blob: 0adf4ac957f8fd899344dea432b59a09f37366df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "include/dart_api.h"
#include "include/dart_tools_api.h"
#include "bin/builtin.h"
#include "bin/dartutils.h"
#include "bin/directory.h"
#include "bin/embedded_dart_io.h"
#include "bin/eventhandler.h"
#include "bin/extensions.h"
#include "bin/file.h"
#include "bin/isolate_data.h"
#include "bin/loader.h"
#include "bin/log.h"
#include "bin/platform.h"
#include "bin/process.h"
#include "bin/thread.h"
#include "bin/utils.h"
#include "bin/vmservice_impl.h"
#include "platform/globals.h"
#include "platform/hashmap.h"
#include "platform/text_buffer.h"
#if !defined(DART_PRECOMPILER)
#include "zlib/zlib.h"
namespace dart {
namespace bin {
// vm_isolate_snapshot_buffer points to a snapshot for the vm isolate if we
// link in a snapshot otherwise it is initialized to NULL.
extern const uint8_t* vm_isolate_snapshot_buffer;
// isolate_snapshot_buffer points to a snapshot for an isolate if we link in a
// snapshot otherwise it is initialized to NULL.
extern const uint8_t* isolate_snapshot_buffer;
* Global state used to control and store generation of application snapshots
* An application snapshot can be generated and run using the following
* command
* dart --snapshot-kind=app-jit --snapshot=<app_snapshot_filename>
* <script_uri> [<script_options>]
* To Run the application snapshot generated above, use :
* dart <app_snapshot_filename> [<script_options>]
static bool run_app_snapshot = false;
static const char* snapshot_filename = NULL;
enum SnapshotKind {
static SnapshotKind gen_snapshot_kind = kNone;
// Value of the --package-root flag.
// (This pointer points into an argv buffer and does not need to be
// free'd.)
static const char* commandline_package_root = NULL;
// Value of the --packages flag.
// (This pointer points into an argv buffer and does not need to be
// free'd.)
static const char* commandline_packages_file = NULL;
// Global flag that is used to indicate that we want to compile all the
// dart functions and not run anything.
static bool compile_all = false;
static bool parse_all = false;
// Global flag that is used to indicate that we want to use blobs/mmap instead
// of assembly/shared libraries for precompilation.
static bool use_blobs = false;
// Global flag that is used to indicate that we want to compile everything in
// the same way as precompilation before main, then continue running in the
// same process.
// Always set this with dart_noopt.
#if defined(DART_PRECOMPILER) && !defined(DART_NO_SNAPSHOT)
static const bool is_noopt = true;
static const bool is_noopt = false;
extern const char* kPrecompiledVMIsolateSymbolName;
extern const char* kPrecompiledIsolateSymbolName;
extern const char* kPrecompiledInstructionsSymbolName;
extern const char* kPrecompiledDataSymbolName;
// Global flag that is used to indicate that we want to trace resolution of
// URIs and the loading of libraries, parts and scripts.
static bool trace_loading = false;
static Dart_Isolate main_isolate = NULL;
static const char* DEFAULT_VM_SERVICE_SERVER_IP = "localhost";
static const int DEFAULT_VM_SERVICE_SERVER_PORT = 8181;
// VM Service options.
static const char* vm_service_server_ip = DEFAULT_VM_SERVICE_SERVER_IP;
// The 0 port is a magic value which results in the first available port
// being allocated.
static int vm_service_server_port = -1;
// True when we are running in development mode and cross origin security
// checks are disabled.
static bool vm_service_dev_mode = false;
// Exit code indicating an API error.
static const int kApiErrorExitCode = 253;
// Exit code indicating a compilation error.
static const int kCompilationErrorExitCode = 254;
// Exit code indicating an unhandled error that is not a compilation error.
static const int kErrorExitCode = 255;
// Exit code indicating a vm restart request. Never returned to the user.
static const int kRestartRequestExitCode = 1000;
static void ErrorExit(int exit_code, const char* format, ...) {
va_list arguments;
va_start(arguments, format);
Log::VPrintErr(format, arguments);
// Terminate process exit-code handler.
char* error = Dart_Cleanup();
if (error != NULL) {
Log::PrintErr("VM cleanup failed: %s\n", error);
// The environment provided through the command line using -D options.
static dart::HashMap* environment = NULL;
static bool IsValidFlag(const char* name,
const char* prefix,
intptr_t prefix_length) {
intptr_t name_length = strlen(name);
return ((name_length > prefix_length) &&
(strncmp(name, prefix, prefix_length) == 0));
static bool version_option = false;
static bool ProcessVersionOption(const char* arg,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
if (*arg != '\0') {
return false;
version_option = true;
return true;
static bool help_option = false;
static bool ProcessHelpOption(const char* arg, CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
if (*arg != '\0') {
return false;
help_option = true;
return true;
static bool verbose_option = false;
static bool ProcessVerboseOption(const char* arg,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
if (*arg != '\0') {
return false;
verbose_option = true;
return true;
static bool ProcessPackageRootOption(const char* arg,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
ASSERT(arg != NULL);
if (*arg == '-') {
return false;
commandline_package_root = arg;
return true;
static bool ProcessPackagesOption(const char* arg,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
ASSERT(arg != NULL);
if (*arg == '-') {
return false;
commandline_packages_file = arg;
return true;
static void* GetHashmapKeyFromString(char* key) {
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(key);
static bool ExtractPortAndAddress(const char* option_value,
int* out_port,
const char** out_ip,
int default_port,
const char* default_ip) {
// [option_value] has to be one of the following formats:
// - ""
// - ":8181"
// - "=8181"
// - ":8181/"
// - "=8181/"
// - "=8181/::1"
if (*option_value == '\0') {
*out_ip = default_ip;
*out_port = default_port;
return true;
if ((*option_value != '=') && (*option_value != ':')) {
return false;
int port = atoi(option_value + 1);
const char* slash = strstr(option_value, "/");
if (slash == NULL) {
*out_ip = default_ip;
*out_port = port;
return true;
*out_ip = slash + 1;
*out_port = port;
return true;
static bool ProcessEnvironmentOption(const char* arg,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
ASSERT(arg != NULL);
if (*arg == '\0') {
// Ignore empty -D option.
Log::PrintErr("No arguments given to -D option, ignoring it\n");
return true;
// Split the name=value part of the -Dname=value argument.
const char* equals_pos = strchr(arg, '=');
if (equals_pos == NULL) {
// No equal sign (name without value) currently not supported.
