| @echo off |
| rem Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| rem for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| rem BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| rem |
| |
| rem This file is used to execute the analyzer by running the jar file. |
| rem It is a simple wrapper enabling us to have simpler command lines in |
| rem the testing infrastructure. |
| |
| set SCRIPTPATH=%~dp0 |
| |
| rem Does the path have a trailing slash? If so, remove it. |
| if %SCRIPTPATH:~-1%==\ set SCRIPTPATH=%SCRIPTPATH:~0,-1% |
| |
| rem DART_CONFIGURATION defaults to ReleaseIA32 |
| |
| set arguments=%* |
| |
| set "SDK_DIR=%SCRIPTPATH%\..\..\build\%DART_CONFIGURATION%\dart-sdk" |
| |
| set "JAR_DIR=%SCRIPTPATH%\..\..\build\%DART_CONFIGURATION%\dartanalyzer" |
| |
| set "JAR_FILE=%JAR_DIR%\dartanalyzer.jar" |
| |
| java -jar %JAR_FILE% --dart-sdk %SDK_DIR% %arguments% |