| // Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| /** |
| * Code generation for the file "integration_test_methods.dart". |
| */ |
| library codegenInttestMethods; |
| |
| import 'dart:convert'; |
| |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/codegen/tools.dart'; |
| |
| import 'api.dart'; |
| import 'codegen_dart.dart'; |
| import 'from_html.dart'; |
| import 'to_html.dart'; |
| |
| final GeneratedFile target = new GeneratedFile( |
| 'test/integration/integration_test_methods.dart', (String pkgPath) { |
| CodegenInttestMethodsVisitor visitor = |
| new CodegenInttestMethodsVisitor(readApi(pkgPath)); |
| return visitor.collectCode(visitor.visitApi); |
| }); |
| |
| /** |
| * Visitor that generates the code for integration_test_methods.dart |
| */ |
| class CodegenInttestMethodsVisitor extends DartCodegenVisitor |
| with CodeGenerator { |
| /** |
| * Visitor used to produce doc comments. |
| */ |
| final ToHtmlVisitor toHtmlVisitor; |
| |
| /** |
| * Code snippets concatenated to initialize all of the class fields. |
| */ |
| List<String> fieldInitializationCode = <String>[]; |
| |
| /** |
| * Code snippets concatenated to produce the contents of the switch statement |
| * for dispatching notifications. |
| */ |
| List<String> notificationSwitchContents = <String>[]; |
| |
| CodegenInttestMethodsVisitor(Api api) |
| : toHtmlVisitor = new ToHtmlVisitor(api), |
| super(api) { |
| codeGeneratorSettings.commentLineLength = 79; |
| codeGeneratorSettings.languageName = 'dart'; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Generate a function argument for the given parameter field. |
| */ |
| String formatArgument(TypeObjectField field) => |
| '${dartType(field.type)} ${field.name}'; |
| |
| /** |
| * Figure out the appropriate Dart type for data having the given API |
| * protocol [type]. |
| */ |
| String jsonType(TypeDecl type) { |
| type = resolveTypeReferenceChain(type); |
| if (type is TypeEnum) { |
| return 'String'; |
| } else if (type is TypeList) { |
| return 'List<${jsonType(type.itemType)}>'; |
| } else if (type is TypeMap) { |
| return 'Map<String, ${jsonType(type.valueType)}>'; |
| } else if (type is TypeObject) { |
| return 'Map<String, dynamic>'; |
| } else if (type is TypeReference) { |
| switch (type.typeName) { |
| case 'String': |
| case 'int': |
| case 'bool': |
| // These types correspond exactly to Dart types |
| return type.typeName; |
| case 'object': |
| return 'Map<String, dynamic>'; |
| default: |
| throw new Exception(type.typeName); |
| } |
| } else if (type is TypeUnion) { |
| return 'Object'; |
| } else { |
| throw new Exception('Unexpected kind of TypeDecl'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| visitApi() { |
| outputHeader(); |
| writeln(); |
| writeln('/**'); |
| writeln(' * Convenience methods for running integration tests'); |
| writeln(' */'); |
| writeln('library test.integration.methods;'); |
| writeln(); |
| writeln("import 'dart:async';"); |
| writeln(); |
| writeln("import 'package:analysis_server/plugin/protocol/protocol.dart';"); |
| writeln( |
| "import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol/protocol_internal.dart';"); |
| writeln("import 'package:test/test.dart';"); |
| writeln(); |
| writeln("import 'integration_tests.dart';"); |
| writeln("import 'protocol_matchers.dart';"); |
| writeln(); |
| writeln(); |
| writeln('/**'); |
| writeln(' * Convenience methods for running integration tests'); |
| writeln(' */'); |
| writeln('abstract class IntegrationTestMixin {'); |
| indent(() { |
| writeln('Server get server;'); |
| super.visitApi(); |
| writeln(); |
| docComment(toHtmlVisitor.collectHtml(() { |
| toHtmlVisitor.writeln('Initialize the fields in InttestMixin, and'); |
| toHtmlVisitor.writeln('ensure that notifications will be handled.'); |
| })); |
| writeln('void initializeInttestMixin() {'); |
| indent(() { |
| write(fieldInitializationCode.join()); |
| }); |
| writeln('}'); |
| writeln(); |
| docComment(toHtmlVisitor.collectHtml(() { |
| toHtmlVisitor.writeln('Dispatch the notification named [event], and'); |
| toHtmlVisitor.writeln('containing parameters [params], to the'); |
| toHtmlVisitor.writeln('appropriate stream.'); |
| })); |
| writeln('void dispatchNotification(String event, params) {'); |
| indent(() { |
| writeln('ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);'); |