Log::PrintErr("No value given in -D%s option, ignoring it\n", arg);
return true;
char* name;
char* value = NULL;
int name_len = equals_pos - arg;
if (name_len == 0) {
Log::PrintErr("No name given in -D%s option, ignoring it\n", arg);
return true;
// Split name=value into name and value.
name = reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(name_len + 1));
strncpy(name, arg, name_len);
name[name_len] = '\0';
value = strdup(equals_pos + 1);
if (environment == NULL) {
environment = new HashMap(&HashMap::SameStringValue, 4);
HashMap::Entry* entry = environment->Lookup(GetHashmapKeyFromString(name),
HashMap::StringHash(name), true);
ASSERT(entry != NULL); // Lookup adds an entry if key not found.
if (entry->value != NULL) {
entry->value = value;
return true;
static bool ProcessCompileAllOption(const char* arg,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
ASSERT(arg != NULL);
if (*arg != '\0') {
return false;
compile_all = true;
return true;
static bool ProcessParseAllOption(const char* arg,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
ASSERT(arg != NULL);
if (*arg != '\0') {
return false;
parse_all = true;
return true;
static bool ProcessUseBlobsOption(const char* arg,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
ASSERT(arg != NULL);
if (*arg != '\0') {
return false;
use_blobs = true;
return true;
static bool ProcessSnapshotFilenameOption(const char* filename,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
snapshot_filename = filename;
if (gen_snapshot_kind == kNone) {
gen_snapshot_kind = kScript; // Default behavior.
return true;
static bool ProcessSnapshotKindOption(const char* kind,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
if (strcmp(kind, "script") == 0) {
gen_snapshot_kind = kScript;
return true;
} else if (strcmp(kind, "app-aot") == 0) {
gen_snapshot_kind = kAppAOT;
return true;
} else if (strcmp(kind, "app-jit") == 0) {
gen_snapshot_kind = kAppJIT;
return true;
"Unrecognized snapshot kind: '%s'\nValid kinds are: "
"script, app-aot, app-jit\n",
return false;
static bool ProcessEnableVmServiceOption(const char* option_value,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
ASSERT(option_value != NULL);
if (!ExtractPortAndAddress(
option_value, &vm_service_server_port, &vm_service_server_ip,
"unrecognized --enable-vm-service option syntax. "
"Use --enable-vm-service[=<port number>[/<bind address>]]\n");
return false;
return true;
static bool ProcessDisableServiceOriginCheckOption(
const char* option_value,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
ASSERT(option_value != NULL);
"WARNING: You are running with the service protocol in an "
"insecure mode.\n");
vm_service_dev_mode = true;
return true;
static bool ProcessObserveOption(const char* option_value,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
ASSERT(option_value != NULL);
if (!ExtractPortAndAddress(
option_value, &vm_service_server_port, &vm_service_server_ip,
"unrecognized --observe option syntax. "
"Use --observe[=<port number>[/<bind address>]]\n");
return false;
// These options should also be documented in the help message.
return true;
static bool ProcessTraceLoadingOption(const char* arg,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
if (*arg != '\0') {
return false;
trace_loading = true;
return true;
static bool ProcessHotReloadTestModeOption(const char* arg,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
if (*arg != '\0') {
return false;
// Identity reload.
// Start reloading quickly.
// Reload from optimized and unoptimized code.
// Reload less frequently as time goes on.
// Ensure that every isolate has reloaded once before exiting.
return true;
static bool ProcessHotReloadRollbackTestModeOption(
const char* arg,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
// Identity reload.
// Start reloading quickly.
// Reload from optimized and unoptimized code.
// Reload less frequently as time goes on.
// Ensure that every isolate has reloaded once before exiting.
// Force all reloads to fail and execute the rollback code.
return true;
extern bool short_socket_read;
extern bool short_socket_write;
static bool ProcessShortSocketReadOption(const char* arg,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
short_socket_read = true;
return true;
static bool ProcessShortSocketWriteOption(const char* arg,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
short_socket_write = true;
return true;
#if !defined(TARGET_OS_MACOS)
extern const char* commandline_root_certs_file;
extern const char* commandline_root_certs_cache;
static bool ProcessRootCertsFileOption(const char* arg,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
ASSERT(arg != NULL);
if (*arg == '-') {
return false;
if (commandline_root_certs_cache != NULL) {
"Only one of --root-certs-file and --root-certs-cache "
"may be specified");
return false;
commandline_root_certs_file = arg;
return true;
static bool ProcessRootCertsCacheOption(const char* arg,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
ASSERT(arg != NULL);
if (*arg == '-') {
return false;
if (commandline_root_certs_file != NULL) {
"Only one of --root-certs-file and --root-certs-cache "
"may be specified");
return false;
commandline_root_certs_cache = arg;
return true;
#endif // !defined(TARGET_OS_MACOS)
static struct {
const char* option_name;
bool (*process)(const char* option, CommandLineOptions* vm_options);
} main_options[] = {
// Standard options shared with dart2js.
{"-D", ProcessEnvironmentOption},
{"-h", ProcessHelpOption},
{"--help", ProcessHelpOption},
{"--packages=", ProcessPackagesOption},
{"--package-root=", ProcessPackageRootOption},
{"-v", ProcessVerboseOption},
{"--verbose", ProcessVerboseOption},
{"--version", ProcessVersionOption},
// VM specific options to the standalone dart program.
{"--compile_all", ProcessCompileAllOption},
{"--parse_all", ProcessParseAllOption},
{"--enable-vm-service", ProcessEnableVmServiceOption},
{"--disable-service-origin-check", ProcessDisableServiceOriginCheckOption},
{"--observe", ProcessObserveOption},
{"--snapshot=", ProcessSnapshotFilenameOption},
{"--snapshot-kind=", ProcessSnapshotKindOption},
{"--use-blobs", ProcessUseBlobsOption},
{"--trace-loading", ProcessTraceLoadingOption},
{"--hot-reload-test-mode", ProcessHotReloadTestModeOption},
{"--hot-reload-rollback-test-mode", ProcessHotReloadRollbackTestModeOption},
{"--short_socket_read", ProcessShortSocketReadOption},
{"--short_socket_write", ProcessShortSocketWriteOption},
#if !defined(TARGET_OS_MACOS)
{"--root-certs-file=", ProcessRootCertsFileOption},
{"--root-certs-cache=", ProcessRootCertsCacheOption},
#endif // !defined(TARGET_OS_MACOS)
static bool ProcessMainOptions(const char* option,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options) {
int i = 0;
const char* name = main_options[0].option_name;
int option_length = strlen(option);
while (name != NULL) {
int length = strlen(name);
if ((option_length >= length) && (strncmp(option, name, length) == 0)) {
if (main_options[i].process(option + length, vm_options)) {
return true;
i += 1;
name = main_options[i].option_name;
return false;
// Parse out the command line arguments. Returns -1 if the arguments
// are incorrect, 0 otherwise.
static int ParseArguments(int argc,
char** argv,
CommandLineOptions* vm_options,
char** script_name,
CommandLineOptions* dart_options,
bool* print_flags_seen,
bool* verbose_debug_seen) {
const char* kPrefix = "--";
const intptr_t kPrefixLen = strlen(kPrefix);
// Store the executable name.
