| // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import "dart:async"; |
| import "dart:io"; |
| import "dart:isolate"; |
| |
| import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart"; |
| import "package:expect/expect.dart"; |
| |
| test() { |
| Expect.isTrue(Platform.numberOfProcessors > 0); |
| var os = Platform.operatingSystem; |
| Expect.isTrue(os == "android" || os == "linux" || os == "macos" || |
| os == "windows"); |
| Expect.equals(Platform.isLinux, Platform.operatingSystem == "linux"); |
| Expect.equals(Platform.isMacOS, Platform.operatingSystem == "macos"); |
| Expect.equals(Platform.isWindows, Platform.operatingSystem == "windows"); |
| Expect.equals(Platform.isAndroid, Platform.operatingSystem == "android"); |
| var sep = Platform.pathSeparator; |
| Expect.isTrue(sep == '/' || (os == 'windows' && sep == '\\')); |
| var hostname = Platform.localHostname; |
| Expect.isTrue(hostname is String && hostname != ""); |
| var environment = Platform.environment; |
| Expect.isTrue(environment is Map<String, String>); |
| if (!Platform.isWindows) { |
| Expect.isTrue(Platform.executable.endsWith('dart')); |
| Expect.isTrue(Platform.resolvedExecutable.endsWith('dart')); |
| } else { |
| Expect.isTrue(Platform.executable.endsWith('dart.exe')); |
| Expect.isTrue(Platform.resolvedExecutable.endsWith('dart.exe')); |
| } |
| if (!Platform.isWindows) { |
| Expect.isTrue(Platform.resolvedExecutable.startsWith('/')); |
| } else { |
| // This assumes that tests (both locally and on the bots) are |
| // running off a location referred to by a drive letter. If a UNC |
| // location is used or long names ("\\?\" prefix) is used this |
| // needs to be fixed. |
| Expect.equals(Platform.resolvedExecutable.substring(1, 3), ':\\'); |
| } |
| // Move directory to be sure script is correct. |
| var oldDir = Directory.current; |
| Directory.current = Directory.current.parent; |
| Expect.isTrue(Platform.script.path. |
| endsWith('tests/standalone/io/platform_test.dart')); |
| Expect.isTrue(Platform.script.toFilePath().startsWith(oldDir.path)); |
| // Restore dir. |
| Directory.current = oldDir; |
| var pkgRootString = Platform.packageRoot; |
| if (pkgRootString != null) { |
| Directory packageRoot = new Directory.fromUri(Uri.parse(pkgRootString)); |
| Expect.isTrue(packageRoot.existsSync()); |
| Expect.isTrue(new Directory("${packageRoot.path}/expect").existsSync()); |
| Expect.isTrue(Platform.executableArguments.any( |
| (arg) { |
| if (!arg.startsWith("--package-root=")) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| // Cut out the '--package-root=' prefix. |
| arg = arg.substring(15); |
| return pkgRootString.contains(arg); |
| })); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void f(reply) { |
| reply.send({"Platform.executable": Platform.executable, |
| "Platform.script": Platform.script, |
| "Platform.packageRoot": Platform.packageRoot, |
| "Platform.executableArguments": Platform.executableArguments}); |
| } |
| |
| testIsolate() { |
| asyncStart(); |
| ReceivePort port = new ReceivePort(); |
| var remote = Isolate.spawn(f, port.sendPort); |
| port.first.then((results) { |
| Expect.equals(Platform.executable, results["Platform.executable"]); |
| |
| Uri uri = results["Platform.script"]; |
| // SpawnFunction retains the script url of the parent which in this |
| // case was a relative path. |
| Expect.equals("file", uri.scheme); |
| Expect.isTrue(uri.path.endsWith('tests/standalone/io/platform_test.dart')); |
| Expect.equals(Platform.packageRoot, results["Platform.packageRoot"]); |
| Expect.listEquals(Platform.executableArguments, |
| results["Platform.executableArguments"]); |
| asyncEnd(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| |
| testVersion() { |
| checkValidVersion(String version) { |
| RegExp re = new RegExp(r'(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(-dev\.([^\.]*)\.([^\.]*))?'); |
| var match = re.firstMatch(version); |
| Expect.isNotNull(match); |
| // Major version. |
| Expect.isTrue(int.parse(match.group(1)) == 1); |
| // Minor version. |
| Expect.isTrue(int.parse(match.group(2)) >= 9); |
| // Patch version. |
| Expect.isTrue(int.parse(match.group(3)) >= 0); |
| // Dev |
| if (match.group(4) != null) { |
| // Dev prerelease minor version |
| Expect.isTrue(int.parse(match.group(5)) >= 0); |
| // Dev prerelease patch version |
| Expect.isTrue(int.parse(match.group(6)) >= 0); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| String stripAdditionalInfo(String version) { |
| var index = version.indexOf(' '); |
| if (index == -1) return version; |
| return version.substring(0, index); |
| } |
| |
| // Ensure we can match valid versions. |
| checkValidVersion('1.9.0'); |
| checkValidVersion('1.9.0-dev.0.0'); |
| checkValidVersion('1.9.0-edge'); |
| checkValidVersion('1.9.0-edge.r41234'); |
| // Check stripping of additional information. |
| checkValidVersion(stripAdditionalInfo( |
| '1.9.0-dev.1.2 (Wed Feb 25 02:22:19 2015) on "linux_ia32"')); |
| // Test current version. |
| checkValidVersion(stripAdditionalInfo(Platform.version)); |
| // Test some invalid versions. |
| Expect.throws(() => checkValidVersion('1.9')); |
| Expect.throws(() => checkValidVersion('2.0.0')); |
| Expect.throws(() => checkValidVersion('..')); |
| Expect.throws(() => checkValidVersion('1..')); |
| Expect.throws(() => checkValidVersion('1.9.')); |
| Expect.throws(() => checkValidVersion('1.9.0-dev..')); |
| Expect.throws(() => checkValidVersion('1.9.0-dev..0')); |
| Expect.throws(() => checkValidVersion('1.9.0-dev.0.')); |
| Expect.throws(() => checkValidVersion('1.9.0-dev.x.y')); |
| Expect.throws(() => checkValidVersion('x')); |
| Expect.throws(() => checkValidVersion('x.y.z')); |
| } |
| |
| main() { |
| // This tests assumes paths relative to dart main directory |
| Directory.current = Platform.script.resolve('../../..').toFilePath(); |
| test(); |
| testIsolate(); |
| testVersion(); |
| } |