native_type() in ['SVGPropertyTearOff<SVGAngle>', |
| 'SVGPropertyTearOff<SVGAngle>*', 'SVGMatrixTearOff'] |
| and (callback_name != 'createSVGTransformFromMatrixCallback' |
| or interface_name != 'SVGTransformList')): |
| argument_expression_template = '%s->propertyReference()' |
| type = '%s*' % self.native_type() |
| elif self.custom_to_native(): |
| type = 'RefPtr<%s>' % self.native_type() |
| argument_expression_template = '%s.get()' |
| else: |
| type = '%s*' % self.native_type() |
| argument_expression_template = '%s' |
| return argument_expression_template, type, cls, 'toNative' |
| |
| def pass_native_by_ref(self): return False |
| |
| def custom_to_native(self): |
| return self._data.custom_to_native |
| |
| def parameter_type(self): |
| return '%s*' % self.native_type() |
| |
| def webcore_includes(self): |
| 'ArrayBuffer', |
| 'ArrayBufferView', |
| 'Float32Array', |
| 'Float64Array', |
| 'Int8Array', |
| 'Int16Array', |
| 'Int32Array', |
| 'Uint8Array', |
| 'Uint8ClampedArray', |
| 'Uint16Array', |
| 'Uint32Array', |
| ] |
| |
| if self._idl_type in WTF_INCLUDES: |
| return ['<wtf/%s.h>' % self.native_type()] |
| |
| # TODO(vsm): Why does this need special casing? |
| if self._idl_type == 'AnalyserNode': |
| return ['"AnalyserNode.h"', '<wtf/Uint8Array.h>'] |
| |
| if not self._idl_type.startswith('SVG'): |
| return ['"%s.h"' % self.native_type()] |
| |
| include = self._idl_type |
| return ['"%s.h"' % include] + _svg_supplemental_includes |
| |
| def receiver(self): |
| return 'receiver->' |
| |
| def conversion_includes(self): |
| includes = [self._idl_type] + (self._data.conversion_includes or []) |
| return ['"Dart%s.h"' % include for include in includes] |
| |
| def to_dart_conversion(self, value, interface_name=None, attributes=None): |
| return 'Dart%s::toDart(%s)' % (self._idl_type, value) |
| |
| def return_to_dart_conversion(self, value, auto_dart_scope_setup, |
| interface_name=None, attributes=None): |
| auto_dart_scope='true' if auto_dart_scope_setup else 'false' |
| return 'Dart%s::returnToDart(args, %s, %s)' % (self._idl_type, |
| ReturnValueConversionHack(self._idl_type, value, interface_name), |
| auto_dart_scope) |
| |
| def custom_to_dart(self): |
| return self._data.custom_to_dart |
| |
| |
| class InterfaceIDLTypeInfo(IDLTypeInfo): |
| def __init__(self, idl_type, data, dart_interface_name, type_registry): |
| super(InterfaceIDLTypeInfo, self).__init__(idl_type, data) |
| self._dart_interface_name = dart_interface_name |
| self._type_registry = type_registry |
| |
| def dart_type(self): |
| if self._data.dart_type: |
| return self._data.dart_type |
| if self.list_item_type() and not self.has_generated_interface(): |
| return 'List<%s>' % self._type_registry.TypeInfo(self._data.item_type).dart_type() |
| return self._dart_interface_name |
| |
| def narrow_dart_type(self): |
| if self.list_item_type(): |
| return self.implementation_name() |
| # TODO(podivilov): only primitive and collection types should override |
| # dart_type. |
| if self._data.dart_type != None: |
| return self.dart_type() |
| if IsPureInterface(self.idl_type(), self._type_registry._database): |
| return self.idl_type() |
| return self.interface_name() |
| |
| def interface_name(self): |
| return self._dart_interface_name |
| |
| def implementation_name(self): |
| implementation_name = self._dart_interface_name |
| |
| if not self.has_generated_interface(): |
| implementation_name = '_%s' % implementation_name |
| |
| return implementation_name |
| |
| def native_type(self): |
| database = self._type_registry._database |
| |
| if database.HasInterface(self.idl_type()): |
| interface = database.GetInterface(self.idl_type()) |
| if 'ImplementedAs' in interface.ext_attrs: |
