blob: ff6753d3690d04720c6db871d34689f8e88bcde0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library jsTest;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:js';
import '../../pkg/unittest/lib/unittest.dart';
import '../../pkg/unittest/lib/html_config.dart';
_injectJs() {
final script = new ScriptElement();
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.innerHtml = r"""
var x = 42;
var _x = 123;
var myArray = ["value1"];
var foreignDoc = (function(){
var doc = document.implementation.createDocument("", "root", null);
var element = doc.createElement('element');
element.setAttribute('id', 'abc');
return doc;
function razzle() {
return x;
function getTypeOf(o) {
return typeof(o);
function varArgs() {
var args = arguments;
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
sum += args[i];
return sum;
function Foo(a) {
this.a = a;
Foo.b = 38; = function() {
return this.a;
Foo.prototype.toString = function() {
return "I'm a Foo a=" + this.a;
var container = new Object();
container.Foo = Foo;
function isArray(a) {
return a instanceof Array;
function checkMap(m, key, value) {
if (m.hasOwnProperty(key))
return m[key] == value;
return false;
function invokeCallback() {
return callback();
function invokeCallbackWith11params() {
return callbackWith11params(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11);
function returnElement(element) {
return element;
function getElementAttribute(element, attr) {
return element.getAttribute(attr);
function addClassAttributes(list) {
var result = "";
for (var i=0; i < list.length; i++) {
result += list[i].getAttribute("class");
return result;
function getNewDivElement() {
return document.createElement("div");
function testJsMap(callback) {
var result = callback();
return result['value'];
function Bar() {
return "ret_value";
} = "property_value";
function Baz(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11) {
this.f1 = p1;
this.f2 = p2;
this.f3 = p3;
this.f4 = p4;
this.f5 = p5;
this.f6 = p6;
this.f7 = p7;
this.f8 = p8;
this.f9 = p9;
this.f10 = p10;
this.f11 = p11;
class Foo implements Serializable<JsObject> {
final JsObject _proxy;
Foo(num a) : this._proxy = new JsObject(context['Foo'], [a]);
JsObject toJs() => _proxy;
num get a => _proxy['a'];
num bar() => _proxy.callMethod('bar');
class Color implements Serializable<String> {
static final RED = new Color._("red");
static final BLUE = new Color._("blue");
String _value;
String toJs() => this._value;
main() {
test('read global field', () {
expect(context['x'], equals(42));
expect(context['y'], isNull);
test('read global field with underscore', () {
expect(context['_x'], equals(123));
expect(context['y'], isNull);
test('hashCode and operator==(other)', () {
final o1 = context['Object'];
final o2 = context['Object'];
expect(o1 == o2, isTrue);
expect(o1.hashCode == o2.hashCode, isTrue);
final d = context['document'];
expect(o1 == d, isFalse);
test('js instantiation : new Foo()', () {
final Foo2 = context['container']['Foo'];
final foo = new JsObject(Foo2, [42]);
expect(foo['a'], 42);
expect(Foo2['b'], 38);
test('js instantiation : new Array()', () {
final a = new JsObject(context['Array']);
expect(a, isNotNull);
expect(a['length'], equals(0));
a.callMethod('push', ["value 1"]);
expect(a['length'], equals(1));
expect(a[0], equals("value 1"));
expect(a['length'], equals(0));
test('js instantiation : new Date()', () {
final a = new JsObject(context['Date']);
expect(a.callMethod('getTime'), isNotNull);
test('js instantiation : new Date(12345678)', () {
final a = new JsObject(context['Date'], [12345678]);
expect(a.callMethod('getTime'), equals(12345678));
test('js instantiation : new Date("December 17, 1995 03:24:00 GMT")',
() {
final a = new JsObject(context['Date'],
["December 17, 1995 03:24:00 GMT"]);
expect(a.callMethod('getTime'), equals(819170640000));
test('js instantiation : new Date(1995,11,17)', () {
// Note: JS Date counts months from 0 while Dart counts from 1.
