| // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| // |
| // Directory listing test. |
| |
| import "dart:async"; |
| import "dart:io"; |
| |
| import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart"; |
| import "package:expect/expect.dart"; |
| |
| class DirectoryTest { |
| static void testListing() { |
| bool listedDir = false; |
| bool listedFile = false; |
| |
| Directory directory = |
| Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('dart_directory_test'); |
| Directory subDirectory = new Directory("${directory.path}/subdir"); |
| Expect.isTrue('$directory'.contains(directory.path)); |
| Expect.isFalse(subDirectory.existsSync()); |
| subDirectory.createSync(); |
| Expect.isTrue(subDirectory.existsSync()); |
| File f = new File('${subDirectory.path}/file.txt'); |
| File fLong = new File('${directory.path}/subdir/../subdir/file.txt'); |
| Expect.isFalse(f.existsSync()); |
| f.createSync(); |
| |
| void testSyncListing(bool recursive) { |
| for (var entry in directory.listSync(recursive: recursive)) { |
| if (entry is File) { |
| Expect.isTrue(entry.path.contains(directory.path)); |
| Expect.isTrue(entry.path.contains('subdir')); |
| Expect.isTrue(entry.path.contains('file.txt')); |
| Expect.isFalse(listedFile); |
| listedFile = true; |
| } else { |
| Expect.isTrue(entry is Directory); |
| Expect.isTrue(entry.path.contains(directory.path)); |
| Expect.isTrue(entry.path.contains('subdir')); |
| Expect.isFalse(listedDir); |
| listedDir = true; |
| } |
| } |
| Expect.equals(listedFile, recursive); |
| Expect.isTrue(listedDir); |
| listedFile = false; |
| listedDir = false; |
| } |
| |
| testSyncListing(true); |
| testSyncListing(false); |
| Expect.equals(f.resolveSymbolicLinksSync(), |
| fLong.resolveSymbolicLinksSync()); |
| |
| asyncStart(); |
| directory.list(recursive: true).listen( |
| (FileSystemEntity entity) { |
| if (entity is File) { |
| var path = entity.path; |
| listedFile = true; |
| Expect.isTrue(path.contains(directory.path)); |
| Expect.isTrue(path.contains('subdir')); |
| Expect.isTrue(path.contains('file.txt')); |
| } else { |
| var path = entity.path; |
| Expect.isTrue(entity is Directory); |
| listedDir = true; |
| Expect.isTrue(path.contains(directory.path)); |
| Expect.isTrue(path.contains('subdir')); |
| } |
| }, |
| onDone: () { |
| Expect.isTrue(listedDir, "directory not found"); |
| Expect.isTrue(listedFile, "file not found"); |
| directory.delete(recursive: true).then((ignore) { |
| f.exists().then((exists) => Expect.isFalse(exists)); |
| directory.exists().then((exists) => Expect.isFalse(exists)); |
| subDirectory.exists().then((exists) => Expect.isFalse(exists)); |
| asyncEnd(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| // Listing is asynchronous, so nothing should be listed at this |
| // point. |
| Expect.isFalse(listedDir); |
| Expect.isFalse(listedFile); |
| } |
| |
| static void testListingTailingPaths() { |
| Directory directory = |
| Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('dart_directory_test'); |
| Directory subDirectory = new Directory("${directory.path}/subdir/"); |
| subDirectory.createSync(); |
| File f = new File('${subDirectory.path}/file.txt'); |
| f.createSync(); |
| |
| void test(entry) { |
| Expect.isFalse(entry.path.contains(new RegExp('[\\/][\\/]'))); |
| } |
| |
| subDirectory.listSync().forEach(test); |
| |
| subDirectory.list().listen(test, onDone: () { |
| directory.deleteSync(recursive: true); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testListNonExistent() { |
| setupListerHandlers(Stream<FileSystemEntity> stream) { |
| stream.listen( |
| (_) => Expect.fail("Listing of non-existing directory should fail"), |
| onError: (error) { |
| Expect.isTrue(error is FileSystemException); |
| }); |
| } |
| Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('dart_directory').then((d) { |
| d.delete().then((ignore) { |
| setupListerHandlers(d.list()); |