| return interface.ext_attrs['ImplementedAs'] |
| return super(InterfaceIDLTypeInfo, self).native_type() |
| |
| def has_generated_interface(self): |
| return not self._data.suppress_interface |
| |
| def list_item_type(self): |
| return self._data.item_type |
| |
| def list_item_type_nullable(self): |
| return self._data.item_type_nullable |
| |
| def merged_interface(self): |
| # All constants, attributes, and operations of merged interface should be |
| # added to this interface. Merged idl interface does not have corresponding |
| # Dart generated interface, and all references to merged idl interface |
| # (e.g. parameter types, return types, parent interfaces) should be replaced |
| # with this interface. There are two important restrictions: |
| # 1) Merged and target interfaces shouldn't have common members, otherwise |
| # there would be duplicated declarations in generated Dart code. |
| # 2) Merged interface should be direct child of target interface, so the |
| # children of merged interface are not affected by the merge. |
| # As a consequence, target interface implementation and its direct children |
| # interface implementations should implement merged attribute accessors and |
| # operations. For example, SVGElement and Element implementation classes |
| # should implement HTMLElement.insertAdjacentElement(), |
| # HTMLElement.innerHTML, etc. |
| return self._data.merged_interface |
| |
| def merged_into(self): |
| return self._data.merged_into |
| |
| |
| class CallbackIDLTypeInfo(IDLTypeInfo): |
| def __init__(self, idl_type, data): |
| super(CallbackIDLTypeInfo, self).__init__(idl_type, data) |
| |
| def implementation_name(self): |
| return "" |
| |
| |
| def array_type(data_type): |
| matched = re.match(r'([\w\d_\s]+)\[\]', data_type) |
| if not matched: |
| return None |
| return matched.group(1) |
| |
| class SequenceIDLTypeInfo(IDLTypeInfo): |
| def __init__(self, idl_type, data, item_info): |
| super(SequenceIDLTypeInfo, self).__init__(idl_type, data) |
| self._item_info = item_info |
| |
| def dart_type(self): |
| return 'List<%s>' % self._item_info.dart_type() |
| |
| def interface_name(self): |
| return self.dart_type() |
| |
| def implementation_name(self): |
| return self.dart_type() |
| |
| def vector_to_dart_template_parameter(self): |
| raise Exception('sequences of sequences are not supported yet') |
| |
| def to_native_info(self, idl_node, interface_name, callback_name): |
| item_native_type = self._item_info.vector_to_dart_template_parameter() |
| if isinstance(self._item_info, PrimitiveIDLTypeInfo): |
| return '%s', 'Vector<%s>' % item_native_type, 'DartUtilities', 'toNativeVector<%s>' % item_native_type |
| return '%s', 'Vector< RefPtr<%s> >' % item_native_type, 'DartUtilities', 'toNativeVector< RefPtr<%s> >' % item_native_type |
| |
| def parameter_type(self): |
| native_type = self.native_type() |
| if array_type(native_type): |
| return 'const Vector<RefPtr<%s> > &' % array_type(native_type) |
| |
| return native_type |
| |
| def pass_native_by_ref(self): return True |
| |
| def to_dart_conversion(self, value, interface_name=None, attributes=None): |
| if isinstance(self._item_info, PrimitiveIDLTypeInfo): |
| return 'DartDOMWrapper::vectorToDart(%s)' % value |
| return 'DartDOMWrapper::vectorToDart<%s>(%s)' % (self._item_info.bindings_class(), value) |
| |
| def return_to_dart_conversion(self, value, auto_dart_scope_setup=True, |
| interface_name=None, attributes=None): |
| return 'Dart_SetReturnValue(args, %s)' % self.to_dart_conversion( |
| value, |
| interface_name, |
| attributes) |
| |
| def conversion_includes(self): |
| return self._item_info.conversion_includes() |
| |
| |
| class DOMStringArrayTypeInfo(SequenceIDLTypeInfo): |
