| #!/usr/bin/env dart |
| // Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // testing ../../../tools/addlatexhash.dart |
| |
| import 'dart:io'; |
| import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; |
| import '../../../tools/addlatexhash.dart'; |
| |
| final execDir = path.dirname(path.fromUri(Platform.executable)); |
| final dartRootDir = path.dirname(path.dirname(execDir)); |
| final dartRootPath = dartRootDir.toString(); |
| |
| List<String> packageOptions() { |
| if (Platform.packageRoot != null) { |
| return <String>['--package-root=${Platform.packageRoot}']; |
| } else if (Platform.packageConfig != null) { |
| return <String>['--packages=${Platform.packageConfig}']; |
| } else { |
| return <String>[]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Check that the given ProcessResult indicates success; if so |
| // return the standard output, otherwise report the failure |
| checkAction(result, errorMessage) { |
| if (result.exitCode != 0) { |
| print(result.stdout); |
| print(result.stderr); |
| throw errorMessage; |
| } |
| return result.stdout; |
| } |
| |
| oneTestCutMatch(line, re, expected) { |
| var result = cutMatch(line, new RegExp(re).firstMatch(line)); |
| if (result != expected) { |
| throw "cutMatch '$re' from '$line' yields '$result' != '$expected'"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void testCutMatch() { |
| oneTestCutMatch("test", "", "test"); |
| oneTestCutMatch("test", "e", "tst"); |
| oneTestCutMatch("test", "te", "st"); |
| oneTestCutMatch("test", "st", "te"); |
| oneTestCutMatch("test", "test", ""); |
| } |
| |
| oneTestSisp(sispFun, nameSuffix, line, expected) { |
| var result = sispFun(line); |
| if (result != expected) { |
| throw "sispIsDart$nameSuffix '$line' yields $result"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| testSisp() { |
| oneTestSisp(sispIsDartBegin, "Begin", "\\begin{dartCode}\n", true); |
| oneTestSisp(sispIsDartBegin, "Begin", " \\begin{dartCode}\n", true); |
| oneTestSisp(sispIsDartBegin, "Begin", "whatever else ..", false); |
| oneTestSisp(sispIsDartEnd, "End", "\\end{dartCode}", true); |
| oneTestSisp(sispIsDartEnd, "End", " \\end{dartCode}\t \n", true); |
| oneTestSisp(sispIsDartEnd, "End", "whatever else ..", false); |
| } |
| |
| // Check that the hash values of paragraphs in the specially prepared |
| // LaTeX source 'addlatexhash_test_src.tex' are identical in groups |
| // of eight (so we get 8 identical hash values, then another hash |
| // value 8 times, etc.) |
| testSameHash(String tmpDirPath) { |
| // file names/paths for file containing groups of 8 variants of a paragraph |
| const par8timesName = "addlatexhash_test_src"; |
| const par8timesFileName = "$par8timesName.tex"; |
| final par8timesDirPath = path.join(dartRootDir, "tests", "standalone", "io"); |
| final par8timesPath = path.join(par8timesDirPath, par8timesFileName); |
| final tmpPar8timesPath = path.join(tmpDirPath, par8timesFileName); |
| |
| // file names paths for output |
| final hashName = par8timesName + "-hash"; |
| final hashFileName = "$hashName.tex"; |
| final hashPath = path.join(tmpDirPath, hashFileName); |
| final listName = par8timesName + "-list"; |
| final listFileName = "$listName.txt"; |
| final listPath = path.join(tmpDirPath, listFileName); |
| |
| // dart executable |
| final dartExecutable = Platform.executable; |
| if (dartExecutable == "") throw "dart executable not available"; |
| |
| // actions to take |
| runAddHash() { |
| var args = packageOptions(); |
| args.addAll([ |
| path.join(dartRootPath, "tools", "addlatexhash.dart"), |
| tmpPar8timesPath, |
| hashPath, |
| listPath |
| ]); |
| return Process.runSync(dartExecutable, args); |
| } |
| |
| // perform test |
| new File(par8timesPath).copySync(tmpPar8timesPath); |
| checkAction(runAddHash(), "addlatexhash.dart failed"); |
| var listFile = new File(listPath); |
| var listLines = listFile.readAsLinesSync(); |
| var latestLine = null; |
| var sameCount = 0; |