| setupListerHandlers(d.list(recursive: true)); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testListTooLongName() { |
| asyncStart(); |
| Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('dart_directory').then((d) { |
| var errors = 0; |
| setupListHandlers(Stream<FileSystemEntity> stream) { |
| stream.listen( |
| (_) => Expect.fail("Listing of non-existing directory should fail"), |
| onError: (error) { |
| Expect.isTrue(error is FileSystemException); |
| if (++errors == 2) { |
| d.delete(recursive: true).then((_) { |
| asyncEnd(); |
| }); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| var subDirName = 'subdir'; |
| var subDir = new Directory("${d.path}/$subDirName"); |
| subDir.create().then((ignore) { |
| // Construct a long string of the form |
| // 'tempdir/subdir/../subdir/../subdir'. |
| var buffer = new StringBuffer(); |
| buffer.write(subDir.path); |
| for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { |
| buffer.write("/../${subDirName}"); |
| } |
| var long = new Directory("${buffer.toString()}"); |
| setupListHandlers(long.list()); |
| setupListHandlers(long.list(recursive: true)); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testDeleteNonExistent() { |
| // Test that deleting a non-existing directory fails. |
| setupFutureHandlers(future) { |
| future.then((ignore) { |
| Expect.fail("Deletion of non-existing directory should fail"); |
| }).catchError((error) { |
| Expect.isTrue(error is FileSystemException); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('dart_directory').then((d) { |
| d.delete().then((ignore) { |
| setupFutureHandlers(d.delete()); |
| setupFutureHandlers(d.delete(recursive: true)); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testDeleteTooLongName() { |
| asyncStart(); |
| Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('dart_directory').then((d) { |
| var subDirName = 'subdir'; |
| var subDir = new Directory("${d.path}/$subDirName"); |
| subDir.create().then((ignore) { |
| // Construct a long string of the form |
| // 'tempdir/subdir/../subdir/../subdir'. |
| var buffer = new StringBuffer(); |
| buffer.write(subDir.path); |
| for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { |
| buffer.write("/../${subDirName}"); |
| } |
| var long = new Directory("${buffer.toString()}"); |
| var errors = 0; |
| onError(error) { |
| Expect.isTrue(error is FileSystemException); |
| if (++errors == 2) { |
| d.delete(recursive: true).then((_) => asyncEnd()); |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| long.delete().catchError(onError); |
| long.delete(recursive: true).catchError(onError); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testDeleteNonExistentSync() { |
| Directory d = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('dart_directory_test'); |
| d.deleteSync(); |
| Expect.throws(d.deleteSync); |
| Expect.throws(() => d.deleteSync(recursive: true)); |
| } |
| |
| static void testDeleteTooLongNameSync() { |
| Directory d = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('dart_directory_test'); |
| var subDirName = 'subdir'; |
| var subDir = new Directory("${d.path}/$subDirName"); |
| subDir.createSync(); |
| // Construct a long string of the form |
| // 'tempdir/subdir/../subdir/../subdir'. |
| var buffer = new StringBuffer(); |
| buffer.write(subDir.path); |
| for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { |
| buffer.write("/../${subDirName}"); |
| } |
| var long = new Directory("${buffer.toString()}"); |
| Expect.throws(long.deleteSync); |
| Expect.throws(() => long.deleteSync(recursive: true)); |
| d.deleteSync(recursive: true); |
| } |
| |
| static void testExistsCreateDelete() { |
| Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('dart_directory').then((d) { |
| d.exists().then((bool exists) { |
| Expect.isTrue(exists); |
| Directory created = new Directory("${d.path}/subdir"); |
| created.create().then((ignore) { |
| created.exists().then((bool exists) { |
