blob: 3b3b429df842a2a89499bb1239af76aa1dd8f69b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/processed_options.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/incremental_kernel_generator_impl.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart';
import 'compiler_options.dart';
/// Represents the difference between "old" and "new" states of a program.
/// Not intended to be implemented or extended by clients.
class DeltaProgram {
/// The new state of the program.
/// Libraries whose kernel representation is known to be unchanged since the
/// last [DeltaProgram] are not included.
final Map<Uri, Program> newState;
/// TODO(paulberry): add information about libraries that were removed.
/// Interface for generating an initial kernel representation of a program and
/// keeping it up to date as incremental changes are made.
/// This class maintains an internal "previous program state"; each
/// time [computeDelta] is called, it updates the previous program state and
/// produces a representation of what has changed. When there are few changes,
/// a call to [computeDelta] should be much faster than compiling the whole
/// program from scratch.
/// This class also maintains a set of "valid sources", which is a (possibly
/// empty) subset of the sources constituting the previous program state. Files
/// in this set are assumed to be unchanged since the last call to
/// [computeDelta].
/// Behavior is undefined if the client does not obey the following concurrency
/// restrictions:
/// - no two invocations of [computeDelta] may be outstanding at any given time.
/// - neither [invalidate] nor [invalidateAll] may be called while an invocation
/// of [computeDelta] is outstanding.
/// Not intended to be implemented or extended by clients.
abstract class IncrementalKernelGenerator {
/// Creates an [IncrementalKernelGenerator] which is prepared to generate
/// kernel representations of the program whose main library is in the given
/// [source].
/// No file system access is performed by this constructor; the initial
/// "previous program state" is an empty program containing no code, and the
/// initial set of valid sources is empty. To obtain a kernel representation
/// of the program, call [computeDelta].
factory IncrementalKernelGenerator(Uri source, CompilerOptions options) =>
new IncrementalKernelGeneratorImpl(source, new ProcessedOptions(options));
/// Generates a kernel representation of the changes to the program, assuming
/// that all valid sources are unchanged since the last call to
/// [computeDelta].
/// Source files in the set of valid sources are guaranteed not to be re-read
/// from disk; they are assumed to be unchanged regardless of the state of the
/// filesystem.
/// If [watch] is not `null`, then when a source file is first used
/// by [computeDelta], [watch] is called with the Uri of that source
/// file and `used` == `true` indicating that the source file is being
/// used when compiling the program. The content of the file is not read
/// until the Future returned by [watch] completes. If during a subsequent
/// call to [computeDelta], a source file that was being used is no longer
/// used, then [watch] is called with the Uri of that source file and
/// `used` == `false` indicating that the source file is no longer needed.
/// Multiple invocations of [watch] may be running concurrently.
/// If the future completes successfully, the previous file state is updated
/// and the set of valid sources is set to the set of all sources in the
/// program.
/// If the future completes with an error (due to errors in the compiled
/// source code), the caller may consider the previous file state and the set
/// of valid sources to be unchanged; this means that once the user fixes the
/// errors, it is safe to call [computeDelta] again.
Future<DeltaProgram> computeDelta({Future<Null> watch(Uri uri, bool used)});
/// Remove any source file(s) associated with the given file path from the set
/// of valid sources. This guarantees that those files will be re-read on the
/// next call to [computeDelta]).
void invalidate(String path);
/// Remove all source files from the set of valid sources. This guarantees
/// that all files will be re-read on the next call to [computeDelta].
/// Note that this does not erase the previous program state; the next time
/// [computeDelta] is called, if parts of the program are discovered to be
/// unchanged, parts of the previous program state will still be re-used to
/// speed up compilation.
void invalidateAll();