| // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| // |
| |
| import "package:expect/expect.dart"; |
| import "dart:isolate"; |
| import "dart:io"; |
| |
| void test(int totalConnections, [String body]) { |
| HttpServer.bind("", 0).then((server) { |
| |
| server.listen((HttpRequest request) { |
| HttpResponse response = request.response; |
| // Cannot mutate request headers. |
| Expect.throws(() => request.headers.add("X-Request-Header", "value"), |
| (e) => e is HttpException); |
| Expect.equals("value", request.headers.value("X-Request-Header")); |
| request.listen((_) {}, onDone: () { |
| // Can still mutate response headers as long as no data has been sent. |
| response.headers.add("X-Response-Header", "value"); |
| if (body != null) { |
| response.write(body); |
| // Cannot change state or reason when data has been sent. |
| Expect.throws(() => response.statusCode = 200, |
| (e) => e is StateError); |
| Expect.throws(() => response.reasonPhrase = "OK", |
| (e) => e is StateError); |
| // Cannot mutate response headers when data has been sent. |
| Expect.throws(() => response.headers.add("X-Request-Header", "value2"), |
| (e) => e is HttpException); |
| } |
| response..close(); |
| // Cannot change state or reason after connection is closed. |
| Expect.throws(() => response.statusCode = 200, |
| (e) => e is StateError); |
| Expect.throws(() => response.reasonPhrase = "OK", |
| (e) => e is StateError); |
| // Cannot mutate response headers after connection is closed. |
| Expect.throws(() => response.headers.add("X-Request-Header", "value3"), |
| (e) => e is HttpException); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| int count = 0; |
| HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < totalConnections; i++) { |
| client.get("", server.port, "/") |
| .then((HttpClientRequest request) { |
| if (body != null) { |
| request.contentLength = -1; |
| } |
| // Can still mutate request headers as long as no data has been sent. |
| request.headers.add("X-Request-Header", "value"); |
| if (body != null) { |
| request.write(body); |
| // Cannot mutate request headers when data has been sent. |
| Expect.throws( |
| () => request.headers.add("X-Request-Header", "value2"), |
| (e) => e is HttpException); |
| } |
| request.close(); |
| // Cannot mutate request headers when data has been sent. |
| Expect.throws(() => request.headers.add("X-Request-Header", "value3"), |
| (e) => e is HttpException); |
| return request.done; |
| }) |
| .then((HttpClientResponse response) { |
| // Cannot mutate response headers. |
| Expect.throws( |
| () => response.headers.add("X-Response-Header", "value"), |
| (e) => e is HttpException); |
| Expect.equals("value", response.headers.value("X-Response-Header")); |
| response.listen((_) {}, onDone: () { |
| // Do not close the connections before we have read the |
| // full response bodies for all connections. |
| if (++count == totalConnections) { |
| client.close(); |
| server.close(); |
| } |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| void main() { |
| test(5); |
| test(5, "Hello and goodbye"); |
| } |