// Start the rest after the executable name.
int i = 1;
// Parse out the vm options.
while (i < argc) {
if (ProcessMainOptions(argv[i], vm_options)) {
} else {
// Check if this flag is a potentially valid VM flag.
const char* kChecked = "-c";
const char* kPackageRoot = "-p";
if (strncmp(argv[i], kPackageRoot, strlen(kPackageRoot)) == 0) {
if (!ProcessPackageRootOption(argv[i] + strlen(kPackageRoot),
vm_options)) {
if ((argv[i] == NULL) ||
!ProcessPackageRootOption(argv[i], vm_options)) {
Log::PrintErr("Invalid option specification : '%s'\n", argv[i - 1]);
continue; // '-p' is not a VM flag so don't add to vm options.
} else if (strncmp(argv[i], kChecked, strlen(kChecked)) == 0) {
continue; // '-c' is not a VM flag so don't add to vm options.
} else if (!IsValidFlag(argv[i], kPrefix, kPrefixLen)) {
// The following two flags are processed by both the embedder and
// the VM.
const char* kPrintFlags1 = "--print-flags";
const char* kPrintFlags2 = "--print_flags";
const char* kVerboseDebug1 = "--verbose_debug";
const char* kVerboseDebug2 = "--verbose-debug";
if ((strncmp(argv[i], kPrintFlags1, strlen(kPrintFlags1)) == 0) ||
(strncmp(argv[i], kPrintFlags2, strlen(kPrintFlags2)) == 0)) {
*print_flags_seen = true;
} else if ((strncmp(argv[i], kVerboseDebug1, strlen(kVerboseDebug1)) ==
0) ||
(strncmp(argv[i], kVerboseDebug2, strlen(kVerboseDebug2)) ==
0)) {
*verbose_debug_seen = true;
// The arguments to the VM are at positions 1 through i-1 in argv.
Platform::SetExecutableArguments(i, argv);
// Get the script name.
if (i < argc) {
*script_name = argv[i];
} else {
return -1;
// Parse out options to be passed to dart main.
while (i < argc) {
// Verify consistency of arguments.
if ((commandline_package_root != NULL) &&
(commandline_packages_file != NULL)) {
"Specifying both a packages directory and a packages "
"file is invalid.\n");
return -1;
if ((commandline_package_root != NULL) &&
(strlen(commandline_package_root) == 0)) {
Log::PrintErr("Empty package root specified.\n");
return -1;
if ((commandline_packages_file != NULL) &&
(strlen(commandline_packages_file) == 0)) {
Log::PrintErr("Empty package file name specified.\n");
return -1;
if (is_noopt && gen_snapshot_kind != kNone) {
Log::PrintErr("Generating a snapshot with dart_noopt is invalid.\n");
return -1;
if ((gen_snapshot_kind != kNone) && (snapshot_filename == NULL)) {
Log::PrintErr("Generating a snapshot requires a filename (--snapshot).\n");
return -1;
if ((gen_snapshot_kind != kNone) && run_app_snapshot) {
"Specifying an option to generate a snapshot and"
" run using a snapshot is invalid.\n");
return -1;
return 0;
static Dart_Handle CreateRuntimeOptions(CommandLineOptions* options) {
int options_count = options->count();
Dart_Handle dart_arguments = Dart_NewList(options_count);
if (Dart_IsError(dart_arguments)) {
return dart_arguments;
for (int i = 0; i < options_count; i++) {
Dart_Handle argument_value = DartUtils::NewString(options->GetArgument(i));
if (Dart_IsError(argument_value)) {
return argument_value;
Dart_Handle result = Dart_ListSetAt(dart_arguments, i, argument_value);
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
return result;
return dart_arguments;
static Dart_Handle EnvironmentCallback(Dart_Handle name) {
uint8_t* utf8_array;
intptr_t utf8_len;
Dart_Handle result = Dart_Null();
Dart_Handle handle = Dart_StringToUTF8(name, &utf8_array, &utf8_len);
if (Dart_IsError(handle)) {
handle = Dart_ThrowException(
} else {
char* name_chars = reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(utf8_len + 1));
memmove(name_chars, utf8_array, utf8_len);
name_chars[utf8_len] = '\0';
const char* value = NULL;
if (environment != NULL) {
HashMap::Entry* entry =
HashMap::StringHash(name_chars), false);
if (entry != NULL) {
value = reinterpret_cast<char*>(entry->value);
if (value != NULL) {
result = Dart_NewStringFromUTF8(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(value),
return result;
#define CHECK_RESULT(result) \
if (Dart_IsError(result)) { \
*error = strdup(Dart_GetError(result)); \
if (Dart_IsCompilationError(result)) { \
*exit_code = kCompilationErrorExitCode; \
} else if (Dart_IsApiError(result)) { \
*exit_code = kApiErrorExitCode; \
} else if (Dart_IsVMRestartRequest(result)) { \
*exit_code = kRestartRequestExitCode; \
} else { \
*exit_code = kErrorExitCode; \
} \
Dart_ExitScope(); \
Dart_ShutdownIsolate(); \
return NULL; \
static void SnapshotOnExitHook(int64_t exit_code);
// Returns true on success, false on failure.
static Dart_Isolate CreateIsolateAndSetupHelper(const char* script_uri,
const char* main,
const char* package_root,
const char* packages_config,
Dart_IsolateFlags* flags,
char** error,
int* exit_code) {
ASSERT(script_uri != NULL);
const bool needs_load_port = true;
#if defined(PRODUCT)
const bool run_service_isolate = needs_load_port;
// Always create the service isolate in DEBUG and RELEASE modes for profiling,
// even if we don't need it for loading.
const bool run_service_isolate = true;
#endif // PRODUCT
if (!run_service_isolate &&
(strcmp(script_uri, DART_VM_SERVICE_ISOLATE_NAME) == 0)) {
return NULL;
// If the script is a Kernel binary, then we will try to bootstrap from the
// script.
const uint8_t* kernel_file = NULL;
intptr_t kernel_length = -1;
const bool is_kernel =
!run_app_snapshot &&
TryReadKernel(script_uri, &kernel_file, &kernel_length);
void* kernel_program = NULL;
if (is_kernel) {
kernel_program = Dart_ReadKernelBinary(kernel_file, kernel_length);
IsolateData* isolate_data =
new IsolateData(script_uri, package_root, packages_config);
Dart_Isolate isolate =
is_kernel ? Dart_CreateIsolateFromKernel(script_uri, main, kernel_program,
flags, isolate_data, error)
: Dart_CreateIsolate(script_uri, main, isolate_snapshot_buffer,
flags, isolate_data, error);
if (isolate == NULL) {
delete isolate_data;
return NULL;
// Set up the library tag handler for this isolate.