| Expect.isTrue(exists); |
| created.delete().then((ignore) { |
| created.exists().then((bool exists) { |
| Expect.isFalse(exists); |
| d.delete().then((ignore) { |
| d.exists().then((bool exists) { |
| Expect.isFalse(exists); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testExistsCreateDeleteSync() { |
| Directory d = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('dart_directory_test'); |
| Directory d2 = new Directory('${d.path}/'); |
| Expect.isTrue(d.existsSync()); |
| Expect.isTrue(d2.existsSync()); |
| Directory created = new Directory("${d.path}/subdir"); |
| created.createSync(); |
| Expect.isTrue(created.existsSync()); |
| created.deleteSync(); |
| Expect.isFalse(created.existsSync()); |
| d.deleteSync(); |
| Expect.isFalse(d.existsSync()); |
| } |
| |
| static void testDeleteLinkSync() { |
| Directory tmp = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('dart_directory_test'); |
| var path = "${tmp.path}${Platform.pathSeparator}"; |
| Directory d = new Directory("${path}target"); |
| d.createSync(); |
| Link l = new Link("${path}symlink"); |
| l.createSync("${path}target"); |
| Expect.isTrue(d.existsSync()); |
| Expect.isTrue(l.existsSync()); |
| new Directory(l.path).deleteSync(recursive: true); |
| Expect.isTrue(d.existsSync()); |
| Expect.isFalse(l.existsSync()); |
| d.deleteSync(); |
| Expect.isFalse(d.existsSync()); |
| tmp.deleteSync(); |
| } |
| |
| static void testDeleteLinkAsFileSync() { |
| Directory tmp = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('dart_directory_test'); |
| var path = "${tmp.path}${Platform.pathSeparator}"; |
| Directory d = new Directory("${path}target"); |
| d.createSync(); |
| Link l = new Link("${path}symlink"); |
| l.createSync("${path}target"); |
| Expect.isTrue(d.existsSync()); |
| Expect.isTrue(l.existsSync()); |
| new Link(l.path).deleteSync(); |
| Expect.isTrue(d.existsSync()); |
| Expect.isFalse(l.existsSync()); |
| d.deleteSync(); |
| Expect.isFalse(d.existsSync()); |
| tmp.deleteSync(); |
| } |
| |
| static void testDeleteBrokenLinkAsFileSync() { |
| Directory tmp = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('dart_directory_test'); |
| var path = "${tmp.path}${Platform.pathSeparator}"; |
| Directory d = new Directory("${path}target"); |
| d.createSync(); |
| Link l = new Link("${path}symlink"); |
| l.createSync("${path}target"); |
| d.deleteSync(); |
| Expect.isFalse(d.existsSync()); |
| Expect.isTrue(l.existsSync()); |
| new Link(l.path).deleteSync(); |
| Expect.isFalse(l.existsSync()); |
| Expect.isFalse(d.existsSync()); |
| tmp.deleteSync(); |
| } |
| |
| static void testListBrokenLinkSync() { |
| Directory tmp = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('dart_directory_test'); |
| var path = "${tmp.path}${Platform.pathSeparator}"; |
| Directory d = new Directory("${path}target"); |
| d.createSync(); |
| Link l = new Link("${path}symlink"); |
| l.createSync("${path}target"); |
| d.deleteSync(); |
| int count = 0; |
| tmp.list(followLinks: true).listen( |
| (file) { |
| count++; |
| Expect.isTrue(file is Link); |
| }, |
| onDone: () { |
| Expect.equals(1, count); |
| l.deleteSync(); |
| tmp.deleteSync(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testListLinkSync() { |
| Directory tmp = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('dart_directory_test'); |
| var path = "${tmp.path}${Platform.pathSeparator}"; |
| Directory d = new Directory("${path}target"); |
| d.createSync(); |
| Link l = new Link("${path}symlink"); |
| l.createSync("${path}target"); |
| int count = 0; |
| tmp.list(followLinks: true).listen( |
| (file) { |
| count++; |
| Expect.isTrue(file is Directory); |
| }, |
| onDone: () { |
| Expect.equals(2, count); |
| l.deleteSync(); |
| d.deleteSync(); |
| tmp.deleteSync(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testCreateTemp() { |
| Directory base = new Directory('/tmp'); |
| String template = 'dart_temp_dir'; |
