blob: 3b9dbbe8b54b9c1ee51cc3f4c0fb44537264bf33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Simple interactive debugger shell that connects to the Dart VM's debugger
// connection port.
import "dart:io";
import "dart:json" as json;
import "dart:utf";
import "dart:async";
Map<int, Completer> outstandingCommands;
Socket vmSock;
String vmData;
var stdinSubscription;
var vmSubscription;
int seqNum = 0;
int isolate_id = -1;
final verbose = false;
final printMessages = false;
// The location of the last paused event.
Map pausedLocation = null;
void printHelp() {
q Quit debugger shell
bt Show backtrace
r Resume execution
s Single step
so Step over
si Step into
sbp [<file>] <line> Set breakpoint
rbp <id> Remove breakpoint with given id
po <id> Print object info for given id
pl <id> <idx> [<len>] Print list element/slice
pc <id> Print class info for given id
ll List loaded libraries
plib <id> Print library info for given library id
slib <id> <true|false> Set library id debuggable
pg <id> Print all global variables visible within given library id
ls <lib_id> List loaded scripts in library
gs <lib_id> <script_url> Get source text of script in library
tok <lib_id> <script_url> Get line and token table of script in library
epi <none|all|unhandled> Set exception pause info
li List ids of all isolates in the VM
i <id> Interrupt execution of given isolate id
h Print help
void quitShell() {
Future sendCmd(Map<String, dynamic> cmd) {
var completer = new Completer();
int id = cmd["id"];
outstandingCommands[id] = completer;
if (verbose) {
print("sending: '${json.stringify(cmd)}'");
return completer.future;
void processCommand(String cmdLine) {
var args = cmdLine.split(' ');
if (args.length == 0) {
var command = args[0];
var simple_commands =
{ 'r':'resume', 's':'stepOver', 'si':'stepInto', 'so':'stepOut'};
if (simple_commands[command] != null) {
var cmd = { "id": seqNum,
"command": simple_commands[command],
"params": { "isolateId" : isolate_id } };
sendCmd(cmd).then((result) => handleGenericResponse(result));
} else if (command == "bt") {
var cmd = { "id": seqNum,
"command": "getStackTrace",
"params": { "isolateId" : isolate_id } };
sendCmd(cmd).then((result) => handleStackTraceResponse(result));
} else if (command == "ll") {
var cmd = { "id": seqNum,
"command": "getLibraries",
"params": { "isolateId" : isolate_id } };
sendCmd(cmd).then((result) => handleGetLibraryResponse(result));
} else if (command == "sbp" && args.length >= 2) {
var url, line;
if (args.length == 2 && pausedLocation != null) {
url = pausedLocation["url"];
assert(url != null);
line = int.parse(args[1]);
} else {
url = args[1];
line = int.parse(args[2]);
var cmd = { "id": seqNum,
"command": "setBreakpoint",
"params": { "isolateId" : isolate_id,
"url": url,
"line": line }};
sendCmd(cmd).then((result) => handleSetBpResponse(result));
} else if (command == "rbp" && args.length == 2) {
var cmd = { "id": seqNum,
"command": "removeBreakpoint",
"params": { "isolateId" : isolate_id,
"breakpointId": int.parse(args[1]) } };
sendCmd(cmd).then((result) => handleGenericResponse(result));
} else if (command == "ls" && args.length == 2) {
var cmd = { "id": seqNum,
"command": "getScriptURLs",
"params": { "isolateId" : isolate_id,
"libraryId": int.parse(args[1]) } };
sendCmd(cmd).then((result) => handleGetScriptsResponse(result));
} else if (command == "po" && args.length == 2) {
var cmd = { "id": seqNum,
"command": "getObjectProperties",
"params": { "isolateId" : isolate_id,
"objectId": int.parse(args[1]) } };
sendCmd(cmd).then((result) => handleGetObjPropsResponse(result));
} else if (command == "pl" && args.length >= 3) {
