| // TODO(efortuna): Delete this file once |
| // https://codereview.chromium.org/444453006/ has been committed, in which case |
| // it will be pulled in from DEPS! |
| // Copied from http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/WebCore/css/CSSPropertyNames.in |
| // |
| // CSS property names |
| // |
| // Some properties are used internally, but are not part of CSS. They are used to get |
| // HTML4 compatibility in the rendering engine. |
| // |
| // Microsoft extensions are documented here: |
| // http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/css/reference/attributes.asp |
| // |
| |
| // properties that generate animations must be listed first |
| display |
| -webkit-animation |
| -webkit-animation-delay |
| -webkit-animation-direction |
| -webkit-animation-duration |
| -webkit-animation-fill-mode |
| -webkit-animation-iteration-count |
| -webkit-animation-name |
| -webkit-animation-play-state |
| -webkit-animation-timing-function |
| animation |
| animation-delay |
| animation-direction |
| animation-duration |
| animation-fill-mode |
| animation-iteration-count |
| animation-name |
| animation-play-state |
| animation-timing-function |
| -webkit-transition |
| -webkit-transition-delay |
| -webkit-transition-duration |
| -webkit-transition-property |
| -webkit-transition-timing-function |
| transition |
| transition-delay |
| transition-duration |
| transition-property |
| transition-timing-function |
| |
| // next, high-priority properties (those on which other properties can depend) |
| // must be listed |
| color |
| direction |
| font |
| font-family |
| font-kerning |
| font-size |
| font-style |
| font-variant |
| font-variant-ligatures |
| font-weight |
| text-rendering |
| -webkit-font-feature-settings |
| -webkit-font-smoothing |
| -webkit-locale |
| -webkit-text-orientation |
| -epub-text-orientation alias_for=-webkit-text-orientation |
| -webkit-writing-mode |
| -epub-writing-mode alias_for=-webkit-writing-mode |
| zoom |
| |
| // line height needs to be right after the above high-priority properties |
| line-height |
| |
| // The remaining properties are listed in alphabetical order |
| background |
| background-attachment |
| background-blend-mode |
| background-clip |
| background-color |
| background-image |
| background-origin |
| background-position |
| background-position-x |
| background-position-y |
| background-repeat |
| background-repeat-x |
| background-repeat-y |
| background-size |
| border |
| border-bottom |
| border-bottom-color |
| border-bottom-left-radius |
| -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius alias_for=border-bottom-left-radius |
| border-bottom-right-radius |
| -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius alias_for=border-bottom-right-radius |
| border-bottom-style |
| border-bottom-width |
| border-collapse |
| border-color |
| border-image |
| border-image-outset |
| border-image-repeat |
| border-image-slice |
| border-image-source |
| border-image-width |
| border-left |
| border-left-color |
| border-left-style |
| border-left-width |
| border-radius |
| border-right |
| border-right-color |
| border-right-style |
| border-right-width |
| border-spacing |
| border-style |
| border-top |
| border-top-color |
| border-top-left-radius |
| -webkit-border-top-left-radius alias_for=border-top-left-radius |
| border-top-right-radius |
| -webkit-border-top-right-radius alias_for=border-top-right-radius |
| border-top-style |
| border-top-width |
| border-width |
| bottom |
| box-shadow |
| box-sizing |
| // -webkit-box-sizing worked in Safari 4 and earlier. |
| -webkit-box-sizing alias_for=box-sizing |
| caption-side |
| -epub-caption-side alias_for=caption-side |
| clear |
| clip |
| -webkit-clip-path |
| content |
| counter-increment |
| counter-reset |
| cursor |
| empty-cells |
| float |
| font-stretch |
