blob: f6a22a1b3351a4c3c58b980447d8f90d119a8085 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// Regression test for dart2js. There was a bug in the variable
// allocator when a pure (side-effect free) instruction stand
// in-between an inlined `if` and its inlined expression.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
var topLevel;
// Make [foo] an inlineable expression with a return type check.
Function foo(c) {
// Use [c] twice to make sure it is stored in a local.
return (c is Function ? null : c);
bar() {
var b = new Object();
f() {
// Inside a closure, locals that escape are stored in a closure
// class. By using [b] in both branches, the optimizers will move
// the fetching of [b] before the `if`. This puts the fetching
// instruction in between the `if` and the expression of the `if`.
// This instruction being pure, the variable allocator was dealing
// with it in a special way.
// Because the expression in the `if` is being recognized by the
// optimizers as being also a JavaScript expression, we do not
// allocate a name for it. But some expressions that it uses still
// can have a name, and our variable allocator did not handle live
// variables due to the inlining of the ternary expression in [foo].
if (foo(topLevel) == null) {
return b.toString();
} else {
return b.hashCode;
return f();
main() {
// Make sure the inferrer does not get an exact type for [topLevel].
topLevel = new Object();
topLevel = main;
var res = bar();
Expect.isTrue(res is String);