var cmd;
if (args.length == 3) {
cmd = { "id": seqNum,
"command": "getListElements",
"params": { "isolateId" : isolate_id,
"objectId": int.parse(args[1]),
"index": int.parse(args[2]) } };
} else {
cmd = { "id": seqNum,
"command": "getListElements",
"params": { "isolateId" : isolate_id,
"objectId": int.parse(args[1]),
"index": int.parse(args[2]),
"length": int.parse(args[3]) } };
sendCmd(cmd).then((result) => handleGetListResponse(result));
} else if (command == "pc" && args.length == 2) {
var cmd = { "id": seqNum,
"command": "getClassProperties",
"params": { "isolateId" : isolate_id,
"classId": int.parse(args[1]) } };
sendCmd(cmd).then((result) => handleGetClassPropsResponse(result));
} else if (command == "plib" && args.length == 2) {
var cmd = { "id": seqNum,
"command": "getLibraryProperties",
"params": {"isolateId" : isolate_id,
"libraryId": int.parse(args[1]) } };
sendCmd(cmd).then((result) => handleGetLibraryPropsResponse(result));
} else if (command == "slib" && args.length == 3) {
var cmd = { "id": seqNum,
"command": "setLibraryProperties",
"params": {"isolateId" : isolate_id,
"libraryId": int.parse(args[1]),
"debuggingEnabled": args[2] } };
sendCmd(cmd).then((result) => handleSetLibraryPropsResponse(result));
} else if (command == "pg" && args.length == 2) {
var cmd = { "id": seqNum,
"command": "getGlobalVariables",
"params": { "isolateId" : isolate_id,
"libraryId": int.parse(args[1]) } };
sendCmd(cmd).then((result) => handleGetGlobalVarsResponse(result));
} else if (command == "gs" && args.length == 3) {
var cmd = { "id": seqNum,
"command": "getScriptSource",
"params": { "isolateId" : isolate_id,
"libraryId": int.parse(args[1]),
"url": args[2] } };
sendCmd(cmd).then((result) => handleGetSourceResponse(result));
} else if (command == "tok" && args.length == 3) {
var cmd = { "id": seqNum,
"command": "getLineNumberTable",
"params": { "isolateId" : isolate_id,
"libraryId": int.parse(args[1]),
"url": args[2] } };
sendCmd(cmd).then((result) => handleGetLineTableResponse(result));
} else if (command == "epi" && args.length == 2) {
var cmd = { "id": seqNum,
"command": "setPauseOnException",
"params": { "isolateId" : isolate_id,
"exceptions": args[1] } };
sendCmd(cmd).then((result) => handleGenericResponse(result));
} else if (command == "li") {
var cmd = { "id": seqNum, "command": "getIsolateIds" };
sendCmd(cmd).then((result) => handleGetIsolatesResponse(result));
} else if (command == "i" && args.length == 2) {
var cmd = { "id": seqNum,
"command": "interrupt",
"params": { "isolateId": int.parse(args[1]) } };
sendCmd(cmd).then((result) => handleGenericResponse(result));
} else if (command == "q") {
} else if (command == "h") {
} else {
print("command '$command' not understood, try h for help");
String remoteObject(value) {
var kind = value["kind"];
var text = value["text"];
var id = value["objectId"];
if (kind == "string") {
return "(string, id $id) '$text'";
} else if (kind == "list") {
var len = value["length"];
return "(list, id $id, len $len) $text";
} else if (kind == "object") {
return "(obj, id $id) $text";
} else {
return "$text";
printNamedObject(obj) {
var name = obj["name"];
var value = obj["value"];
print(" $name = ${remoteObject(value)}");
handleGetObjPropsResponse(response) {
Map props = response["result"];
int class_id = props["classId"];
if (class_id == -1) {
print(" null");
List fields = props["fields"];
print(" class id: $class_id");
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
handleGetListResponse(response) {
Map result = response["result"];
if (result["elements"] != null) {
// List slice.
