blob: d7bb7b947c70f47f43d6d02ccebc4c9c95b64d9d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// Test allocation sinking optimization.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
class Point {
var x, y;
Point(this.x, this.y);
operator * (other) {
return x * other.x + y * other.y;
class C {
var p;
class D {
var p;
// Class that is used to capture materialized Point object with * operator.
class F {
var p;
var val;
operator * (other) {
Expect.isTrue(other is Point);
Expect.equals(42.0, other.x);
Expect.equals(0.5, other.y);
if (val == null) {
val = other;
} else {
Expect.isTrue(identical(val, other));
return this.p * other;
test1(c, x, y) {
var a = new Point(x - 0.5, y + 0.5);
var b = new Point(x + 0.5, y + 0.8);
var d = new Point(c.p * a, c.p * b);
return d * d;
effects() {
// This function should not be inlinable.
try { } catch (e) { }
testForwardingThroughEffects(c, x, y) {
var a = new Point(x - 0.5, y + 0.5);
var b = new Point(x - 0.5, y - 0.8);
var d = new Point(c.p * a, c.p * b);
// Effects can't affect neither a, b, nor d because they do not escape.
return ((a == null) ? 0.0 : 0.1) + (d * d);
testIdentity(x) {
var y = new Point(42.0, 0.5);
var z = y;
return x * y + x * z;
class PointP<T> {
var x, y;
PointP(this.x, this.y);
operator * (other) {
return x * other.x + y * other.y;
foo2() => new PointP<int>(1, 3) * new PointP<num>(5, 6);
main() {
var c = new C(new Point(0.1, 0.2));
// Compute initial values.
final x0 = test1(c, 11.11, 22.22);
final y0 = testForwardingThroughEffects(c, 11.11, 22.22);
final z0 = testIdentity(c.p);
// Force optimization.
for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
test1(c, i.toDouble(), i.toDouble());
testForwardingThroughEffects(c, i.toDouble(), i.toDouble());
// Test returned value after optimization.
final x1 = test1(c, 11.11, 22.22);
final y1 = testForwardingThroughEffects(c, 11.11, 22.22);
// Test returned value after deopt.
final x2 = test1(new D(c.p), 11.11, 22.22);
final y2 = testForwardingThroughEffects(new D(c.p), 11.11, 22.22);
Expect.equals(6465, (x0 * 100).floor());
Expect.equals(6465, (x1 * 100).floor());
Expect.equals(6465, (x2 * 100).floor());
Expect.equals(x0, x1);
Expect.equals(x0, x2);
Expect.equals(6008, (y0 * 100).floor());
Expect.equals(6008, (y1 * 100).floor());
Expect.equals(6008, (y2 * 100).floor());
Expect.equals(y0, y1);
Expect.equals(y0, y2);
// Test that identity of materialized objects is preserved correctly and
// no copies are materialized.
final z1 = testIdentity(c.p);
final z2 = testIdentity(new F(c.p));
Expect.equals(z0, z1);
Expect.equals(z0, z2);