| height |
| image-rendering |
| isolation |
| justify-self |
| left |
| letter-spacing |
| list-style |
| list-style-image |
| list-style-position |
| list-style-type |
| margin |
| margin-bottom |
| margin-left |
| margin-right |
| margin-top |
| mask-source-type |
| max-height |
| max-width |
| min-height |
| min-width |
| mix-blend-mode |
| opacity |
| // Honor -webkit-opacity as a synonym for opacity. This was the only syntax that worked in Safari 1.1, |
| // and may be in use on some websites and widgets. |
| -webkit-opacity alias_for=opacity |
| orphans |
| outline |
| outline-color |
| outline-offset |
| outline-style |
| outline-width |
| object-fit |
| object-position |
| overflow |
| overflow-wrap |
| overflow-x |
| overflow-y |
| padding |
| padding-bottom |
| padding-left |
| padding-right |
| padding-top |
| page |
| page-break-after |
| page-break-before |
| page-break-inside |
| pointer-events |
| position |
| quotes |
| resize |
| right |
| scroll-behavior |
| size |
| src |
| speak |
| table-layout |
| tab-size |
| text-align |
| text-align-last |
| text-decoration |
| text-decoration-line |
| text-decoration-style |
| text-decoration-color |
| text-indent |
| text-justify |
| text-line-through-color |
| text-line-through-mode |
| text-line-through-style |
| text-line-through-width |
| text-overflow |
| text-overline-color |
| text-overline-mode |
| text-overline-style |
| text-overline-width |
| text-shadow |
| text-transform |
| -epub-text-transform alias_for=text-transform |
| text-underline-color |
| text-underline-mode |
| text-underline-style |
| text-underline-width |
| text-underline-position |
| top |
| touch-action |
| touch-action-delay |
| |
| unicode-bidi |
| unicode-range |
| vertical-align |
| visibility |
| white-space |
| widows |
| width |
| will-change |
| word-break |
| -epub-word-break alias_for=word-break |
| word-spacing |
| word-wrap |
| z-index |
| -webkit-appearance |
| -webkit-aspect-ratio |
| backface-visibility |
| -webkit-backface-visibility |
| -webkit-background-clip |
| -webkit-background-composite |
| -webkit-background-origin |
| // -webkit-background-size differs from background-size only in the interpretation of |
| // a single value: -webkit-background-size: l; is equivalent to background-size: l l; |
| // whereas background-size: l; is equivalent to background-size: l auto; |
| -webkit-background-size |
| -webkit-border-after |
| -webkit-border-after-color |
| -webkit-border-after-style |
| -webkit-border-after-width |
| -webkit-border-before |
| -webkit-border-before-color |
| -webkit-border-before-style |
| -webkit-border-before-width |
| -webkit-border-end |
| -webkit-border-end-color |
| -webkit-border-end-style |
| -webkit-border-end-width |
| -webkit-border-fit |
| -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing |
| -webkit-border-image |
| // -webkit-border-radius differs from border-radius only in the interpretation of |
| // a value consisting of two lengths: "-webkit-border-radius: l1 l2;" is equivalent |
| // to "border-radius: l1 / l2;" |
| -webkit-border-radius |
| -webkit-border-start |
| -webkit-border-start-color |
| -webkit-border-start-style |
| -webkit-border-start-width |
| -webkit-border-vertical-spacing |
| -webkit-box-align |
| -webkit-box-direction |
| -webkit-box-flex |
| -webkit-box-flex-group |
| -webkit-box-lines |
| -webkit-box-ordinal-group |
| -webkit-box-orient |
| -webkit-box-pack |
| -webkit-box-reflect |
| -webkit-box-shadow |
| -internal-callback |
| -webkit-column-break-after |
| -webkit-column-break-before |
| -webkit-column-break-inside |
| -webkit-column-count |
| column-fill |
| -webkit-column-gap |
| -webkit-column-rule |
| -webkit-column-rule-color |
| -webkit-column-rule-style |
| -webkit-column-rule-width |
| -webkit-column-span |
| -webkit-column-width |
| -webkit-columns |
| -webkit-box-decoration-break |
