blob: 9df8ff48a2c5af455b0028c66e4d5deeef945ead [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:front_end/compiler_options.dart';
import 'package:front_end/dependency_grapher.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as pathos;
main() async {
exit(await new _SubpackageRelationshipsTest().run());
/// Map from subpackage name to the rules for what the subpackage is allowed to
/// depend directly on.
/// Each subdirectory of `lib/src` is considered a subpackage. Files in
/// `lib/src` but not in a subdirectory are considered to be in the `lib/src`
/// subpackage. Files outside of `lib/src` (but still in `lib`) are considered
/// to be in the `lib` subpackage.
/// TODO(paulberry): stuff in lib/src shouldn't depend on lib; lib should just
/// re-export stuff in lib/src.
/// TODO(paulberry): remove dependencies on analyzer.
final subpackageRules = {
'lib': new SubpackageRules(
mayImportAnalyzer: true,
allowedDependencies: ['lib/src', 'lib/src/base']),
'lib/src': new SubpackageRules(
mayImportAnalyzer: true,
allowedDependencies: ['lib', 'lib/src/base', 'lib/src/scanner']),
'lib/src/base': new SubpackageRules(
mayImportAnalyzer: true, allowedDependencies: ['lib']),
'lib/src/scanner': new SubpackageRules(allowedDependencies: ['lib/src/base']),
/// Rules for what a subpackage may depend directly on.
class SubpackageRules {
/// Indicates whether the subpackage may directly depend on analyzer.
final bool mayImportAnalyzer;
/// Indicates which other subpackages a given subpackage may directly depend
/// on.
final List<String> allowedDependencies;
{this.mayImportAnalyzer: false, this.allowedDependencies: const []});
class _SubpackageRelationshipsTest {
/// File uri of the front_end package's "lib" directory.
final frontEndLibUri = Platform.script.resolve('../lib/');
/// Indicates whether any problems have been reported yet.
bool problemsReported = false;
/// Check for problems resulting from URI [src] having a direct dependency on
/// URI [dst].
void checkDependency(Uri src, Uri dst) {
if (dst.scheme == 'dart') return;
if (dst.scheme != 'package') {
problem('$src depends on $dst, which is neither a package: or dart: URI');
var srcSubpackage = subpackageForUri(src);
if (srcSubpackage == null) return;
var srcSubpackageRules = subpackageRules[srcSubpackage];
if (srcSubpackageRules == null) {
problem('$src is in subpackage "$srcSubpackage", which is not found in '
if (!srcSubpackageRules.mayImportAnalyzer &&
dst.pathSegments[0] == 'analyzer') {
problem('$src depends on $dst, but subpackage "$srcSubpackage" may not '
'import analyzer');
var dstSubPackage = subpackageForUri(dst);
if (dstSubPackage == null) return;
if (dstSubPackage == srcSubpackage) return;
if (!srcSubpackageRules.allowedDependencies.contains(dstSubPackage)) {
problem('$src depends on $dst, but subpackage "$srcSubpackage" is not '
'allowed to depend on subpackage "$dstSubPackage"');
/// Finds all files in the front_end's "lib" directory and returns their Uris
/// (as "package:" URIs).
List<Uri> findFrontEndUris() {
var frontEndUris = <Uri>[];
var frontEndLibPath = pathos.fromUri(frontEndLibUri);
for (var entity in new Directory(frontEndLibPath)
.listSync(recursive: true, followLinks: false)) {
if (entity is File && entity.path.endsWith('.dart')) {
var posixRelativePath = pathos.url.joinAll(
pathos.split(pathos.relative(entity.path, from: frontEndLibPath)));
return frontEndUris;
/// Reports a single problem.
void problem(String description) {
problemsReported = true;
/// Tests all subpackage relationships in the front end, and returns an
/// appropriate exit code.
Future<int> run() async {
var frontEndUris = await findFrontEndUris();
var packagesFileUri = frontEndLibUri.resolve('../../../.packages');
var graph = await graphForProgram(
new CompilerOptions()
..packagesFileUri = packagesFileUri
..chaseDependencies = true);
for (var i = 0; i < graph.topologicallySortedCycles.length; i++) {
for (var library in graph.topologicallySortedCycles[i].libraries.values) {
for (var dependency in library.dependencies) {
checkDependency(library.uri, dependency.uri);
return problemsReported ? 1 : 0;
/// Determines which subpackage [src] is in.
/// If [src] is not part of the front end, `null` is returned.
String subpackageForUri(Uri src) {
if (src.scheme != 'package') return null;
if (src.pathSegments[0] != 'front_end') return null;
if (src.pathSegments[1] != 'src') return 'lib';
if (src.pathSegments.length == 3) return 'lib/src';
return 'lib/src/${src.pathSegments[2]}';