| def __init__(self, data, item_info): |
| super(DOMStringArrayTypeInfo, self).__init__('DOMString[]', data, item_info) |
| |
| def to_native_info(self, idl_node, interface_name, callback_name): |
| return '%s', 'RefPtr<DOMStringList>', 'DartDOMStringList', 'toNative' |
| |
| def pass_native_by_ref(self): return False |
| |
| def implementation_name(self): |
| return "" |
| |
| |
| class PrimitiveIDLTypeInfo(IDLTypeInfo): |
| def __init__(self, idl_type, data): |
| super(PrimitiveIDLTypeInfo, self).__init__(idl_type, data) |
| |
| def vector_to_dart_template_parameter(self): |
| # Ugly hack. Usually IDLs floats are treated as C++ doubles, however |
| # sequence<float> should map to Vector<float> |
| if self.idl_type() == 'float': return 'float' |
| return self.native_type() |
| |
| def to_native_info(self, idl_node, interface_name, callback_name): |
| type = self.native_type() |
| if type == 'SerializedScriptValue': |
| type = 'RefPtr<%s>' % type |
| if type == 'String': |
| type = 'DartStringAdapter' |
| target_type = self._capitalized_native_type() |
| if self.idl_type() == 'Date': |
| target_type = 'Date' |
| return '%s', type, 'DartUtilities', 'dartTo%s' % target_type |
| |
| def parameter_type(self): |
| if self.native_type() == 'String': |
| return 'const String&' |
| return self.native_type() |
| |
| def conversion_includes(self): |
| return [] |
| |
| def to_dart_conversion(self, value, interface_name=None, attributes=None): |
| # TODO(antonm): if there are more instances of the case |
| # when conversion depends on both Dart type and C++ type, |
| # consider introducing a corresponding argument/class. |
| if self.idl_type() == 'Date': |
| function_name = 'date' |
| else: |
| function_name = self._capitalized_native_type() |
| function_name = function_name[0].lower() + function_name[1:] |
| function_name = 'DartUtilities::%sToDart' % function_name |
| if attributes and 'TreatReturnedNullStringAs' in attributes: |
| function_name += 'WithNullCheck' |
| return '%s(%s)' % (function_name, value) |
| |
| def return_to_dart_conversion(self, value, auto_dart_scope_setup=True, |
| interface_name=None, attributes=None): |
| return 'Dart_SetReturnValue(args, %s)' % self.to_dart_conversion( |
| value, |
| interface_name, |
| attributes) |
| |
| def webcore_getter_name(self): |
| return self._data.webcore_getter_name |
| |
| def webcore_setter_name(self): |
| return self._data.webcore_setter_name |
| |
| def _capitalized_native_type(self): |
| return re.sub(r'(^| )([a-z])', lambda x: x.group(2).upper(), self.native_type()) |
| |
| |
| class SVGTearOffIDLTypeInfo(InterfaceIDLTypeInfo): |
| def __init__(self, idl_type, data, interface_name, type_registry): |
| super(SVGTearOffIDLTypeInfo, self).__init__( |
| idl_type, data, interface_name, type_registry) |
| |
| def native_type(self): |
| if self._data.native_type: |
| return self._data.native_type |
| tear_off_type = 'SVGPropertyTearOff' |
| if self._idl_type.endswith('List'): |
| tear_off_type = 'SVGListPropertyTearOff' |
| return '%s<%s>' % (tear_off_type, self._idl_type) |
| |
| def receiver(self): |
| return 'receiver->' |
| |
| def to_conversion_cast(self, value, interface_name, attributes): |
| svg_primitive_types = ['SVGLength', 'SVGMatrix', |
| 'SVGNumber', 'SVGPoint', 'SVGRect', 'SVGTransform'] |
| |
| # This is a hack. We either need to figure out the right way to derive this |
| # information from the IDL or remove this generator. |
| if self.idl_type() != 'SVGTransformList': |
| return value |
| |
| conversion_cast = 'static_cast<%s*>(%s)' |
| conversion_cast = conversion_cast % (self.native_type(), value) |
| return '%s' % (conversion_cast) |
| |
| def to_dart_conversion(self, value, interface_name, attributes): |
