blob: 7e179121ff8d7cdd6593ff243c5115ba47574524 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library blob_test;
import '../../pkg/unittest/lib/unittest.dart';
import '../../pkg/unittest/lib/html_config.dart';
import 'dart:html';
class CustomType extends Element {
bool onCreatedCalled = false;
void onCreated() {
onCreatedCalled = true;
class NotAnElement {}
main() {
test('register', () {
document.register('x-type1', CustomType);
var element = new Element.tag('x-type1');
expect(element, isNotNull);
expect(element is CustomType, isTrue);
expect(element.onCreatedCalled, isTrue);
test('register twice', () {
document.register('x-type2', CustomType);
expect(() {
document.register('x-type2', CustomType);
}, throws, reason: 'Cannot register a tag more than once.');
document.register('x-type3', CustomType);
var element = new Element.tag('x-type3');
expect(element, isNotNull);
expect(element is CustomType, isTrue);
test('register null', () {
expect(() {
document.register('x-type4', null);
}, throws, reason: 'Cannot register a null type.');
test('register native', () {
expect(() {
document.register('x-type5', BodyElement);
}, throws, reason: 'Cannot register a native element.');
test('register non-element', () {
expect(() {
document.register('x-type6', NotAnElement);
}, throws, reason: 'Cannot register a non-element.');
test('pre-registration construction', () {
var dom = new Element.html('<div><x-type7></x-type7></div>');
var preElement = dom.children[0];
expect(preElement, isNotNull);
expect(preElement is UnknownElement, isTrue);
var firedOnPre = false;
preElement.onFocus.listen((_) {
firedOnPre = true;
document.register('x-type7', CustomType);
var postElement = dom.children[0];
expect(postElement, isNotNull);
expect(postElement is CustomType, isTrue);
expect(postElement.onCreatedCalled, isTrue);
// Element from first query remains an UnknownElement.
expect(preElement is UnknownElement, isTrue);
expect(preElement.parent, isNull);
expect(dom.children.length, 1);
var firedOnPost = false;
postElement.onFocus.listen((_) {
firedOnPost = true;
// Event handlers should not persist to new element.
postElement.dispatchEvent(new Event('focus'));
expect(firedOnPre, isFalse);
expect(firedOnPost, isTrue);