final a = new JsObject(context['Date'], [1995, 11, 17]);
final b = new DateTime(1995, 12, 17);
expect(a.callMethod('getTime'), equals(b.millisecondsSinceEpoch));
test('js instantiation : new Date(1995,11,17,3,24,0)', () {
// Note: JS Date counts months from 0 while Dart counts from 1.
final a = new JsObject(context['Date'],
[1995, 11, 17, 3, 24, 0]);
final b = new DateTime(1995, 12, 17, 3, 24, 0);
expect(a.callMethod('getTime'), equals(b.millisecondsSinceEpoch));
test('js instantiation : new Object()', () {
final a = new JsObject(context['Object']);
expect(a, isNotNull);
a['attr'] = "value";
expect(a['attr'], equals("value"));
test(r'js instantiation : new RegExp("^\w+$")', () {
final a = new JsObject(context['RegExp'], [r'^\w+$']);
expect(a, isNotNull);
expect(a.callMethod('test', ['true']), isTrue);
expect(a.callMethod('test', [' false']), isFalse);
test('js instantiation via map notation : new Array()', () {
final a = new JsObject(context['Array']);
expect(a, isNotNull);
expect(a['length'], equals(0));
a['push'].apply(a, ["value 1"]);
expect(a['length'], equals(1));
expect(a[0], equals("value 1"));
expect(a['length'], equals(0));
test('js instantiation via map notation : new Date()', () {
final a = new JsObject(context['Date']);
expect(a['getTime'].apply(a), isNotNull);
test('js instantiation : typed array', () {
if (Platform.supportsTypedData) {
final codeUnits = "test".codeUnits;
final buf = new JsObject(context['ArrayBuffer'], [codeUnits.length]);
final bufView = new JsObject(context['Uint8Array'], [buf]);
for (var i = 0; i < codeUnits.length; i++) {
bufView[i] = codeUnits[i];
test('js instantiation : >10 parameters', () {
final o = new JsObject(context['Baz'], [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]);
for (var i = 1; i <= 11; i++) {
o["f$i"] = i;
test('write global field', () {
context['y'] = 42;
expect(context['y'], equals(42));
test('get JS JsFunction', () {
var razzle = context['razzle'];
expect(razzle.apply(context), equals(42));
test('call JS function', () {
expect(context.callMethod('razzle'), equals(42));
expect(() => context.callMethod('dazzle'), throwsA(isNoSuchMethodError));
test('call JS function via map notation', () {
expect(context['razzle'].apply(context), equals(42));
expect(() => context['dazzle'].apply(context),
test('call JS function with varargs', () {
expect(context.callMethod('varArgs', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]),
test('allocate JS object', () {
var foo = new JsObject(context['Foo'], [42]);
expect(foo['a'], equals(42));
expect(foo.callMethod('bar'), equals(42));
expect(() => foo.callMethod('baz'), throwsA(isNoSuchMethodError));
test('call toString()', () {
var foo = new JsObject(context['Foo'], [42]);
expect(foo.toString(), equals("I'm a Foo a=42"));
var container = context['container'];
expect(container.toString(), equals("[object Object]"));
test('allocate simple JS array', () {
final list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
var array = jsify(list);
expect(context.callMethod('isArray', [array]), isTrue);
expect(array['length'], equals(list.length));
for (var i = 0; i < list.length ; i++) {
expect(array[i], equals(list[i]));
test('allocate JS array with iterable', () {
final set = new Set.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
var array = jsify(set);
expect(context.callMethod('isArray', [array]), isTrue);
expect(array['length'], equals(set.length));
for (var i = 0; i < array['length'] ; i++) {
expect(set.contains(array[i]), isTrue);
test('allocate simple JS map', () {