| return 'Dart%s::toDart(%s)' % (self._idl_type, self.to_conversion_cast(value, interface_name, attributes)) |
| |
| def return_to_dart_conversion(self, value, auto_dart_scope_setup, |
| interface_name, attr): |
| auto_dart_scope='true' if auto_dart_scope_setup else 'false' |
| return 'Dart%s::returnToDart(args, %s, %s)' % (self._idl_type, |
| self.to_conversion_cast( |
| ReturnValueConversionHack(self._idl_type, value, interface_name), |
| interface_name, |
| attr), |
| auto_dart_scope) |
| |
| def argument_expression(self, name, interface_name): |
| return name |
| |
| class TypedListIDLTypeInfo(InterfaceIDLTypeInfo): |
| def __init__(self, idl_type, data, interface_name, type_registry): |
| super(TypedListIDLTypeInfo, self).__init__( |
| idl_type, data, interface_name, type_registry) |
| |
| def conversion_includes(self): |
| return [ '"wtf/%s.h"' % self._idl_type ] |
| |
| def to_dart_conversion(self, value, interface_name, attributes): |
| return 'DartUtilities::arrayBufferViewToDart(%s)' % value |
| |
| def return_to_dart_conversion(self, value, auto_dart_scope_setup, |
| interface_name, attributes): |
| return 'Dart_SetReturnValue(args, %s)' % self.to_dart_conversion( |
| value, |
| interface_name, |
| attributes) |
| |
| def to_native_info(self, idl_node, interface_name, callback_name): |
| return '%s.get()', 'RefPtr<%s>' % self._idl_type, 'DartUtilities', 'dartTo%s' % self._idl_type |
| |
| |
| class BasicTypedListIDLTypeInfo(InterfaceIDLTypeInfo): |
| def __init__(self, idl_type, data, interface_name, type_registry): |
| super(BasicTypedListIDLTypeInfo, self).__init__( |
| idl_type, data, interface_name, type_registry) |
| |
| def conversion_includes(self): |
| return [] |
| |
| def to_dart_conversion(self, value, interface_name, attributes): |
| function_name = 'DartUtilities::%sToDart' % self._idl_type |
| function_name = function_name[0].lower() + function_name[1:] |
| return '%s(%s)' % (function_name, value) |
| |
| def return_to_dart_conversion(self, value, auto_dart_scope_setup, |
| interface_name, attributes): |
| return 'Dart_SetReturnValue(args, %s)' % self.to_dart_conversion( |
| value, |
| interface_name, |
| attributes) |
| |
| def to_native_info(self, idl_node, interface_name, callback_name): |
| return '%s.get()', 'RefPtr<%s>' % self._idl_type, 'DartUtilities', 'dartTo%s' % self._idl_type |
| |
| |
| class TypeData(object): |
| def __init__(self, clazz, dart_type=None, native_type=None, |
| merged_interface=None, merged_into=None, |
| custom_to_dart=False, custom_to_native=False, |
| conversion_includes=None, |
| webcore_getter_name='getAttribute', |
| webcore_setter_name='setAttribute', |
| item_type=None, item_type_nullable=False, |
| suppress_interface=False): |
| self.clazz = clazz |
| self.dart_type = dart_type |
| self.native_type = native_type |
| self.merged_interface = merged_interface |
| self.merged_into = merged_into |
| self.custom_to_dart = custom_to_dart |
| self.custom_to_native = custom_to_native |
| self.conversion_includes = conversion_includes |
| self.webcore_getter_name = webcore_getter_name |
| self.webcore_setter_name = webcore_setter_name |
| self.item_type = item_type |
| self.item_type_nullable = item_type_nullable |
| self.suppress_interface = suppress_interface |
| |
| |
| def TypedListTypeData(item_type): |
| return TypeData(clazz='TypedList', item_type=item_type) |
| |
| |
| _idl_type_registry = monitored.Dict('generator._idl_type_registry', { |
| 'boolean': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='bool', native_type='bool', |
| webcore_getter_name='hasAttribute', |
| webcore_setter_name='setBooleanAttribute'), |
| 'byte': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='int', native_type='int'), |
