blob: 8dce8de72880c2b8c1b85901225893bb333166d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/flow_graph.h"
#include "vm/intermediate_language.h"
namespace dart {
class RangeBoundary : public ValueObject {
enum Kind {
enum RangeSize {
RangeBoundary() : kind_(kUnknown), value_(0), offset_(0) {}
RangeBoundary(const RangeBoundary& other)
: ValueObject(),
offset_(other.offset_) {}
explicit RangeBoundary(int64_t val)
: kind_(kConstant), value_(val), offset_(0) {}
RangeBoundary& operator=(const RangeBoundary& other) {
kind_ = other.kind_;
value_ = other.value_;
offset_ = other.offset_;
return *this;
static const int64_t kMin = kMinInt64;
static const int64_t kMax = kMaxInt64;
// Construct a RangeBoundary for a constant value.
static RangeBoundary FromConstant(int64_t val) { return RangeBoundary(val); }
// Construct a RangeBoundary for -inf.
static RangeBoundary NegativeInfinity() {
return RangeBoundary(kNegativeInfinity, 0, 0);
// Construct a RangeBoundary for +inf.
static RangeBoundary PositiveInfinity() {
return RangeBoundary(kPositiveInfinity, 0, 0);
// Construct a RangeBoundary from a definition and offset.
static RangeBoundary FromDefinition(Definition* defn, int64_t offs = 0);
// Construct a RangeBoundary for the constant MinSmi value.
static RangeBoundary MinSmi() { return FromConstant(Smi::kMinValue); }
// Construct a RangeBoundary for the constant MaxSmi value.
static RangeBoundary MaxSmi() { return FromConstant(Smi::kMaxValue); }
// Construct a RangeBoundary for the constant kMin value.
static RangeBoundary MinConstant() { return FromConstant(kMin); }
// Construct a RangeBoundary for the constant kMax value.
static RangeBoundary MaxConstant() { return FromConstant(kMax); }
// Construct a RangeBoundary for the constant kMin value.
static RangeBoundary MinConstant(RangeSize size) {
switch (size) {
case kRangeBoundarySmi:
return FromConstant(Smi::kMinValue);
case kRangeBoundaryInt32:
return FromConstant(kMinInt32);
case kRangeBoundaryInt64:
return FromConstant(kMinInt64);
return FromConstant(kMinInt64);
static RangeBoundary MaxConstant(RangeSize size) {
switch (size) {
case kRangeBoundarySmi:
return FromConstant(Smi::kMaxValue);
case kRangeBoundaryInt32:
return FromConstant(kMaxInt32);
case kRangeBoundaryInt64:
return FromConstant(kMaxInt64);
return FromConstant(kMaxInt64);
// Given two boundaries a and b, select one of them as c so that
// inf {[a, ...) ^ [b, ...)} >= inf {c}
static RangeBoundary IntersectionMin(RangeBoundary a, RangeBoundary b);
// Given two boundaries a and b, select one of them as c so that
// sup {(..., a] ^ (..., b]} <= sup {c}
static RangeBoundary IntersectionMax(RangeBoundary a, RangeBoundary b);
// Given two boundaries a and b compute boundary c such that
// inf {[a, ...) U [b, ...)} >= inf {c}
// Try to select c such that it is as close to inf {[a, ...) U [b, ...)}
// as possible.
static RangeBoundary JoinMin(RangeBoundary a,
RangeBoundary b,
RangeBoundary::RangeSize size);
// Given two boundaries a and b compute boundary c such that
// sup {(..., a] U (..., b]} <= sup {c}
// Try to select c such that it is as close to sup {(..., a] U (..., b]}
// as possible.
static RangeBoundary JoinMax(RangeBoundary a,
RangeBoundary b,
RangeBoundary::RangeSize size);
// Returns true when this is a constant that is outside of Smi range.
bool OverflowedSmi() const {
return (IsConstant() && !Smi::IsValid(ConstantValue())) || IsInfinity();
bool Overflowed(RangeBoundary::RangeSize size) const {
return !Equals(Clamp(size));
// Returns true if this outside mint range.
bool OverflowedMint() const { return IsInfinity(); }
// -/+ infinity are clamped to MinConstant/MaxConstant of the given type.
RangeBoundary Clamp(RangeSize size) const {
if (IsNegativeInfinity()) {
return RangeBoundary::MinConstant(size);
if (IsPositiveInfinity()) {
return RangeBoundary::MaxConstant(size);
if (IsConstant()) {
const RangeBoundary range_min = RangeBoundary::MinConstant(size);
const RangeBoundary range_max = RangeBoundary::MaxConstant(size);
if (ConstantValue() <= range_min.ConstantValue()) {
return range_min;
if (ConstantValue() >= range_max.ConstantValue()) {
return range_max;
// If this range is a symbolic range, we do not clamp it.