var map = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3};
var jsMap = jsify(map);
expect(!context.callMethod('isArray', [jsMap]), isTrue);
for (final key in map.keys) {
expect(context.callMethod('checkMap', [jsMap, key, map[key]]), isTrue);
test('allocate complex JS object', () {
final object =
'a': [1, [2, 3]],
'b': {
'c': 3,
'd': new JsObject(context['Foo'], [42])
'e': null
var jsObject = jsify(object);
expect(jsObject['a'][0], equals(object['a'][0]));
expect(jsObject['a'][1][0], equals(object['a'][1][0]));
expect(jsObject['a'][1][1], equals(object['a'][1][1]));
expect(jsObject['b']['c'], equals(object['b']['c']));
expect(jsObject['b']['d'], equals(object['b']['d']));
expect(jsObject['b']['d'].callMethod('bar'), equals(42));
expect(jsObject['e'], isNull);
test('invoke Dart callback from JS', () {
expect(() => context.callMethod('invokeCallback'), throws);
context['callback'] = new Callback(() => 42);
expect(context.callMethod('invokeCallback'), equals(42));
expect(() => context.callMethod('invokeCallback'), throws);
context['callback'] = () => 42;
expect(context.callMethod('invokeCallback'), equals(42));
test('callback as parameter', () {
expect(context.callMethod('getTypeOf', [context['razzle']]),
test('invoke Dart callback from JS with this', () {
final constructor = new Callback.withThis(($this, arg1) {
$this['a'] = 42;
$this['b'] = jsify(["a", arg1]);
var o = new JsObject(constructor, ["b"]);
expect(o['a'], equals(42));
expect(o['b'][0], equals("a"));
expect(o['b'][1], equals("b"));
test('invoke Dart callback from JS with 11 parameters', () {
context['callbackWith11params'] = new Callback((p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7,
p8, p9, p10, p11) => '$p1$p2$p3$p4$p5$p6$p7$p8$p9$p10$p11');
test('return a JS proxy to JavaScript', () {
var result = context.callMethod('testJsMap', [() => jsify({'value': 42})]);
expect(result, 42);
test('test proxy equality', () {
var foo1 = new JsObject(context['Foo'], [1]);
var foo2 = new JsObject(context['Foo'], [2]);
context['foo'] = foo1;
context['foo'] = foo2;
expect(foo1, isNot(equals(context['foo'])));
expect(foo2, equals(context['foo']));
test('test instanceof', () {
var foo = new JsObject(context['Foo'], [1]);
expect(foo.instanceof(context['Foo']), isTrue);
expect(foo.instanceof(context['Object']), isTrue);
expect(foo.instanceof(context['String']), isFalse);
test('test deleteProperty', () {
var object = jsify({});
object['a'] = 1;
expect(context['Object'].callMethod('keys', [object])['length'], 1);
expect(context['Object'].callMethod('keys', [object])[0], "a");
expect(context['Object'].callMethod('keys', [object])['length'], 0);
test('test hasProperty', () {
var object = jsify({});
object['a'] = 1;
expect(object.hasProperty('a'), isTrue);
expect(object.hasProperty('b'), isFalse);
test('test index get and set', () {
final myArray = context['myArray'];
expect(myArray['length'], equals(1));
expect(myArray[0], equals("value1"));
myArray[0] = "value2";
expect(myArray['length'], equals(1));
expect(myArray[0], equals("value2"));
final foo = new JsObject(context['Foo'], [1]);
foo["getAge"] = () => 10;
expect(foo.callMethod('getAge'), equals(10));
test('access a property of a function', () {
expect(context.callMethod('Bar'), "ret_value");
expect(context['Bar']['foo'], "property_value");
test('retrieve same dart Object', () {
final date = new;
context['dartDate'] = date;
expect(context['dartDate'], equals(date));
test('usage of Serializable', () {
final red = Color.RED;
context['color'] = red;
expect(context['color'], equals(red._value));