| 'octet': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='int', native_type='int'), |
| 'short': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='int', native_type='int'), |
| 'unsigned short': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='int', |
| native_type='int'), |
| 'int': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='int'), |
| 'long': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='int', native_type='int', |
| webcore_getter_name='getIntegralAttribute', |
| webcore_setter_name='setIntegralAttribute'), |
| 'unsigned long': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='int', |
| native_type='unsigned', |
| webcore_getter_name='getUnsignedIntegralAttribute', |
| webcore_setter_name='setUnsignedIntegralAttribute'), |
| 'long long': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='int'), |
| 'unsigned long long': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='int'), |
| 'float': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='num', native_type='double'), |
| 'double': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='num'), |
| |
| 'any': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='Object', native_type='ScriptValue'), |
| 'Array': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='List'), |
| 'custom': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='dynamic'), |
| 'ClientRect': TypeData(clazz='Interface', |
| dart_type='Rectangle', suppress_interface=True), |
| 'Date': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='DateTime', native_type='double'), |
| 'Promise': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='Future', native_type='ScriptPromise'), |
| 'DOMObject': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='Object', native_type='ScriptValue'), |
| 'DOMString': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='String', native_type='String'), |
| # TODO(vsm): This won't actually work until we convert the Map to |
| # a native JS Map for JS DOM. |
| 'Dictionary': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='Map'), |
| # TODO(terry): It's a dictionary but a very complex dictionary is multiple lists. |
| # Need to investigate a 1-off solution probably. |
| 'MediaKeySystemConfiguration': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='Map'), |
| 'DOMTimeStamp': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='int', native_type='unsigned long long'), |
| 'object': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='Object', native_type='ScriptValue'), |
| 'ObjectArray': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='List'), |
| 'PositionOptions': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='Object'), |
| # TODO(sra): Come up with some meaningful name so that where this appears in |
| # the documentation, the user is made aware that only a limited subset of |
| # serializable types are actually permitted. |
| 'SerializedScriptValue': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='dynamic'), |
| 'sequence': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='List'), |
| 'void': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='void'), |
| |
| 'CSSRule': TypeData(clazz='Interface', conversion_includes=['CSSImportRule']), |
| 'DOMStringMap': TypeData(clazz='Interface', dart_type='Map<String, String>'), |
| 'Window': TypeData(clazz='Interface', custom_to_dart=True), |
| 'Element': TypeData(clazz='Interface', merged_interface='HTMLElement', |
| custom_to_dart=True), |
| 'EventListener': TypeData(clazz='Interface', custom_to_native=True), |
| 'EventHandler': TypeData(clazz='Interface', custom_to_native=True), |
| 'EventTarget': TypeData(clazz='Interface', custom_to_native=True), |