Dart_Handle result = Dart_SetLibraryTagHandler(Loader::LibraryTagHandler);
if (is_kernel) {
Dart_Handle result = Dart_LoadKernel(kernel_program);
if (is_kernel || (isolate_snapshot_buffer != NULL)) {
// Setup the native resolver as the snapshot does not carry it.
if (run_app_snapshot) {
Dart_Handle result = Loader::ReloadNativeExtensions();
if (Dart_IsServiceIsolate(isolate)) {
// If this is the service isolate, load embedder specific bits and return.
bool skip_library_load = run_app_snapshot;
if (!VmService::Setup(vm_service_server_ip, vm_service_server_port,
skip_library_load, vm_service_dev_mode)) {
*error = strdup(VmService::GetErrorMessage());
return NULL;
if (compile_all) {
result = Dart_CompileAll();
result = Dart_SetEnvironmentCallback(EnvironmentCallback);
return isolate;
// Prepare builtin and other core libraries for use to resolve URIs.
// Set up various closures, e.g: printing, timers etc.
// Set up 'package root' for URI resolution.
result = DartUtils::PrepareForScriptLoading(false, trace_loading);
if (needs_load_port) {
// Set up the load port provided by the service isolate so that we can
// load scripts.
result = DartUtils::SetupServiceLoadPort();
// Setup package root if specified.
result = DartUtils::SetupPackageRoot(package_root, packages_config);
result = Dart_SetEnvironmentCallback(EnvironmentCallback);
if (run_app_snapshot) {
result = DartUtils::SetupIOLibrary(script_uri);
} else {
// Load the specified application script into the newly created isolate.
Dart_Handle uri =
if (!is_kernel) {
result = Loader::LibraryTagHandler(Dart_kScriptTag, Dart_Null(), uri);
Dart_TimelineEvent("LoadScript", Dart_TimelineGetMicros(),
Dart_GetMainPortId(), Dart_Timeline_Event_Async_End, 0,
result = DartUtils::SetupIOLibrary(script_uri);
// Make the isolate runnable so that it is ready to handle messages.
bool retval = Dart_IsolateMakeRunnable(isolate);
if (!retval) {
*error = strdup("Invalid isolate state - Unable to make it runnable");
return NULL;
return isolate;
static Dart_Isolate CreateIsolateAndSetup(const char* script_uri,
const char* main,
const char* package_root,
const char* package_config,
Dart_IsolateFlags* flags,
void* data,
char** error) {
// The VM should never call the isolate helper with a NULL flags.
ASSERT(flags != NULL);
if ((package_root != NULL) && (package_config != NULL)) {
*error = strdup(
"Invalid arguments - Cannot simultaneously specify "
"package root and package map.");
return NULL;
int exit_code = 0;
return CreateIsolateAndSetupHelper(script_uri, main, package_root,
package_config, flags, error, &exit_code);
static void PrintVersion() {
Log::PrintErr("Dart VM version: %s\n", Dart_VersionString());
// clang-format off
static void PrintUsage() {
"Usage: dart [<vm-flags>] <dart-script-file> [<dart-options>]\n"
"Executes the Dart script passed as <dart-script-file>.\n"
if (!verbose_option) {
"Common options:\n"
"--checked or -c\n"
" Insert runtime type checks and enable assertions (checked mode).\n"
"--help or -h\n"
" Display this message (add -v or --verbose for information about\n"
" all VM options).\n"
"--package-root=<path> or -p<path>\n"
" Where to find packages, that is, \"package:...\" imports.\n"
" Where to find a package spec file.\n"
" The observe flag is a convenience flag used to run a program with a\n"
" set of options which are often useful for debugging under Observatory.\n"
" These options are currently:\n"
" --enable-vm-service[=<port>[/<bind-address>]]\n"
" --pause-isolates-on-exit\n"
" --pause-isolates-on-unhandled-exceptions\n"
" --warn-on-pause-with-no-debugger\n"
" This set is subject to change.\n"
" Please see these options (--help --verbose) for further documentation.\n"
" These snapshot options are used to generate a snapshot of the loaded\n"
" Dart script:\n"
" <snapshot-kind> controls the kind of snapshot, it could be\n"
" script(default), app-aot or app-jit\n"
" <file_name> specifies the file into which the snapshot is written\n"
" Print the VM version.\n");
} else {
"Supported options:\n"
"--checked or -c\n"
" Insert runtime type checks and enable assertions (checked mode).\n"
"--help or -h\n"
" Display this message (add -v or --verbose for information about\n"
" all VM options).\n"
"--package-root=<path> or -p<path>\n"
" Where to find packages, that is, \"package:...\" imports.\n"
" Where to find a package spec file.\n"
" The observe flag is a convenience flag used to run a program with a\n"
" set of options which are often useful for debugging under Observatory.\n"
" These options are currently:\n"
" --enable-vm-service[=<port>[/<bind-address>]]\n"
" --pause-isolates-on-exit\n"
" --pause-isolates-on-unhandled-exceptions\n"
" --warn-on-pause-with-no-debugger\n"
" This set is subject to change.\n"
" Please see these options for further documentation.\n"
" These snapshot options are used to generate a snapshot of the loaded\n"
" Dart script:\n"
" <snapshot-kind> controls the kind of snapshot, it could be\n"
" script(default), app-aot or app-jit\n"
" <file_name> specifies the file into which the snapshot is written\n"
" Print the VM version.\n"
" enables tracing of library and script loading\n"
" enables the VM service and listens on specified port for connections\n"
" (default port number is 8181, default bind address is localhost).\n"
#if !defined(TARGET_OS_MACOS)
" The path to a file containing the trusted root certificates to use for\n"
" secure socket connections.\n"
" The path to a cache directory containing the trusted root certificates to\n"
" use for secure socket connections.\n"
#endif // !defined(TARGET_OS_MACOS)
"The following options are only used for VM development and may\n"
"be changed in any future version:\n");
const char* print_flags = "--print_flags";
Dart_SetVMFlags(1, &print_flags);
// clang-format on
char* BuildIsolateName(const char* script_name, const char* func_name) {
// Skip past any slashes in the script name.
