blob: 3572cbe614700324f9f6fc410761656354fb9028 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// Dart test for new function type alias.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
class FunctionLiteralsTest {
static void testMain() {
f(x) { return x * 2;}
f(42); // make sure it is parsed as a function call
Expect.equals(20, f(10));
int g(x) { return x * 2;}
g(42); // make sure it is parsed as a function call
Expect.equals(20, g(10));
h(x) { return x * 2;}
h(42); // make sure it is parsed as a function call
Expect.equals(20, h(10));
var a = (x) {return x + 2;};
Expect.equals(7, a(5));
Expect.equals(10, apply((k) { return k << 1;}, 5));
Expect.equals(20, apply((k) => k << 1, 10));
a = new A(3);
Expect.equals(-1, a.f);
Expect.equals(-3, a.f2);
a = new A.n(5);
Expect.equals(-2, a.f);
Expect.equals(2, a.f2);
Expect.equals(true, isOdd(5));
Expect.equals(false, isOdd(8));
var b = new B(10);
Expect.equals(10, b.n);
Expect.equals(100, (b.f)(10));
b = new B.withZ(10);
Expect.equals(10, b.n);
Expect.equals(101, (b.f)(10));
int x = 0;
int y = 1;
// make sure this isn't parsed as a generic type
Expect.isTrue(x<y, "foo");
apply(f, n) {
return f(n);
bool isOdd(b) => b % 2 == 1;
class A {
int f;
int f2;
A(p) : f = apply((j) => 2 - j, p) { /* constr. body */ f2 = -p; }
A.n(p) : f = 1 + apply((j) => 2 - j, p) { /* constr. body */ f2 = -f; }
class B {
var f;
int n;
B(z) : f = ((x) => x * x) { n = z; }
B.withZ(z) : f = ((x) { return x * x + 1; }) { n = z; }
main() {