blob: 8f61b5871f99aa313f531b99dbbcb60ec425939d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.span_test;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:source_maps/span.dart';
const String TEST_FILE = '''
+ _123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_
+ _123456789_1
List<int> newLines = TEST_FILE.split('\n').map((s) => s.length).toList();
main() {
var file = new SourceFile.text('file', TEST_FILE);
span(int start, int end) => file.span(start, end);
loc(int offset) => file.location(offset);
test('validate test input', () {
const [10, 80, 31, 27, 14, 25, 79, 73, 51, 38, 43, 29, 0]);
test('get line and column', () {
line(int n) => file.getLine(n);
col(int n) => file.getColumn(file.getLine(n), n);
expect(line(8), 0);
expect(line(10), 0);
expect(line(11), 1);
expect(line(12), 1);
expect(line(91), 1);
expect(line(92), 2);
expect(line(93), 2);
expect(col(11), 0);
expect(col(12), 1);
expect(col(91), 80);
expect(col(92), 0);
expect(col(93), 1);
int j = 0;
int lineOffset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < TEST_FILE.length; i++) {
if (i > lineOffset + newLines[j]) {
lineOffset += newLines[j] + 1;
expect(line(i), j, reason: 'position: $i');
expect(col(i), i - lineOffset, reason: 'position: $i');
test('get text', () {
// fifth line (including 4 new lines), columns 2 .. 11
var line = 10 + 80 + 31 + 27 + 4;
expect(file.getText(line + 2, line + 11), '34+6789_1');
test('get location message', () {
// fifth line (including 4 new lines), columns 2 .. 11
var line = 10 + 80 + 31 + 27 + 4;
expect(file.getLocationMessage('the message', line + 2, line + 11),
'file:5:3: the message\n'
' ^^^^^^^^^');
test('get location message - no file url', () {
var line = 10 + 80 + 31 + 27 + 4;
expect(new SourceFile.text(null, TEST_FILE).getLocationMessage(
'the message', line + 2, line + 11),
':5:3: the message\n'
' ^^^^^^^^^');
test('location getters', () {
expect(loc(8).line, 0);
expect(loc(8).column, 8);
expect(loc(9).line, 0);
expect(loc(9).column, 9);
expect(loc(8).formatString, 'file:1:9');
expect(loc(12).line, 1);
expect(loc(12).column, 1);
expect(loc(95).line, 2);
expect(loc(95).column, 3);
test('location compare', () {
var list = [9, 8, 11, 14, 6, 6, 1, 1].map((n) => loc(n)).toList();
var lastOffset = 0;
for (var location in list) {
expect(location.offset, greaterThanOrEqualTo(lastOffset));
lastOffset = location.offset;
test('span getters', () {
expect(span(8, 9).start.line, 0);
expect(span(8, 9).start.column, 8);
expect(span(8, 9).end.line, 0);
expect(span(8, 9).end.column, 9);
expect(span(8, 9).text, '9');
expect(span(8, 9).isIdentifier, false);
expect(span(8, 9).formatLocation, 'file:1:9');
var line = 10 + 80 + 31 + 27 + 4;
expect(span(line + 2, line + 11).getLocationMessage('the message'),
'file:5:3: the message\n'
' ^^^^^^^^^');
expect(span(12, 95).start.line, 1);
expect(span(12, 95).start.column, 1);
expect(span(12, 95).end.line, 2);
expect(span(12, 95).end.column, 3);
expect(span(12, 95).text,
'+ _123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_1234567'
'89_123456789_\n +');
expect(span(12, 95).formatLocation, 'file:2:2');
test('span union', () {
var union = new FileSpan.union(span(8, 9), span(12, 95));
expect(union.start.offset, 8);
expect(union.start.line, 0);
expect(union.start.column, 8);
expect(union.end.offset, 95);
expect(union.end.line, 2);
expect(union.end.column, 3);
' + _123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_'
'123456789_123456789_\n +');
expect(union.formatLocation, 'file:1:9');
test('span compare', () {
var list = [span(9, 10), span(8, 9), span(11, 12), span(14, 19),
span(6, 12), span(6, 8), span(1, 9), span(1, 2)];
var lastStart = 0;
var lastEnd = 0;
for (var span in list) {
expect(span.start.offset, greaterThanOrEqualTo(lastStart));
if (span.start.offset == lastStart) {
expect(span.end.offset, greaterThanOrEqualTo(lastEnd));
lastStart = span.start.offset;
lastEnd = span.end.offset;
test('file segment', () {
var segment = new SourceFileSegment('file',
TEST_FILE.substring(12), loc(12));
sline(int n) => segment.getLine(n);
scol(int n) => segment.getColumn(segment.getLine(n), n);
line(int n) => file.getLine(n);
col(int n) => file.getColumn(file.getLine(n), n);
int j = 0;
int lineOffset = 0;
for (int i = 12; i < TEST_FILE.length; i++) {
if (i > lineOffset + newLines[j]) {
lineOffset += newLines[j] + 1;
expect(segment.location(i - 12).offset, i);
expect(segment.location(i - 12).line, line(i));
expect(segment.location(i - 12).column, col(i));
expect(segment.span(i - 12).start.offset, i);
expect(segment.span(i - 12).start.line, line(i));
expect(segment.span(i - 12).start.column, col(i));
expect(sline(i), line(i));
expect(scol(i), col(i));
test('span isIdentifier defaults to false', () {
var start = new TestLocation(0);
var end = new TestLocation(1);
expect(new TestSpan(start, end).isIdentifier, false);
expect(file.span(8, 9, null).isIdentifier, false);
expect(new FixedSpan('', 8, 1, 8, isIdentifier: null).isIdentifier, false);
class TestSpan extends Span {
TestSpan(Location start, Location end) : super(start, end, null);
get text => null;
class TestLocation extends Location {
String get sourceUrl => '';
TestLocation(int offset) : super(offset);
get line => 0;
get column => 0;