| if (base.existsSync()) { |
| asyncStart(); |
| Future.wait([base.createTemp(template), base.createTemp(template)]) |
| .then((tempDirs) { |
| Expect.notEquals(tempDirs[0].path, tempDirs[1].path); |
| for (Directory t in tempDirs) { |
| Expect.isTrue(t.existsSync()); |
| t.deleteSync(); |
| Expect.isFalse(t.existsSync()); |
| } |
| asyncEnd(); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void testCreateSystemTemp() { |
| String template = 'dart_system_temp_dir'; |
| asyncStart(); |
| Future.wait([Directory.systemTemp.createTemp(template), |
| Directory.systemTemp.createTemp(template)]) |
| .then((tempDirs) { |
| Expect.notEquals(tempDirs[0].path, tempDirs[1].path); |
| for (Directory t in tempDirs) { |
| Expect.isTrue(t.existsSync()); |
| t.deleteSync(); |
| Expect.isFalse(t.existsSync()); |
| } |
| asyncEnd(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testCreateDeleteTemp() { |
| Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('dart_directory').then((tempDirectory) { |
| String filename = |
| "${tempDirectory.path}${Platform.pathSeparator}dart_testfile"; |
| File file = new File(filename); |
| Expect.isFalse(file.existsSync()); |
| file.create().then((ignore) { |
| file.exists().then((exists) { |
| Expect.isTrue(exists); |
| // Try to delete the directory containing the file - should throw. |
| Expect.throws(tempDirectory.deleteSync); |
| Expect.isTrue(tempDirectory.existsSync()); |
| |
| // Delete the file, and then delete the directory. |
| file.delete().then((ignore) { |
| tempDirectory.deleteSync(); |
| Expect.isFalse(tempDirectory.existsSync()); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testCurrent() { |
| Directory current = Directory.current; |
| if (Platform.operatingSystem != "windows") { |
| Expect.equals("/", current.path.substring(0, 1)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void testEquals() { |
| var name = new File('.').resolveSymbolicLinksSync(); |
| Directory current1 = new Directory(name); |
| Directory current2 = new Directory(name); |
| Expect.equals(current1.path, current2.path); |
| Expect.isTrue(current1.existsSync()); |
| } |
| |
| static void testMain() { |
| testListing(); |
| testListingTailingPaths(); |
| testListNonExistent(); |
| testListTooLongName(); |
| testDeleteNonExistent(); |
| testDeleteTooLongName(); |
| testDeleteNonExistentSync(); |
| testDeleteTooLongNameSync(); |
| testExistsCreateDelete(); |
| testExistsCreateDeleteSync(); |
| testDeleteLinkSync(); |
| testDeleteLinkAsFileSync(); |
| testDeleteBrokenLinkAsFileSync(); |
| testListBrokenLinkSync(); |
| testListLinkSync(); |
| testCreateTemp(); |
| testCreateSystemTemp(); |
| testCreateDeleteTemp(); |
| testCurrent(); |
| testEquals(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| class NestedTempDirectoryTest { |
| List<Directory> createdDirectories; |
| Directory current; |
| |
| NestedTempDirectoryTest.run() |
| : createdDirectories = new List<Directory>() { |
| Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('dart_directory').then(createPhaseCallback); |
| } |
| |
| void createPhaseCallback(temp) { |
| createdDirectories.add(temp); |
| int nestingDepth = 6; |
| var os = Platform.operatingSystem; |
| if (os == "windows") nestingDepth = 2; |
| if (createdDirectories.length < nestingDepth) { |
| temp.createTemp('nested_temp_dir_${createdDirectories.length}_') |
| .then(createPhaseCallback); |
| } else { |
| deletePhaseCallback(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void deletePhaseCallback() { |
| if (!createdDirectories.isEmpty) { |
| current = createdDirectories.removeLast(); |
| current.deleteSync(); |
| deletePhaseCallback(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void testMain() { |
| new NestedTempDirectoryTest.run(); |
| new NestedTempDirectoryTest.run(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| String illegalTempDirectoryLocation() { |