| 'HTMLElement': TypeData(clazz='Interface', merged_into='Element', |
| custom_to_dart=True), |
| 'IDBAny': TypeData(clazz='Interface', dart_type='dynamic', custom_to_native=True), |
| 'MutationRecordArray': TypeData(clazz='Interface', # C++ pass by pointer. |
| native_type='MutationRecordArray', dart_type='List<MutationRecord>'), |
| 'StyleSheet': TypeData(clazz='Interface', conversion_includes=['CSSStyleSheet']), |
| 'SVGElement': TypeData(clazz='Interface', custom_to_dart=True), |
| |
| 'ClientRectList': TypeData(clazz='Interface', |
| item_type='ClientRect', dart_type='List<Rectangle>', |
| suppress_interface=True), |
| 'CSSRuleList': TypeData(clazz='Interface', |
| item_type='CSSRule', suppress_interface=True), |
| 'CSSValueList': TypeData(clazz='Interface', |
| item_type='CSSValue', suppress_interface=True), |
| 'MimeTypeArray': TypeData(clazz='Interface', item_type='MimeType'), |
| 'PluginArray': TypeData(clazz='Interface', item_type='Plugin'), |
| 'DOMStringList': TypeData(clazz='Interface', item_type='DOMString', |
| dart_type='List<String>', custom_to_native=True), |
| 'FileList': TypeData(clazz='Interface', item_type='File', |
| dart_type='List<File>'), |
| 'Future': TypeData(clazz='Interface', dart_type='Future'), |
| 'GamepadList': TypeData(clazz='Interface', item_type='Gamepad', |
| item_type_nullable=True, suppress_interface=True), |
| 'GLenum': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='int', |
| native_type='unsigned'), |
| 'GLboolean': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='bool', |
| native_type='bool'), |
| 'GLbitfield': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='int', |
| native_type='unsigned'), |
| 'GLshort': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='int', native_type='short'), |
| 'GLint': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='int', |
| native_type='long'), |
| 'GLsizei': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='int', |
| native_type='long'), |
| 'GLintptr': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='int'), |
| 'GLsizeiptr': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='int'), |
| 'GLushort': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='int', native_type='int'), |
| 'GLuint': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='int', |
| native_type='unsigned'), |
| 'GLfloat': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='num', native_type='float'), |
| 'GLclampf': TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='num', native_type='float'), |
| 'HTMLCollection': TypeData(clazz='Interface', item_type='Node', |
| dart_type='List<Node>'), |
| 'NamedNodeMap': TypeData(clazz='Interface', item_type='Node'), |
| 'NodeList': TypeData(clazz='Interface', item_type='Node', |
| suppress_interface=False, dart_type='List<Node>'), |
| 'SVGElementInstanceList': TypeData(clazz='Interface', |
| item_type='SVGElementInstance', suppress_interface=True), |
| 'SourceBufferList': TypeData(clazz='Interface', item_type='SourceBuffer'), |
| 'SpeechGrammarList': TypeData(clazz='Interface', item_type='SpeechGrammar'), |
| 'SpeechInputResultList': TypeData(clazz='Interface', |
| item_type='SpeechInputResult', suppress_interface=True), |
| 'SpeechRecognitionResultList': TypeData(clazz='Interface', |
| item_type='SpeechRecognitionResult', suppress_interface=True), |
| 'SQLResultSetRowList': TypeData(clazz='Interface', item_type='Dictionary'), |
| 'StyleSheetList': TypeData(clazz='Interface', |
| item_type='StyleSheet', suppress_interface=True), |
| 'TextTrackCueList': TypeData(clazz='Interface', item_type='TextTrackCue'), |
| 'TextTrackList': TypeData(clazz='Interface', item_type='TextTrack'), |
| 'TouchList': TypeData(clazz='Interface', item_type='Touch'), |