| writeln('switch (event) {'); |
| indent(() { |
| write(notificationSwitchContents.join()); |
| writeln('default:'); |
| indent(() { |
| writeln("fail('Unexpected notification: \$event');"); |
| writeln('break;'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| writeln('}'); |
| }); |
| writeln('}'); |
| }); |
| writeln('}'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| visitNotification(Notification notification) { |
| String streamName = |
| camelJoin(['on', notification.domainName, notification.event]); |
| String className = camelJoin( |
| [notification.domainName, notification.event, 'params'], |
| doCapitalize: true); |
| writeln(); |
| docComment(toHtmlVisitor.collectHtml(() { |
| toHtmlVisitor.translateHtml(notification.html); |
| toHtmlVisitor.describePayload(notification.params, 'Parameters'); |
| })); |
| writeln('Stream<$className> $streamName;'); |
| writeln(); |
| docComment(toHtmlVisitor.collectHtml(() { |
| toHtmlVisitor.write('Stream controller for [$streamName].'); |
| })); |
| writeln('StreamController<$className> _$streamName;'); |
| fieldInitializationCode.add(collectCode(() { |
| writeln('_$streamName = new StreamController<$className>(sync: true);'); |
| writeln('$streamName = _$streamName.stream.asBroadcastStream();'); |
| })); |
| notificationSwitchContents.add(collectCode(() { |
| writeln('case ${JSON.encode(notification.longEvent)}:'); |
| indent(() { |
| String paramsValidator = camelJoin( |
| ['is', notification.domainName, notification.event, 'params']); |
| writeln('outOfTestExpect(params, $paramsValidator);'); |
| String constructorCall; |
| if (notification.params == null) { |
| constructorCall = 'new $className()'; |
| } else { |
| constructorCall = |
| "new $className.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params)"; |
| } |
| writeln('_$streamName.add($constructorCall);'); |
| writeln('break;'); |
| }); |
| })); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| visitRequest(Request request) { |
| String methodName = camelJoin(['send', request.domainName, request.method]); |
| List<String> args = <String>[]; |
| List<String> optionalArgs = <String>[]; |
| if (request.params != null) { |
| for (TypeObjectField field in request.params.fields) { |
| if (field.optional) { |
| optionalArgs.add(formatArgument(field)); |
| } else { |
| args.add(formatArgument(field)); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (optionalArgs.isNotEmpty) { |
| args.add('{${optionalArgs.join(', ')}}'); |
| } |
| writeln(); |
| docComment(toHtmlVisitor.collectHtml(() { |
| toHtmlVisitor.translateHtml(request.html); |
| toHtmlVisitor.describePayload(request.params, 'Parameters'); |
| toHtmlVisitor.describePayload(request.result, 'Returns'); |
| })); |
| String resultClass; |
| String futureClass; |
| if (request.result == null) { |
| futureClass = 'Future'; |
| } else { |
| resultClass = camelJoin([request.domainName, request.method, 'result'], |
| doCapitalize: true); |
| futureClass = 'Future<$resultClass>'; |
| } |
| writeln('$futureClass $methodName(${args.join(', ')}) async {'); |
| indent(() { |
| String requestClass = camelJoin( |
| [request.domainName, request.method, 'params'], |
| doCapitalize: true); |
| String paramsVar = 'null'; |
| if (request.params != null) { |
| paramsVar = 'params'; |
| List<String> args = <String>[]; |
| List<String> optionalArgs = <String>[]; |
| for (TypeObjectField field in request.params.fields) { |
| if (field.optional) { |
| optionalArgs.add('${field.name}: ${field.name}'); |
| } else { |
| args.add(field.name); |
| } |
| } |
| args.addAll(optionalArgs); |
| writeln('var params = new $requestClass(${args.join(', ')}).toJson();'); |
| } |
| String methodJson = JSON.encode(request.longMethod); |
| writeln('var result = await server.send($methodJson, $paramsVar);'); |
| if (request.result != null) { |
| String kind = 'null'; |
| if (requestClass == 'EditGetRefactoringParams') { |
| kind = 'kind'; |
| } |
| writeln('ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder($kind);'); |
| writeln("return new $resultClass.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);"); |
| } else { |
| writeln('outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);'); |
| writeln('return null;'); |
| } |
| }); |
| writeln('}'); |
| } |
| } |