| // Determine a platform specific illegal location for a temporary directory. |
| var os = Platform.operatingSystem; |
| if (os == "linux" || os == "macos") { |
| return "/dev/zero/"; |
| } |
| if (os == "windows") { |
| return "*"; |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| |
| testCreateTempErrorSync() { |
| var location = illegalTempDirectoryLocation(); |
| if (location != null) { |
| Expect.throws(() => new Directory(location).createTempSync('dart_tempdir'), |
| (e) => e is FileSystemException); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| testCreateTempError() { |
| var location = illegalTempDirectoryLocation(); |
| if (location == null) return; |
| |
| asyncStart(); |
| var future = new Directory(location).createTemp('dart_tempdir'); |
| future.catchError((_) => asyncEnd()); |
| } |
| |
| |
| testCreateExistingSync() { |
| // Test that creating an existing directory succeeds. |
| var temp = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('directory_test'); |
| var subDir = new Directory('${temp.path}/flaf'); |
| Expect.isFalse(subDir.existsSync()); |
| subDir.createSync(); |
| Expect.isTrue(subDir.existsSync()); |
| subDir.createSync(); |
| Expect.isTrue(subDir.existsSync()); |
| temp.deleteSync(recursive: true); |
| } |
| |
| |
| testCreateExisting() { |
| // Test that creating an existing directory succeeds. |
| asyncStart(); |
| Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('dart_directory').then((temp) { |
| var subDir = new Directory('${temp.path}/flaf'); |
| subDir.exists().then((dirExists) { |
| Expect.isFalse(dirExists); |
| subDir.create().then((_) { |
| subDir.exists().then((dirExists) { |
| Expect.isTrue(dirExists); |
| subDir.create().then((_) { |
| subDir.exists().then((dirExists) { |
| Expect.isTrue(dirExists); |
| temp.delete(recursive: true).then((_) { |
| asyncEnd(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| |
| testCreateDirExistingFileSync() { |
| // Test that creating an existing directory succeeds. |
| var temp = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('directory_test'); |
| var path = '${temp.path}/flaf'; |
| var file = new File(path); |
| file.createSync(); |
| Expect.isTrue(file.existsSync()); |
| Expect.throws(new Directory(path).createSync, |
| (e) => e is FileSystemException); |
| temp.deleteSync(recursive: true); |
| } |
| |
| |
| testCreateDirExistingFile() { |
| // Test that creating an existing directory succeeds. |
| asyncStart(); |
| Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('dart_directory').then((temp) { |
| var path = '${temp.path}/flaf'; |
| var file = new File(path); |
| var subDir = new Directory(path); |
| file.create().then((_) { |
| subDir.create() |
| .then((_) { Expect.fail("dir create should fail on existing file"); }) |
| .catchError((error) { |
| Expect.isTrue(error is FileSystemException); |
| temp.delete(recursive: true).then((_) { |
| asyncEnd(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| |
| testRename() { |
| var temp1 = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('directory_test'); |
| var temp2 = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('directory_test'); |
| var temp3 = temp1.renameSync(temp2.path); |
| Expect.isFalse(temp1.existsSync()); |
| Expect.isTrue(temp2.existsSync()); |
| Expect.equals(temp3.path, temp2.path); |
| |
| temp2.rename(temp1.path).then((temp4) { |
| Expect.isFalse(temp3.existsSync()); |
| Expect.isFalse(temp2.existsSync()); |
| Expect.isTrue(temp1.existsSync()); |
| Expect.isTrue(temp4.existsSync()); |
| Expect.equals(temp1.path, temp4.path); |
| temp1.deleteSync(recursive: true); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| main() { |
| DirectoryTest.testMain(); |
| NestedTempDirectoryTest.testMain(); |
| testCreateTempErrorSync(); |
| testCreateTempError(); |
| testCreateExistingSync(); |
| testCreateExisting(); |
| testCreateDirExistingFileSync(); |
| testCreateDirExistingFile(); |
| testRename(); |
| } |