blob: 16d29aee65519934d223e9f888426258745d1f64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library barback.test.asset_id_test;
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
main() {
group("constructor", () {
test("normalizes the path", () {
var id = new AssetId("app", r"path/././/to/drop/..//asset.txt");
expect(id.path, equals("path/to/asset.txt"));
test("normalizes backslashes to slashes in the path", () {
var id = new AssetId("app", r"path\to/asset.txt");
expect(id.path, equals("path/to/asset.txt"));
group("parse", () {
test("parses the package and path", () {
var id = new AssetId.parse("package|path/to/asset.txt");
expect(id.package, equals("package"));
expect(id.path, equals("path/to/asset.txt"));
test("throws if there are multiple '|'", () {
expect(() => new AssetId.parse("app|path|wtf"), throwsFormatException);
test("throws if the package name is empty '|'", () {
expect(() => new AssetId.parse("|asset.txt"), throwsFormatException);
test("throws if the path is empty '|'", () {
expect(() => new AssetId.parse("app|"), throwsFormatException);
test("normalizes the path", () {
var id = new AssetId.parse(r"app|path/././/to/drop/..//asset.txt");
expect(id.path, equals("path/to/asset.txt"));
test("normalizes backslashes to slashes in the path", () {
var id = new AssetId.parse(r"app|path\to/asset.txt");
expect(id.path, equals("path/to/asset.txt"));
test("equals another ID with the same package and path", () {
expect(new AssetId.parse("foo|asset.txt"), equals(
new AssetId.parse("foo|asset.txt")));
expect(new AssetId.parse("foo|asset.txt"), isNot(equals(
new AssetId.parse("bar|asset.txt"))));
expect(new AssetId.parse("foo|asset.txt"), isNot(equals(
new AssetId.parse("bar|other.txt"))));