| |
| 'Float32Array': TypedListTypeData('double'), |
| 'Float64Array': TypedListTypeData('double'), |
| 'Int8Array': TypedListTypeData('int'), |
| 'Int16Array': TypedListTypeData('int'), |
| 'Int32Array': TypedListTypeData('int'), |
| 'Uint8Array': TypedListTypeData('int'), |
| 'Uint8ClampedArray': TypedListTypeData('int'), |
| 'Uint16Array': TypedListTypeData('int'), |
| 'Uint32Array': TypedListTypeData('int'), |
| |
| 'ArrayBufferView': TypeData(clazz='BasicTypedList'), |
| 'ArrayBuffer': TypeData(clazz='BasicTypedList'), |
| |
| 'SVGAngle': TypeData(clazz='SVGTearOff', native_type='SVGPropertyTearOff<SVGAngle>'), |
| 'SVGLength': TypeData(clazz='SVGTearOff', native_type='SVGLengthTearOff'), |
| 'SVGLengthList': TypeData(clazz='SVGTearOff', item_type='SVGLength', native_type='SVGLengthListTearOff'), |
| 'SVGMatrix': TypeData(clazz='SVGTearOff', native_type='SVGMatrixTearOff'), |
| 'SVGNumber': TypeData(clazz='SVGTearOff', native_type='SVGNumberTearOff'), |
| 'SVGNumberList': TypeData(clazz='SVGTearOff', item_type='SVGNumber', native_type='SVGNumberListTearOff'), |
| 'SVGPathSegList': TypeData(clazz='SVGTearOff', item_type='SVGPathSeg', |
| native_type='SVGPathSegListPropertyTearOff'), |
| 'SVGPoint': TypeData(clazz='SVGTearOff', native_type='SVGPointTearOff'), |
| 'SVGPointList': TypeData(clazz='SVGTearOff', native_type='SVGPointListTearOff'), |
| 'SVGPreserveAspectRatio': TypeData(clazz='SVGTearOff', native_type='SVGPreserveAspectRatioTearOff'), |
| 'SVGRect': TypeData(clazz='SVGTearOff', native_type='SVGRectTearOff'), |
| 'SVGStringList': TypeData(clazz='SVGTearOff', item_type='DOMString', |
| native_type='SVGStringListTearOff'), |
| 'SVGTransform': TypeData(clazz='SVGTearOff', native_type="SVGPropertyTearOff<SVGTransform>"), |
| 'SVGTransformList': TypeData(clazz='SVGTearOff', item_type='SVGTransform', |
| native_type='SVGTransformListPropertyTearOff'), |
| }) |
| |
| _svg_supplemental_includes = [ |
| '"core/svg/properties/SVGPropertyTraits.h"', |
| ] |
| |
| class TypeRegistry(object): |
| def __init__(self, database, renamer=None): |
| self._database = database |
| self._renamer = renamer |
| self._cache = {} |
| |
| def HasInterface(self, type_name): |
| return self._database.HasInterface(type_name) |
| |
| def HasTypeDef(self, type_def_name): |
| return self._database.HasTypeDef(type_def_name) |
| |
| def TypeInfo(self, type_name): |
| if not type_name in self._cache: |
| self._cache[type_name] = self._TypeInfo(type_name) |
| return self._cache[type_name] |
| |
| def DartType(self, type_name): |
| return self.TypeInfo(type_name).dart_type() |
| |
| def _TypeInfo(self, type_name): |
| match = re.match(r'(?:sequence<([\w ]+)>|(\w+)\[\])$', type_name) |
| if match: |
| type_data = TypeData('Sequence') |
| if self.HasTypeDef(match.group(1) or match.group(2)): |
| # It's a typedef (union) |
| item_info = self.TypeInfo('any') |
| else: |
| item_info = self.TypeInfo(match.group(1) or match.group(2)) |
| # TODO(vsm): Generalize this code. |
| if 'SourceInfo' in type_name: |
| type_data.native_type = 'const Vector<RefPtr<SourceInfo> >& ' |
| return SequenceIDLTypeInfo(type_name, type_data, item_info) |
| |
| if not type_name in _idl_type_registry: |
| if self._database.HasEnum(type_name): |
| return PrimitiveIDLTypeInfo( |
| type_name, |
| TypeData(clazz='Primitive', dart_type='String', native_type='String')) |
| |
| if self._database.HasInterface(type_name): |
| interface = self._database.GetInterface(type_name) |
| elif self._database.HasDictionary(type_name): |
| interface = self._database.GetDictionary(type_name) |
| elif type_name.startswith('sequence<('): |
| if type_name.find(' or ') != -1: |
| # Union type of sequence is an any type (no type). |
