blob: 481206e6eb6ebe118e6f6649d79dbc66e1f64bb1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart._vmservice;
class Message {
final Completer _completer = new Completer.sync();
bool get completed => _completer.isCompleted;
/// Future of response.
Future<String> get response => _completer.future;
Client client;
// Client-side identifier for this message.
final serial;
// In new messages.
final String method;
// In old messages.
final List path = new List();
final Map params = new Map();
void _setPath(List<String> pathSegments) {
if (pathSegments == null) {
pathSegments.forEach((String segment) {
if (segment == null || segment == '') {
Message.fromJsonRpc(this.client, Map map)
: serial = map['id'], method = map['method'] {
if (map['params'] != null) {
static String _methodNameFromUri(Uri uri) {
if (uri == null) {
return '';
if (uri.pathSegments.length == 0) {
return '';
return uri.pathSegments[0];
Message.fromUri(this.client, Uri uri)
: serial = '', method = _methodNameFromUri(uri) {
Message.forIsolate(this.client, Uri uri, RunningIsolate isolate)
: serial = '', method = _methodNameFromUri(uri) {
params['isolateId'] = isolate.serviceId;
Uri toUri() {
return new Uri(path: method, queryParameters: params);
dynamic toJson() {
return {
'path': path,
'params': params
// Calls toString on all non-String elements of [list]. We do this so all
// elements in the list are strings, making consumption by C++ simpler.
// This has a side effect that boolean literal values like true become 'true'
// and thus indistinguishable from the string literal 'true'.
List _makeAllString(List list) {
if (list == null) {
return null;
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list[i] is String) {
list[i] = list[i].toString();
return list;
Future<String> send(SendPort sendPort) {
final receivePort = new RawReceivePort();
receivePort.handler = (value) {
var keys = _makeAllString(params.keys.toList(growable:false));
var values = _makeAllString(params.values.toList(growable:false));
var request = new List(6)
..[0] = 0 // Make room for OOB message type.
..[1] = receivePort.sendPort
..[2] = serial
..[3] = method
..[4] = keys
..[5] = values;
if (!sendIsolateServiceMessage(sendPort, request)) {
'type': 'ServiceError',
'id': '',
'kind': 'InternalError',
'message': 'could not send message [${serial}] to isolate',
return _completer.future;
Future<String> sendToVM() {
final receivePort = new RawReceivePort();
receivePort.handler = (value) {
var keys = _makeAllString(params.keys.toList(growable:false));
var values = _makeAllString(params.values.toList(growable:false));
var request = new List(6)
..[0] = 0 // Make room for OOB message type.
..[1] = receivePort.sendPort
..[2] = serial
..[3] = method
..[4] = keys
..[5] = values;
return _completer.future;
void setResponse(String response) {
void setErrorResponse(int code, String details) {
_completer.complete(encodeRpcError(this, code,
details: '$method: $details'));
external bool sendIsolateServiceMessage(SendPort sp, List m);
external void sendRootServiceMessage(List m);