| for (var line in listLines) { |
| if (!line.startsWith(" ")) continue; // section marker |
| if (line.startsWith(" %")) continue; // transformed text "comment" |
| if (line != latestLine) { |
| // new hash, check for number of equal hashes, then reset |
| if (sameCount % 8 == 0) { |
| // saw zero or more blocks of 8 identical hash values: OK |
| latestLine = line; |
| sameCount = 1; |
| } else { |
| throw "normalization failed to produce same result"; |
| } |
| } else { |
| sameCount++; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Check that the LaTeX source transformation done by addlatexhash.dart |
| // does not affect the generated output, as seen via dvi2tty and diff. |
| // NB: Not part of normal testing (only local): latex and dvi2tty are |
| // not installed in the standard test environment. |
| testSameDVI(String tmpDirPath) { |
| // file names/paths for original spec |
| const specName = "dartLangSpec"; |
| const specFileName = "$specName.tex"; |
| final specDirPath = path.join(dartRootDir, "docs", "language"); |
| final specPath = path.join(specDirPath, specFileName); |
| final tmpSpecPath = path.join(tmpDirPath, specFileName); |
| const specDviFileName = "$specName.dvi"; |
| final specDviPath = path.join(tmpDirPath, specDviFileName); |
| |
| // file names/paths for associated sty |
| const styFileName = "dart.sty"; |
| final styPath = path.join(specDirPath, styFileName); |
| final tmpStyPath = path.join(tmpDirPath, styFileName); |
| |
| // file names paths for output |
| const hashName = "dartLangSpec-hash"; |
| const hashFileName = "$hashName.tex"; |
| final hashPath = path.join(tmpDirPath, hashFileName); |
| final hashDviPath = path.join(tmpDirPath, "$hashName.dvi"); |
| |
| final listName = "$specName-list"; |
| final listFileName = "$listName.txt"; |
| final listPath = path.join(tmpDirPath, listFileName); |
| |
| // dart executable |
| final dartExecutable = Platform.executable; |
| if (dartExecutable == "") throw "dart executable not available"; |
| |
| // actions to take; rely on having latex and dvi2tty in PATH |
| runLatex(fileName,workingDirectory) => |
| Process.runSync("latex", [fileName], workingDirectory: workingDirectory); |
| |
| runAddHash() { |
| var args = packageOptions(); |
| args.addAll([ |
| path.join(dartRootPath, "tools", "addlatexhash.dart"), |
| tmpSpecPath, |
| hashPath, |
| listPath |
| ]); |
| return Process.runSync(dartExecutable, args); |
| } |
| |
| runDvi2tty(dviFile) => |
| Process.runSync("dvi2tty", [dviFile], workingDirectory: tmpDirPath); |
| |
| chkDvi2tty(file, subject) => |
| checkAction(runDvi2tty(file), "dvitty on $subject failed"); |
| |
| // perform test |
| var renewLMHashCmd = r"\renewcommand{\LMHash}[1]{\OriginalLMHash{xxxx}}"; |
| new File(styPath) |
| .copySync(tmpStyPath) |
| .writeAsStringSync(renewLMHashCmd, mode: FileMode.APPEND); |
| new File(specPath).copySync(tmpSpecPath); |
| |
| checkAction(runAddHash(),"addlatexhash.dart failed"); |
| for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { |
| checkAction(runLatex(specName, tmpDirPath), "LaTeX on spec failed"); |
| } |
| for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { |
| checkAction(runLatex(hashFileName, tmpDirPath), "LaTeX on output failed"); |
| } |
| if (chkDvi2tty(specDviPath, "spec") != chkDvi2tty(hashDviPath, "output")) { |
| throw "dvi2tty spec != dvitty output"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| runWithTempDir(void test(String tempDir)) { |
| final tempDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync("addlatexhash_test"); |
| try { |
| test(tempDir.path); |
| } |
| finally { |
| tempDir.delete(recursive: true); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| main([args]) { |
| testCutMatch(); |
| testSisp(); |
| |
| runWithTempDir(testSameHash); |
| // latex and dvi2tty are not installed in the standard test environment |
| if (args.length > 0 && args[0] == "local") { |
| runWithTempDir(testSameDVI); |
| } |
| } |