| type_data = TypeData('Sequence') |
| item_info = self.TypeInfo('any') |
| return SequenceIDLTypeInfo(type_name, type_data, item_info) |
| elif type_name.startswith('sequence<sequence<'): |
| # TODO(terry): Cleanup up list of list, etc. |
| type_data = TypeData('Sequence') |
| item_info = self.TypeInfo('any') |
| return SequenceIDLTypeInfo(type_name, type_data, item_info) |
| elif self.HasTypeDef(type_name): |
| # It's a typedef (implied union) |
| return self.TypeInfo('any') |
| |
| if 'Callback' in interface.ext_attrs: |
| return CallbackIDLTypeInfo(type_name, TypeData('Callback', |
| self._renamer.DartifyTypeName(type_name))) |
| return InterfaceIDLTypeInfo( |
| type_name, |
| TypeData('Interface'), |
| self._renamer.RenameInterface(interface), |
| self) |
| |
| type_data = _idl_type_registry.get(type_name) |
| |
| if type_data.clazz == 'Interface': |
| if self._database.HasInterface(type_name): |
| dart_interface_name = self._renamer.RenameInterface( |
| self._database.GetInterface(type_name)) |
| else: |
| dart_interface_name = self._renamer.DartifyTypeName(type_name) |
| return InterfaceIDLTypeInfo(type_name, type_data, dart_interface_name, |
| self) |
| |
| if type_data.clazz == 'SVGTearOff': |
| dart_interface_name = self._renamer.RenameInterface( |
| self._database.GetInterface(type_name)) |
| return SVGTearOffIDLTypeInfo( |
| type_name, type_data, dart_interface_name, self) |
| |
| if type_data.clazz == 'TypedList': |
| dart_interface_name = self._renamer.RenameInterfaceId(type_name) |
| return TypedListIDLTypeInfo( |
| type_name, type_data, dart_interface_name, self) |
| |
| if type_data.clazz == 'BasicTypedList': |
| if type_name == 'ArrayBuffer': |
| dart_interface_name = 'ByteBuffer' |
| else: |
| dart_interface_name = self._renamer.RenameInterfaceId(type_name) |
| return BasicTypedListIDLTypeInfo( |
| type_name, type_data, dart_interface_name, self) |
| |
| class_name = '%sIDLTypeInfo' % type_data.clazz |
| return globals()[class_name](type_name, type_data) |
| |
| def isList(return_type): |
| return return_type.startswith('List<') if return_type else False |
| |
| def get_list_type(return_type): |
| # Get the list type NNNN inside of List<NNNN> |
| return return_type[5:-1] if isList(return_type) else return_type |
| |
| # TODO(jacobr): remove these obsolete methods as we don't actually |
| # perform any wrapping. |
| def wrap_unwrap_list_blink(return_type, type_registry): |
| """Return True if the type is the list type is a blink know |
| type e.g., List<Node>, List<FontFace>, etc.""" |
| if isList(return_type): |
| list_type = get_list_type(return_type) |
| if type_registry.HasInterface(list_type): |
| return True; |
| |
| def wrap_unwrap_type_blink(return_type, type_registry): |
| """Returns True if the type is a blink type that requires wrap_jso or |
| unwrap_jso""" |
| if return_type and return_type.startswith('Html'): |
| return_type = return_type.replace('Html', 'HTML', 1) |
| return (not(return_type) or |
| return_type == 'Object' or |
| return_type == 'dynamic') |
| |
| def wrap_type_blink(return_type, type_registry): |
| """Returns True if the type is a blink type that requires wrap_jso but |
| NOT unwrap_jso""" |
| return (return_type == 'Map' or |
| return_type == 'Rectangle') |
| |
| def wrap_return_type_blink(return_type, type_name, type_registry): |
| """Returns True if we should wrap the returned value. This checks |
| a number of different variations, calling the more basic functions |
| above.""" |
| return (wrap_unwrap_type_blink(return_type, type_registry) or |
| wrap_unwrap_type_blink(type_name, type_registry) or |
| wrap_type_blink(return_type, type_registry) or |
| wrap_unwrap_list_blink(return_type, type_registry)) |