// This could lead to some imprecision later on.
return *this;
bool IsMinimumOrBelow(RangeSize size) const {
return IsNegativeInfinity() ||
(IsConstant() && (ConstantValue() <=
bool IsMaximumOrAbove(RangeSize size) const {
return IsPositiveInfinity() ||
(IsConstant() && (ConstantValue() >=
intptr_t kind() const { return kind_; }
// Kind tests.
bool IsUnknown() const { return kind_ == kUnknown; }
bool IsConstant() const { return kind_ == kConstant; }
bool IsSymbol() const { return kind_ == kSymbol; }
bool IsNegativeInfinity() const { return kind_ == kNegativeInfinity; }
bool IsPositiveInfinity() const { return kind_ == kPositiveInfinity; }
bool IsInfinity() const {
return IsNegativeInfinity() || IsPositiveInfinity();
bool IsConstantOrInfinity() const { return IsConstant() || IsInfinity(); }
// Returns the value of a kConstant RangeBoundary.
int64_t ConstantValue() const;
// Returns the Definition associated with a kSymbol RangeBoundary.
Definition* symbol() const {
return reinterpret_cast<Definition*>(value_);
// Offset from symbol.
int64_t offset() const { return offset_; }
// Computes the LowerBound of this. Three cases:
// IsInfinity() -> NegativeInfinity().
// IsConstant() -> value().
// IsSymbol() -> lower bound computed from definition + offset.
RangeBoundary LowerBound() const;
// Computes the UpperBound of this. Three cases:
// IsInfinity() -> PositiveInfinity().
// IsConstant() -> value().
// IsSymbol() -> upper bound computed from definition + offset.
RangeBoundary UpperBound() const;
void PrintTo(BufferFormatter* f) const;
const char* ToCString() const;
static RangeBoundary Add(const RangeBoundary& a,
const RangeBoundary& b,
const RangeBoundary& overflow);
static RangeBoundary Sub(const RangeBoundary& a,
const RangeBoundary& b,
const RangeBoundary& overflow);
static RangeBoundary Shl(const RangeBoundary& value_boundary,
int64_t shift_count,
const RangeBoundary& overflow);
static RangeBoundary Shr(const RangeBoundary& value_boundary,
int64_t shift_count) {
ASSERT(shift_count >= 0);
int64_t value = static_cast<int64_t>(value_boundary.ConstantValue());
int64_t result = value >> shift_count;
return RangeBoundary(result);
// Attempts to calculate a + b when:
// a is a symbol and b is a constant OR
// a is a constant and b is a symbol
// returns true if it succeeds, output is in result.
static bool SymbolicAdd(const RangeBoundary& a,
const RangeBoundary& b,
RangeBoundary* result);
// Attempts to calculate a - b when:
// a is a symbol and b is a constant
// returns true if it succeeds, output is in result.
static bool SymbolicSub(const RangeBoundary& a,
const RangeBoundary& b,
RangeBoundary* result);
bool Equals(const RangeBoundary& other) const;
int64_t UpperBound(RangeSize size) const {
return UpperBound().Clamp(size).ConstantValue();
int64_t LowerBound(RangeSize size) const {
return LowerBound().Clamp(size).ConstantValue();
int64_t SmiUpperBound() const { return UpperBound(kRangeBoundarySmi); }
int64_t SmiLowerBound() const { return LowerBound(kRangeBoundarySmi); }
RangeBoundary(Kind kind, int64_t value, int64_t offset)
: kind_(kind), value_(value), offset_(offset) {}
Kind kind_;
int64_t value_;
int64_t offset_;
class Range : public ZoneAllocated {
Range() : min_(), max_() {}
Range(RangeBoundary min, RangeBoundary max) : min_(min), max_(max) {
ASSERT(min_.IsUnknown() == max_.IsUnknown());
Range(const Range& other)
: ZoneAllocated(), min_(other.min_), max_(other.max_) {}
Range& operator=(const Range& other) {
min_ = other.min_;
max_ = other.max_;
return *this;
static bool IsUnknown(const Range* other) {
if (other == NULL) {
return true;
return other->min().IsUnknown();
static Range Full(RangeBoundary::RangeSize size) {
return Range(RangeBoundary::MinConstant(size),
void PrintTo(BufferFormatter* f) const;
static const char* ToCString(const Range* range);
bool Equals(const Range* other) {
ASSERT(min_.IsUnknown() == max_.IsUnknown());
if (other == NULL) {
return min_.IsUnknown();
return min_.Equals(other->min_) && max_.Equals(other->max_);