const char* last_slash = strrchr(script_name, '/');
if (last_slash != NULL) {
script_name = last_slash + 1;
const char* kFormat = "%s/%s";
intptr_t len = strlen(script_name) + strlen(func_name) + 2;
char* buffer = new char[len];
ASSERT(buffer != NULL);
snprintf(buffer, len, kFormat, script_name, func_name);
return buffer;
static void ShutdownIsolate(void* callback_data) {
IsolateData* isolate_data = reinterpret_cast<IsolateData*>(callback_data);
delete isolate_data;
static const char* InternalJsonRpcError(Dart_Handle error) {
TextBuffer buffer(128);
"\"message\":\"Internal error\","
"\"details\": \"%s\"}",
return buffer.Steal();
class DartScope {
DartScope() { Dart_EnterScope(); }
~DartScope() { Dart_ExitScope(); }
static bool ServiceGetIOHandler(const char* method,
const char** param_keys,
const char** param_values,
intptr_t num_params,
void* user_data,
const char** response) {
DartScope scope;
// TODO(ajohnsen): Store the library/function in isolate data or user_data.
Dart_Handle dart_io_str = Dart_NewStringFromCString("dart:io");
if (Dart_IsError(dart_io_str)) {
*response = InternalJsonRpcError(dart_io_str);
return false;
Dart_Handle io_lib = Dart_LookupLibrary(dart_io_str);
if (Dart_IsError(io_lib)) {
*response = InternalJsonRpcError(io_lib);
return false;
Dart_Handle handler_function_name =
if (Dart_IsError(handler_function_name)) {
*response = InternalJsonRpcError(handler_function_name);
return false;
// TODO(johnmccutchan): paths is no longer used. Update the io
// _serviceObjectHandler function to use json rpc.
Dart_Handle paths = Dart_NewList(0);
Dart_Handle keys = Dart_NewList(num_params);
Dart_Handle values = Dart_NewList(num_params);
for (int i = 0; i < num_params; i++) {
Dart_ListSetAt(keys, i, Dart_NewStringFromCString(param_keys[i]));
Dart_ListSetAt(values, i, Dart_NewStringFromCString(param_values[i]));
Dart_Handle args[] = {paths, keys, values};
Dart_Handle result = Dart_Invoke(io_lib, handler_function_name, 3, args);
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
*response = InternalJsonRpcError(result);
return false;
const char* json;
result = Dart_StringToCString(result, &json);
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
*response = InternalJsonRpcError(result);
return false;
*response = strdup(json);
return true;
static const char* kStdoutStreamId = "Stdout";
static const char* kStderrStreamId = "Stderr";
static bool ServiceStreamListenCallback(const char* stream_id) {
if (strcmp(stream_id, kStdoutStreamId) == 0) {
return true;
} else if (strcmp(stream_id, kStderrStreamId) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
static void ServiceStreamCancelCallback(const char* stream_id) {
if (strcmp(stream_id, kStdoutStreamId) == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(stream_id, kStderrStreamId) == 0) {
static bool FileModifiedCallback(const char* url, int64_t since) {
if (strncmp(url, "file:///", 8) == 0) {
// If it isn't a file on local disk, we don't know if it has been
// modified.
return true;
int64_t data[File::kStatSize];
File::Stat(url + 7, data);
if (data[File::kType] == File::kDoesNotExist) {
return true;
bool modified = data[File::kModifiedTime] > since;
return modified;
static void WriteSnapshotFile(const char* filename,
bool write_magic_number,
const uint8_t* buffer,
const intptr_t size) {
char* concat = NULL;
File* file = File::Open(filename, File::kWriteTruncate);
if (file == NULL) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "Unable to open file %s for writing snapshot\n",
if (write_magic_number) {
// Write the magic number to indicate file is a script snapshot.
if (!file->WriteFully(buffer, size)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "Unable to write file %s for writing snapshot\n",
if (concat != NULL) {
delete concat;
static const int64_t kAppSnapshotHeaderSize = 5 * sizeof(int64_t); // NOLINT
static const int64_t kAppSnapshotMagicNumber = 0xf6f6dcdc;
static const int64_t kAppSnapshotPageSize = 4 * KB;
static bool ReadAppSnapshotBlobs(const char* script_name,
const uint8_t** vmisolate_buffer,
const uint8_t** isolate_buffer,
const uint8_t** instructions_buffer,
const uint8_t** rodata_buffer) {
File* file = File::Open(script_name, File::kRead);
if (file == NULL) {
return false;
if (file->Length() < kAppSnapshotHeaderSize) {
return false;
int64_t header[5];
ASSERT(sizeof(header) == kAppSnapshotHeaderSize);
if (!file->ReadFully(&header, kAppSnapshotHeaderSize)) {
return false;
if (header[0] != kAppSnapshotMagicNumber) {
return false;
int64_t vmisolate_size = header[1];
int64_t vmisolate_position =
Utils::RoundUp(file->Position(), kAppSnapshotPageSize);
int64_t isolate_size = header[2];
int64_t isolate_position =
Utils::RoundUp(vmisolate_position + vmisolate_size, kAppSnapshotPageSize);
int64_t rodata_size = header[3];
int64_t rodata_position = isolate_position + isolate_size;
if (rodata_size != 0) {
rodata_position = Utils::RoundUp(rodata_position, kAppSnapshotPageSize);
int64_t instructions_size = header[4];
int64_t instructions_position = rodata_position + rodata_size;
if (instructions_size != 0) {
instructions_position =
Utils::RoundUp(instructions_position, kAppSnapshotPageSize);
void* read_only_buffer =
file->Map(File::kReadOnly, vmisolate_position,
instructions_position - vmisolate_position);
if (read_only_buffer == NULL) {
Log::PrintErr("Failed to memory map snapshot\n");
*vmisolate_buffer = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(read_only_buffer) +
(vmisolate_position - vmisolate_position);
*isolate_buffer = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(read_only_buffer) +
(isolate_position - vmisolate_position);
if (rodata_size == 0) {
*rodata_buffer = NULL;
} else {
*rodata_buffer = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(read_only_buffer) +
(rodata_position - vmisolate_position);
if (instructions_size == 0) {
*instructions_buffer = NULL;
} else {
*instructions_buffer = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(
file->Map(File::kReadExecute, instructions_position, header[4]));
if (*instructions_buffer == NULL) {
Log::PrintErr("Failed to memory map snapshot\n");
return true;
static bool ReadAppSnapshotDynamicLibrary(const char* script_name,
const uint8_t** vmisolate_buffer,
const uint8_t** isolate_buffer,
const uint8_t** instructions_buffer,
const uint8_t** rodata_buffer) {
void* library = Extensions::LoadExtensionLibrary(script_name);
if (library == NULL) {
return false;
*vmisolate_buffer = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(
Extensions::ResolveSymbol(library, kPrecompiledVMIsolateSymbolName));
if (*vmisolate_buffer == NULL) {
Log::PrintErr("Failed to resolve symbol '%s'\n",
*isolate_buffer = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(
Extensions::ResolveSymbol(library, kPrecompiledIsolateSymbolName));
if (*isolate_buffer == NULL) {
Log::PrintErr("Failed to resolve symbol '%s'\n",
*instructions_buffer = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(
Extensions::ResolveSymbol(library, kPrecompiledInstructionsSymbolName));
if (*instructions_buffer == NULL) {
Log::PrintErr("Failed to resolve symbol '%s'\n",
*rodata_buffer = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(
Extensions::ResolveSymbol(library, kPrecompiledDataSymbolName));
if (*rodata_buffer == NULL) {
Log::PrintErr("Failed to resolve symbol '%s'\n",
return true;
static bool ReadAppSnapshot(const char* script_name,
const uint8_t** vmisolate_buffer,
const uint8_t** isolate_buffer,
const uint8_t** instructions_buffer,
const uint8_t** rodata_buffer) {
if (File::GetType(script_name, true) != File::kIsFile) {
// If 'script_name' refers to a pipe, don't read to check for an app
// snapshot since we cannot rewind if it isn't (and couldn't mmap it in
// anyway if it was).