var index = result["index"];
var length = result["length"];
List elements = result["elements"];
assert(length == elements.length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var kind = elements[i]["kind"];
var text = elements[i]["text"];
print(" ${index + i}: ($kind) $text");
} else {
// One element, a remote object.
print(" ${remoteObject(result)}");
handleGetClassPropsResponse(response) {
Map props = response["result"];
assert(props["name"] != null);
int libId = props["libraryId"];
assert(libId != null);
print(" class ${props["name"]} (library id: $libId)");
List fields = props["fields"];
if (fields.length > 0) {
print(" static fields:");
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
handleGetLibraryPropsResponse(response) {
Map props = response["result"];
assert(props["url"] != null);
print(" library url: ${props["url"]}");
assert(props["debuggingEnabled"] != null);
print(" debugging enabled: ${props["debuggingEnabled"]}");
List imports = props["imports"];
assert(imports != null);
if (imports.length > 0) {
print(" imports:");
for (int i = 0; i < imports.length; i++) {
print(" id ${imports[i]["libraryId"]} prefix ${imports[i]["prefix"]}");
List globals = props["globals"];
assert(globals != null);
if (globals.length > 0) {
print(" global variables:");
for (int i = 0; i < globals.length; i++) {
handleSetLibraryPropsResponse(response) {
Map props = response["result"];
assert(props["debuggingEnabled"] != null);
print(" debugging enabled: ${props["debuggingEnabled"]}");
handleGetGlobalVarsResponse(response) {
List globals = response["result"]["globals"];
for (int i = 0; i < globals.length; i++) {
handleGetSourceResponse(response) {
Map result = response["result"];
String source = result["text"];
print("Source text:\n$source\n--------");
handleGetLineTableResponse(response) {
Map result = response["result"];
var info = result["lines"];
print("Line info table:\n$info");
handleGetIsolatesResponse(response) {
Map result = response["result"];
print("Isolates: ${result["isolateIds"]}");
void handleGetLibraryResponse(response) {
Map result = response["result"];
List libs = result["libraries"];
print("Loaded libraries:");
for (int i = 0; i < libs.length; i++) {
print(" ${libs[i]["id"]} ${libs[i]["url"]}");
void handleGetScriptsResponse(response) {
Map result = response["result"];
List urls = result["urls"];
print("Loaded scripts:");
for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
print(" $i ${urls[i]}");
void handleSetBpResponse(response) {
Map result = response["result"];
var id = result["breakpointId"];
assert(id != null);
print("Set BP $id");
void handleGenericResponse(response) {
if (response["error"] != null) {
print("Error: ${response["error"]}");
void handleStackTraceResponse(response) {
Map result = response["result"];
List callFrames = result["callFrames"];
assert(callFrames != null);
void printStackFrame(frame_num, Map frame) {
var fname = frame["functionName"];
var libId = frame["location"]["libraryId"];
var url = frame["location"]["url"];
var toff = frame["location"]["tokenOffset"];
print("$frame_num $fname (url: $url token: $toff lib: $libId)");
List locals = frame["locals"];
for (int i = 0; i < locals.length; i++) {
void printStackTrace(List frames) {
for (int i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
printStackFrame(i, frames[i]);
void handlePausedEvent(msg) {
assert(msg["params"] != null);
var reason = msg["params"]["reason"];
isolate_id = msg["params"]["isolateId"];
assert(isolate_id != null);
pausedLocation = msg["params"]["location"];
assert(pausedLocation != null);
if (reason == "breakpoint") {
print("Isolate $isolate_id paused on breakpoint");
print("location: $pausedLocation");
} else if (reason == "interrupted") {
print("Isolate $isolate_id paused due to an interrupt");
} else {
assert(reason == "exception");
var excObj = msg["params"]["exception"];
print("Isolate $isolate_id paused on exception");