const RangeBoundary& min() const { return min_; }
const RangeBoundary& max() const { return max_; }
void set_min(const RangeBoundary& value) { min_ = value; }
void set_max(const RangeBoundary& value) { max_ = value; }
static RangeBoundary ConstantMinSmi(const Range* range) {
return ConstantMin(range, RangeBoundary::kRangeBoundarySmi);
static RangeBoundary ConstantMaxSmi(const Range* range) {
return ConstantMax(range, RangeBoundary::kRangeBoundarySmi);
static RangeBoundary ConstantMin(const Range* range) {
return ConstantMin(range, RangeBoundary::kRangeBoundaryInt64);
static RangeBoundary ConstantMax(const Range* range) {
return ConstantMax(range, RangeBoundary::kRangeBoundaryInt64);
static RangeBoundary ConstantMin(const Range* range,
RangeBoundary::RangeSize size) {
if (range == NULL) {
return RangeBoundary::MinConstant(size);
return range->min().LowerBound().Clamp(size);
static RangeBoundary ConstantMax(const Range* range,
RangeBoundary::RangeSize size) {
if (range == NULL) {
return RangeBoundary::MaxConstant(size);
return range->max().UpperBound().Clamp(size);
// [0, +inf]
bool IsPositive() const;
// [-inf, val].
bool OnlyLessThanOrEqualTo(int64_t val) const;
// [val, +inf].
bool OnlyGreaterThanOrEqualTo(int64_t val) const;
// Inclusive.
bool IsWithin(int64_t min_int, int64_t max_int) const;
// Inclusive.
bool Overlaps(int64_t min_int, int64_t max_int) const;
bool IsUnsatisfiable() const;
bool IsFinite() const { return !min_.IsInfinity() && !max_.IsInfinity(); }
Range Intersect(const Range* other) const {
return Range(RangeBoundary::IntersectionMin(min(), other->min()),
RangeBoundary::IntersectionMax(max(), other->max()));
bool Fits(RangeBoundary::RangeSize size) const {
return !min().LowerBound().Overflowed(size) &&
// Clamp this to be within size.
void Clamp(RangeBoundary::RangeSize size);
static void Add(const Range* left_range,
const Range* right_range,
RangeBoundary* min,
RangeBoundary* max,
Definition* left_defn);
static void Sub(const Range* left_range,
const Range* right_range,
RangeBoundary* min,
RangeBoundary* max,
Definition* left_defn);
static void Mul(const Range* left_range,
const Range* right_range,
RangeBoundary* min,
RangeBoundary* max);
static void Shr(const Range* left_range,
const Range* right_range,
RangeBoundary* min,
RangeBoundary* max);
static void Shl(const Range* left_range,
const Range* right_range,
RangeBoundary* min,
RangeBoundary* max);
static void And(const Range* left_range,
const Range* right_range,
RangeBoundary* min,
RangeBoundary* max);
static void BitwiseOp(const Range* left_range,
const Range* right_range,
RangeBoundary* min,
RangeBoundary* max);
// Both the a and b ranges are >= 0.
static bool OnlyPositiveOrZero(const Range& a, const Range& b);
// Both the a and b ranges are <= 0.
static bool OnlyNegativeOrZero(const Range& a, const Range& b);
// Return the maximum absolute value included in range.
static int64_t ConstantAbsMax(const Range* range);
// Return the minimum absolute value included in range.
static int64_t ConstantAbsMin(const Range* range);
static void BinaryOp(const Token::Kind op,
const Range* left_range,
const Range* right_range,
Definition* left_defn,
Range* result);
RangeBoundary min_;
RangeBoundary max_;
class RangeUtils : public AllStatic {
static bool Fits(Range* range, RangeBoundary::RangeSize size) {
return !Range::IsUnknown(range) && range->Fits(size);
static bool IsWithin(Range* range, int64_t min, int64_t max) {
return !Range::IsUnknown(range) && range->IsWithin(min, max);
static bool IsPositive(Range* range) {
return !Range::IsUnknown(range) && range->IsPositive();
// Range analysis for integer values.
class RangeAnalysis : public ValueObject {
explicit RangeAnalysis(FlowGraph* flow_graph)
: flow_graph_(flow_graph),
int64_range_(Range::Full(RangeBoundary::kRangeBoundaryInt64)) {}
// Infer ranges for all values and remove overflow checks from binary smi
// operations when proven redundant.
void Analyze();
// Helper that should be used to access ranges of inputs during range
// inference.