return false;
if (ReadAppSnapshotBlobs(script_name, vmisolate_buffer, isolate_buffer,
instructions_buffer, rodata_buffer)) {
return true;
return ReadAppSnapshotDynamicLibrary(script_name, vmisolate_buffer,
isolate_buffer, instructions_buffer,
static bool WriteInt64(File* file, int64_t size) {
return file->WriteFully(&size, sizeof(size));
static void WriteAppSnapshot(const char* filename,
uint8_t* vmisolate_buffer,
intptr_t vmisolate_size,
uint8_t* isolate_buffer,
intptr_t isolate_size,
uint8_t* instructions_buffer,
intptr_t instructions_size,
uint8_t* rodata_buffer,
intptr_t rodata_size) {
File* file = File::Open(filename, File::kWriteTruncate);
if (file == NULL) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "Unable to write snapshot file '%s'\n", filename);
file->WriteFully(&kAppSnapshotMagicNumber, sizeof(kAppSnapshotMagicNumber));
WriteInt64(file, vmisolate_size);
WriteInt64(file, isolate_size);
WriteInt64(file, rodata_size);
WriteInt64(file, instructions_size);
ASSERT(file->Position() == kAppSnapshotHeaderSize);
file->SetPosition(Utils::RoundUp(file->Position(), kAppSnapshotPageSize));
if (!file->WriteFully(vmisolate_buffer, vmisolate_size)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "Unable to write snapshot file '%s'\n", filename);
file->SetPosition(Utils::RoundUp(file->Position(), kAppSnapshotPageSize));
if (!file->WriteFully(isolate_buffer, isolate_size)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "Unable to write snapshot file '%s'\n", filename);
if (rodata_size != 0) {
file->SetPosition(Utils::RoundUp(file->Position(), kAppSnapshotPageSize));
if (!file->WriteFully(rodata_buffer, rodata_size)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "Unable to write snapshot file '%s'\n",
if (instructions_size != 0) {
file->SetPosition(Utils::RoundUp(file->Position(), kAppSnapshotPageSize));
if (!file->WriteFully(instructions_buffer, instructions_size)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "Unable to write snapshot file '%s'\n",
static void GenerateScriptSnapshot() {
// First create a snapshot.
uint8_t* buffer = NULL;
intptr_t size = 0;
Dart_Handle result = Dart_CreateScriptSnapshot(&buffer, &size);
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "%s\n", Dart_GetError(result));
WriteSnapshotFile(snapshot_filename, true, buffer, size);
static void GeneratePrecompiledSnapshot() {
uint8_t* vm_isolate_buffer = NULL;
intptr_t vm_isolate_size = 0;
uint8_t* isolate_buffer = NULL;
intptr_t isolate_size = 0;
uint8_t* assembly_buffer = NULL;
intptr_t assembly_size = 0;
uint8_t* instructions_blob_buffer = NULL;
intptr_t instructions_blob_size = 0;
uint8_t* rodata_blob_buffer = NULL;
intptr_t rodata_blob_size = 0;
Dart_Handle result;
if (use_blobs) {
result = Dart_CreatePrecompiledSnapshotBlob(
&vm_isolate_buffer, &vm_isolate_size, &isolate_buffer, &isolate_size,
&instructions_blob_buffer, &instructions_blob_size, &rodata_blob_buffer,
} else {
result = Dart_CreatePrecompiledSnapshotAssembly(&assembly_buffer,
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "%s\n", Dart_GetError(result));
if (use_blobs) {
WriteAppSnapshot(snapshot_filename, vm_isolate_buffer, vm_isolate_size,
isolate_buffer, isolate_size, instructions_blob_buffer,
instructions_blob_size, rodata_blob_buffer,
} else {
WriteSnapshotFile(snapshot_filename, false, assembly_buffer, assembly_size);
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64)
static void GeneratePrecompiledJITSnapshot() {
uint8_t* vm_isolate_buffer = NULL;
intptr_t vm_isolate_size = 0;
uint8_t* isolate_buffer = NULL;
intptr_t isolate_size = 0;
uint8_t* instructions_blob_buffer = NULL;
intptr_t instructions_blob_size = 0;
uint8_t* rodata_blob_buffer = NULL;
intptr_t rodata_blob_size = 0;
Dart_Handle result = Dart_CreateAppJITSnapshot(
&vm_isolate_buffer, &vm_isolate_size, &isolate_buffer, &isolate_size,
&instructions_blob_buffer, &instructions_blob_size, &rodata_blob_buffer,
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "%s\n", Dart_GetError(result));
WriteAppSnapshot(snapshot_filename, vm_isolate_buffer, vm_isolate_size,
isolate_buffer, isolate_size, instructions_blob_buffer,
instructions_blob_size, rodata_blob_buffer,
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64)
static void GenerateAppSnapshot() {
Dart_Handle result;
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64)
result = Dart_PrecompileJIT();
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "%s\n", Dart_GetError(result));
// Create an application snapshot of the script.
