blob: 2d248451ac2c07ca950962fa0ac457de29aaac26 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class Generate {
// Build up list of all known class selectors in all CSS files.
static List<String> computeClassSelectors(RuleSet ruleset, classes) {
for (final selector in ruleset.selectorGroup.selectors) {
var selSeqs = selector.simpleSelectorSequences;
for (final selSeq in selSeqs) {
var simpleSelector = selSeq.simpleSelector;
if (simpleSelector is ClassSelector) {
String className =;
if (classes.indexOf(className) == -1) { // Class name already known?
// No, expose it.
return classes;
static dartClass(var files, String outPath, Stylesheet stylesheet,
String filename) {
List<String> knownClasses = [];
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(
'// File generated by Dart CSS from source file ${filename}\n' +
'// Do not edit.\n\n');
// Emit class for any @stylet directive.
for (final production in stylesheet._topLevels) {
if (production is Directive) {
if (production is StyletDirective) {
// TODO(terry): Need safer mechanism for stylets in different files
// and stylets with colliding names.
buff.write('class ${production.dartClassName} {\n');
buff.write(' // selector, properties<propertyName, value>\n');
buff.write(' static const selectors = const {\n');
for (final ruleset in production.rulesets) {
for (final selector in ruleset.selectorGroup.selectors) {
var selSeq = selector.simpleSelectorSquences;
if (selSeq.length == 1) {
buff.write(' \'${selSeq.toString()}\' : const {\n');
for (final decl in ruleset.declarationGroup.declarations) {
buff.write(' \'${}\' : ' +
buff.write(' },\n'); // End of declarations for stylet class.
buff.write(' };\n'); // End of static selectors constant.
buff.write('}\n\n'); // End of stylet class
} else if (production is IncludeDirective) {
for (final topLevel in production.styleSheet._topLevels) {
if (topLevel is RuleSet) {
knownClasses = computeClassSelectors(topLevel, knownClasses);
} else if (production is RuleSet) {
knownClasses = computeClassSelectors(production, knownClasses);
// Generate all known classes encountered in all processed CSS files.
StringBuffer classSelectors = new StringBuffer(
'class CSS {\n' +
' // CSS class selectors:\n');
for (final className in knownClasses) {
String classAsDart = className.replaceAll('-', '_').toUpperCase();
classSelectors.write(' static const String ${classAsDart} = ' +
classSelectors.write('}\n'); // End of class selectors.
// Write Dart file.
String outFile = '${outPath}CSS.dart';
files.writeString(outFile, buff.toString());
return outFile;