void processVmMessage(String jsonString) {
var msg = json.parse(jsonString);
if (msg == null) {
var event = msg["event"];
if (event == "paused") {
if (event == "breakpointResolved") {
Map params = msg["params"];
assert(params != null);
print("BP ${params["breakpointId"]} resolved and "
"set at line ${params["line"]}.");
if (event == "isolate") {
Map params = msg["params"];
assert(params != null);
print("Isolate ${params["id"]} has been ${params["reason"]}.");
if (msg["id"] != null) {
var id = msg["id"];
if (outstandingCommands.containsKey(id)) {
if (msg["error"] != null) {
print("VM says: ${msg["error"]}");
} else {
var completer = outstandingCommands[id];
bool haveGarbageVmData() {
if (vmData == null || vmData.length == 0) return false;
var i = 0, char = " ";
while (i < vmData.length) {
char = vmData[i];
if (char != " " && char != "\n" && char != "\r" && char != "\t") break;
if (i >= vmData.length) {
return false;
} else {
return char != "{";
void processVmData(String data) {
if (vmData == null || vmData.length == 0) {
vmData = data;
} else {
vmData = vmData + data;
if (haveGarbageVmData()) {
print("Error: have garbage data from VM: '$vmData'");
int msg_len = jsonObjectLength(vmData);
if (printMessages && msg_len == 0) {
print("have partial or illegal json message"
" of ${vmData.length} chars:\n'$vmData'");
while (msg_len > 0 && msg_len <= vmData.length) {
if (msg_len == vmData.length) {
if (printMessages) { print("have one full message:\n$vmData"); }
vmData = null;
if (printMessages) { print("at least one message: '$vmData'"); }
var msg = vmData.substring(0, msg_len);
if (printMessages) { print("first message: $msg"); }
vmData = vmData.substring(msg_len);
if (haveGarbageVmData()) {
print("Error: garbage data after previous message: '$vmData'");
print("Previous message was: '$msg'");
msg_len = jsonObjectLength(vmData);
if (printMessages) { print("leftover vm data '$vmData'"); }
* Skip past a JSON object value.
* The object value must start with '{' and continues to the
* matching '}'. No attempt is made to otherwise validate the contents
* as JSON. If it is invalid, a later [parseJson] will fail.
int jsonObjectLength(String string) {
int skipWhitespace(int index) {
while (index < string.length) {
String char = string[index];
if (char != " " && char != "\n" && char != "\r" && char != "\t") break;
return index;
int skipString(int index) {
assert(string[index - 1] == '"');
while (index < string.length) {
String char = string[index];
if (char == '"') return index + 1;
if (char == r'\') index++;
if (index == string.length) return index;
return index;
int index = 0;
index = skipWhitespace(index);
// Bail out if the first non-whitespace character isn't '{'.
if (index == string.length || string[index] != '{') return 0;
int nesting = 0;
while (index < string.length) {
String char = string[index++];
if (char == '{') {
} else if (char == '}') {
if (nesting == 0) return index;
} else if (char == '"') {
// Strings can contain braces. Skip their content.
index = skipString(index);
return 0;
void debuggerMain() {
outstandingCommands = new Map<int, Completer>();
Socket.connect("", 5858).then((s) {
vmSock = s;
var stringStream = vmSock.transform(new StringDecoder());
vmSubscription = stringStream.listen(
(String data) {
onDone: () {
print("VM debugger connection closed");
onError: (err) {
print("Error in debug connection: $err");
// TODO(floitsch): do we want to print the stack trace?
stdinSubscription = stdin.transform(new StringDecoder())
.transform(new LineTransformer())
.listen((String line) => processCommand(line));
void main() {
Options options = new Options();
List<String> arguments = options.arguments;
if (arguments.length > 0) {
arguments = <String>['--debug', '--verbose_debug']..addAll(arguments);
Process.start(options.executable, arguments).then((Process process) {
process.exitCode.then((int exitCode) {
print('${arguments.join(" ")} exited with $exitCode');
} else {