uint8_t* vm_isolate_buffer = NULL;
intptr_t vm_isolate_size = 0;
uint8_t* isolate_buffer = NULL;
intptr_t isolate_size = 0;
result = Dart_CreateSnapshot(&vm_isolate_buffer, &vm_isolate_size,
&isolate_buffer, &isolate_size);
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "%s\n", Dart_GetError(result));
WriteAppSnapshot(snapshot_filename, vm_isolate_buffer, vm_isolate_size,
isolate_buffer, isolate_size, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64)
#define CHECK_RESULT(result) \
if (Dart_IsError(result)) { \
if (Dart_IsVMRestartRequest(result)) { \
Dart_ExitScope(); \
Dart_ShutdownIsolate(); \
return true; \
} \
const int exit_code = Dart_IsCompilationError(result) \
? kCompilationErrorExitCode \
: kErrorExitCode; \
ErrorExit(exit_code, "%s\n", Dart_GetError(result)); \
static void SnapshotOnExitHook(int64_t exit_code) {
if (Dart_CurrentIsolate() != main_isolate) {
"A snapshot was requested, but a secondary isolate "
"performed a hard exit (%" Pd64 ").\n",
if (exit_code == 0) {
bool RunMainIsolate(const char* script_name, CommandLineOptions* dart_options) {
// Call CreateIsolateAndSetup which creates an isolate and loads up
// the specified application script.
char* error = NULL;
int exit_code = 0;
char* isolate_name = BuildIsolateName(script_name, "main");
Dart_Isolate isolate = CreateIsolateAndSetupHelper(
script_name, "main", commandline_package_root, commandline_packages_file,
NULL, &error, &exit_code);
if (isolate == NULL) {
delete[] isolate_name;
if (exit_code == kRestartRequestExitCode) {
return true;
Log::PrintErr("%s\n", error);
error = NULL;
error = Dart_Cleanup();
if (error != NULL) {
Log::PrintErr("VM cleanup failed: %s\n", error);
Platform::Exit((exit_code != 0) ? exit_code : kErrorExitCode);
main_isolate = isolate;
delete[] isolate_name;
ASSERT(isolate == Dart_CurrentIsolate());
ASSERT(isolate != NULL);
Dart_Handle result;
if (gen_snapshot_kind == kScript) {
} else {
// Lookup the library of the root script.
Dart_Handle root_lib = Dart_RootLibrary();
// Import the root library into the builtin library so that we can easily
// lookup the main entry point exported from the root library.
IsolateData* isolate_data =
result = Dart_LibraryImportLibrary(isolate_data->builtin_lib(), root_lib,
if (is_noopt || (gen_snapshot_kind == kAppAOT) ||
(gen_snapshot_kind == kAppJIT)) {
// Load the embedder's portion of the VM service's Dart code so it will
// be included in the app snapshot.
if (!VmService::LoadForGenPrecompiled()) {
Log::PrintErr("VM service loading failed: %s\n",
if (compile_all) {
result = Dart_CompileAll();
if (parse_all) {
result = Dart_ParseAll();
// Shutdown the isolate.
return false;
if (is_noopt || (gen_snapshot_kind == kAppAOT)) {
Dart_QualifiedFunctionName standalone_entry_points[] = {
{"dart:_builtin", "::", "_getMainClosure"},
{"dart:_builtin", "::", "_getPrintClosure"},
{"dart:_builtin", "::", "_getUriBaseClosure"},
{"dart:_builtin", "::", "_resolveInWorkingDirectory"},
{"dart:_builtin", "::", "_setWorkingDirectory"},
{"dart:_builtin", "::", "_setPackageRoot"},
{"dart:_builtin", "::", "_setPackagesMap"},
{"dart:_builtin", "::", "_libraryFilePath"},
{"dart:io", "::", "_makeUint8ListView"},
{"dart:io", "::", "_makeDatagram"},
{"dart:io", "::", "_setupHooks"},
{"dart:io", "::", "_getWatchSignalInternal"},
{"dart:io", "CertificateException", "CertificateException."},
{"dart:io", "Directory", "Directory."},
{"dart:io", "File", "File."},
{"dart:io", "FileSystemException", "FileSystemException."},
{"dart:io", "HandshakeException", "HandshakeException."},
{"dart:io", "Link", "Link."},
{"dart:io", "OSError", "OSError."},
{"dart:io", "TlsException", "TlsException."},
{"dart:io", "X509Certificate", "X509Certificate._"},
{"dart:io", "_ExternalBuffer", "set:data"},
{"dart:io", "_ExternalBuffer", "get:start"},
{"dart:io", "_ExternalBuffer", "set:start"},
{"dart:io", "_ExternalBuffer", "get:end"},
{"dart:io", "_ExternalBuffer", "set:end"},
{"dart:io", "_Platform", "set:_nativeScript"},
{"dart:io", "_ProcessStartStatus", "set:_errorCode"},
{"dart:io", "_ProcessStartStatus", "set:_errorMessage"},
{"dart:io", "_SecureFilterImpl", "get:buffers"},
{"dart:io", "_SecureFilterImpl", "get:ENCRYPTED_SIZE"},
{"dart:io", "_SecureFilterImpl", "get:SIZE"},
{"dart:vmservice_io", "::", "main"},
{NULL, NULL, NULL} // Must be terminated with NULL entries.
const bool reset_fields = gen_snapshot_kind == kAppAOT;
result = Dart_Precompile(standalone_entry_points, reset_fields);
if (gen_snapshot_kind == kAppAOT) {
} else {
if (Dart_IsNull(root_lib)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "Unable to find root library for '%s'\n",
// The helper function _getMainClosure creates a closure for the main
// entry point which is either explicitly or implictly exported from the
// root library.
Dart_Handle main_closure =
Dart_NewStringFromCString("_getMainClosure"), 0, NULL);
// Call _startIsolate in the isolate library to enable dispatching the
// initial startup message.
const intptr_t kNumIsolateArgs = 2;
Dart_Handle isolate_args[kNumIsolateArgs];
isolate_args[0] = main_closure; // entryPoint
isolate_args[1] = CreateRuntimeOptions(dart_options); // args
Dart_Handle isolate_lib =
result = Dart_Invoke(isolate_lib,
kNumIsolateArgs, isolate_args);
// Keep handling messages until the last active receive port is closed.
result = Dart_RunLoop();
// Generate an app snapshot after execution if specified.
if (gen_snapshot_kind == kAppJIT) {
if (!Dart_IsCompilationError(result) &&
!Dart_IsVMRestartRequest(result)) {
// Shutdown the isolate.