| -webkit-filter |
| align-content |
| -webkit-align-content alias_for=align-content |
| align-items |
| -webkit-align-items alias_for=align-items |
| align-self |
| -webkit-align-self alias_for=align-self |
| flex |
| -webkit-flex alias_for=flex |
| flex-basis |
| -webkit-flex-basis alias_for=flex-basis |
| flex-direction |
| -webkit-flex-direction alias_for=flex-direction |
| flex-flow |
| -webkit-flex-flow alias_for=flex-flow |
| flex-grow |
| -webkit-flex-grow alias_for=flex-grow |
| flex-shrink |
| -webkit-flex-shrink alias_for=flex-shrink |
| flex-wrap |
| -webkit-flex-wrap alias_for=flex-wrap |
| justify-content |
| -webkit-justify-content alias_for=justify-content |
| -webkit-font-size-delta |
| grid-auto-columns |
| grid-auto-flow |
| grid-auto-rows |
| grid-area |
| grid-column |
| grid-column-end |
| grid-column-start |
| grid |
| grid-template |
| grid-template-columns |
| grid-template-rows |
| grid-row |
| grid-row-end |
| grid-row-start |
| grid-template-areas |
| -webkit-highlight |
| -webkit-hyphenate-character |
| -webkit-line-box-contain |
| -webkit-line-break |
| -webkit-line-clamp |
| -webkit-logical-width |
| -webkit-logical-height |
| -webkit-margin-after-collapse |
| -webkit-margin-before-collapse |
| -webkit-margin-bottom-collapse |
| -webkit-margin-top-collapse |
| -webkit-margin-collapse |
| -webkit-margin-after |
| -webkit-margin-before |
| -webkit-margin-end |
| -webkit-margin-start |
| -webkit-mask |
| -webkit-mask-box-image |
| -webkit-mask-box-image-outset |
| -webkit-mask-box-image-repeat |
| -webkit-mask-box-image-slice |
| -webkit-mask-box-image-source |
| -webkit-mask-box-image-width |
| -webkit-mask-clip |
| -webkit-mask-composite |
| -webkit-mask-image |
| -webkit-mask-origin |
| -webkit-mask-position |
| -webkit-mask-position-x |
| -webkit-mask-position-y |
| -webkit-mask-repeat |
| -webkit-mask-repeat-x |
| -webkit-mask-repeat-y |
| -webkit-mask-size |
| -webkit-max-logical-width |
| -webkit-max-logical-height |
| -webkit-min-logical-width |
| -webkit-min-logical-height |
| order |
| -webkit-order alias_for=order |
| -webkit-padding-after |
| -webkit-padding-before |
| -webkit-padding-end |
| -webkit-padding-start |
| perspective |
| -webkit-perspective |
| perspective-origin |
| -webkit-perspective-origin |
| -webkit-perspective-origin-x |
| -webkit-perspective-origin-y |
| -webkit-print-color-adjust |
| -webkit-rtl-ordering |
| -webkit-ruby-position |
| -webkit-text-combine |
| -epub-text-combine alias_for=-webkit-text-combine |
| -webkit-text-decorations-in-effect |
| -webkit-text-emphasis |
| -epub-text-emphasis alias_for=-webkit-text-emphasis |
| -webkit-text-emphasis-color |
| -epub-text-emphasis-color alias_for=-webkit-text-emphasis-color |
| -webkit-text-emphasis-position |
| -webkit-text-emphasis-style |
| -epub-text-emphasis-style alias_for=-webkit-text-emphasis-style |
| -webkit-text-fill-color |
| -webkit-text-security |
| -webkit-text-stroke |
| -webkit-text-stroke-color |
| -webkit-text-stroke-width |
| transform |
| -webkit-transform |
| transform-origin |
| -webkit-transform-origin |
| -webkit-transform-origin-x |
| -webkit-transform-origin-y |
| -webkit-transform-origin-z |
| transform-style |
| -webkit-transform-style |
| -webkit-user-drag |
| -webkit-user-modify |
| -webkit-user-select |
| -webkit-shape-outside alias_for=shape-outside |
| -webkit-shape-margin alias_for=shape-margin |
| -webkit-shape-image-threshold alias_for=shape-image-threshold |
| shape-outside |
| shape-margin |
| shape-image-threshold |
| -webkit-wrap-flow |
| -webkit-wrap-through |
| max-zoom |
| min-zoom |
| orientation |
| user-zoom |
| -webkit-tap-highlight-color |
| -webkit-app-region |
| |
| // Internal properties. |
| -internal-marquee-direction |
| -internal-marquee-increment |
| -internal-marquee-repetition |
| -internal-marquee-speed |
| -internal-marquee-style |