// Returns meaningful results for uses of non-smi/non-int definitions that
// have smi/int as a reaching type.
// For Int typed definitions we use full Int64 range as a safe approximation
// even though they might contain Bigint values because we only support
// 64-bit operations in the optimized code - which means that Bigint will
// cause deoptimization.
const Range* GetSmiRange(Value* value) const;
const Range* GetIntRange(Value* value) const;
static bool IsIntegerDefinition(Definition* defn) {
return defn->Type()->IsInt();
void AssignRangesRecursively(Definition* defn);
enum JoinOperator { NONE, WIDEN, NARROW };
static char OpPrefix(JoinOperator op);
// Collect all values that were proven to be smi in smi_values_ array and all
// CheckSmi instructions in smi_check_ array.
void CollectValues();
// Iterate over smi values and constrain them at branch successors.
// Additionally constraint values after CheckSmi instructions.
void InsertConstraints();
// Iterate over uses of the given definition and discover branches that
// constrain it. Insert appropriate Constraint instructions at true
// and false successor and rename all dominated uses to refer to a
// Constraint instead of this definition.
void InsertConstraintsFor(Definition* defn);
// Create a constraint for defn, insert it after given instruction and
// rename all uses that are dominated by it.
ConstraintInstr* InsertConstraintFor(Value* use,
Definition* defn,
Range* constraint,
Instruction* after);
bool ConstrainValueAfterBranch(Value* use, Definition* defn);
void ConstrainValueAfterCheckArrayBound(Value* use, Definition* defn);
// Replace uses of the definition def that are dominated by instruction dom
// with uses of other definition.
void RenameDominatedUses(Definition* def,
Instruction* dom,
Definition* other);
// Infer ranges for integer (smi or mint) definitions.
void InferRanges();
// Collect integer definition in the reverse postorder.
void CollectDefinitions(BitVector* set);
// Recompute ranges of all definitions until they stop changing.
// Apply the given JoinOperator when computing Phi ranges.
void Iterate(JoinOperator op, intptr_t max_iterations);
bool InferRange(JoinOperator op, Definition* defn, intptr_t iteration);
// Based on computed ranges find and eliminate redundant CheckArrayBound
// instructions.
void EliminateRedundantBoundsChecks();
// Find unsatisfiable constraints and mark corresponding blocks unreachable.
void MarkUnreachableBlocks();
// Convert mint operations that stay within int32 range into Int32 operations.
void NarrowMintToInt32();
void DiscoverSimpleInductionVariables();
// Remove artificial Constraint instructions and replace them with actual
// unconstrained definitions.
void RemoveConstraints();
Range* ConstraintSmiRange(Token::Kind op, Definition* boundary);
Zone* zone() const { return flow_graph_->zone(); }
FlowGraph* flow_graph_;
// Range object representing full Smi range.
Range smi_range_;
Range int64_range_;
// Value that are known to be smi or mint.
GrowableArray<Definition*> values_;
GrowableArray<BinaryMintOpInstr*> binary_mint_ops_;
GrowableArray<ShiftMintOpInstr*> shift_mint_ops_;
// All CheckArrayBound instructions.
GrowableArray<CheckArrayBoundInstr*> bounds_checks_;
// All Constraints inserted during InsertConstraints phase. They are treated
// as smi values.
GrowableArray<ConstraintInstr*> constraints_;
// List of integer (smi or mint) definitions including constraints sorted
// in the reverse postorder.
GrowableArray<Definition*> definitions_;
// Replaces Mint IL instructions with Uint32 IL instructions
// when possible. Uses output of RangeAnalysis.
class IntegerInstructionSelector : public ValueObject {
explicit IntegerInstructionSelector(FlowGraph* flow_graph);
void Select();
bool IsPotentialUint32Definition(Definition* def);
void FindPotentialUint32Definitions();
bool IsUint32NarrowingDefinition(Definition* def);
void FindUint32NarrowingDefinitions();
bool AllUsesAreUint32Narrowing(Value* list_head);
bool CanBecomeUint32(Definition* def);
void Propagate();
Definition* ConstructReplacementFor(Definition* def);
void ReplaceInstructions();
Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
GrowableArray<Definition*> potential_uint32_defs_;
BitVector* selected_uint32_defs_;
FlowGraph* flow_graph_;
Zone* zone_;
} // namespace dart