// No restart.
return false;
// Observatory assets are only needed in the regular dart binary.
#if !defined(DART_PRECOMPILER) && !defined(NO_OBSERVATORY)
extern unsigned int observatory_assets_archive_len;
extern const uint8_t* observatory_assets_archive;
// |input| is assumed to be a gzipped stream.
// This function allocates the output buffer in the C heap and the caller
// is responsible for freeing it.
void Decompress(const uint8_t* input,
unsigned int input_len,
uint8_t** output,
unsigned int* output_length) {
ASSERT(input != NULL);
ASSERT(input_len > 0);
ASSERT(output != NULL);
ASSERT(output_length != NULL);
// Initialize output.
*output = NULL;
*output_length = 0;
const unsigned int kChunkSize = 256 * 1024;
uint8_t chunk_out[kChunkSize];
z_stream strm;
strm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
strm.zfree = Z_NULL;
strm.opaque = Z_NULL;
strm.avail_in = 0;
strm.next_in = 0;
int ret = inflateInit2(&strm, 32 + MAX_WBITS);
ASSERT(ret == Z_OK);
unsigned int input_cursor = 0;
unsigned int output_cursor = 0;
do {
// Setup input.
unsigned int size_in = input_len - input_cursor;
if (size_in > kChunkSize) {
size_in = kChunkSize;
strm.avail_in = size_in;
strm.next_in = const_cast<uint8_t*>(&input[input_cursor]);
// Inflate until we've exhausted the current input chunk.
do {
// Setup output.
strm.avail_out = kChunkSize;
strm.next_out = &chunk_out[0];
// Inflate.
ret = inflate(&strm, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
// We either hit the end of the stream or made forward progress.
ASSERT((ret == Z_STREAM_END) || (ret == Z_OK));
// Grow output buffer size.
unsigned int size_out = kChunkSize - strm.avail_out;
*output_length += size_out;
*output = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(realloc(*output, *output_length));
// Copy output.
memmove(&((*output)[output_cursor]), &chunk_out[0], size_out);
output_cursor += size_out;
} while (strm.avail_out == 0);
// We've processed size_in bytes.
input_cursor += size_in;
// We're finished decompressing when zlib tells us.
} while (ret != Z_STREAM_END);
Dart_Handle GetVMServiceAssetsArchiveCallback() {
uint8_t* decompressed = NULL;
unsigned int decompressed_len = 0;
Decompress(observatory_assets_archive, observatory_assets_archive_len,
&decompressed, &decompressed_len);
Dart_Handle tar_file =
DartUtils::MakeUint8Array(decompressed, decompressed_len);
// Free decompressed memory as it has been copied into a Dart array.
return tar_file;
#else // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILER)
static Dart_GetVMServiceAssetsArchive GetVMServiceAssetsArchiveCallback = NULL;
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILER)
void main(int argc, char** argv) {
char* script_name;
const int EXTRA_VM_ARGUMENTS = 8;
CommandLineOptions vm_options(argc + EXTRA_VM_ARGUMENTS);
CommandLineOptions dart_options(argc);
bool print_flags_seen = false;
bool verbose_debug_seen = false;
// Perform platform specific initialization.
if (!Platform::Initialize()) {
Log::PrintErr("Initialization failed\n");
// On Windows, the argv strings are code page encoded and not
// utf8. We need to convert them to utf8.
bool argv_converted = ShellUtils::GetUtf8Argv(argc, argv);
// Parse command line arguments.
if (ParseArguments(argc, argv, &vm_options, &script_name, &dart_options,
&print_flags_seen, &verbose_debug_seen) < 0) {
if (help_option) {
} else if (version_option) {
} else if (print_flags_seen) {
// Will set the VM flags, print them out and then we exit as no
// script was specified on the command line.
Dart_SetVMFlags(vm_options.count(), vm_options.arguments());
} else {
if (!DartUtils::SetOriginalWorkingDirectory()) {
OSError err;
Log::PrintErr("Error determining current directory: %s\n", err.message());
const uint8_t* instructions_snapshot = NULL;
const uint8_t* data_snapshot = NULL;
if (ReadAppSnapshot(script_name, &vm_isolate_snapshot_buffer,
&isolate_snapshot_buffer, &instructions_snapshot,
&data_snapshot)) {
run_app_snapshot = true;
#if !defined(PRODUCT) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
if ((gen_snapshot_kind != kNone) || run_app_snapshot) {
if (gen_snapshot_kind == kAppJIT) {
#if !defined(PRODUCT)
if ((gen_snapshot_kind == kAppAOT) || is_noopt) {
if (gen_snapshot_kind == kAppJIT) {
Dart_SetVMFlags(vm_options.count(), vm_options.arguments());
// Start event handler.
// Initialize the Dart VM.
Dart_InitializeParams init_params;
memset(&init_params, 0, sizeof(init_params));
init_params.vm_isolate_snapshot = vm_isolate_snapshot_buffer;
init_params.instructions_snapshot = instructions_snapshot;
init_params.data_snapshot = data_snapshot;
init_params.create = CreateIsolateAndSetup;
init_params.shutdown = ShutdownIsolate;
init_params.file_open = DartUtils::OpenFile;
init_params.file_read = DartUtils::ReadFile;
init_params.file_write = DartUtils::WriteFile;
init_params.file_close = DartUtils::CloseFile;
init_params.entropy_source = DartUtils::EntropySource;
init_params.get_service_assets = GetVMServiceAssetsArchiveCallback;
char* error = Dart_Initialize(&init_params);
if (error != NULL) {
Log::PrintErr("VM initialization failed: %s\n", error);
Dart_RegisterIsolateServiceRequestCallback("getIO", &ServiceGetIOHandler,
// Run the main isolate until we aren't told to restart.
while (RunMainIsolate(script_name, &dart_options)) {
Log::PrintErr("Restarting VM\n");
// Terminate process exit-code handler.
error = Dart_Cleanup();
if (error != NULL) {
Log::PrintErr("VM cleanup failed: %s\n", error);
// Free copied argument strings if converted.
if (argv_converted) {
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
// Free environment if any.
if (environment != NULL) {
for (HashMap::Entry* p = environment->Start(); p != NULL;
p = environment->Next(p)) {
delete environment;
} // namespace bin
} // namespace dart
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
dart::bin::main(argc, argv);